Habit Masters

The Cold Shower Challenge—Wake up to the power of cold

March 03, 2020 Season 1 Episode 10
The Cold Shower Challenge—Wake up to the power of cold
Habit Masters
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Habit Masters
The Cold Shower Challenge—Wake up to the power of cold
Mar 03, 2020 Season 1 Episode 10

Can cold be good for you? In this episode we are putting an exciting idea to the test! You can join us in our 21 day challenge and see some of these AMAZING benefits.

  • Boost Mood, Fight Depression, Speed Muscle Recovery, Build Immune Support, Improve Focus, Increase Energy, Ignite Alertness, Improve Skin and hair

Check out our Facebook Notes page with all of the links from studies we talked about in the show. It might possibly be the most comprehensive collection of research on cold therapy on the Internet. So if you’re still not convinced on the power of cold. Dig in here
(And then join the 21 day challenge!) 

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Show Notes Transcript

Can cold be good for you? In this episode we are putting an exciting idea to the test! You can join us in our 21 day challenge and see some of these AMAZING benefits.

  • Boost Mood, Fight Depression, Speed Muscle Recovery, Build Immune Support, Improve Focus, Increase Energy, Ignite Alertness, Improve Skin and hair

Check out our Facebook Notes page with all of the links from studies we talked about in the show. It might possibly be the most comprehensive collection of research on cold therapy on the Internet. So if you’re still not convinced on the power of cold. Dig in here
(And then join the 21 day challenge!) 

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Jeff Corrigan:

i'm jeff i'm sheldon and this is idea gym where we put ideas to work

Sheldon Mills:

welcome to idea gym i'm sheldon and i'm jeff and we're gonna put an idea to work today so really excited about finally so again just a quick recap are too busy guys with jobs and kids and a wife and and actually i just got a new dog and so trying to train that puppy is crazy anyway but today we're going to put an idea to work so jeff was kick us off maybe we should go into benefits and then what the idea is

Jeff Corrigan:

awesome so today we're going to share with you an idea that's pretty simple on the surface but its benefits are huge right it's it's got the ability to boost your mood jumpstart your day increase your motivation increase endorphins help improve your metabolism improve circulation reduce reduces chances of illness can help with depression it is an amazing tool that will literally take you no extra time in your day now that sounds too good to be true i know sounds like a hill yes this is uphill now we don't sell pharmaceuticals so you're in good hands however it sounds too good to be true it does sound too good to be true but the point of this is that we're going to put this to work in our lives and we're going to show you we're going to challenge you to do the same and we're going to give you some steps on how to do that at the end so stick with us with us the whole time so you can not only figure out what this tool is what you're going to tell you in just a moment but see the benefits in your own life and that's a big part of what this show is all about is putting ideas to work in the gym as we call it but really just putting putting ideas to work in your life so that you can see the results because so much of so much of what we do is we read books we listen to things and it turns out we don't ever put them into practice and even though we have these good intentions and we think oh that's a great concept you hear something on a news you read a book you listen to an audio and you're think that's a great concept but you don't put it into practice and you never see the results yourself and so this podcast is really dedicated to that fact it's like taking ideas and putting them into practice in your life so you can actually see results so

Sheldon Mills:

yeah let's let's just jump into the screen and go through the the what the challenge yeah why and then the how because i think probably most on the why at least on this episode because he was like tell me sufficiently why i should do something you know and was it for us and we've haven't enough to make it happen so our goal for this episode is to convince everybody to do this challenge


yes so

Sheldon Mills:

what what's the challenge yes okay what i've been wanting to do for a while and about about a habit like really done it so

Jeff Corrigan:

yeah they're probably on pins and needles at this point the idea we're talking about is cold showers baby yes cold therapy really which you can do in your shower which makes it super easy because you're already taking showers most days and it's only going to take you two to five minutes right cold therapy doesn't have to be like an ice bath i mean you're not a professional athlete you probably don't need that type of recovery in your life


i've never done that i've

Jeff Corrigan:

ever i want to try no but that would be really cool

Sheldon Mills:

to try that as part of this like maybe oh okay i put

Jeff Corrigan:

it out that's awesome big challenge i'm not doing it

Sheldon Mills:

well i mean part of the reason we're choosing this one is because again like busy lives it's not there's a term for it i can't remember it's not something you have to add into it it's something you're already doing so i have to do is modify something

Jeff Corrigan:

you already do it's like a modified routine you're not having to add this into your life it's not an extra 10 minutes like you always hear in books like it's just 10 minutes a day right maybe you don't have 10 minutes a day it'll

Sheldon Mills:

save you time because your showers will be short yeah

Jeff Corrigan:

exactly you're gonna have more time in your day we're gonna give you time welcome today we just made you 10 minutes we just created 10 minutes out of thin air boom okay so maybe you've heard people talk about cold showers and the benefits i mean this research has been around for at least a decade right and probably much longer

Sheldon Mills:

but traditionally there's been cultures have found like hundreds of years you know it's just like cold bath immersion it's like a sauna to jump into the ice lake you don't mean that cold therapy

Jeff Corrigan:

well and you think about it i mean i i lived in panama for a couple of years i never saw a warm shower so maybe some people are like this isn't a thing like i take a cold shower every day cuz that's the only shower i've got so to you you're awesome but to most of us cold showers sound like a negative thing it's like well probably the reason you haven't done this if you've ever heard about how cold showers can be a benefit to you is because it sounds uncomfortable yeah nobody likes a cold shower but i think with anything that's like fitness related or health related it's like yeah nobody likes to eat certain vegetables but they do it because they're healthy right they will do it for the benefits not necessarily because they like to eat it or they like a cold shower but they see oh the benefits outweigh the difficulty and that's what we're here to explain today how do those that benefits outweigh the challenge that's here right like to get you convinced that hey taking a couple minutes of cold shower in my day isn't a bad thing or it will help me right so let's tell him some of the benefits sheldon

Sheldon Mills:

yeah and just so you know the show notes so jeff and i both spent way too much time gathering the best information okay i don't want to be arrogant here but i think these show notes will be the most comprehensive list of cold therapy cold shower kinda like the scientific and then testimony and videos and stuff that exists in one place on the internet yeah go to those notes so if there's anything we talked about like which benefit there are multiple links to dive into that on why and the how and the science and then testimonials and things like that

Jeff Corrigan:

so if you're wondering why our show notes for the longest you've ever seen ginormous why because we really want to give you not just the challenge and not just this like paper thin an idea of here's the idea we're gonna put it to the test which is what we're doing we're going to give you some research behind it as well so you see the benefits and actually want to put it into practice before you dive into that though sheldon i was just gonna say for those of you who are like hey i don't want to take cold showers i'm just going to be here to say you can have your cake and eat it too or you can have your warm shower and your culture in our challenge we'll talk to you about how that how you could do that

Sheldon Mills:

well we'll get into how like you said i mean there's the you know from the freakin ice bass crazy to more gradual ways of doing it and there's been proven benefits on the other ways you know it's not just like 10 minutes or freezing cold so right yes there's a level for everybody we promise you

Jeff Corrigan:

you don't have to take the extreme of holding an ice block while you dive into ice water right that's we're not asking you to do that if you want to do that great

Sheldon Mills:

yeah right some people pull over so we just go down the list i guess and we can chat

Jeff Corrigan:

let's hit it

Sheldon Mills:

okay so first one and again this was kind of i love the show notes there there's lots of different benefits but we kind of dove more into the ones that had more scientific research around it and then also the ones i felt were probably bigger what do you want to call it they're kind of like the more appealing or yeah like why some of the ones that that would probably resonate more with people i think one of the first ones least for me was was like literal scientific research on how a cold shower can can help to fight depression and improve your mood

Jeff Corrigan:


Sheldon Mills:

i think that's a big one i mean in this one particular study they showed that it was like almost as effective as some like some some other methods of fighting depression i don't want to misquote it so i'm not going

