Everything Horses & More! Podcasts

Connecting & Healing with Our Animal Spirit Guides

Caroline Beste Episode 116

We are thrilled to have this week’s guest speaker Rahansia Ben Merjuri again! 

Rahansia will be sharing with us her experiences, and understanding, of how the animals that come into our lives are often spirit guides. They have written on a soul level to be with us and assist us in this lifetime. Many times we think we are taking care of them when in truth they are taking care of us.

Rahansia has been in the Healing Arts for over 30 years. She is teaching and doing Massage, {Horses and people} along with Energy Lite, sound healing and reading sessions.  She has traveled many areas of the US teaching and sharing her Energy Lite Therapies. She expanded and started working with horses around 2002. She realized how sensitive the horses were to the different energy tools and how quick their response was compared to humans. She also became aware of a deeper connection with the horses and  having the ability to sense what they were desiring to communicate to us.

I hope you join us for a deep and mystical exploration into animal spirit guides! I will be sharing some of my experiences too with my animals, especially my horses, as my personal spirit guides.

Click here https://www.healinghorses8.com/ for more information about Rahansia.

“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.” - Swami Vivekananda

May you always be one with your horse,

Caroline Beste (1m 4s):
you are listening to Everything Horses & More! Podcast with me, your host, Caroline Beste. I'm the founder of my Tao of Horsemanship method, a pioneer in horse training and development, and a true advocate of the horse. I bring an intuitive and educated eye along with an experienced and intelligent perspective to understanding both horse and human nature and behavior. My experience in skill sets are the cornerstone to my worldwide success in training methodology. My experience with horses as intelligent sentient beings is what inspired me to create my highly acclaimed and proven training method. Consensual partnership training for horses and humans.

Caroline Beste (1m 44s):
A model I pioneered in 2008. Consensual partnership training provides a comprehensive and impressive curriculum, teaching horse owners how to fully develop their horses using a holistic, empathetic, and natural process. My training system teaches you how to achieve true partnership with horses and without the use of pain, excessive pressure, dominance, force, or coercion. In addition to being a world class trainer for both horses and people, I'm an artist, author, entrepreneur, speaker, radio show host, licensed working equitation trainer and writing foundation specialist. I offer one of the largest and most comprehensive online educational platforms, the do of horsemanship, where I host a variety of courses produced and personally taught by me and my amazing school masters.

Caroline Beste (2m 35s):
In addition to sharing what I know in my in-person training and online courses, I invite special guests and students each month to my radio show, everything, horses, and More podcast. This platform allows us to engage with all of you and share our very personal and transformational journey with horses. I invite you to listen in and hope you find something that helps inspire you to reach your personal goals and aspirations with your horse. Thank you. And may you always be one with horses.

Caroline Beste (3m 26s):
Welcome back to Everything, horses and More podcast. Y'all know who I am, your host, Caroline Beste, and you know who my lovely co-host is Lydia Primavera. And today we have a special guest, Rahansia You've been a guest several times. Hello. Welcome back. Hi.

Rahansia (3m 46s):
Hey. Hi everyone.

Caroline Beste (3m 49s):
And today's topic is going to be healing with animals and our animal spirit guides, and so I can't wait to dive in. I'm gonna do a little introduction about, oh gosh, I don't think I printed that out. Rahansia, I don't think I printed out your bio. I did in the, in the email notification that went out to everyone. So maybe I'll let you give everyone, I'll have to, I'll have to let you give everyone a little bit of your background. So go ahead, my dear.

Rahansia (4m 23s):
Well, I've been doing healing and massage, energy healing, and traveling around the country for about 30 years. And we started doing, I've loved horses all my life. So I started at three years old, drawing them and going down to the fairgrounds to work with the cow. You know, just hang out with the cowboys. And anybody that would let me pet or ride their horse, I would be so grateful and they would think it was funny and put me on these wild horses and I would just ride and I would just ride till I fell off.

Rahansia (5m 4s):
And I never got hurt, but I think the horses knew how much I loved them, you know, they just knew. Yes. And so anyway, I started doing the therapy with horses with a friend in about 2002, and that's when I started realizing that the horses, the energy moved and the horse is so much easier than people, you know, because they're not hanging on to anything, they're just in the moment. And so there was this mare that her legs were all swollen and within she was pregnant, and within 15 minutes of doing energy healing, they all went down and the owner was shocked and we were shocked.

Rahansia (5m 46s):
And then, you know, the mayor didn't want me to leave the stall, so I said, well, okay, I'll come back, you know, and help you. And then she calmed down and I said, wow. She like felt that. And then the, the owner said, well, ask her when she's gonna have that baby. And I said, okay. So I said, I asked her and she said, she showed me three moons. And I said, wow. And then that's actually when she had the baby. So I realized I could hear what they said too. So that started a whole opening and just working, you know, on that level and working energetically with them. Some like the massage better and some like the stallion she had, which was so sensitive, really didn't like the massage and like the energy healing more.

Rahansia (6m 36s):
And would just, he would sweep his aura and he would just like become this big puppy dog and go, oh my gosh, thank you. That's so nice.

Caroline Beste (6m 45s):
He's like, Smokey, remember working on my Smokes.

Rahansia (6m 48s):

Caroline Beste (6m 49s):
Yeah. You know, he was so much, he was in so much pain towards the, the last few years of his life with his arthritis, the God he loved you and he loved the machine that you would bring. And just amazing to see, you know, I, I haven't been around you working with any animal except the horse, my horses, but just amazing to see how they respond to whether you were And what is that machine that you have? It's

Rahansia (7m 16s):
The, it's the Chromapuncteur machine. Machine. It actually just has all different colors and then it has fiber optic cables that the light goes through, so you get like a laser light coming through. Yeah. But what was so funny is the people that were working at your place, when I would drive up to the property to work on Smokey, they were tell me like, all the horses knew I was coming. Yes. So they all, they're all aware, you know, they're all so warm and connected that they would all start running. And I thought that was interesting that, that they

Caroline Beste (7m 50s):
Noticed that it's, you know, it is, and not to go off on a tangent, because we're gonna talk about something a little bit different, but the energy work, if we all, we all have the ability and, and capacity to, to heal ourselves and heal others. And it, I I wish that everyone would be open to this way of being and believing and taking responsibility Yeah. To, to take care of themselves as well as anyone else, you know, other people, other animals.

Caroline Beste (8m 31s):
Because it's really amazing, you guys, when you can get to the level, for the lack of a better word, where you can tune in to your own vibration and the vibration of others, like a tuning fork, as I call it. Your, you become a tuning fork, you know, your chakra systems aligned with your spine, and then how you can use your hands, obviously to, as a conduit, to, to, to funnel and control and guide that energy. I have a video, I'm, I'm glad that before I forgot, I think it was the summer blue for the first time had pooled a tendon for, I'm not sure what he did, but he came up lame in one of his front, front legs, and it was a little swollen down on his pasture.

