Everything Horses & More! Podcasts

From Trusting Ourselves to Asking the "Why" & Building a Foundation with Our Horse

Caroline Beste

Today's LIVE podcast: From Trusting Ourselves to Asking the "Why" & Building a Foundation with Our Horse with Ariela Kelley

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Welcome to our podcast: Everything Horses & More! Podcasts -
Educating, Liberating & Inspiring Horse Owners Around the World
Enjoy and may you always be one with your horse!

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MasteryMembership™ Riding Foundation Program - A Comprehensive, Step-by-Step Training System that Teaches You How to Develop Your Horse’s Riding Foundation – from ground training to riding bitless and as one!  https://www.taoofhorsemanship.com/masterymembership

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Join our LIVE radio show each week and our REVOLUTION in horse care, handling, training, and achieve the life, relationship, and ride of your dreams!

Every week we bring you education, expert advice, and inspiration about horse’s, training and living authentically.

We spend time diving in deep, talking about complex areas in horsemanship such as horse psychology, biological behavior and nurture, the real secrets to being safe with horses and how to achieve the beste relationship and ride of your dreams with your horse!

And, that’s not all! We also get real and honest about our personal lives and experiences, sharing what’s worked and what hasn’t about everything related to horses and more.

Weekly podcasts are streamed LIVE every Wednesday at 12pm EST/USA on the Tao of Horsemanship Facebook page.

Podcasts are hosted by Caroline Beste and co-hosted by Sabrina Arbogast. Guests are invited periodically.

Hope you can join us and our REVOLUTION in horse care, handling, training, and living

Sabrinia Arbogast (10s):
Welcome to Everything Horses & More! Podcasts. Educating, liberating, inspiring horse owners around the world. Join our lab radio show and a revolution in horse care, handling training, and achieve the laugh relationship and ride of your dreams. Every week we bring you education, expert advice and inspiration about horses, training and living authentically. We spend time diving in deep talking about complex areas in horsemanship, such as for psychology, biological behavior and nurture the real secrets to being safe with horses and how to achieve the best relationship and right of your dreams with your horse. And that's not all, we also get real and honest about our personal lives and experiences sharing what's worked and what hasn't about everything related to horses and more weekly podcasts.

Sabrinia Arbogast (60s):
are streamed live every Wednesday at 12:00 PM. Eastern standard time, on the Tao of horsemanship Facebook page. Podcasts are hosted by Caroline Beste and co-hosted by Sabrina Arbogast. Guests are invited periodically hope. You can join us in a revolution in horse care, handling, training, and living.

Caroline Beste (1m 21s):
Welcome back. Caroline Beste, Everything Horses & More! Podcast. Educating, liberating and inspiring horse owners around the world. Thank you for joining our revolution in horse care, handling training, problem solving and writing. You know who? My lovely, since there's three of us, my lovely co-host is Sabrina Arbogast. And today we have another guest. This is awesome. And student Ariella Pesta, and our topic today, while we're going to be covering a lot of things, this is exciting. This is a lot of information, but we're going to stick with this topic of, from trusting ourselves, to asking the why and building a foundation with our horse.

Caroline Beste (2m 8s):
And that's why we call it everything horses and more. So it's all about horses and so much more. And so welcome Ariella.

Ariella (2m 18s):
Thank you. I just want to say her last name is Kelly now because my husband is probably listening.

Caroline Beste (2m 25s):
Oh, that's right. Okay. Well, you got to change your, your email. I know, I know I took it straight from your email. My dear. It should be your husband's last name. Well, not everybody does that though. All right. Well, we'll fix that later. Ariella Kelly. Awesome. My dear, we have so much, where do you want to start? Just go. Let's go with the flow. Okay. The first thing what's the most? Why are you here? What do you wanna talk about?

Ariella (3m 0s):
Well, the first thing that I think would connect to a lot of other people is just kind of where I started. I'll just take a couple of minutes and kind of explain the beginning. And that's when I was 27, I'm 39 now. And it's really when I got my first horse and didn't know anything and sorry. And I found a girlfriend of mine suggested this trainer who was into natural horsemanship, which she kind of explained to me what it was. And it sounded good compared to what I, I kind of had some lessons when I was younger and it never really resonated with me. And so I started with it.

Ariella (3m 41s):
I got this horse and started with this trainer and I won't name like the trainer that she studied with, but it entailed running the horse around the round pan. And I didn't know why there was no explanation. I was just in the middle, awkward her explaining when to cut the horse off and make sure her butt doesn't turn that her butt turns away from me. And I was just like so confused. And it was not

Caroline Beste (4m 18s):
Well, it's snubbing them into the round pen because you are cause they're taught dominance for the dominant, submissive, horrible round pen or that you to change direction. You snubbed them, throw them into the round pen because you want to, you want to dominate them. You don't want them to look at you. I hate that. Yeah. And unfortunately that's.

Ariella (4m 43s):
Yeah. And so now looking back, it breaks my heart because, and, and now the horse is fine and she's has a good home and doesn't go through any of that. And, but looking back, I remember her constantly turning in and asking a question and the horse being so confused. And every time I left a lesson, I would cry in my car and I never, I was like, but this is, you know, when you're new to something and somebody, you, you seek out a teacher, which is totally normal. Yeah. But because you're so insecure and it's also this big horse and she was a very big horse.

Ariella (5m 26s):
This is where the trust comes in is I just kept numbing and turning off that inner, like this doesn't this isn't right. Like, why am I feeling this way? Why does this feel so abusive? And I'm so, so dismissive of the horse and you know, what it worked Nala, which was her name ended up being, you know, a good trail horse, but she was, she was shut down. Now that I have learned so much and I can look back and see, and I remember we used to just, she would stand there and bounce balls off of her, but it was all with this neglecting, whatever she was going through.

Ariella (6m 7s):
When I look back it's like, as if she was just this harried bicycle that we, I mean, it was like, so that was my introduction. And so that's kind of why I sent you like the trusting yourself, because so many times I've you look to somebody else to, to teach you, but then there's something wrong with it, but you don't know intellectually. And so, yeah, that's kind of where the trust trusting yourself came up. Let me

Caroline Beste (6m 41s):
Good point. You bring up that I get from, I think everybody, you might have to mute me. I don't know. I'm echoing. I think I'm good right now. I was echoing Sabrina, we're good over here. I'm just hoping it doesn't echo off of Ariella, but yeah, that's what most of you guys write into me when you find me. And, you know, as a teacher, you know, obviously as a student too, and in my learning curve, the biggest piece that's missing when you guys are in those situations is honestly, you're not in the beginning. You're not seeking out an education you are seeking or going to someone that's going to show you one thing or one technique, or, and it's like, you just didn't know any better.