Jeff Corrigan:

to that point i did read today that there was a researcher in 22,007 i can't remember his name i could look it up but who said that in some cases he felt like taking cold showers or cold therapy is just as good as some of the medications that are out there for depression now and that's not to say stop taking your medication right we're not doctors we're not suggesting any of that but it was kind of a cool study to at least see wow with just a simple change you can be doing some of the same benefit that some of these medications are helping people with depression

Sheldon Mills:

yeah and anecdotally that's kind of like tons of these people because you can find a lot of different people that like you know blogs and stuff on that you know just like the the the benefits to their alertness and their mood and how just like that was one of the surprising things for people is how much it helped them just feel better i like that one a lot

Jeff Corrigan:

well and to that point i mean you're talking about the impact of the brain

Sheldon Mills:

right here's one that i probably dove into too much because i've read tim ferriss like the four hour body and a lot of tim ferriss stuff that promotion of health and fat loss and how the transcript you know the cold there's another study out there called exposure helps turn white fat to brown fat and you can google that and there's actually a couple good articles that i've linked in here but basically brown fat is working it's used more for energy and not just kind of like the storage like the white fat right and in fact he does a there's a good story and i'll link to this to a guy named ray cronus hypnotise he's a nasa scientist and he trying to lose weight. And in the TED Talk, I've actually linked in here, so you can watch that as well. And TV on the background of listening to Michael Phelps and how he eats 12,000 calories a day. And he's a scientist, a thermal scientist, right? So it's all like, like, he is everything. And he just like stock ministers instructions, like how is that possible, because he is figuring out the equation for certain activities and calories and you know, burn for this. And it's just like, it's, it's not possible through sheer exercise to burn that many calories. And basically got down to it is because of the heat that is lost, and how much he his body has to create, to stay warm in the water. And he has a really cool story of the first 12 weeks of losing, I forget was like 21 pounds, and the next six weeks, losing like, almost 30 pounds, changing nothing, but like taking walks out in the cold and cold showers. And basically, there's actually a lot of research on how like exposing yourself to cold and cold therapy helps burn much more calories. And not even just like calories in calories out. But on a hormonal level. It can change, like the type of fat and things like that. Really cool stories about

Jeff Corrigan:

that. That's, and that's, I think that's such a big key is, you know, with with staying fit, staying healthy. But there's another one that pointed out here that better looking skin. Yeah. Which were there was tons of research on that, that, that I was noting. Yeah, that was interesting. And it what it does is essentially just taking a cold shower, like closes up your pores, leaves less swelling on the body, because obviously cold is related to reduction of swelling, which is why your muscles recover quicker when you go through cool stuff. But anyway, what else? Did you see anything in there that noted or? Well,

Sheldon Mills:

just the skin hair? You know, I have few links in here as well. Different different ones about the skin and hair. That's that's not something I cared about quite as much as some quite as much.

Jeff Corrigan:

But I feel like that would be most guys probably not as much. I mean, good. But first a lot of women. Yeah, they interesting stories.

Sheldon Mills:

You know, when I forget her name, I think I've linked I know, I've linked into it. She talked about some of the unexpected benefits. And one of them that she talked about was the unexpected ones is just like how much her skin and hair like it's shiny as to their hair and, and you know less breakouts and things like that, like how much of a difference it made, and that she didn't expect that. Right? So I thought that was, as we touched a little bit upon, like recovery of aches and pains. You know, there's a study of like 17 different trials. So like a study of all these other studies, right? And how much CO therapy is more effective in relieving muscles as compared to like, rest and all these other things. And I've got that linked as well. And I thought that was really cool. Just a cold shower will help you recover faster.

