Everything Horses & More! Podcasts

Mastery Membership Riding Foundation Art of Lunging Interview

Caroline Beste Episode 122

I hope you enjoy an interview by one of my youngest students, Sarah, who is only 17! 

Sarah's interview is for her senior thesis and her horsemanship.

Sarah did an excellent job asking questions. Lunging is an art, the art of movement and in my method, it's also about the art of connection and synchronicity in heart, mind and body energy.

We are all living, energy beings. There is nothing more powerful, magical or healthy than connecting with our horses in heart/relationship, mind/thought and body/movement. 

My art of lunging comes full circle too and not only teaches you how to develop horses inside out, it includes biomechanics, energy, connection, self-regulation, collection and most of all teaches the rider how to develop the movement they want to ride in their horse and in themselves.

I teach all about this and how to start a horse, from the inside out, ground to riding, start to finish, rehab to recovery, novice to pro in my big MasteryMembership Riding Foundation Program https://www.taoofhorsemanship.com/masterymembership. 