Caroline Beste (7m 29s):
And then you guys get thrown into these situations of learning pieces of the education pieces. If you even want to call them pieces of the education. And instead of starting out slowly, and honestly, that's what I did. When I got back into horses. I had enough time to think about all of this and how I wanted to do it, versus what I was brought up with that I, that I I'm, you know this, because I've told you guys this personally, when you were here for your immersion, I took two years off to study and to study different people, to study one main way, but to study many different people, many different levels, many different disciplines to get the most well-rounded education.

Caroline Beste (8m 13s):
But the point I'm making is very little did. What was I put in that position? Very seldom was I put in the position, like you just said, where I felt horrible. It did happen, but less than I can count on my hand in two years. And we have to go through that. We can't avoid it, but I think going into horses when we go back into it. So we're not so naïve and trusting is really understanding how important the principles are, you know, to your education and to really taking the time to not jump in and practice. Everybody wants to do it. Everybody wants to do it.

Caroline Beste (8m 53s):
And instead, step back and go, who do I want to do it with? And then if I want to do it, like now you're doing that. You're doing that completely now, but it's, and you've tried that with other people as well. And hopefully right now you find, you have found the way with me, but I, you know, if there's one piece of advice I can give it doesn't matter what age you are. You know? Cause most of my audience is coming back to horses later in life is take your time, you know, take your time to learn and study the stupid fly, learn and study. And before you start fucking up the horse and feeling horrible to put it bluntly and we've all been there.

Caroline Beste (9m 34s):
So I, I'm trying to teach you to be smarter. You guys and healthier, you know, that's all I, that resonates with you. Doesn't it definitely. Yeah. I mean, I wish I had me back then he too. And he'd probably say, well, I wish at least I knew you Caroline, you know, 10 plus years ago. And, and heard my, you know, as I say, when it, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear and the teacher can appear in many forms. It's not just in the human form, it's in the horse form. It's in the written material. It's, it's in a quote that you read a book that you read. It can be in so many different forms, but when we're ready, then we start listening.

Caroline Beste (10m 15s):
And so we all take the, the journey and the path that we're we're meant to take. Yeah. Sorry. I ramble. We got a lot to talk about dude, which is good, but yeah. So that was a, that was a pivotal point for you from what you've also told me personally, in your learning and where you areola decided I've got to search out the knowledge and who, where did you go after that experience?

Ariella (10m 43s):
So I, I stopped after that experience, I gave my horse to my farrier at the time he still has her. I was so discouraged. And so that's when I began to read and read a lot and then

Caroline Beste (10m 60s):
I'm going to kill it.

Ariella (11m 4s):
And then we, then I traveled, I went to Denmark and studied with some people there and Colorado. And you know, a lot of people that I talk to there's one trainer who I can say I saw in person had a beautiful relationship with our horses. But the way it was explained was like very abstract. And there wasn't like concrete things to it. And especially years ago at that time, I wasn't really ready for it. And that really tied together with what you do. It was like a lot of aha moments at the immersion with what I saw in Denmark with you, you put words to it and more of a, like just reality to it.

Ariella (11m 55s):
And it's more approachable with you and presentable and real and learnable. And I love that you go into it really does start with us. And, and like, I feel like I don't deserve to, you know, like if you want to learn anything, dance, piano, whatever you, like you said, you can't just jump into it. And, and wa like, I wanted so bad, you know, and a lot of it was my ego looking back, like I want to do that. And I got so far away from the original reason. And I think so many, the people that are drawn to horses, especially like little girls.

Ariella (12m 39s):
Like if you look back the reason, what's the reason you're drawn to horses, you know, if you're a five-year-old kid, what's your first instinct. I want to put a bit in its mouth, in a saddle, and I want to kick it and ride off into the sunset. No, your, your true heart is like, Oh, you're this magnificent animal. And you represent curiosity and freedom and strength and relationship, and you just love them.

Caroline Beste (13m 10s):
And I just want to hug you and kiss absolutely.

Ariella (13m 14s):
And have that bond and that relationship. And it's like joyful. And that's what I got to see you have with your horses, along with the things that we want, as we get older, like riding that's fair to them and in a way that they enjoy it. I mean, what I saw at the immersion was like, and I sent you that email. It just gave me, it shifted things on a deep level that it's like, you know, I went off on a tangent, but

Caroline Beste (13m 44s):
No, and thank you because that's, that's why I tell you guys often in the private Facebook webinars that we have for the MasteryMembership Program dedicated to all of you students who dedicate yourself to this work of mine is you do need to come and experience me and the horses. It's one thing to watch me and see it visually, because you know, learning comes in different phases for all of us. You know, you only know what, you know, you don't know what you don't know. So you all may know what you know, when you see in those videos and I may speak your truth and articulate your tooth for you and you get it.

Caroline Beste (14m 25s):
But that's your, that's your consciousness. That's where you are in your level of consciousness at that point. Meaning that's where that's all, you know, until you come and you did, you girls did experience it. One-on-one, it is not only a reality, as you said, you're in the actual reality of all of this working and happening between a herd of horses with you, but you are feeling it. It's a feeling. It's the feeling that you can't get unless you come here. And that's the experience. That's number one for me to give to you, because you have all the knowledge.

Caroline Beste (15m 6s):
You have all the education in the program. Not saying that it's the end all be all. There's always, always, always, always, always stuff to learn. And there's off shoots of learning too. But when you come here, what's the number one goal for me and what would be the goal if I was in your shoes and I have been there. And then for me, as I say in the program, I want to bring, and this is what we all, just what you just said. So eloquently is, you know, I want to bring us back to the joy of the joy that we felt as a child, around our horses and the law. And it comes from the heart chakra. It comes from the innocence.

Caroline Beste (15m 48s):
Unfortunately we no longer have, but the innocence of being a child and being naive and being pure of heart and having no agenda. And I don't need to talk to you cognitively about it, to, to teach you that way again, as an adult, because so much of what I teach is in a process called unconscious learning. I talk a little bit about in the program about how subconscious my work is, and it's very organic and it's extremely non-linear. So we never tackle one thing. Head on everything is everything keeps building you and building you. So by the time you were ready mentally, like you are now, man, things just clicked. Now you go home after this immersion and the study that you've done.

Caroline Beste (16m 30s):
And you're like, everything I wanted, all of my life has now just happened. It's all coming together with your horses. And it has nothing to do about training. You didn't teach them this. You were the one that made the change. They were waiting for that change. There are always so many steps ahead of us waiting for us to become that change. It's just amazing.

Ariella (16m 60s):
It is. Yeah.

Caroline Beste (17m 2s):
I mean, do you want to read what you sent me? You want me to read it?

Ariella (17m 5s):
Sure. You can. It actually, when you said it's unconscious learning and it happens so organically, that's exactly what it was. I wasn't even aware. Yeah. Yeah. You can read it if you want. Yeah.

Caroline Beste (17m 26s):
It's, it's, I'm so glad that you said yes to this. And I will also read this at the webinar for the group on Friday, because this is what we all want. We all want what you, you came away from, you came away with, should I say? And all right. So Ariella writes to me yesterday last night. I think it got it this morning or I responded, yes.