Caroline Beste (9m 24s):
And then I could feel the heat. It was pretty serious. And I mean, he was almost three-legged, so I had him pretty much in the stall most of the time for about a week. And that was the first time. And I think I was too busy to, to, to stop, to pay attention to, to it. But the second time that, like, he healed and then like a month later he, you know, he re-injured himself running and Janine was there with me, and I took the time to do energy work and she, and I asked her to film it. And I need to put this up on YouTube because you can see me, never touch him, but use my hands, the energy of my hands, whether I was helping the nerves or the inflammation, everything.

Caroline Beste (10m 17s):
But you can see his nose follow my energy in my hands. And he kept picking up his leg and he'd move it like Smokey would do, whether you were working on him or if Smokey had the Beamer, you know, attached to his knee. And he would try, smokey would manipulate the control of the Beamer to turn it up or down. That horse was crazy. He was something crazy smart. He was something but blue, you can watch, you can tell it's real, because Blue is for the first time feeling my energy in such a powerful way. And it's doing, it's working. And you can tell he's telling me when it's too much by taking his hook, lifting it up and away from me, and then putting it back down.

Caroline Beste (11m 1s):
And then I had, you can see how I'm playing with the energy, you know, between my, my hands and his, his past in area and, and figuring out how much he can handle. And, and it was just amazing. And yes, he, this was 13 minute long video, and I think I did one more session with him either later that day or that next day. And he was cured. It is amazing. And it's not anything I think about it is intuitive. That's where you wanna get, you wanna allow, allow the body to tell you. It's, and I think you're, you're gonna be working with a, an equine and, and obviously rahan, you've done this in your, in your work before.

Caroline Beste (11m 49s):
But when you work with an energy worker who is an works either with humans or animals as a miso, you know, a masseuse, a massage therapist, the best ones I've ever been around have hardly laid a hand on the horse. And they allow the, the horse's body to tell them where they need them and, and obviously listen to the horse how much they need. So it's just pretty powerful. We all have that ability.

Rahansia (12m 19s):
Yeah. And it's beautiful. And we do, and it's, and it's a memory. And you can also, there are techniques, and that's some of the things that, things that I would do when I would travel around the country is teach people how to remember how to do this. And because there's, there's different techniques that we were shown that help wake up your memory as to

Caroline Beste (12m 41s):
Oh wow.

Rahansia (12m 41s):
You know, how to, how to, how to remember we, we've all done this. We've had many lifetimes where, you know, especially those of us living a spiritual lifetime have done, you know, many lifetimes where we've

Caroline Beste (12m 54s):
Done. Yeah. Because where does this come from? It, it, I totally agree with you. It's like, I don't know where this comes from. I haven't studied anyone. It's just something that I've, I've tuned into, honed in, listened, and let it be my guide. I can't, I couldn't teach anyone anymore than what I'm talking about, except, you know, to dive into the chakras, you know, the work that I do. But it is definitely some ancient memory. I do believe that, that that comes up. Yeah. Well, my dear, how would you like to, we were going to begin with a prayer to set the intention you wanted us to, as you me, as you say, just being aware, plugs us in, connects us.

Caroline Beste (13m 38s):
So would you like to do a prayer? Yeah,

Rahansia (13m 41s):
Sure. And you know, one of the things that was shared with us too, we've studied with some teachers in Swamis that I've spent, you know, a lot of their life in ashram. And so one of the things that was shared that's so amazing on a level after you've done it for a while, is that we live a lot of times in our psychological mind. And so when we just say to ourselves to say, I'm now going to read this book, this high holy book, in the psycho mystical mind, it turns on different transmitters in the brain. So that's something that we can do.

Rahansia (14m 22s):
Like even today, let's, let's just turn on our psycho mystical mind and open our hearts. We open to the highest truth on this day surrounding this hope podcast in light and love. And that people receive exactly what they desire and what's the highest for them. And we open to our spirit guides, to our gatekeepers, to our ancestors. We welcome them in at this time to assist us on anything that they desire to help us with.

Rahansia (15m 1s):
And, and whatever intention that anyone desires to receive from this, just open to it. And we send the highest light to everyone. And so it is,

Caroline Beste (15m 15s):
Hmm. <unk>. Hmm. Thank you. Thank you.

Rahansia (15m 22s):

Caroline Beste (15m 22s):
Welcome. All right. So talk to us about, and we've already kind of done an intro healing with our animals. And then, and it's kind of a two part cuz it's healing with our animals, which we were talking about a little bit. And then allowing our animals to be our spirit guys and what that means, how that shows up. I know Lydia, I talked about this in a previous podcast back in June, so I'll, I'll bring up a little bit about my experiences with my, with any animal, you know, but please lead us in where do you want to to begin here?

Caroline Beste (16m 4s):

Rahansia (16m 5s):
Well, our, many of our animals that we have are animal spirit guides. They come to us to assist us, and many have chosen to be with us before we were even born. So they come in and if we're not in ego, we will bring them into our lives. Some people will say, oh, that's too much of a bother, and Oh, I don't have time for that. And, and it's crazy because they're here to help us. You know, we think that we're taking care of them when in truth they're really taking care of us. And you know, there's just so many experiences people have had where the animals have healed us and they're constantly sending us energy.

Rahansia (16m 53s):
They're constantly healing us on many levels. And it was shared too that, that our animal guides, our spirit guides those souls will actually, oh, I just lost the thought for a second there. That are, that they, what was I gonna say about that?

Caroline Beste (17m 14s):
The spirit guides that they, they will actually, they will help us. Yes. They're, they're always there waiting,

Rahansia (17m 20s):
They're always assisting us constantly. And so, gosh, I lost the thought there. Okay. Anyway, that's so,

Caroline Beste (17m 30s):
No, I, I, I'll, I'll bring up my story. I totally get that. I, I've mentioned so many times to, for years, and then of course through my podcast about the tr my Trinity's legend Smokey and Sundance. And Sundance being the only one left now. And, you know, each one passing the baton, so to speak, legend passing it to Sundance years ago. And Sundance be, I mean, I, I don't wanna start crying, it's just so you have to you, it's such a surrender to, to be vulnerable, to allow yourself, you know, people can argue more rational minded people can argue about what we're talking about.