Jeff Corrigan:


Sheldon Mills:

I mean, I I I've done very, you know, kind of experimented with different aspects of cold shower. And usually the one I the only one I've really done much is like, I'll start out hot at the very end alternative cold for a couple. But I've done actually the last this past week in preparing for this, I've done a couple of just like jump in phone calls from the staff. So I'll talk about that. Yeah,

Jeff Corrigan:

I've done that in the past, but not willingly. It was not like, well, it was like, not intentionally, I should say, yeah, it was just out of the only thing I had was cold water, and wanted to clean, clean water. But now looking back, I'm thinking man, I should have embraced it more, right? doesn't mean you're always going to enjoy it. But at least you're like, Hey, I'm getting some out of this. It's like exercising, sometimes you're exercising really hard. And you just think I hate this. But then after you feel great. You get all the endorphins and you're feeling like man, I did that I feel way better now. And that's kind of the same idea with the cold showers. It's like, Okay, this is something everybody can do. There's no like requirements of fitness or anything like that, right? Get into a shower. And just like Sheldon said, you you have one way of doing it where you start warming just end cold. And that's really great to get started. But the other thing I was gonna mention is kind of an I don't want to bring this up too early, because there's lots of other benefits we could talk about. But one of the linchpins to all of this and how it actually is working in the body is related to your well there's two names for it. One is the



Jeff Corrigan:

yes, the sympathetic nervous system, which is basically the management system for all of your unconscious body functions, right so all those your all of the different organs in your body that you don't have to tell them what to do. It's not like you're telling your heartbeat heartbeat right? You're heart's beating on its own. But when you take cold showers and you have this hot to cold, and your body reacts to that, it immediately ignites in your body, this response of fight, flight or freeze, right essentially not freeze, it's cold, but don't move, which is the stimuli to get all these other functions going in your body. And so you're going to have a more rapid heart rate, your respiratory system will be functioning more properly. Also, your digestive system is activated. So it's helping you on so many levels by starting out your day. Hopefully, if you're if you're taking shower in the morning, at least starting out your day like this will help you be more energized, more focused, more attentive at work, and have just a better a more positive outlook. And then looking back to the depression talk, right? It's hard to have negative thoughts when your body is so energized and pumping full of these hormones, both you know the the endorphin hormones, and also norepinephrine, which is one of the main noradrenaline drugs or not drugs, but it's hormones in your body that's activating all of these different functions within your body. So all of that's happening so quickly, and it doesn't take a lot, right, you're not, you're not having to get out and like go roll around in the snow or jump in a freezing cold, like that would be one way of doing it. That's a great way to do it. But it is stimulating this and the more often you can do it, your body starts to get used to that function, and it helps it activate more quickly on a regular basis. But

Sheldon Mills:

so another one, okay, so my, I have this, I found that I have a buddy who I last couple years gotten much more into weightlifting. And I found that especially in the summer, when it's already kind of hot, too. I've noticed in the winter, if when I'm working out weight lifting weights, and I haven't noticed that so much if I'm just like aerobic running and things like that, but like, what I guess the science is, you know, your body keeps burning for more out to 24 hours after like lifting late as opposed to four to six. After Robic I don't know, after we can do more. I'm not sure. But like, I'm literally hotter, like, you know, it's like throw the covers off. So you haven't lifted in a few days, but then I'll lift and then like that night in the summer when it's already kind of hot. It's like yeah, I get really hot, right. And in the winter, kind of the same way. It's like if I'm working out regularly, I just don't get as cold as easy.



Sheldon Mills:

my wife is one of those. She's I mean, I always talk about talked about a cold shower before and she's like, that's crazy, because I'm already cold all the time. Why would I do that? Right? Well,

Jeff Corrigan:

have you ever seen the Seinfeld episode? Right? George is like anybody who takes cold showers is psychotic, right?