Ariella (17m 53s):
Okay. I was going to say something really quick before you read that and this will tie into it. So my husband has the relationship with the horses that, and I watch him and I'm kind of like, it's so natural for him. And before I came to your immersion, it was something I had like an anxiety about like how I want that. Like, he goes in there with a huge bag of food and they're not all on top of him. And he like pores. That's just one example. And, and so it was something I would watch him and I would love watching him with them, but there was always this also this feeling of like, why don't they react that way to me?

Ariella (18m 36s):
And it was like that linear thinking. And I want that. And then also negative self-talk. And so when I got back from the immersion and after you read what I wrote, I realized too, this is nothing that Brad is trying to emit. It's just, it just is. And they feel so good around him. And it's so clear for them and he doesn't have to force anything or do anything. And it's not, what's the word when you try too hard, you like overcompensate, you know, like I would overcompensate a lot, especially because I'm little. And if I'm surrounded by a bunch of horses, I might get bigger than I need to be. Instead of, and now I'm not being, as I'm not being bigger than I need to be.

Ariella (19m 19s):
And it feels, it's just such a, like it's coming from my heart, but also like that root chakra. And it's just like a much more peaceful way of being, and it happened so naturally. So

Caroline Beste (19m 36s):
Yes, yes, yes, yes, absolutely. I know you might want to turn me down while I read this on your computer. Ariella turn, mute me or mute your yourself just until, well, until I'm done, because it's going to echo. I know we're still trying to figure out all this stuff. Okay. So you wrote me and you started out with saying, cause I asked you guys and I will. I always ask my students when you win, before you leave or after you leave, can you talk about it? If you had a positive experience, can you either write me a testimonial? And now that you all came as a group, I wanted you all to share your experience for others.

Caroline Beste (20m 20s):
So you wrote me and said, so studying your online course and talking with you over the phone while it felt amazing and sounded wonderful. And what I was reading online was all, yes, yes, yes. What I've been through on this journey before you was seeking out others farther along than me has been pretty discouraging and disappointing because these other masters or people say all the right words and you think, okay, this person is really on the same page and I'm in alignment with this, but then in person, yeah, in real life, not to mention after spending money on travel and all it's not what they say it is, it's the same BS of linear.

Caroline Beste (20m 60s):
And you do this and you get this pressure of beliefs. Like these animals are pushed buttons with no soul desire or bodies of their own. There's no real cultivating to create and hold space for the horse to want to be with you. And I always left sane. Well, at least I know what I don't want to do. Yeah. Holding space is big for me and my work. And yeah, it's an energetic presence specifically in your first and fourth, chakra your heart. But it's an, it's an cognitive one as far as its mission, tensional energetic space. And I mentioned to you, in my response to this, to your email, the power of intention is mindblowing.

Caroline Beste (21m 48s):
And the only time that the power of your intention for any of us can fully, the potential of it can fully be activated is when, when we experience what you experienced after the immersion. And, and that is that you became congruent. What you felt is what you should code and your body language. So two out of three were congruent your feelings with your actions. And the third level of congruency is the mind what you think. So you didn't have the, the, what do you call it? The negative talk. You didn't have the stories. You had a quiet mind. You didn't have the static energy as I call it.

Caroline Beste (22m 30s):
Or the white noise you were still in, in that stillness comes clarity T period, rock the mic on that. So everybody wants to read about how do you get clarity? How do you get still? You want to read about it? And it's like going to a therapist. You know, I don't want to fucking talk about my shit, you know, from my childhood anymore. I want to talk about where I'm at and how, from where I'm at. I can get from here to where I want to be. You know? And because what happens is you just keep playing that story. You just keep playing the loop over and over and over again. And the brain recognizes that as a pattern and for the brain, it hangs on to patterns because patterns are recognized as comfort zones.

Caroline Beste (23m 12s):
I mean, I know all about the shit, this deep psychology crap. So, you know, that was what I was thinking. When I developed this work of mine too, is how do we get out of that mind trap? It's a frickin mind trap. And, and this goes away from the technique of horsemanship. You know, I'm just talking mentally, but it's, I want to drive this home, how powerful the impact was for you. And, and you need to remember that because that's going to become not something that you will cognitively, I have to keep thinking about for it to happen, but to recognize, to bring that awareness to when it is happening.

Caroline Beste (23m 53s):
And that is truly the own. That's when I explain the own experiences in my life that have affected other people affected, it felt it energetically. And when you reach that home, you've truly reached into a higher level of enlightenment and transcendence. And in while we, we need to read about what all of this stuff means, you can't, I've met so many people, enlightened people in my journey in life, but they're cognitively enlightened. They're not spiritually enlightened, meaning they haven't really intuitively felt what you just felt, Ariella. I mean, it doesn't get any more real than that. So you came with this open heart, you created this space of love.

Caroline Beste (24m 37s):
You tapped back into that inner child. It was pure. It vibrated like the own. It took over and it just reverberated and showed up in your body just like when you watch and admire your husband and how he does this, this silent dance with the horses and as a farrier. And we're going to have him on next month as a farrier, how he's able to listen to the horses and meet them where they need to be, which completely changes the entire dynamic of what he has to do with these guys. I mean, he's, to me, you know, Oh, a whisper because he listens.

Caroline Beste (25m 20s):
So yeah, you felt it, your body mirrored it, the horses went. Yeah, she gets it. She's one of us and the mind was still, so you had the utmost clarity in that moment. So I'm going to continue reading. So Ariella writes. So what I wanted to share is after experiencing in the flesh and re, and in real life, what you have with your horses, something deep inside of me, something that now can never be messed with ever again, shifted. And it's like, it's this beautiful opening and flow of what is possible. Flow is a good word. It's just a knowing of what I can have that did the shift, I believe, and is re-invigorated the inner child in me that all along just wanted a relationship and a joy and adventure and a dance and fun and exploration, bonding, and a conversation and awareness of spirit beautifully put.

Caroline Beste (26m 15s):
And when I got home to Tennessee to our farm, I didn't even know the shift had already had really happened. That's how real it was. It just is. It just became what is, and I had no words for it. I just went about my life in business with no real awareness of what had happened inside of me. I told my friends and family about it, that I did love the immersion and felt I grew and learned intellectually for sure. And bonded with you and the girls had a great experience, but I didn't know what had taken place inside my core. And then I went about my days with the animals and horses, with feeding and chores, et cetera, just regular life. And I noticed the horses really wanted to be around me. I noticed them moving out of the way without me trying as it went to get another three horses out to feed.

Caroline Beste (27m 0s):
Normally they crowd the gate wanting to be the next group out to eat their feet. These are just a couple of many examples of them reacting differently to me and being different. Something was so different. And it's been this way since I got back from the immersion in regards to everything, not just feeding them, I'm talking, I think with my mind, well, that's what we practiced. Isn't it in the immersion. I Really, How do I want to put it drove that home with you guys every day throughout your day. Talk to them pretty amazing.