Caroline Beste (18m 15s):
And it, and it really doesn't matter. I'm just bringing that up. Because what matters is if you just open yourself up to the possibility of, of this happening in your life, it will, it's right there just waiting for us to open up to it. It's always there is the point I'm making. Yeah. It's just, and horses are such magnificent healers of, you know, I haven't worked with dolphins or elephants or, or other species that are socially and emotionally intelligent like the horse, but wow, what a privilege it is to be surrounded by, you know, so many horses of mine and in clients, horses, you know, that I've worked with, that have graced to me with their presence and whatever it is in that moment that I needed to hear.

Rahansia (19m 8s):
Yeah. And that was what I was gonna say too, is that they will fill a loneliness in our spirit, in our oric fields that no human can fill. And so when, you know, we've noticed that when we have a love for our animal, it's really, there's no other there that love is very different. It's

Caroline Beste (19m 33s):
Pure. It's pure. I think that I agree. And it's pure and it's not unconditional.

Rahansia (19m 37s):

Caroline Beste (19m 38s):
Know, I don't Yeah, yeah. I don't wanna confuse us. You know, I love animals. I don't wanna, I'm not saying I love animals more than I love people, but we, I think we all can raise our hand and say how difficult people are. The word difficult. I'm difficult, we're all difficult and challenging on some level. But animals offer such a purity of heart, like you just said, unconditional love. They accept us for who we are. And I know they come with triggers, you know, they come damaged too, unfortunately. But for the most part, there's no ego. They don't have that ego.

Rahansia (20m 13s):
Well, the indigenous people knew how important it was to be in touch with their animal guides and, you know, we have forgotten it. And yes, we have. Yeah. And, and so, you know, it's, it's, it's really interesting. I remember when I had had a reading by the Swami, it was Ari, life reading, and I used to get really tired where I would collapse for like weeks at a time sometimes, and just have no energy and not know what was happening to me. All I could do was sleep. And I hadn't shared this with him.

Rahansia (20m 55s):
And what he said was, because I wasn't breastfed and that I grew too fast, I'm six foot tall, grew too fast from my blood type when I was younger, that I would go into what's called am morphia. And that sometimes I would just have to sleep for a week or two weeks or, you know, just read a book, watch tv. And it's like my energy would go in cycles so that I would just like collapse, hit a wall, and then I would have to recharge. Well, I kept hearing my guides tell me, get a dog. Get a dog. It will help you with your energy.

Rahansia (21m 35s):
So I kept looking to all the, the rescues and different things. It took like two years because I just didn't feel the right one. And then all of a sudden, one of my clients had these puppies and she says, I gotta get rid of these. I can't. I said, well bring 'em into the shop. We'll see if anybody, and then she came in and I knew it was her, and she was a little border colly mix and just, you know, it was like when I brought her home and, and was with her for a little bit, I could tell how it just filled the house differently energetically. And then do, you know, even to this day that I have not had that issue where I have collapsed energetically.

Rahansia (22m 19s):
That's huge. I mean, that's huge with all the healing ener. Yeah. With all the healing energy that I, that I use on people. And I, you know, they just constantly assist me and help me, you know, to recharge and, and many other things too. They help us spiritually, emotionally, physically, you know, all those different levels.

Caroline Beste (22m 42s):
Oh my God. Yeah. Yeah. It's, and you know, Lydia, you just lost your beloved cat, you know, and, and you can, we can all feel, you know, like I still, you can see my two dogs behind me who are gone. I can't, I can't even get two more dogs or even another dog right now. I mean, they, their life force was so much, and it was so, it's so interesting when you think about when our animals pass, it's like another, there at least one door is opening up for, for something else. Like, like you just said, hanzi, our animals are there to assist us in whatever we need, whether we're aware of it or not.

Caroline Beste (23m 30s):
And when you step back and think about, you know, you're, you're in so much pain cuz you miss them so much and you can feel how their presence is still there, even though they're not physically there. And yet at the same time, when I look back, cuz I've had so many animals, it's like I can see the connection to where they helped me with at least one aspect of my life where I, I didn't even realize at the time how much I needed them, but that they were a catalyst or they were there to support me, you know, or a catalyst to my growth and, and evolution, you know, to to, to, it's just, it's just a, it's just amazing.

Caroline Beste (24m 16s):
They're just amazing.

Rahansia (24m 19s):
Yeah. And the horses, you know, I found working with the horses now because I, I felt that that was gonna come, I was showing a picture, actually a face of a horse before I had my farm. And I said, well, how's that gonna work? You know, and then you just allow the universe to unfold how it does, like what's happening with Olivia right now. And it's like, here I am and I have my own horses now that are assisting in healing. That is, I mean, I've always noticed since 2002 when we were doing the therapy with horses, how they would move things out of people that could take 10 years of therapy.

Rahansia (24m 59s):
And you guys, they would move it in, in a minute, in a second. And I was blown away. And I was like, whoa, this is, this is amazing. And so they're just, they're, they're even more unique as healers I've found than, than even other animals. But that, you know, like I said, it's like, oh, go ahead.

Caroline Beste (25m 21s):
It's almost like they're, shapeshifters isn't the right word, but they can shift so much. It's unbelievable. And like Lydia, you were saying, you know, you've been holding the space for your beloved cat because you knew he was dying and so much of your life was sitting still, so to speak. And I'll let you speak for yourself.

Lydia P. (25m 42s):
It felt like stuckness, but it wasn't, it really wasn't. But it felt like, wow. You know, like fog's just moving and then, and then he died and then it blew a door open.

Caroline Beste (25m 55s):

Rahansia (25m 56s):
Blew a door open. Well, sometimes what they'll do too, when, when it's time for them to go, they will take things, you know, they'll take things with them. Well,

Caroline Beste (26m 7s):
Remember legend, remember legend, sudden death of lay in May and being my husband being diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. Yeah. I, yeah. I mean I know, I know legend died Yeah. To keep herd alive.

Rahansia (26m 25s):
Yeah. They will, they will take things from even, you know, our family members and, you know, I had, one of the things that we do in healing is we remove negative spirits from people. A lot of the indigenous people are aware of this. And one woman we knew her cat actually took on the entity.

Caroline Beste (26m 48s):
Right? Oh

Rahansia (26m 49s):
My God. Yeah. We had never seen that before. And actually the cat, you know Yeah. It was,

Caroline Beste (26m 55s):
It was possessed. It was possessed.

Rahansia (26m 58s):
Yeah. And other animals, you know, you might have seen this, other animals can take on things from people.

Caroline Beste (27m 5s):
Yes, absolutely. I've seen horses. Yes. I've, I've had some horrific experiences, you guys Yeah. That, that were my first experiences. And after I saw them repeated, I understood, I wouldn't say that the horses were possessed, but the people were so emotionally crippled and unhealthy that the horse would not change the horse. And I remember each one of these horses looking me in the eye and the message was, I am here for this person, whatever that, whatever that means. And you are not gonna change me. I'm gonna, I I'm here.

