Rewilded Wellness

Asking for help

Lydia Joy Episode 109

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Getting the help we need shouldn’t be so damn hard. However, for many of us it is.

The truth is, society is not set up for our health & well being. We are all more collectively burned out than any of us cares to admit. We don’t want to admit it because we make it mean something bad about ourselves. We feel shame, grief, frustration . . . we feel like we just have to keep showing up saving face OR we can’t show our true mess or needs for fear of judgment or rejection. Perhaps we feel like we are being a burden. Perhaps we feel like people won’t really understand or be able to help us.

The truth is, I myself have needed help for far longer than I’ve been willing to admit. As a single mom of four boys, what I really needed all this time was a community that would help me raise my sons. There are a myriad of reasons why I didn’t get the support I needed. It took me a long time to finally start to share my struggles with my community and ask for support.

I’m sure the same is true for many folks; asking for help means we have to first admit that we do not have all of our ‘metaphorical shit’ together. In a society that shows no mercy. In a world that we are all slogging through, burning the candle at both ends usually. Many of us are just treading water, trying to get by instead of truly thriving.

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