Caroline Beste (27m 41s):
I think in my mind, Hey, I need you to move over this way so I can do X, Y, Z. And it happens. And they are looking at me. They are connecting and tuning into me without trying to do anything this change and them has drawn me to them even more so, because it feels so good to, I've been hanging out with them more, just scratching or playing around in the pasture, partly to see like, what is going on, what is so different and why? And then it hit me that they're reacting to me differently because my energy is different. I am emitting clear, more peaceful and confident energy from the deepest part of me authentically. I'd like to replace confident. You might feel confident, which is real, but it's really congruent because the horses don't care about your confidence.

Caroline Beste (28m 27s):
I mean, they do. And they don't, you know, they don't want to be around someone. That's not sure, but it's your, it's, it's deeper than that. You know, it's, it's hard in our culture, in our species, in the language that we develop per culture, but as a human race, you know, language can, can really make or break a situation. And, you know, and I talk about that in the program, choosing your words and really thinking about, because you're going to be talking to your horses and it's no different than how you talk to your children. How you talk to your husband, your spouse, your partner, your friends, wow. How we Say it reflects how we feel it, my energy.

Caroline Beste (29m 18s):
And then I had to think, why, why am I this way? Like when I'm putting this out so effortlessly and without even realizing it to where only two, where the only reason I looked within, the only reason I looked within and ask this question is because of their change in how they are around me. And it hit me. It's because I got to see what is possible at the immersion. And that put me at so much ease and alignment that it must've taken away. My anxiety, I had buried deep down that maybe I wasn't aware of as I went about my day with them, but clearly they were, and they reacted to it, which made me feel rejected. And like, I wasn't deserving of their respect or care or connection.

Caroline Beste (30m 1s):
This was negative vicious cycle and conversation I had with myself. And it was a lie. What I saw with your horses, not just the bit lists and no heavy saddles and all of the literal apical things that you rarely see in real life, but the fun and heard environment, they get to learn in and be in the respect and deep, deep love connection. Just to name a few, I realized that, getting to experience that and see that in such a simple and lovely way, I'm now in so much more peace and joy and wonder and excitement that I am able now to hold space for them just by having the shift that took place. And I'm holding myself with more respect in confidence, and they are feeling that in me and it feels good to them.

Caroline Beste (30m 45s):
I'm sure there will be challenges ahead as I try and implement new things and exercises that I'm unsure of or feel awkward executing, but that doesn't cause me any eggs, something deeper than me healed after the immersion. And I became more whole, it doesn't matter that I'm not where I want to be yet. What matters is now I can and will be. And they can feel that sense of knowing and steady footing that makes me want to cry. It's beautiful, but this is nothing I'm trying to do or trying to be like I was before. It's not something I can fake. It just is. And what's more is I know that there's more wholeness to come more healing, more abilities that will become part of me and my mind, body and soul more sweet growth and security and honor for them and for myself to be what my horses desire and feel good around.

Caroline Beste (31m 35s):
It feels like a pure smile and a peaceful eye. When I imagine the feeling as human expression, thank you, Caroline, for being your authentic self and following your dreams. Thank you. I want you all to feel that I love you guys to feel that. And I, and it gives back to the horses. It's not just about you guys, You know, my ultimate goal. Isn't for you, it's for them. But in that process, look at how much healing and wholeness can happen for you. Yes. Turn unmute you So you can talk now. Oh, that was beautiful.

Caroline Beste (32m 15s):
Oh, I love it. It's so cool. You know, now when I talk about the rambling experiences that I bring up often every week in the podcast or webinars, just with my daily interactions with my horses, you guys you'll get it. Know It's, it's so cool. Yeah. It's like, I notice lovies really quiet lately. And I had a major emotional purge personally this past weekend with my family and it breaks my heart and it hurts. And it's another growth for me personally.

Caroline Beste (32m 54s):
And stepping into me growing and changing and my family, not, not my married family and my birth family, not being able to embrace that change again. That's my whole life story. What disappointment, what hurt. And yet I'm strong enough to do that. And we get, so self-absorbed, we often, you know, walk around in our space, not paying attention. And, you know, luckily I do this for a living. So I am pretty aware. And I've noticed in my different horses, mostly lovey holding that space for me and before lovey would get ulcers and she'd colic just like I could do to many of my horses in the past.

Caroline Beste (33m 37s):
So I was really proud that she's just been really quiet and demure until I like play with her or something. So I did some relief scene this morning. I went over to her and I just opened the gate and I just, she could do whatever she wanted. You guys, I didn't expect anything. But the conversation I had was, I know you're, you're, you're trying to help me. And I want you to know that you don't need to own my stuff. I'm okay. I need you to be okay, because your okayness keeps me okay. You know, and, and I thanked her and I loved her and I kept my space. Like we were five feet. She was on the other side of the little paddock and I opened the gate and I just leaned on the gate.

Caroline Beste (34m 18s):
And I said, I love you. I just want to tell you that if you want to come over here and be with the boys, you do. But she just slowly like perked up and then just started licking and chewing. And then she came over and then she yawned and then she hugged me and we must have spent an hour. And of course the boys came over and wanted to get in on all the love. So we had a, a foursome going on, you know, where you're scratching to, and everybody's giving you their butts and their heart cakras and lovies Sabrina came to work and caught Lovey towards the end, you know, like a stallion squealing. Cause she's like, no, you know, I want you Caroline right now.

Caroline Beste (34m 60s):
And you know, it's just really cool horses have such an amazing way of they're so empathetic of holding that space for us. And I want us to learn how to give that back because in the process of giving that to someone else, whoever it is, humans too, it heals. And that's what you're talking about. Areola. It heals us. It is freeing it, lets it go. It just lets it all go.

Ariella (35m 31s):
Yeah. Those last like three sentences, you said articulate it so beautifully. That's why it makes sense to, to, because they, they do that for us. And it's just natural. That's just what they are. You know, I think like a lot of people that are into horses, they to shoe the idea of working on yourself first or being something that the horse would need or want to gravitate to.

Ariella (36m 13s):
But that, but even me like learning this, you know, over the years, I, I kind of almost didn't believe it. And I really, even though I read a lot and I thought, well, I need to work on me and my energy or my, whatever, my personal development or where my mind is that. And maybe doing some meditating and breathing and I really didn't do it, but it really is. It's like, you know, we talk about things that are so seems so simple, but then we don't really do them, but it's like, when you actually really do it, it's like, Whoa, this is real. Like, this is like a whole world of difference when you start with yourself.