Caroline Beste (27m 45s):
I am a reflection of them. I am. And it was more than a reflection. It was, it, I'm not saying it was demonic, but it, I mean, Erica went with me to a couple of these because she would be hired to film at the time when we were in Pennsylvania. So she was hired to film for their personal, you know, session with me. And it, it was crazy. It things that just didn't make any sense, you guys I've never seen before. And yet this horse was identical to the person. And the message was, I basically, there was one of 'em where I traveled three hours to get there and you have to pay me up front for the travel. And, and I gave the woman back this all of her money.

Caroline Beste (28m 26s):
I mean, lost in a complete day. Erica lost her filming. We just gave it to her. I just said, and in, in wait though. And she didn't understand why I, I basically said after my three, in my three hour assessment, which didn't even last three hours, it was like two hours. And I'm like, and it hit me like I'd had enough horses, enough experience with this to, I just said to the lady, we're done here. There's nothing I can do. I cannot change this horse. What you want isn't about your horse is about you. And your horse is here as a spirit guide to, to not protect. It wasn't about protecting, it's just this woman was, was not gonna, this woman was weird. Sorry guys. Oh, weirdo. So hurt. And, and she started out asking me a bunch of odd questions and, and you know, about being a practicing Dao that was n you know, a little too personal, none of her business.

Caroline Beste (29m 17s):
Oh, you drink, you eat meat, that's not a Daoist. You know, just weird stuff. And so it already started off really odd, but the horse was, was, I don't know what you wanna call it, Rahan this horse was not only an extension of her, this horse told me back off, I you're not gonna change me. I'm here to, to what? It was so weird. I'm here for her in whatever form she wants. It's almost like it was her, this horse was her guardian, but not a guardian angel. It was a dark, it was dark.

Caroline Beste (29m 57s):
And, and it, it, yeah, Erica and I could tell a lot of really wild stories. Yeah. Really wild.

Rahansia (30m 4s):
Well, and, and

Caroline Beste (30m 5s):
So yeah, I guess you could say I've experienced a level of possession, or definite, the dark side. Yeah. With horses that have chosen to be, they ch they choose us. You guys, I've always said this and like you just said, it can be, it can be like your dog waiting, you waiting two years for your dog. To me, that dog, you both were waiting maybe a couple of lifetimes, who knows until it was the right time for you to, to do that level of healing. It it's crazy. And,

Rahansia (30m 37s):
And the souls, you know, tho those, those souls of our animals we've written to be together in this lifetime. Yeah,

Caroline Beste (30m 44s):
Totally believe

Rahansia (30m 45s):

Caroline Beste (30m 45s):

Rahansia (30m 45s):

Caroline Beste (30m 46s):
I believe,

Rahansia (30m 46s):
And they may come, they may come three different times trying to come in until we say, oh, okay. You know, and I, I'll I'll accept you at this time, but

Caroline Beste (30m 58s):
I totally, yes ma'am. So it's like what it, yeah, I mean for, for anyone listening to this, you know, if you are, if you've experienced this or, or a little bit or you'd like to experience more of it or understand more of it, you know, I'm gonna try and, and take what we're talking about and make it a little more tangible. Not that it's a step by step. I mean, you can always, you know, consult with Hanya, you know, and we'll give, you've got a great new website up and what is your website?

Rahansia (31m 33s):
It's healing horses. Eight

Caroline Beste (31m 37s):
Number eight. Yep. Healing horses. So it's www healing horses number eight.com. Yep. And work with hanzi privately, but just be open is the first step. Just be open and listen. And you know, how do you know when a, when an animal spirit guide or totem is coming your way, that's important too. You've gotta be aware. You have to be tuned in to acknowledging that, wow, I've never seen that bug before. Or Wow, there seems to be a lot of birds around lately, or frogs, you know, or to me it's like messages, like how many times do I keep seeing the same animal reappear?

Caroline Beste (32m 20s):
To me, that's how it works for me. It's not just a one time thing. It's if this hawk keeps appearing or the eagle or the crows, you know, I'm like, huh, what's the pattern here? Or what is the message? And then that's, yeah.

Rahansia (32m 38s):
And we, we all have one pure totem, and that is with us our whole life. And so, like one of, one of the friends that I have her totem is the woodpecker. So whenever the woodpecker, whenever she hears the woodpecker, she will listen and then she will take it into meditation Yes. And receive the information.

Caroline Beste (33m 4s):
So now how do you know, how do you know for those out there, what your one totem animal is? Or spirit guide?

Rahansia (33m 11s):
Well, for me, you know, it wasn't shared with me by a swami, so I really wanna, I was like, okay, what is mine? So I sat with all the animals that came, you know, I had a, a, a white wolf come to me in a, in a bonfire one evening. And I knew that that was a guide, so I immediate, so I got a tattoo of that. And a tattoo is a whole other energy that when you bring in that guy, oh my gosh, it's like a write a passage. I mean it took me, yeah, it took

Caroline Beste (33m 47s):
Me, that's the symbol for horsemanship in Chinese, the da, that's my logo, the do horsemanship. It takes on a whole nother energy is right.

Rahansia (33m 55s):
Yeah. And I was amazed cuz I was thought, oh, you know, well I'm just gonna, and then I was like, whoa. It actually opened me up to the animal spirit world when I got it. And it took me two days to just process all that was coming in. I just had to be with it. And I was like, whoa. And then it showed me all these other animals that wanted to come and be a part of like a collage on there, which I haven't really done it yet, you know, but there were interesting different ones. So I was sitting with, with all of that, and then just kind of asking, you know, I would just ask. And it took quite a while because it was like, okay, well that tiger line, you know, all these different things, you know, what's all these different birds?

Rahansia (34m 39s):
You know, you just kind of sit with them. And then, and then one came, which was, it was kind of loud and it said caribou. And I thought, well that's interesting. So I kind of just looked it up, you know, what, what, what are the spiritual meanings and characteristics of caribou? And I thought, well that's interesting. Okay. And then I would sit for, I don't know, you know, this is weeks and months, so sometimes it may come right away in your meditation. Sometimes it may take a while. So I think for me it was a process so that, you know, sometimes it's just a process and you know, you, you have to listen and so then

Caroline Beste (35m 23s):
Open yourself up again. Yeah, open yourself up.

Rahansia (35m 26s):
And then I got, and then I was sitting with it longer. And then I heard, well ask Duke, which is my horse. And I'm like, okay, I'll ask Duke. I'll see what he has to say. And then I heard, it's not what you think it is. And I'm like, okay. Cuz you know, we think of like kind of maybe adult, you know, like the regular animals probably we see or you know, whatever. So I sat with that and then, then one evening I was just sitting in meditation and, and I asked Duke in meditation, I'm like, okay, help me, you know, what is my pure totem?

