Awakening Worth in Childless Women

90: Special Holiday Gift, Raise Your Vibration Meditation

December 22, 2023 Sheri Johnson
90: Special Holiday Gift, Raise Your Vibration Meditation
Awakening Worth in Childless Women
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Awakening Worth in Childless Women
90: Special Holiday Gift, Raise Your Vibration Meditation
Dec 22, 2023
Sheri Johnson

Send me a text and tell me your favourite thing about the pod!

It's 3 days before Christmas as I record this special episode.  This is not my usual all-talk episode or guest interview.  Today, in this heartfelt episode, I'll guide you through a visualization exercise that promises to lift your spirits and shift your emotional state towards love and joy. 

So find yourself a quiet spot where you won't be disturbed, put your ear pods in and get ready to transform.  This powerful meditation will change your whole day, if not your entire holiday. 

If you are a childless woman, and you want more of this, meditations and visualizations are something we do a lot of inside the Women of Worth group immersion and I'm opening up a new cohort in January.   Head to my IG account and DM me "ep 90" if you want to find out more. 

Where to find Sheri:

Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Send me a text and tell me your favourite thing about the pod!

It's 3 days before Christmas as I record this special episode.  This is not my usual all-talk episode or guest interview.  Today, in this heartfelt episode, I'll guide you through a visualization exercise that promises to lift your spirits and shift your emotional state towards love and joy. 

So find yourself a quiet spot where you won't be disturbed, put your ear pods in and get ready to transform.  This powerful meditation will change your whole day, if not your entire holiday. 

If you are a childless woman, and you want more of this, meditations and visualizations are something we do a lot of inside the Women of Worth group immersion and I'm opening up a new cohort in January.   Head to my IG account and DM me "ep 90" if you want to find out more. 

Where to find Sheri:

Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching

Speaker 1:

Hello and Merry Christmas. If you celebrate Christmas, happy Hanukkah. Whatever holiday that you're celebrating, I hope that it is happy. If you're listening to this, it's either Christmas Eve, the 24th or beyond, and if you're childless, I know that this holiday is not always happy. It might be a little bit tough, and so, even if you don't celebrate Christmas, I want you to stick around, because this is going to be an amazing episode for you. I'm doing something totally different than what I normally do, and you might even want to listen to this episode multiple times, and not just now, but throughout the year. So stay tuned.

Speaker 1:

Hi, I'm Sherry Johnson, and you are about to discover how to embrace your life as a childless woman who wanted to have a family and never could. This is where we combine mindset shifting tools with practical tips so you can break free of outdated societal norms that condition us all to believe that women without kids just don't measure up to the moms. It's where we take action on processing grief and accelerating the healing journey so you can feel free. When childless women awaken their self-worth, they transform from hopeless and inadequate to worthy, accepting and purposeful. Think of this podcast as your weekly dose of light bulb moments that will shift your perspective as a childless woman about yourself, about your any power to change yourself, your future and maybe even the world we live in. If that's what you want, then keep on listening.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Awakening Worth podcast. I am so glad you're here today. I'm doing something special. Instead of my usual talking or interviewing a guest, I have a gift for you. I'm going to share one of the tools that I use often inside of my Women of Worth group immersion, which is my signature program for childless women. We are going to do a guided visualization, kind of a meditation, but you're going to hear me talking throughout it. And first, before we dive into this, I do need to give credit to Tony Robbins for this concept. The words will be mine, but the idea came from something that he does inside of one of his programs, which one of his live events that I did a few years ago and it was amazing. So I want to share something similar with you. What we're going to do is increase your frequency, your we're going to raise your vibration and in case you're feeling like this, is you know the point at which you want to tune back out and end this I want you to know that there is science behind this idea of frequency.

Speaker 1:

Research has shown that everything vibrates at a frequency. Everything, everything can be boiled down to molecules and atoms. We do this in, you know, early elementary school science and atoms are constantly in motion. So, even though something might appear static, we might sit still, but if you pay attention, there is nothing still in your body. Everything is moving and we can change that rate of motion, that frequency, just by thinking about it.

Speaker 1:

Every emotion has a frequency level. You might have seen the emotional I forget what it's called. There's like an emotional ladder that runs from shame and grief being the lowest vibe emotions, and right up to, you know, anger, and then boredom, and then even contentment, and then at the top of that ladder is love and joy. So those are the highest frequency emotions love, joy, passion is up there as well. So what we're going to do today is move you up the scale into love and joy, at least for the next few minutes.

Speaker 1:

So if you're ready, let's get started. What I invite you to do first is to get into a comfy position. You might be sitting in a chair, and if you are, I want you to sit up straight, with your spine nice and straight and your feet flat on the floor, your palms facing up, maybe just relaxing in your lap. Or maybe you're sitting cross-legged on the floor, maybe on a meditation cushion or on a pillow, and so just sit cross-legged again, with your spine nice and straight and your hips relaxed, hands facing up in your lap, or you can even lie down if that feels more comfortable for you, and if it is, I would invite you to maybe lay on the floor or lay on your bed in a Shavasana position, so laying on your back, hands next to your sides, palms facing up.