Ariella (37m 1s):
I mean, like I don't, so let's stop right there. Yep. Stop there

Caroline Beste (37m 13s):
Your laptop because I'll still, you can still hear me right through the record to the, the zoom. Yeah. Okay. So then you won't, I won't hear us. We won't hear me echoing. You're good. So just keep that muted and it won't hurt our being able to talk. So can you talk for a second? Let me hear you. I can't hear you. All right. So I was wrong there, but I don't know what's going on Sabrina. I know. And I'm sorry. I'm just trying to figure out the echo-y and sorry guys. So yeah, when you go to speak area, you'll have to unmute yourself. I'm sorry. I don't know all this technology, but it's an organic process is the key. And that's where people are getting misled and seduced.

Caroline Beste (37m 52s):
And it's hard because there's so much of this talk now, especially in horse training, everybody wants to jump on. As you know, I'm always talking about being a marketing person. Everybody wants to jump on the same bandwagon of using the same language because they know, or they think they think it's working for their competitors and it's it's can be a bait or switch. It can be smoke and mirrors. It's hard to find the person the real deal, so to speak. But I just want to make it clear that everything that you've done is, is exactly what we should all be doing. And, and you gotta read, you need to intellectually, you know, cognitively try to wrap your brain around stuff.

Caroline Beste (38m 36s):
You can't not do that. It, it, it's not just one particular way Of eventually becoming or getting to This, this place where you're at or where I'm at. It's, it's a combination of, of many things that that's where the nonlinear comes in. And as we know her verses are very non-linear. And so it's kind of like, you got to do a little bit of everything until it all starts to fall into place. And sometimes you need a little bit more of one thing for a while and less of another until it just all that's the beauty of the program is I'm setting you guys up for all of that. All of that stuff is there.

Caroline Beste (39m 16s):
You'll take what you're ready to take. You'll absorb it. You'll you'll get it. You'll you'll you'll come. You can come back. I keep telling you to circle back. Cause there's so many layers to it. Just circle back and then you'll pick up what you're ready to pick up then. And then subconsciously unconsciously organically, it happens. You're like, woo I'm ready. So like, if you had, this is why I don't do clinics anymore, except for my students. If it, because this is what was missing Every buddy for 15 years, all over the world, Especially from my intuitive workshops all over the world, they're my, they were my most popular and I'd never seen him again.

Caroline Beste (39m 56s):
Maybe, maybe 1% would stay. And this is before I really had a lot of online courses in the mastery membership program. I kept losing them. They needed this work. They wanted this work, but it's so deep and powerful. It was, it led, it definitely positively transformed them when they left, but there was nothing else for them to have to get from me. You know what I mean? Unless they kept coming back for these workshops. Now you've got the classes online. So now you've got that and I recommended reading and yada, yada yada, and I, I guess the point I want to make is you just, we need to not be, it's a mind shift. It's a mind shift here. We can't be so linear in our learning. And if we want to get to this place that you've achieved is because you've done all the work, you know, you've, you've, you've, you've done a lot of work in part of that experience was knowing what you didn't Want.

Caroline Beste (40m 49s):
And So that's all I had to say about that without rambling too much. And yeah, You also, one of the themes with some of the different writings that you've sent into me about this podcast, one of the golden nuggets of what keeps coming, you know, resonating in you is trusting ourselves. And even though you didn't have the answers, when you were studying with other people, you, you kept trusting and listening to yourself saying, I feel defeated. I feel really disappointed, but I'm not gonna give up. I'm gonna, how did you find me anyway? And how long have you been a student? Speaking of that, I mean a student, not just of the mastery program, but I think a lot of you are students with the YouTube videos way before you guys, you know, sign up for the big deal.

Ariella (41m 41s):
Well, I reached out to you when I was like 31, I'm 39 now. And I was going, I was going to Pierce college and taking these horse classes that I was just like, Oh, not again. I would take a break. And then I'd kind of, you know, it's, it's hard to ignore a whisper, something you really want to do. And so, you know, it keeps coming back up and every time I would get into it again or find somebody and I was in LA, so it's not like I had a farm. It was like, you have to go to a facility or find, you know, yeah.

Ariella (42m 22s):
I reached out to you and we went back and forth a little bit. I watched some of your YouTube videos and then I didn't end up coming out. And then about, I don't know, maybe six, seven months ago, you know, now I'm in Tennessee, my husband and we have a farm and I wasn't really doing anything except just being with the animals and stuff. And you literally popped into my head. And then I'm like, let me look into that again. And I think the timing was perfect because you really have it. It was a lot more than what I saw back then.

Caroline Beste (42m 59s):
Yeah. I wasn't doing anything. That's where I was telling you guys, you know, during the immersion, you know, up until my husband bought me this farm two years ago, I was your typical trainer boarding facility, training facility, travel clean all my time was dedicated to hands-on work while I, my, my, what do you call it? Your night job was trying to produce these damn videos and edit them myself for years. I mean, this stuff has been in production for years. And so you're right. Eight years ago, when you first met me, Oh my God, there was hardly anything on my YouTube channel. And then in 2014, I picked it up for a little bit and started my first course in 14, which was a spirituality course.

Caroline Beste (43m 45s):
But yeah, so it was perfect timing energetically, because when you came back to me, you know, now there's a lot of content out there. There's an, and I realized for me to continue doing what I'm doing, I had to do it differently. And so, you know, it's, it's good because now yeah, this is where we're at so I can reach more people obviously. Oh my gosh. All right. So keep you lead the conversation and do we have, we all know that Sabrina is here for questions too. So Sabrina, do we, do we have anybody that has any questions for areola or me? Okay. Yeah. Pretty pretty. You guys, anybody have any questions or anything you guys want to share?

Caroline Beste (44m 28s):
Just, just let, let Sabrina now. Okay. And then areola keep going. Cause you've got, you got plenty of girls wherever you want to take this conference.

Ariella (44m 41s):
Tell me if I lowered my volume. So is that better? As far as the sound here,

Caroline Beste (44m 49s):
Let me talk and see if those, can you hear me? Can my echoing, echoing? Yeah, I think that's good. I'm not echoing that. I think that's the trick. Okay. You're a genius. Did you tell her to do? Yeah. Okay, good. Okay. Yeah. Sabrina's good. She's she does. So, yes.

Ariella (45m 21s):
Okay. Yeah. I wrote a lot of stuff, but one thing that I wanted to talk about was, and I know you already talk about this a lot about like the physiology and the biomechanics and horses bodies. But one thing that I would love to talk about is, so the whole thing along my journey of learning was all the stuff about collection. And, you know, I, I really, over the last couple of years, I really was questioning, should we even be riding horses and, you know, being, you went back and forth through that.

Ariella (46m 1s):
And I believe that the way you're doing it, and I'm sure other people too, because I, I know some people is okay, let me organize my thoughts. So I compare. So I come from a dance background, so I did ballet and jazz, and I'm not a professional, but I have that foundation. And so I don't know if you've talked about this on any other podcasts, but I thought of the analogy of the horse. And I think you talked about this a little bit when Rebecca was on, I watched part of it, but people that want to hold a horse in the frame and, and to, to, to distribute the weight more on the height and to carry themselves, which I literally saw your immersion, you do with your horses and when they weren't doing it, and they were more, you know, arch back like this, and they were more like on the forehand, you with your body, which I can't do yet, but we got to watch it.