Sheldon Mills:

So this totally backing me up. So it's taking cold showers, we hope you quit feeling. Let's call up the time there's been studies. So here I'll just quote one that I've gotten the notes. It's like these findings suggest that repeated cold water immersion stimulates development of true cold acclimation in humans, right. And basically, this is about the human thermo regulatory responses to cold air and altered is altered by repeated cold water immersion, you literally will not get as cold. I cannot fill this cold. By doing this, and there is some some cool anecdotes of people. One of them's like one of this. Here's a quote, one of the strangest experiences I've had after taking cold showers experiencing temporary flashes of heat even in the winter. Well, the research is like your body literally has responses. They it's kind of I mean, we've all kind of experienced this at the start of winter. It's like the first time the temperature gets down even more than what's been in the summer, you're like freezing and jackets. But then after a long winter, you know, the first day that gets up to like, suddenly 49 degrees or 10 degrees out there and shorts feel amazing. Basically, you can do that a little more dramatically to help you not be cold as often

Jeff Corrigan:

well. And that's the body's response, right? Our bodies are meant to adapt to hard things, right? Yeah. And cold is one of those things that we adapt to have you met many people who live in colder climates than us that's cold all the time, right? Like the northern parts, they don't get cold. They're like wearing normal jackets. And it's 20 below, right, like one of the world's going on. But I, to that point, I was thinking, Oh, it also helps with immune support, right? So there's tons of studies around how it can help you prevent illnesses in your life. Like if you're doing this on a regular basis, your immune system is going to be at a higher level. And they've they've found in several studies that it can reduce sick days in like an office for up to 29% right? So it's it's pretty crazy that you see that kind of decrease in sick days just from doing a cold shower therapy or cold, you know, some kind of cold shower like that, as well. So

Sheldon Mills:

we were kind of talking about like the physical benefits and even psychological I think there's so I mean, I mean that a lot of these studies are kind of like, so is this placebo effect? You know, which don't get me wrong, the mind is so powerful that even if it was just placebo effect, then there's benefits to it. But it's not right. Like all these studies are mostly it's like, it's not just placebo effect. That being said, we haven't really touched on like the mental aspects of meaning. There's a good TED talk in here. And he talks about, you know, he's talking about the buddy and he's in he's all I want to do this, but I can't because this is like, why what's your excuse? The just an excuse. He's like, you know, you need you take cold showers for 30 days, then you'll do it.

Jeff Corrigan:

Well, and you talking about that as another point that a ton of people talked about increased motivation, right. And the studies mentioned that, that if you really want to start your day off, right, and be like, Hey, I'm gonna be super proactive today and get all this stuff done that I that I've promised myself to do. Start with a cold shower, you're much more likely to get it done, right, or at least the main tasks on your list. But to your point earlier, so I was just going to mention I remember now was, I've been running, right, uh, normally, I've just ever always run in the warmer months. And maybe sometimes when it was chilly, or like 4030 degrees, 35, you know, but this whole winter, I've been running every day when not everyday, but almost every day with my neighbors, and we get out there and it's 10 degrees, pull up to these 15 degrees, right? And we're not and at first, you feel like you're not wearing enough clothes, we're going. And I feel a lot different on those mornings, even though it feels like okay, you ran 678 miles like, shouldn't you be really tired. And the rest of the day, you don't feel I don't feel as tired. Like, I don't feel more tired than I normally do. But I exercise a lot more. Right. And I think on the days when I run in the heat, I definitely feel more tired. And then also, when my wife found out about this cold shower thing, probably about six months or a year ago. I tried it a couple of times, but getting out of the shower because you usually get out the shower and then you're cold because you're so hot. And then you get out of shower if you like hot, nice and warm out


of bed better in a way. Yeah,

Sheldon Mills:

yeah. No, that is funny. Because a couple again, some of these testimonies, YouTube videos, it's like you're not really cold. You're tense, right? Yeah. And part of the mental aspect is that you have to, it helps you become comfortable, become more comfortable with being uncomfortable. And I mean, a lot of these these testimonials and these things was like, it wasn't even the physical best because of weight loss and depression and, and all these stuff. It was like literally like it makes you It makes you tougher, it makes you like mentally just

Jeff Corrigan:

steps your game up. Right? And all around. It just you just feel better. Right? You've got endorphins pumping. You've got the nepra nephron. Right, those golden? Yeah.

Sheldon Mills:

What and what are the ones? You know, a guy is, you know, reading on Reddit about this guy's you know, 200 I think it was like 200 day challenge or culture hours. Yeah, and a lot of these people who do it for a long time, they talk about literally getting the point where they look forward to it, like their body, the chemical responses to the body kind of craves it at a certain well,

Jeff Corrigan:

because the benefits, it's like, well, but that happens with almost anything that's a little bit painful, right? Because like people who drink soda, they say one of the addictive things about soda is that it like kind of causes your mouth pain and kicks out at in some endorphins. So it's almost an addiction to pain in a way, like the attention of your body kicks out. But to the point that you just said challenge, right? So we we want to we want to wrap this thing up with a challenge. We've talked about a lot of benefits. If you haven't heard one that you liked, I mean, there's a whole giant list that we put on there. But you know, if you don't want a better mood to jumpstart your day, increase motivation, increase endorphins, a better metabolism, less sickness, muscle recovery, better looking skin, stimulate your brain, if you don't want all those things, you know, just find one, right? Just find one that you like, that sounds good enough that I'm gonna give this a try. And here's the challenge that we're going to suggest to you. Because we want to put this thing to work, right? That's that's our tagline is like idea jam, where we put ideas to work. So we're going to put it to work in our life in our lives, I should say, and we want you to join us. So for the next 21 days, we're going to do cold showers. And you can use whatever method you want. Because we we know about goals. It's like, Hey, 21 days of cold showers. That sounds horrible at the front, right? You're like 21 days. But because no one likes cold showers. That's not the point. The point is you want the benefits. So we're going to give you all the different methods that you could use to make this easy on you. Now if you just want to jump in and be ice cold from the beginning, and you're really tough like that great, but the fact is, you're probably not going to sustain that for 21 days. So pick something you feel like you could sustain for 21 days. Right? And some of the suggestions we're going to make are based on some principles from a book we're going to introduce next episode called finish from john aiko it's one of my favorite goal setting both just i think as you rewrite it i read it for the first time but yeah yeah but he gives a few principles on how to make your goals easier and actually finished them so because so many of us don't right and so a few that we want to put into practice in this challenge are you know we want to make it easy so that's one of his principles is like hey you got to make it easier on yourself so we're going to do this only for 21 days so not like a typical 30 right we're gonna make it easy on you 21 days yep three weeks of cold showers now if you want to continue after that which i would suggest you do and we're gonna try to do please do you know it i think it's gonna be beneficial to you the next one is you got to make it fun right and the way that we're going to do that is we want to create a community of doers within our within our podcast community and the whole point of this is to hopefully do more to get results in our life and see the benefits of all these things we're learning right so we're going to report every day on our facebook page maybe just the weekdays right weekends you get free that's always the deal but weekdays we're going to report on our facebook page how the experience has been and what are like what how you know what actions we've taken and said like i took a cold shower this is how i did it and this was a benefit i saw or i haven't seen a change right if i haven't seen a change great we're kind of like mythbusters to these ideas too right it's like hey for putting these to the test it's not working for us let's let people know but we got to try it out for the whole 20 within 21 days to see right the other suggestion is ease into it right you don't you don't have to go full bore you don't have to be like i'm gonna jump into an ice bath tomorrow because then by the end well by the end sheldon is gonna do it but that's fine right he's easing into it but here's a few ways that you can ease into it do you want to mention some of these sheldon


yeah so

Sheldon Mills:

some people probably already done this before but like today and yesterday i just jumped into a straight cold shower he and and my friends because the difference between cold at my work at the gym and at homes i swear home it's like 810 degrees colder so if there's a harder home

Jeff Corrigan:

that's kind of like the extreme okay because you know you have so much control at home

Sheldon Mills:

kind of the next step down there i guess they call it it's funny because there's literally you can google these terms like a scottish or a james bond shower that's

Jeff Corrigan:


Sheldon Mills:

yeah it's kind of like you start out hot or some of the descriptions it's like you get your head wet and your hands wet and then soap off and then you get into it more fully you know kind of like the ease into it right or i think one of the ways i like to do it is i take a hot shower first but then turn it cold for the last couple of minutes and i try and stay in it again if you only do it for 1015 seconds i think that's how you really ease into it

