Is That Even Legal?
The law impacts almost everything we do, several times a day. Sometimes we break the law and don't even know it! Attorney Bob Sewell explores what is legal in today's society by asking experts the age old question - Is That Even Legal? And getting the answers in plain language...while having a bit of fun.
Is That Even Legal?
True Stories: On the Battles Lines of Access to Justice
Attorney Robert Sewell
Season 3
Every day we encounter the law.
Sometimes we need a lawyer. Often, accessing quality legal assistance - truly good lawyers who know what they are doing, backed by the resources of a law firm - is beyond the resources of the everyday person or podcast listener.
What is there to do?
Millions of Americans and Canadians have filled this gap by becoming members of LegalShield or finding other ways to access lawyers. When someone has this service...where they can call in and talk with a lawyer, what is it like to be a lawyer handling those calls?
Do those lawyers get results?
Bob talks to access to justice warrior Ingrid Carlin, who has been helping people for years, to get the real life stories of the law helping real people.
Listen in!!