Hip Hop Orchestra Presents
Hip Hop Orchestra Presents
Episode 106: Ft. Dr. Keith Watson (Coach in Personal Development and Education)
Welcome to Episode 106 of The Hip Hop Orchestra Presents Podcast
In this INCREDIBLE Episode, we are introduced to the absolutely AMAZING Coach in Personal Development and Education Dr. Keith Watson
Keith shares with us how and why he got into Coaching, some INCREDIBLE tips and knowledge in terms of the brain, brain training, mental toughness and discipline, what it was like to work at one of the top Schools in the U.K for many years, a story of working with a certain Craig David and SO much more
We hope you enjoy :)
Available For Download On All Major Platforms
Full Length Track
The Hip Hop Orchestra Patreon Page:
Dr. Keith Watson
Website - https://www.keithwatsoncoaching.com
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/keithwatsoncoach/?originalSubdomain=uk
Twitter - @DrKeithWatson1
The Hip Hop Orchestra:
Website - https://thehiphoporchestra.co.uk/
Instagram - @TheHipHopOrchestra
Facebook - The Hip Hop Orchestra
Twitter - @TheHipHopOrch
Georgio Savvides:
Instagram - @georgiosavvides
Facebook - Georgio Savvides
Twitter - @GioSavvides
Linkedin - Georgio Savvides