Jeff Corrigan:

yeah you can't do it for the full minute for two minutes yeah start slower



Sheldon Mills:

yeah i mean there's literally apps out there there's like a cold shower app where it's like you start with 15 seconds and then the next it's like 15 more seconds every day or 10 five seconds more every day yeah i usually when i do it like that i at least personally i try and stay in long enough to like the my breathing is controlled and i kind of feel like a little bit acclimated to it i found if i take a cold shower if i'm in it long enough i get to the point where it doesn't have that that because it's kind of the difference between the feeling of coldness on your skin and internal temperature i mean so we we got to wrap it up i know but there's a lot i put a lot in the show notes on a guy called names wim hof and it was like the iceman yeah and it's this is kind of like the ultimate yeah looking for like some really in depth stuff from like courses to take and just like lots of information he's your guy he's your guru everything from you know like climbing mount kilimanjaro and a pair of shorts to like multiple world records you know a couple hours in ice and being able to control extended legs there's mysteries with him about how you can influence his autonomic nervous system sympathetic nervous system and literally by his breathing and concentration and you know cold therapy could keep his body temperature like raise it back up and even fight off like he talked about earlier to the like an artificial way again i don't want to slaughter but if you want to watch the documentary or get into it it's all linked here like literally can influence your nervous system so that you can fight off you know be healthier right and not have be is

Jeff Corrigan:

yeah like it activates all those immune responses of your body and it helps you to fight off any diseases that might be attacking you at all times right so the other thing you can do is switch back and forth between warm and cold throughout your shower And I've got a message of one quote here. This is from a reference that I've got the link in there it says, says, experts in the field believe alternating between hot and cold temperature drives oxygen and nutrients to your organs. So this, promoting detoxification, decreasing blood lactate concentration, which quickens muscle recovery. So if you're, if you're like, Hey, I don't want to take just a cold shower at the end, like I want to endure warm, right? alternate between the two is like warm, cold, warm, cold, warm, right? And you're still gonna get some of the same reactions just have to make sure that you're spending at least enough time in the cold to make it worth your while. Right? Like, you can just be like, Oh, that was cold. One seconds, not enough. Maybe you got maybe start with one, get up to 30

Sheldon Mills:

I was funny every time you talk about cold and warm if I end with a cold shower when I get out. I'm warm.

Jeff Corrigan:

Yeah, exactly, which normally is the opposite, right. But then one other method that they use is they slowly, slowly lower the water temperature during your shower. So you can adapt to the decreasing temperature. So rather than mean like it was warmer, now it's cold. So just like slowly adjust it. Give yourself like a minute each time to get down to those temperatures where it's colder, but you can still like relax your shoulders, even though it's cold, right.

Sheldon Mills:

And you'll get into I mean, if you go into the Wim Hof stuff, I mean breathing is a huge component there. And even some of the other stuff I was watching researching in cold bass, you know that the key is to control your breathing. So even though because that's it, I didn't the polar bear plunge before I've done that, like broken off the ice and the pool and like, then that folds down. Oh, yeah. So let's jump in. And like you forget how to breathe, and then you start,

Jeff Corrigan:

like, less than 50 degrees. Oh, yeah. Yeah, exactly. Okay. Yeah.

Sheldon Mills:

control of your breath is is is important aspect of it. And it's funny because it was an ice bath, a party with a cold shower, I don't know, if you noticed that you can kind of get your hands, your legs, your head, the second you get like the back, and the top of your shoulders and the back of your neck, there's literally that's part of your, like, cold sensors is right there. So also you wash over that. And that's when you like, like, that's usually when your breath you know, you can get into something called up to your legs, even up to your torso, but you get to your chest, your neck. And that's really like,