Ariella (47m 4s):
You just, with your body, no pulling, no bit just collected them back up under themselves. And it was like so beautiful. And I thought of at your immersion, it would be like a dancer trying to learn a, let's just say a pair of wet. And so let's say instead of a teacher teaching the student on their own, okay, now we start with the preparation. Okay. Your weight is evenly, both feet. Okay. Now just go open the Relevate and hold. Okay. Instead of doing that exercise so that the dancer, or you could say a gymnast learns with their own muscle memory, building the muscle where it needs to be mind, body connection.

Ariella (47m 46s):
Instead, we give this human ballerina a contraction that holds me in this pose. That makes no sense. Like, I just love how, like, if you just get really simple and basic about it, it's not this really confusing thing. It makes so much sense to me that you would want to teach because you don't run around every day, normally like collected with each other. It's moments of it. I mean, especially stallion, but if we're going to ride them and just like we did the exercise of the immersion sitting on each other, we felt it ourselves, Oh, hell no, you, you have to ride me a certain way so that I can carry both of us and be balanced.

Ariella (48m 28s):
And you can't just force that in six months or 30 days, that takes time and, and care and love and like absolute consideration for this separate body that needs to learn these things. So not only are they needing to learn it in their body and their muscle memory and understand, you know, we're two different species, so communicating, but then there also has to be this consideration of like their confusion or maybe conversationally. They can't do this for as long as this force can.

Ariella (49m 11s):
Yeah, you're right. Every horse is

Caroline Beste (49m 16s):
Learn the basics of all of that. You have to now learn the horse. Remember what I kept saying everyday all day, learn your horse, learn the horse that you guys were working with. Specifically take the time. Don't worry about the technique that I'm teaching you or the exercise I'm teaching you or the building blocks. None of that's going to matter in my work. If you don't start to know your horse, get to know your horse. So that's why we talked about the body and we got to know the mind and we talked about the personality because you got to learn how to work with that. Or we are always going to work against it. And that's why it becomes forced contractions of control.

Ariella (49m 53s):
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And I, yeah, but it makes such a huge difference when you it's so weird because I have always loved animals. And you know, I was the kid that was taken to see your world and was like, wait, what? This whale is a pool and why are people clapping? Like, you know, I was like, or, or like horse, right. You know, I'm just like, I'm not, but even though I have that part, you kind of get told so many things. And there's ego that comes into play with wanting to do certain things that you see on YouTube or whatever.

Ariella (50m 33s):
Or even if it's not a bad intention, just to really have the relationship I was going too quick. And I was actually, even though I love animals and love my horses looking back, I was not, it's so hard to put into words. I was not considering them. Like, so what are you like, what is your personality? What are you, what do you want to do? What do you gravitate towards? What is your body like? It was just kind of like, I don't know how to explain it, but, but you've given us a hell of a lot of thoughts, but my dear.

Ariella (51m 14s):
Okay. It's, you know, sometimes it's so much like it's like exciting. And then, like you said, it's so hard with language to put words to it, but yeah. It's like when you really do just stop and, and like, okay, there's no rush. Like, so let's first get to know each other and, and be together and get to know you and also take their body into consideration because there was a horse that I had that, and I've learned so much more now about like biomechanics and I'm in school to do horse massage, even more like, you know about that.

Ariella (51m 58s):
And it really, it is true, right. That some forces just confirmational either really not, it's not fair to expect, to be able to do certain things for long periods of time. And maybe not at all, you know, not all horses are cut out for it. Just like people. Some people would be really difficult for them to be a gymnast if you're six, four, correct? Yeah, absolutely. We need to, as not just advocates, you know,

Caroline Beste (52m 37s):
Let's break it down, let's simplify it. We all start out all of us as equestrians horse lovers, we're going to start right there. We're horse lovers. So as a horse lover that wants to own a horse, then you have a huge responsibility to educate yourself and look at the whole big picture. That education is what we're talking about right now too, is it's not just about, Oh, educate myself. I'm just going to go take a lesson from one person. Instead of studying various people in the beginning to figure out exactly who's the right fit. Or who's going to give you the information that you are particularly looking for. Then you do want to study with one person.

Caroline Beste (53m 18s):
You don't want to be moving around. But in the beginning, we got to figure out who we want to work with. But most people don't, it's, it's really, it's like, to me, it's no different than owning a dog. Cats are way different, but when you dogs and horses have a lot of similarities and a lot of differences. And in my raising developing training of dogs and horses, the similarities are, let's just say behavior modification. You know, they, they live in really complex, especially horses, especially more than dogs complex, you know, social dynamics. So social organization is a main theme for horses where it isn't for dogs, but nonetheless with dogs and you have a lot of dogs, we don't want them jumping all over us.

Caroline Beste (54m 6s):
When we go to give them a treat or say hello, or maybe some of you like that, but it doesn't work when you, for me, when I've got students coming and my labs and hell no, they're not gonna jump all over my students. And I certainly don't want my students. And I would say this to encourage that either. So here's that. So, you know, where I'm headed with all of this is we've got to understand, we've got to go beyond is like raising kids beyond what our own ego in needs want. And so that's where the huge responsibility for me comes in with, with horse ownership or, or raising children or raising horses is it is a huge responsibility that goes far beyond our own personal needs and ego.

Caroline Beste (54m 50s):
And I think a lot of us get stuck there, you know, and to me, I, it always comes back to, you know, consciousness, you know, how aware are you, how enlightened are you? You know, how much knowledge do you, are you a knowledge seeker? Because if you're a knowledge seeker, then you're going to be challenging yourself to learn. And that's a good thing. And I want the horse to be in that, that sphere of influence and knowledge. And that's, again, coming back to what we're talking about today is there's a lot to learn. It should not be overwhelming if you're taught how to begin it. And what you came away from, from you're from the area is exactly what I'm trying to create and what I have created, what I want when I'm trying to get all of you to get from the spirituality course.

Caroline Beste (55m 37s):
And that's the foundation of my work is start from this place of being start from this place of presence. You know, it's not about what we can get our horses to do. It's about where, who is our horse? Who are we when we bring ourselves into the relationship with the horse? Because if we don't start there, then go learn from Perelli, go learn from Clinton, go learn from all the others where it's mechanics and where it's positive reinforcement, bullshit with treats and clicker, Cheney, and habituation to the point where we desensitize the horse so much, it's called learned helplessness. And that's where the horse just checks out.

Caroline Beste (56m 20s):
So it's, yeah, it's, it's powerful. And it's not that overwhelming when you start the way that you just experienced, when you start with the way I've set it up in the mastery membership, or even in a spirituality, which is the first course of the mastery membership, start with, you start with being open, start with identifying how you feel through the, the energy work that I produce and, and kept developed for all of you and everything else will come together. Because then that's how you end up having a great connection conversation with your horse. You get each other and you're like, Oh, this ain't work good for you. Oh, no problem. Let's go about the same exercise differently.