Speaker 1:

And let's begin by closing your eyes and taking a nice deep breath in, so breathing in and letting it release, taking another deep, slow inhale and letting it go and inhale again Deep into the belly and release, maybe with a sigh, letting your day go, continuing to breathe, naturally, but maybe a little deeper than you usually do, maybe a little slower, letting your body really begin to relax, maybe noticing any areas where you're still holding on to tension, letting your jaw soften, letting your shoulders drop, allowing your hips to fall open. Those are some key areas. But wherever you hold your tension, just allow that area to loosen, just soften, maybe send in some breath there, really focusing in on your breathing and beginning to imagine that you are in a safe place, that you really feel comfortable in A place that feels amazing to you. It might be somewhere in your home, maybe it's out on a quiet beach or in the forest, whatever, wherever that place is.

Speaker 1:

I want you to go there in your mind's eye and just notice the details of that place, noticing the smells, the sounds, really grounding into that space, continuing to breathe nice and deep, breathing slowly. I invite you to now imagine that there is a beautiful, warm but bright light shining down from above. It's sparkly, it's beautiful, it's warm, and that light is entering in the crown of your head and it's beginning to circle, spiral inside your body.

Speaker 1:

You might even feel it moving down your body through your head, your shoulders, your chest, your back, spiraling down through your belly, pelvis area, your hips, moving through your legs right down to your feet and out into the earth, connecting with Mother Earth, feeling that light fill your body. It also begins to radiate out into the space you're in, until everything around you is just filled with light, continuing to take nice deep breaths in and out, feeling this beautiful light surrounding you. I want you to begin to imagine now. Take yourself back through your life and find a moment of pure peace where you felt calm, relaxed, peaceful. Really remember the details of that moment. Where were you? What did that space, what did that moment feel like? Were there sounds around you in that moment? What did you see and how did it feel inside your body when you felt that moment of peace? Where did you feel that peace inside your body? Allow yourself to feel it now. Bring yourself right into that memory. Allow yourself to feel it. Let's move to another memory, one where you felt free. You felt this pure sense of freedom. How old were you when you felt that freedom? How old were you in this memory. Where were you? What was going on around you? Why did you feel so much freedom? And allow yourself to feel that sense of freedom now. Allow yourself to really go back to that memory, step into that movie, allow yourself to feel the sense of freedom. What else are you feeling in that moment? Breathe it all in, breathing out and in.

Speaker 1:

We're going to move to another memory now. I want you to think of a moment where you felt pure gratitude and appreciation for yourself, for someone else, for something. Can you think of a memory where you felt pure gratitude and appreciation for someone or something for yourself? Go back to that memory. Where were you in that memory? How old were you? Was there anyone around? Really, allow the details of that memory to come to the surface and don't just watch it just as though you're watching a movie. Step into it. Feel that sense of gratitude again. Really, allow yourself to feel it. Give yourself permission Breathing all of that in, breathing in that sense of gratitude. Breathing in, breathing out.

Speaker 1:

We're going to go to another memory now, memory of pure joy or bliss, a moment where you felt so much joy that maybe even tears were coming. You felt this pure sense of bliss of joy. Where were you in that moment? What was going on around you? What made you feel that pure sense of joy? Feel the details of that memory, the sounds, the sights. Allow yourself to feel everything. Step into that memory. Where in your body did you feel that joy? Was it in your heart? Was it in your head? Was it in your throat? Was it in your belly? What did it feel like to feel that sense of joy? Can you see yourself in that moment and then actually step into your body again To feel the emotion of it? We'll do one last memory.

Speaker 1:

I invite you to jump to another memory of joy and happiness, maybe excitement or anticipation. What is the feeling that you love to feel? And go to a memory where you felt that, breathing in nice and deep, allowing the details of that memory to come to the surface. What do you see? What do you hear? What does it feel like to be in that memory?

Speaker 1:

Step into your body, look around while, in that younger version of yourself, allow yourself to feel that joy or whatever that feeling is, that you want, that emotion that you love to feel. Maybe it's love, maybe it's an overwhelming sense of love. How does that feel in your body, breathing in that emotion, coming back into your body in the present, noticing how it feels, breathing that light still swirling around you and inside your body, grounding yourself now back in your body, pulling in, gathering in that light from above and below, harnessing it, bringing it into your body, wiggling your fingers and toes, feeling the ground beneath you, grounding back into your body, feeling that you can come back to this meditation, this visualization. You can come back to these memories anytime you want to, whenever you feel ready. Take one last breath in, breathing in all that light, those positive energy, emotions, letting go exhaling. Take any last deep breaths that you need to, any last movements and whenever you feel complete and ready to open up your eyes again, you can do that.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for taking the time for yourself to do this, to go through this exercise, honor the emotions that you're feeling and if you would like more of this, then send me a DM with episode 90. We do lots of this inside of the Women of Worth group immersion. I'm opening up a new cohort in January and I'm looking specifically for childless women who are ready for some personal growth, are ready for healing, ready to be done with the grief and the triggers and willing to spend an hour on themselves per week on the mindset work, on the mindset shifts. So if that's, you, send me a DM with the word episode 90 and I will tell you how you can become a part of that new cohort. I'll send you all the details and we're at the end of our Christmas podcast episode. I wish you a wonderful holiday, if you're celebrating, and happy new year. Come back to the podcast. I've got some beautiful things planned for you in 2024. Bye for now.

What's special about this episode
Start of the meditation for raising your vibrations