The Fly Through - CRE

Episode 3: Rex Miller and True Wellness in the Workplace

April 09, 2020 Jessica Mogilka
Episode 3: Rex Miller and True Wellness in the Workplace
The Fly Through - CRE
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The Fly Through - CRE
Episode 3: Rex Miller and True Wellness in the Workplace
Apr 09, 2020
Jessica Mogilka

Rex Miller joined me to discuss a broad and increasingly important concept of wellness in the work place.  Rex is an expert in ROI, trust building and wellness in the workplace that he discussed in depth in his recent book, The Healthy Workplace Nudge.  His thesis is that truly healthy employees are engaged, proactive, happy and productive - a win win for employers and employees.   We talk about how wellness can be reflected in the built environment and small, thoughtful nudges can help support people's wellness in the workplace.  

Please enjoy and hit subscribe to get all the latest and greatest in corporate real estate!  

Show Notes:

Rex Miller:

Jessica Mogilka is a tenant rep specialist with JLL based in Minneapolis.

Contact her at any of the following:       

Show Notes

Rex Miller joined me to discuss a broad and increasingly important concept of wellness in the work place.  Rex is an expert in ROI, trust building and wellness in the workplace that he discussed in depth in his recent book, The Healthy Workplace Nudge.  His thesis is that truly healthy employees are engaged, proactive, happy and productive - a win win for employers and employees.   We talk about how wellness can be reflected in the built environment and small, thoughtful nudges can help support people's wellness in the workplace.  

Please enjoy and hit subscribe to get all the latest and greatest in corporate real estate!  

Show Notes:

Rex Miller:

Jessica Mogilka is a tenant rep specialist with JLL based in Minneapolis.

Contact her at any of the following: