Fearless Presentations

Present a Bid Proposal- Great Sales Presentation Outline

Doug Staneart Episode 97

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you present a bid proposal. Here is the scenario... You have done your homework. A team at your company painstakingly created the perfect sales proposal. In fact, the potential client was so impressed, that they moved you to their "shortlist." Now, though, they want you to present a bid proposal to the purchasing committee. Your team is one of just six to eight other companies competing for this contract. How do you make sure that the committee picks your team? Well, not to brag, but over the years, groups that I have coached have received over 80% of these contracts. Just follow this simple sales presentation outline, and your team will have a better shot at winning as well.

SHOW NOTES: https://www.fearlesspresentations.com/present-a-bid-proposal-great-sales-presentation-outline/