Rahansia (36m 7s):
And I heard caribou and I like, so that was the second time I got it.

Caroline Beste (36m 14s):
And so

Rahansia (36m 15s):
Then I knew, and you know, when I, and then so now I've been meditating with it and I'm getting chills talking about it too. But then I started meditating with it and it's like, you know, they're known for endurance, they're known for speed, they're known for just all these characteristics that the indigenous people talk about. The reindeer and the caribou. Yes. And so

Lydia P. (36m 40s):
Yes, here. Yep.

Rahansia (36m 42s):
Yeah. And their vision, their vision, they can see in the snow. So they have like this spiritual vision where they can see things and you know, they, they're like the life force and the community of all the northern peoples. And, and so yeah, it's, it's, it's been interesting to be with, with that and meditate with it. And, and then the other thing with that is because that's something you don't necessarily see all the time. So meditating on it has actually, you know, when I meditate and bring in the energy of the caribou, it's, it's powerful. You know, it can really feel the assistance of that energy.

Rahansia (37m 26s):
So it's pretty cool.

Caroline Beste (37m 27s):
Yes, yes, yes. Lydia, do you know what your, are you familiar with the totem animals or do you know what your spirit guide is?

Lydia P. (37m 37s):
Yes, because I always try and change it. Like, I wish it was a horse and it'll go back to a dolphin, or I wish it was a bird. And it'll go back to a dolphin.

Caroline Beste (37m 51s):
Oh, the dolphin.

Lydia P. (37m 53s):
Yeah. And I had, I, I used to teach scuba diving in Maui. So I swam, I was in the water with whales and dolphins. And when I heard a whale sing, that was magnificent. You know, I I, and when I heard a dolphin talk to me, it was profound. It was, whoa, you know? And I was at a park, a marine park in Florida. I had to pay to touch one, even though I've been with them for years on boats and in the water. I actually had to go meet a tame dolphin to know this. But the trainer that was with that dolphin, she was a mama. And she left me in swim and she, and I said, where's she go?

Lydia P. (38m 37s):
And she said, she went to go check on her young. I said, well, how many does she have? And she said, well, you know, somewhere between 10 or 12 and they're all different ages and, but she'll be back, you know. And she was only gone like 15 minutes. And she went, it's regular. She went to visit 'em all. And when she came up in front of me and popped up, I burst and laughter and she mimicked my laugh.

Rahansia (39m 3s):

Caroline Beste (39m 3s):

Lydia P. (39m 3s):
Gosh. The trainer. And the trainer was like, oh my god, she loves you and you speak dolphin. I was like,

Rahansia (39m 12s):
Oh, that's great. That's so great.

Lydia P. (39m 14s):
Yeah, it was incredible. So yeah, it's one of those things where I know, but I keep always, I access many because being with birds of prey most of my life, they're around me all the time. And because I'm a gardener, I will, I'm sorry, but a rock be so just living beings, it's everything.

Caroline Beste (39m 40s):

Lydia P. (39m 41s):
You know, it doesn't necessarily rocks have spirits. They were farm, they were pressured, they were made. And so, yep. I can't hardly turn it off sometimes.

Caroline Beste (39m 53s):
Yeah, I hear you on that. I hear you on that. Trees, grass, everything. Wow. It's amazing.

Rahansia (40m 3s):
And they have entities that live in them too. Lydia, in the rocks. Yes. And just like the trees have divas and faries and Yes.

Caroline Beste (40m 12s):

Rahansia (40m 13s):
The beings. So we can connect with all those living beans, not just in this dimension, but many dimensions. And that's the thing with, you know, we are multi-dimensional. We don't exist just in this dimension. We exist in many dimensions at the same time. So we can open when we open to those energies, to those, to the even that possibility. Yes. That they can start to communicate more with us. You know, the more open we are and yeah. That's, that's so great.

Caroline Beste (40m 50s):
And that's setting the intention that you talk about rahan Zia too. And, and I talk about in my work is, you know, setting an intention almost. Well we did a prayer, you know, our prayer was, was an intention. Yes. A mantra. You know, a way of thinking and being that can allow for these possibilities, these messages, these guides. Yeah. I love it. Does anybody have any questions, Lydia? Anything coming up?

Lydia P. (41m 24s):
There was one about founding, but that's a different podcast maybe.

Caroline Beste (41m 28s):
Yeah. So founding I, yeah, that's not about, sorry. He needs tips. How to get

Lydia P. (41m 36s):
Rid of it. And I'm like, yeah.

Caroline Beste (41m 38s):
Well we need to contact our magical farrier Brad. And you can find Brad Kelly on Facebook, but I think there's, he uses his middle name too, but he is our farrier and he is the founder wizard. Brad Kelly. Get

Lydia P. (41m 58s):
That nutrition under

Caroline Beste (41m 59s):
Control too. Yeah. And get Yeah, absolutely. Get the nutrition and, and, and, but Brad can, can work on the feet and help, help get them to heal and, and grow out. He's a, he's a, he's just magical with, with founder for sure. So I'm gonna go ahead and just read a little bit, just to give anyone out there, just read about what totem animals are. Is that cool with you? Rahan Zia? Sure. Yeah. And then just anything pops up, you guys interrupt me. So there are 12 Chinese zodiac signs in the following order for totem animals.

Caroline Beste (42m 45s):
The rat ox, tiger rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. And I think in the Chinese zodiac sign, I am the monkey. If I remember, it's been many, many years since I looked at that. And my guide, I think it'd be obvious to everyone, is the horse. So throughout like lid, like all of us that practice this totem, animals come in front of me all the time and I'll see them in patterns, which means I'll see them often in more than once. And if I pay attention, that same totem animal will come back into my life for a period of time when I'm feeling the same way or thinking the same way.

Caroline Beste (43m 25s):
And, and then that gives me, if I'm aware that that allows me time to go, wait a minute, I really need to sit and meditate with this right now and take the time to see what messages. Cuz they've come back to talk to me what messages they have for me to help me where wherever I am. So really pay attention you guys. Now here's the Native American totem animals and their meanings. So a totem is a spirit bean sacred object or symbol of a tribe, of a clan, a family or individual. Some Native American tribes, traditions, tribes, tradition provides that each person is connected with nine different animals that will accompany them through life acting as guides.

Caroline Beste (44m 10s):
And I feel more that the horses my strongest guide, but there's so many that repeatedly are in my life. Different animal guides, also called spirit guides or power animals come in and out of our lives depending on the direction that we are headed and the tasks that need to be completed along our journey. These tribes beliefs further explain that a, a totem animal is with you for life, like Hanzi said, both in the physical and spiritual world, though people may identify with different animal guides throughout their lifetime. This one totem animal acts as the main guardian spirit with this one animal, A connection is shared either through an interest in the animal, its characteristics, dreams, or other interactions.

Caroline Beste (44m 54s):
This animal guide offers power and wisdom to the individual when they communicate with it, conveying their respect and trust. This does not necessarily mean that they have touched or spent time with this animal. And that's what hanzi you are referring to in your meditation because you're not touching or being with caribou, but they're coming through to you. Yeah. And so that, this does not necessarily mean that they have touched or spent time with this animal, but they are more open to learning its lessons. For some knowing what their totem animal is, is almost a natural process. It's as if they've always known inexplicably drawn to the animal or have a special feeling for its energy.

Caroline Beste (45m 36s):
For others, they wonder how to tell what their totem animal is. Here are some questions to ask yourself. If you're wondering what your totem animal is, have you ever, and this will be repeat a little bit, what Rahan Zia said, have you ever felt drawn to one animal or another without being able to explain why this could be any living creature, including birds and insects. And I'm gonna add anything in nature like water, trees, clouds, air, grass. I love grass and I love dirt. And I pretty much will be in my bare feet all summer. I love, I love everything.

Caroline Beste (46m 17s):
I love touching the leaves, I love everything. Fall leaves, green leaves. I just love, what do I wanna, what do you wanna call? I can't think what you wanna call all of that bushes. You know, flowers love it all. So it's not for me, it's not necessarily an animal. Cuz you can, if you, if you're quiet and you listen, you can hear many things in the air, in the breeze. So does a certain kind of animal consistently appear in your life? This doesn't necessarily have to be a physical appearance. It could be represented in other ways, such as receiving cards, letters with the same animal pictured over and over, unexplained dreams of a particular animal watching television and seeing the same animal featured repeatedly, or having the animal show up.

Caroline Beste (47m 9s):
What are you most interested in seeing when you go to the zoo, a park, wildlife area, or a forest? Are there any animals that you find to be extremely frightening or intriguing? Is there a particular animal that you frequently see when you're out in nature? And have you ever been bitten or attacked by an animal? Have you ever had a reoccurring dream about a specific animal or a dream from childhood that you've never been able to forget? Are you drawn to figurines or paintings of a specific animal? So one of the things that'll happen to me yearly whenever is I might get stung by bees repeatedly. What is that message?

Caroline Beste (47m 49s):
Or do I keep seeing the same insect? What is that message? Well, and I think, yes.

Rahansia (47m 54s):
Well, when the, when the bee stings you, I would say, okay, what's happening in that moment? And what's the message? Yes. Yeah, because yeah, yeah. It's trying to get your And what does the

Caroline Beste (48m 6s):
Mean? Yeah. What does, what's, what's the totem animal mean? And I have that

Lydia P. (48m 12s):
They, they have stung me to help with arthritis in my wrists and things though too, they have actually stung me so they can help me keep working.

Rahansia (48m 22s):

Caroline Beste (48m 22s):
Yes. In the b the totem, the, the meaning for the bee is it's organized, industrial, productive wise, community celebration, fertility, sweetness, defensiveness, obsessive nature, and enjoys life. So I think, like you were saying, hanzi, you know, when I have gotten stung by bees, I will remind myself what the bee represents and where am I in that moment? Am I, do I need, is it a pause moment to say, Hey, you need to reflect on this, or maybe you're missing something and the B'S giving that back to you or you, or showing you that you need to get back to X, y, and Z in your life.

Caroline Beste (49m 7s):
And that's how I've looked at it

Rahansia (49m 9s):
And just getting your attention, you know, because it's, it's, it's one thing to see a be go by or just buzzing around you, but it's a different thing if you get stung or bitten by something that's a oh that's gonna wake you up more. So it's like, okay, what is this message here? What are you trying to tell me? And, and that's the most important thing. It's like, you know, we can read all these things in the book, you know, but, but when your animal comes to you, your guy comes to you in that moment, it's like, what is the message within you that's, that's that's coming. And to really meditate on that, because, you know, when we look that way, it's more in the mystical.

Rahansia (49m 56s):
Yes. It's not just logical in a book that someone else is saying, because it can have a ton of different messages, you know. So it's important. It's like even our dreams, you know, when we wake up with our dreams, you can go have a dream book and it can tell you this and this, but it's like, what was your feeling in that moment? Yes. What, yes, what, what were, you know, what was happening in that, you know, in that dream, that on the feeling level. And then you can go back and say, okay, what was the message with that? So

Caroline Beste (50m 31s):
This is

Lydia P. (50m 31s):
A, I can take a second. Yes. This is a, this is a really good example. John and I were on our honeymoon going down to Mexico and all the signs to go down there, even though my mother really wanted us to go, were, don't go, don't go. The truck broke down, don't go. And my mother was getting really sick. And so I made John stop in between houses along the California coast. Right. I need to see the ocean and there's no dessert because everybody owns it. And I just, we, we came down this street and I looked out, he stopped, I looked out and these, the dolphins came up out of the waves moving north.

Lydia P. (51m 19s):
And I was like, and I got a sense of peace about me. And I was like, we need to go back to the Oregon coast. And I went back to the truck and I said, we need to go back to the Oregon coast. You know, it was this that plain and simple. And when we got back to the Oregon coast, we had maybe about five or six days there before we had to come home and five days before she died.

Caroline Beste (51m 44s):

Lydia P. (51m 44s):
It was like bam, bam, bam. Yeah.

Caroline Beste (51m 47s):
Yeah. Beautiful.

Rahansia (51m 50s):
So it's so important that we listen, really stop and listen to those messages. And, and sometimes if we don't, we keep getting hit over the head, it'll get louder and louder and louder. And then it's like, oh my gosh, didn't I hear that? You know, I should have heard that. So I have like a catastrophe or something happen. So yes.

Lydia P. (52m 14s):
Literally get hit in the head with something. Maybe even stand up so fast I hit myself in the head

Caroline Beste (52m 21s):
Or I just keep getting stung by bees. Exactly.

Rahansia (52m 26s):
Or bitten by fire answer, you know.

Caroline Beste (52m 29s):
Yes. All the above. What's it gonna take? I hear you. Yeah. So I think, you know, for anybody out there that would, would like to, you know, experience this more frequently or for the first time, I think there's a lot of great golden nuggets here to, to help assist you and open opening your mind up and taking the time to get quiet and just pay attention to what's around you. And, and everything speaks. Everything has a, to me has a message. Yeah. And that's not far from any of, like you were talking about the indigenous tribes. I mean the Native Americans, they, you look at the history, they all believed in that and lived their life accordingly.