Caroline Beste (57m 1s):
And that's where the approach comes in. I'm teaching you, what is the approach? What approach do you need to take for that horse to learn? And, but it has to come from you though. I told you girls this at the immersion, the video that we're releasing in the video library, the full length, and then the snippets on YouTube is powerful. You know, I'm really, I know Sabrina that fly is driving me crazy too. I am really, we're really hitting it home this year. So I think I'm getting I'm, I'm really able to tackle some really intellectual concepts in my work period, but I think I'm really getting better. You guys have to let me know, getting better at simplifying it, articulating it and breaking it down to really good bite sized pieces.

Caroline Beste (57m 44s):
But it's along the same topic. Basically the, the title of this video is going to be well, it is, is how to create confidence in your horse, but it's all about learning. It's all about learning. So anyway, yeah, these are this stuff. The biomechanics, if we're going, yes, go ahead. What?

Ariella (58m 9s):
Sorry. There's like a back and forth, but what just hit me when you were talking about what you do for your students. I do a lot of zooms for work, so I know it's like, it's kinda like speakerphone, like at all, it just hit me while you were talking about what you're doing for your students and also about what you're creating. It's almost like, okay, it's almost like you you're, you're, Carolyn's here. You know how to explain this. It's also holding space for us. Okay. You know what you want us to realize or learn, but you're not telling us all of the things that we're going to get your it's like.

Ariella (58m 58s):
So, so we're kind of following and learning and, but you're holding this bigger and we can feel it energetically we're there. We just, you're holding this bigger thing for us. And we feel safe in that even though, while we're fumbling and struggling and learning, there's just the sense from you. Like it's okay. And there's things that, you know, that we're going to be picking up that we don't know. I hear you saying, well, I'm going to expect you to learn this. And that's how it happens organically. And what hit me is that what you're doing for your students is that allows us to want to do that for our horses. And so I think part of the reason the horses are reacting this way to me.

Ariella (59m 39s):
And of course, to you and anybody that it embodies this and works this way with such respect and care is they feel that like, Oh, I don't really know, but I'm okay. You got me. Like, I feel safe and loved. And even though I'm confused and there's like this weird moment, you know what? You did this wrong. You're also teaching us, okay, wait a second. Why did the horse do that? Take a look at yourself. Look, they're marrying you look you're stiff or you're this. It's not just, Oh, your horse did this. It's all. It's not all projected onto the horse. It's like this whole circle.

Caroline Beste (1h 0m 16s):
Yes. Thank you. Thank you. That was very well put, I also want to add that. I say this often, you can't teach in spirituality in Dal, ism and Buddhism in any spiritual practice, not religion practice, because remember I'm a Christian and guys, I believe in God, I pray all the time. You can't teach spirituality. It is your own meaning. It is, it is the purpose or the mean that you find through the practice. And so I've designed my work, the mastery membership as a spiritual practice, that's plain and clear.

Caroline Beste (1h 1m 1s):
It's a, it follows Dal ism, which is about nature and about balance. But it's, it's not, as you know, it's not linear. You know, you've got some concrete exercises. You, you always have a big picture. You have a goal, but it's, it's that process or the journey. So to speak that is unique to each of you. And it's what you take away. It's what you, it's your personal space with your horse. And that is precious. And that is powerful. And that is honored when you create that space and know how to hold that space. And it is unique to each, as I kept saying, during the immersion, we could all have swapped horses and everybody would have had a different, similar, but different experience with each horse because it's what you bring.

Caroline Beste (1h 1m 51s):
Just like what the horse brings, what presence you bring, what experiences you bring, what personality you bring. So it's so beautifully unique and no one can teach you how to, how to it's like, no one can teach you enlightenment. I don't teach the upper level shockers. I only teach the foundation shock rows, which are aligned with your sensory awareness and sensory processing, which is aligned with the horse because you can't teach enlightenment. It is something That happened to you after being here, your journey here created your enlightenment, created your personal meaning and purpose.

Caroline Beste (1h 2m 32s):
And we all want that where it's like the Holy grail, you know, we're all searching for peace. We're all searching for ease. We're all searching for the same fucking things in life. But you have to find a roadmap. You have created a roadmap that allows you to explore yourself, explore your horse, but still gives you guidance. It still gives you concrete things. Because remember if you're an art student and you're talented in my program, you're definitely going to have a solid level to dressage pitless and bear back by the time you come out. And that's a lot to say about collection and self carriage and balance in, you know, your horse having a natural frame, but you don't have to take it to that.

Caroline Beste (1h 3m 22s):
And you don't have to go completely. A-list either which you can achieve through the program. You could stay on the ground, the rest of your life in and embodiment and have this and be able to nod your head place in the horse. Knows. Yep. That's the trot. Cause that's what it feels like in the horse's body, because that's what reflects in your body when you sit the trot. Yeah. There's a lot of takeaways from that experience a lot for all of you. Definitely like it. I get so buzzed when I talk, like, you know, get in that zone. It's definitely way up here.

5 (1h 4m 11s):

Caroline Beste (1h 4m 11s):
So what else do you want to talk about my dear? And we don't. We can, we can stop. It's an hour. We have up to two hours and we can always have you back next month. We're booked. But in March, we've got some, you know, we, we try to book out a month ahead so we can schedule things. So what else is coming up? Because this is some really big stuff. Yeah. Are you in the middle of the other one? Is that happening now? Or the other immersion? Well, I'm I'm actually. Oh, am I in? No, no, no, no. That doesn't happen until the 9th of February. Oh, okay. The intuitive word. Yeah. No, no, no. There's nobody here but us right now.

Caroline Beste (1h 4m 52s):
Okay. There was another immersion. There is, but not for a couple of weeks. Okay. Let me just, sorry. Yeah. Look at your notes. Take a break. I need one food. I love it. I'm like buzzing. Anybody have any questions? Sabrina comments. But we do have somebody that joint. She, her name is Christie Christie treat Matthew. She says I've been searching for natural force. Mystic horsemanship, such as yours for 10 years.

Caroline Beste (1h 5m 32s):
Welcome Christine. Welcome came across your YouTube video. I look forward to learning from you. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. So our horses can live healthier and happier. Lots. I look forward to deepening my bond with my horses. Awesome. Welcome. Oh, but I did matter of fact ask bye. I think we have another person. Is it a Melinda? That's a friend of Ariella. Cause somebody's here. Yellow. Where'd you go? Your video's off babe. She was just, yeah. Melinda said Melinda. Yep. I saw Melinda on there. There you are. You're back hun. Where is she? I only see where'd you go there. We Ella, she took her video off. Put your video back on dear. Oh, we see her.