Jeff Corrigan:

that's also the source of your body's like temperature. Right? It's like it, that's where the temperature management comes from is right there in the chest. Yeah, but uh, so to this. So you've got some of the ways that you can participate. But we want to set up a few guidelines, because rules are for school and church, right. So we just want to make some guidelines that to give you ideas of Okay, this is kind of what is expected. So you can feel like I'm doing this, and I'm doing it with these guys. Now, however you want to modify it great. But to get the results, these are some suggested things, why don't use the below to be below 70 degrees 68 or below is will give you the best results, right? If you go lower, the better, right, it's gonna activate quicker, maybe you don't have to spend as long go cold for shorter, I don't know. But at least a minute is optimal. To see the effects two to five minutes is ideal, right? That's what I've read in all the things that we've been reading and studying. But so we're going to do this each day for 21 days. Whoo. And then we're going to post and we would suggest that you post a Facebook page on our Facebook page, a message or if you want to do video, we'd love that even more. Just because we like to communicate with people and hear your voices see your faces. And any results you've seen. Right? If you love it, keep doing it right. There's no reason to stop just because the challenge is over. That's one thing I hate about goals and challenges is that there's always this finish line in mind, which isn't always a bad thing. But I feel like the point of this is to get you better health in your life, right is essentially to see results not short term, but long term. And you can't see those if you don't continue doing it. Now, if you don't do it every day anymore. That's fine. Right? And adoption doesn't mean you know what I mean?


It's not saying cold showers for the rest of your life.

Jeff Corrigan:

I like a hot shower. Right? Exactly. I love cold. I love warm showers.

Sheldon Mills:

But I've done enough of them in the past. And I'm you know, I'm guessing I don't know. But after this, it will be a more regular occurrence in my life. And you know, because it's like a wake up need the adrenaline boost kind of like endorphins is a boost. Give yourself a boost. sore.

Jeff Corrigan:

Yep. So with that in mind, those are the chat. That's the challenge. Those are some guidelines. We're going to be posting every day of the week days. And we hope that you're with us on this. And if you are listening to this later on, keep posting the community is always going to be there. We're gonna love it. The cool challenge shower challenge will live on for centuries, hopefully. But yeah, shown the

Sheldon Mills:

interesting side note. There's a study the University of California San Francisco, that men who were exposed to 30 minutes of wet heat, so that's like, sauna, jacuzzi hot showers for more than 30 minutes after they cut that out. The sperm count went up like four almost 500% Yeah, basically there's been studies in 1950s about how many took a hot bath every other for three weeks, we're literally basically infertile for the next six months. So one of these, one of these funny things, there's been research about how, you know, if you if taking, if you were to take, if you're in the hot tub every other night, and try and have a baby, maybe you should cut that

Jeff Corrigan:

you are working against yourself, Mike. But with that in mind, join us in the challenge. We thank you very much for joining us on this episode. Now, next week, we will be introducing more concepts from the book finish, which we mentioned here. But we're going to dig deep into some of those principles, and how you can use them for this challenge to complete it, but also for any other goal in your life. So if you have a goal of writing a book or doing some exercise, that you are trying to get to like a Spartan like shell, and I've been working on running a marathon, whatever it is, your goals are, whether they're fitness, finance, anything finished will help you with those goals. And we're going to break down the highlights of that book, some of the key principles that you can implement immediately on your current goals and actions and challenges to hopefully make them more possible for you. What were you

Sheldon Mills:

gonna say about, you know, we have these goals that we want to do accomplish, but even from the start, we it's like self sabotage, because you almost know you're not going to, and it just creates this feeling of, of like, I can't, and I'm going to fail. And it's it's just, I think I call it the ultimate law of the universe. You can't like don't believe it.

Jeff Corrigan:

Yes. Honestly, anything you want to do, you can do, it's just a matter of putting some principles in place that will help you get there. And that's what we're going to talk about on our next episode is, hey, here's how we're implementing these principles to complete our cold shower challenge. And whatever the challenge of working on like pull ups or running or whatever it is, and they don't always have to be fitness course this, this in this case, but but we've taken the ideas from the books from the research from the audios, and we're putting it into action in idea, an idea jam. So join us every episode to put more ideas to work. I'm Jeff Jones. Thank you again and have a great day.