Caroline Beste (53m 15s):
Hold on for one second. Let me grab that. My mom, you guys the podcast.

Lydia P. (53m 20s):
You're good.

Caroline Beste (53m 21s):
Well, Let me get it though. Cause we're live

Lydia P. (53m 32s):
Life happens.

Rahansia (53m 33s):

Lydia P. (53m 36s):
I love that picture Behind on our wall. Yeah. I love that painting.

Rahansia (53m 41s):

Lydia P. (53m 42s):
It is.

Caroline Beste (53m 46s):
Mom, I, I'll call back. Okay. Thank

Rahansia (53m 51s):
Baby And a mama.

Caroline Beste (53m 54s):
I know. That's the only thing being in line, that's edit, taking,

Lydia P. (54m 0s):
Taking care of the, her stewardship.

Caroline Beste (54m 2s):
Stewardship gotta take care of my mom. So it is the best I can do right now. Yeah. So anyway, anything else you all want to add, Raia?

Rahansia (54m 16s):
Well, yeah. One of, remember when we were gathered at your place and we were going to, you know, I was coming up for a writing lesson and I thought we were gonna ride Zor. And so

Caroline Beste (54m 31s):
Last year, this year, last January,

Rahansia (54m 34s):

Caroline Beste (54m 36s):

Rahansia (54m 36s):
Year. And so I thought that was interesting cause I thought I would be riding Zor again, you know, because he is so much easier to sit on with his wife back. But

Caroline Beste (54m 46s):
Compared, hold on, compared to Lovey. I don't know how to shut this thing off guys. It's there. I just, it's my mom's phone, my brother's calling. Sorry. Yes. That's okay. Anyway, yeah. So yeah,

Rahansia (55m 1s):
So she kept, lovey kept putting her butt to me and it was like, no, we're not riding today. So we just got quiet and said, okay, what is it that you wanna share with us? And then that opened up to a whole other thing where she was sharing us about not having an agenda with the, you know, with the horses, how are we gonna move forward? And it was let the horses show us the way, you know, where, just be with them and not have an agenda with them. And then, you know, and then it went on and on and on for a while. But what was interesting towards the end is that Lovey was showing how they can be shapeshifters, just like you were talking about the Native Americans.

Rahansia (55m 44s):
And they could shapeshift and to different animals. They could shape shapeshift, the animals would shape shift into people and you know, go back and forth. And, but Lovey was showing too, how, how the, the, the horses could be a host for our spirit animal guides to come into them and assist us in healing. So in other words, like what I saw was the elephant energy could come into lovey and that elephant energy then could work with whoever we're working with on a, just a different energy. And that just was so cool to me because I never had thought about that before or, you know, it was just really neat.

Rahansia (56m 30s):
So a tiger, yes, your spirit guide is a tiger, whatever it is, could come through lovey and then work energetically with that energy. So they're just so versatile, you know, as far as the horses energetically, and like even the unicorn, I feel the unicorn is real and they're the highest of the wisdom totems, and they can travel interdimensionally. So, you know, there's, there's just a lot more that when we open up to all of this, we can receive so much more than what we even thought was possible.

Rahansia (57m 11s):
You know, that's, yes. That's the, that's the really neat, cool part of it.

Caroline Beste (57m 15s):
Where does the unicorn originate? Like what is the mysticism the story behind that, I forget?

Rahansia (57m 24s):
Well, I think that was, you know, I think it was probably like a horned animal that, that I think went back into history or whatever, that it came. But see to me, it's all in the mystical. Just like I believe in a lot of things that are interdimensional beings like Bigfoot. Yes. You know, because I know people have seen that.

Caroline Beste (57m 47s):
I believe in that. Yeah. I so believe in that.

Rahansia (57m 50s):
Yes. And we have, we have a woman when I was living in Sedona, and we would go out to her ranch and she would have all these, she, she would see the big, and it was white. It would, it was a big white Sasquatch. And she would see it go by her window and she would leave grapes out there for it, you know, on a plate. And in the morning there would be, the grapes would be gone and there would be hieroglyphic writing on the sand, and the plate would be turned over and the stick would be on top of the plate. And then she would go out to her barn and the mayor would, the mayor who was pregnant, would have all this white fur on the bottom of it from this white Sasquatch.

Rahansia (58m 39s):
And so, but she had all kinds of, she would take pictures and have all these white orbs and things all around. We would go out there and hang out because there was a lot of things kind of happen, you know, in Sedona there's just, there's a lot of different energies. It's

Caroline Beste (58m 54s):
A magical place.

Rahansia (58m 56s):

Caroline Beste (58m 56s):
Well UFOs, if you believe in UFOs. Yeah. So here we go. Yeah,

Rahansia (59m 3s):
Definitely. And just, you know, like it, when I was living in Sedona, I remember waking up one morning and saying, wow, I just would really love to have the energy of a horse. I just really wanna be around a horse. I just, it was so loud in me. And I lived in this little tree house on this fruit tree farm, you know, that was kind of down in a valley down by the creek. And I walk outside that morning and here comes this horse walking down through a pasture. There were no horses around there, Caroline and Lydia. I didn't know of any horses in the area. And all of a sudden this horse just comes walking down through this pasture, walks up to me.

Rahansia (59m 45s):
And I said, oh my gosh, thank you. Oh wow, this is so awesome. Thank you. And I like was in gratitude and then gave me this energy and then walked off and left. Now later I heard, oh yeah, there was a horse down, there's a horse down the road. And he gets out sometimes. But it was like, you know, pretty cool that that happens. So

Caroline Beste (1h 0m 7s):
Beautiful, beautiful.

Rahansia (1h 0m 9s):
Being open and manifesting, you know, whatever our intention is, you know, it's so powerful that when, when we think of God, the universe, everything is possible. So it's really getting into the unlimited mind and opening up to those mystical experiences and the Native Americans, they were all open to the other worlds and, you know, other beings. And you know, it's not just us here. And so, yeah.

Caroline Beste (1h 0m 43s):
Aw, beautiful. We've been educated to be limited.

Rahansia (1h 0m 47s):
Pardon me? Yes. Well, the ego is, the ego is limited. The ego wants us to keep us in these boxes, in this confinement. Yes. So when we move into the cycle, mystical mind into the mystical, then the ego, it, you know, it doesn't have control over us. And you know, one of the things too is that when we see the beauty in all things, that's when we know we're in the mystical, you know, there are no questions, there are no wondering why you don't, you know, it just is in

Caroline Beste (1h 1m 24s):
That's moment.

Rahansia (1h 1m 25s):
Yeah. And that's our horses, our animals are in the moment. They're in the present moment on the mystical.

Caroline Beste (1h 1m 33s):
Yeah. Yeah. I love that. I love that. Yep. Absolutely. Absolutely. I think it's easier said than done. I know a lot of my, my students struggle, you know, with being still and being comfortable with being still and quiet and creating that space in their daily life where they can be still in quiet. So Yeah. But one of, so one help.

Rahansia (1h 2m 1s):
Yes. One of my spiritual teachers said, the longest journey for any master on this planet is from the head to the heart.

Caroline Beste (1h 2m 10s):
I have heard that before. Yes, yes, yes.

Rahansia (1h 2m 14s):
And they're, they're, you know, the, the, the India, you know, the, in India, they've been doing, doing yogas and different techniques for thousands of years that help us clear the energies and get to that place where we can be peaceful. So it's a, it's a

Caroline Beste (1h 2m 30s):
Discipline we think, with our hearts. Yeah. It is a discipline and a practice. And where we think with our hearts, you know, as a, a lot of, I don't know what term you wanna call people like this. I believe in it, we all believe in it here, but we have three brains. We have the cognitive, the cerebral brain, we have the heart, and then we have the gut and the heart and the gut are capable. That's your intuition. You know, they're capable of, of picking up and understanding energy messages, information through the nervous system way faster than we process it in our brains, however it goes to our brain.

Caroline Beste (1h 3m 12s):
But the first place, just like the animals through the sensory aware and the nervous system. And it, and that's why, you know, horses are such great teachers in so many ways, is how to get more, you know, back to that intuit intuition and, and not respecting the intuition, but believing in it and allowing it and, and, and living our life a more, more intuition, you know, and not so much of the, the cognitive cerebral. Yeah. It, it is tough, but it can be done.

Rahansia (1h 3m 46s):
And one of the, one of the things we can do practice with is just when we have a thought before we speak it, when that thought is there, bring that thought down to the heart. So then you're actually speaking from that place, from the heart place. So it's a practice that, you know, the more you do it, it becomes a yoga. And then, and you know, at first the ego doesn't like all this stuff because it wants us to stay, you know, it likes to have

Lydia P. (1h 4m 17s):
The fight over.

Caroline Beste (1h 4m 18s):

Rahansia (1h 4m 19s):

Caroline Beste (1h 4m 21s):
Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Absolutely. And the ego is, you know, in charge of, it's kind of like having the little devil on your shoulder, you know, the negative thoughts, the, the hesitations, the cri criticisms, the opinions. And so just listening to what really feels right, right within you, we get caught up with what, well, what will someone else think? Or, you know, their opinion. So that's, that Is

Rahansia (1h 4m 50s):
Anything that's anti you is the ego.

Lydia P. (1h 4m 54s):
I, I reassigned mine. Reassigned mine. What? I reassigned my ego a different job. I told you,

Caroline Beste (1h 5m 4s):
You reassigned

Lydia P. (1h 5m 5s):
What I wanted it to do and what it is. I said, you are a computer chip to hold information, facts, and truths to be used at a later date.

Caroline Beste (1h 5m 16s):

Rahansia (1h 5m 18s):
That is good. I just set mine aside. Okay. When it comes up and I hear it, I just say, okay, you're gonna go over there for a while, you can just hang out over there. And then after a while it

Caroline Beste (1h 5m 28s):

Rahansia (1h 5m 29s):

Lydia P. (1h 5m 30s):
Mine was too loud. I couldn't even be in the same room. No.

Caroline Beste (1h 5m 34s):
Oh my God, I love it. Kick it out.

Rahansia (1h 5m 37s):
You know that, that's the first thing you guys is to recognize that when we can recognize the difference, you know, that that's, that's awesome. And then we can start saying, okay. And it just gets less and less the more we practice with it.

Caroline Beste (1h 5m 52s):
Yes. Yes. Absolutely. All right, well, I'm gonna wrap this up. Thank you. Thank you. Beautiful. This is exciting. And y'all know where to find Hanya healing horses. Number eight.com. Thank you, Hanya. This is a great way to start the new year. And you and I keep rescheduling, but we're gonna have a date where we do some filming of what we're talking about and we'll be sharing that with everybody on our YouTube channels too. So stay tuned. We keep trying, but I'm the one that's got so much going on with my mom and finding a rhythm with being her caregiver now and then we've all kind of been feeling a little funky and under the weather, so we're just trying to not go there.

Caroline Beste (1h 6m 42s):
But hopefully, hopefully the sooner than later, you and I can get together and, and, and do some of this. And thank you. Thanks, Lydia. Thank you. Love you guys.

Rahansia (1h 6m 52s):
Thank you. Love you guys. Love

Caroline Beste (1h 6m 54s):
All of you. May always be one with your horse. And I don't have any other podcast planned, I don't think, for the month of January, and I didn't bring my list for February, but I think Mustang Meg is coming up in February, so we'll follow up with with her. She's very popular and has a, she's a beautiful artist and has a phenomenal program with the Mustang. So

Lydia P. (1h 7m 19s):
We have a symposium.

Rahansia (1h 7m 21s):
You have a Symposium?

Caroline Beste (1h 7m 22s):
Oh yeah, I have my symposium. So for any Floridian. That's right. I'll be doing my first in-person. Rashansia. I hope you can come to this in-person. I haven't done anything, I haven't done any clinics in years. I've done private work, but I haven't done any clinics. So this is my first symposium. It'll be at Emily in, in Jonas's farm, in Center Hill, Florida, January 28th. And I'll be working with a couple of horses that I've never worked with. And it's the connect, the power of connection with horses. So I will be teaching some of the things that I teach with horses. I, I'm gonna bring, Zar gonna bring my big boy to this.

Caroline Beste (1h 8m 4s):
So this will be interesting. He hasn't been off the farm. Oh, this's gonna be fun. So we're gonna have a sleepover together and Emily says Becky's gonna be there. So we're real, we're gonna film it. So for those of you that can't come to it, we will be, I'll be offering it. Yeah, I know Lydia. Oh my God.

Lydia P. (1h 8m 28s):
Could be there in spirit. I will be. But film it so I can see it. Please.

Caroline Beste (1h 8m 32s):
Yes. Absolutely. Absolutely. So yeah, other than that, there's no other podcast for this month and, but You're having a q and a that day. You're also having a Q & A that day. Yes, You too. Well, the 27th that Friday the 27th. Yep. We'll be doing my usual Facebook Q & A. So email me if you guys have anything you want me to talk about. All right, well thank you. Love to All, enjoy the rest of your day. Thank you, Rahansia. Thank you Lydia. I love you guys. Everyone. Bye. Thank you. And Lydia, I'll talk to you after this. Okay. Bye.