PetAbility Podcast

Handicapped Pets Foundation with Suzi Langer, President

PetAbility Season 5 Episode 9

The Handicapped Pets Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit whose mission is to provide wheelchairs (Walkin' Wheels) for pets in need whose caregivers demonstrate financial hardship. Suzi Langer brings us through her personal story of receiving a wheelchair from this charity for her pug, Maxwell, to becoming president of the organization. If her passion is any indication of their commitment to the health and well-being of elderly, disabled, and injured pets with mobility impairments, then it is a cause worth supporting. If you have the opportunity to witness a dog, cat, or rabbit get a new lease on life in their "wheels," you will immediately understand the joyful impact that mobility provides. It is truly a gift of life!

Click here to learn more about the Handicapped Pets Foundation.
Follow them on FaceBook @HandicappedPetsFoundation
For Walkin' Wheels and other products, click here.


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