Carl and Jenny Talk About
Carl and Jenny share their day to day annoyances, life adventures and lots more. It's brought to you in a lighthearted way giving you a bit of entertainment, and hopefully you will pick up some tips and tricks to living a successful and fun life. Check out their social media on their sailing YouTube channel at Their website at They also have an Instagram page @carlandjennysailing and Facebook @Carlandjennytalkabout They also post quite regularly to Twitter @carlandjenny You can drop them an email at with any comments, questions or topics you'd like them to cover.
Carl and Jenny Talk About
Episode 06. It's a Dog's life
Carl and Jenny Talk About
In this episode we have the patter of tiny feet! We provide a home for a rescue dog. How much Sh*t can one dog produce? Jen spills the beans on one of her "pet" hates about Carl, and Carlipedia gives you facts about "Daylight Robbery".