Caroline Beste (1h 6m 22s):
Yeah. Let her know her video. Ariel. If you can hear me, your video is turned off, dear. So yeah, you guys, till we get areola back on just anybody. I mean, how many of you have been experiencing what we're talking about? That's okay. She'll she'll come back on and if, let me see if I can connect with her inviter and if you haven't, you know, I've got the roadmap. That's what we're talking about. So if you're, if you've been like Ariella and you've been searching Christina for 10 years, she's in the waiting room.

Caroline Beste (1h 7m 6s):
Let me see if I can get her back on. Thank you. She's back on. I can show you guys how to get there. So Ariel is rejoining us, so she should be popping back up any minute we did. Hi. You're back. Don't you love technology? Oh, maybe? Yes. She asked however, a big aerials herd size was Oh, areola. Lydia has a question for you. How big is your herd? How many horses do you have? I think we have 10 horses and two donkeys and a mule.

Caroline Beste (1h 7m 46s):
And then like a bunch of other animals. Yes. You're going it's 13 equine. So you're going to end up, you have a sanctuary basically. Yeah. Yeah. We rescued. Yeah. Yeah. That's beautiful. You guys go ahead.

5 (1h 8m 5s):
No, I was just, we just took over a 501C. We're not doing anything with it yet, but before I moved to Tennessee. Yeah, yeah, we got

Ariella (1h 8m 16s):
It. And everything. It's going to be called healing, hands, animal re animal rehab and rescue.

Caroline Beste (1h 8m 29s):

Ariella (1h 8m 29s):
Yeah. I'm so excited. Hopefully you'll be able to come out here and do a clinic with Brad and I, but yeah, I've got a lot of cows and I kind of wanted to bring the raccoon on here and show you before I go, but

Caroline Beste (1h 8m 45s):

Ariella (1h 8m 45s):
Okay. Let me go get her real quick.

Caroline Beste (1h 8m 49s):
Go, go. Good. Go. I love it. Bring the animals. Always. If my kittens, they didn't want to leave the office. Are they being here too? Oh, I love it. Oh yeah. We haven't even touched on the rest of her stuff. You guys, so we'll, we'll probably wrap this one up and after we meet the raccoons and just have Ariella back, this is going to be great. Love it. What Sabrina...

Sabrinia Arbogast (1h 9m 19s):
And she goes great. What are you doing over there? Racoons are awesome.

Caroline Beste (1h 9m 40s):
Beautiful minds. Me a Willow. Oh God. She's so sweet. Yeah. Oh, what is her name?

Ariella (1h 9m 51s):

Caroline Beste (1h 9m 54s):
Roxy. Oh my God. Oh, that's beautiful. Well, you're living the dream idea. How many of us would love to have a sanctuary? I've had all of that and I've really downsized and Curt. I don't think, I think that would break our marriage. Oh my God. That is beautiful. Yeah.

Ariella (1h 10m 18s):
Yeah. It's it's awesome. It was always my dream. I can't, I, every day I wake up, I'm like, is this real? But it is a lot of work and yeah. Yeah. One thing I loved about your place is, and it's funny. I came back and I was like, I really want to like beautify my space. Cause like even the guest house, like in the morning, you know, just coming in are like, and you must have flank. Is it feng shui wait, what's feng shui.

Caroline Beste (1h 10m 48s):
I'm all into feng shui. Yes. feng shui. Yeah, but it's energy. Yeah. Yeah. So it's really, if you, yeah. You know, it took us a year. It took us years to find this farm. And I knew exactly, you know, like my first farm, it had the feng shui. You, you got to read about feng shui because it is literally helping is simple, simplified. It is aligning, helping you align and balance and maximize your energy. And so if you don't have feng shui, which is balancing, you know, creating harmony with everything around you, if you don't have that, then energy gets trapped.

Caroline Beste (1h 11m 39s):
It can't move and, and negative energy can get trapped. So like, this is this place. I can create a big sphere of cleansing. I can easily cleanse my property too, which is not about, you know, just cleansing that one spot. You've got to have the way things, you know, move. You've got to have that flow and it it's all supportive. Right? You felt it. And it does help support that way of being, you know, where, where is our support in life. So often we're always meeting or confronting or working in a life that is out of alignment with us.

Caroline Beste (1h 12m 21s):
And I know that finding alignment within happens within it has to happen within us first. And if you don't, you got to find it. You got to know what that feels like. And you really found your groove, Ariella, and now you know what it feels like. And so it'll be easy. Your that'll become your new, comfortable and your new normal, so to speak. And it's going to be so much easier for you to go, Nope. I'm not letting that in. Nope. That doesn't feel right. It's really healthy. Isn't it. And horses are always there until we damage them till we fuck them up. They're always in alignment amongst, you know, the herd they're always in alignment because they get to pick and choose in the wild, not our domesticated hurts, but the wild herds get to pick and choose.

Caroline Beste (1h 13m 1s):
And then there's that whole function way of energy that balances itself out. And that's, that's Taoism. You guys, it's really not a scary thing. It's really not. Okay. So cool. Yeah. You'll bring that back and you can do that. I mean, I'm, I'm a master. I think that's part of my being an artist. You know, composition was really easy for me, always balancing out composition and now I've taken that, that art, the medium of painting and drawing and whatever, I've taken that into, you know, I don't do that anymore. So it's in other areas of my life, including the writing, the creative part. All right, my dear.

Caroline Beste (1h 13m 43s):
We're going to wrap it up. Okay. Wow. It, but that doesn't mean we can't come back hopefully in March. Yeah. And revisit. Cause that's cool. Cause there's, if you keep doing this, there's going to be, and I know you will, then there's going to be more and more that you're going to want to talk about. We've got your husband coming up the third. Oh my gosh. She's coming up next Wednesday. So this is a master farrier, an enlightened farrier. So I'm really excited about next Wednesday, we get to meet your husband and I'm sure there's going to be a lot of Q & A on that one. So it'll probably be two hours.

Caroline Beste (1h 14m 23s):
That's all good. Well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. So good to see both of you. Yeah. Kisses, kisses, and you not yet. You now be, as we all always are via email and we'll go from there and everyone else. Thank you very much. Have a great rest of your week. May you always be one with your horse and I've come up with a new mantra that I'm adding to my YouTube videos. You guys, let me see if I can remember it. It's not gonna be exactly what it, it's really simple. One sentence, but it's basically make every moment and time with your horse meaningful or purposeful and teachable.

Caroline Beste (1h 15m 8s):
And you know, everything can become a teachable moment, even if we're not doing anything. But when you are training your horse, try the mantra. Mantra for me is how purposeful and meaningful can this be for both of us. And where are the teachable moments that we can take away. So just enjoy, just fricking enjoy it. Yeah. All right. Love you. Thank you very much. Okay. Bye everybody. I love you. See ya.

Caroline Beste (1h 15m 42s):
Thank you.

6 (1h 15m 42s):