Passion To Profession

030#: Holiday Special Episode! 6 Valuable Life Lessons learnt from previous Podcast guests Plus a special gift for the listeners !

Ash Rao Episode 30

 This is a Holiday Special  episode sponsored by "Magic Mind " where  host Ash shares 6 best lessons learnt from  guests on the show !

Episode Highlights!

1.37 - Lesson#1 on  Fear
Feel The Fear and Do It AnyWay

Ash narrates her own experience of facing fear of public speaking by quoting examples of her book launch conference in London where she was invited to speak about her book!
3.53 - Lesson#2  on  Opportunity
This piece of advice came from guest Heather Monahan on Episode # 29 where heather says "Do not wait for an Opportunity to come to you . Instead Create Your Own"

5.41 - Lesson#3  on Consistency
Ash narrates how her guest Srinivas Rao on Episode # 21 shared on the show that single most habit that helped him through his initial years of struggle was "Writing 1000 words every single day!" - this consistency paid off as he was able to publish many best seller books, run a top podcast, create online courses etc based on this single habit!

7.48 - Why we love the Productivity Drink "Magic Mind"!! Silicon Valley's new Morning Elixir  that will increase your focus and clarity!! check out use the discount code PassionToProfession20  to get 20% off your order!

10.35 - Lesson#4  on Motivation
Motivation is not the spark but success is !!
Ash shares about her conversation with Inc magazine most celebrated columnist /contributing editor Jeff Haden who in episode # 15 explains how to create your own motivation!

13.00 - Lesson # 5  on Power of Persistence
"Energy and Persistence conquers all things " - Benjamin Franklin
Back in episode # 19 , Founder of TheBetterIndia, Dhimant Parekh shares the story of when he along with his wife launched the positive news platform in 2008, there were not any key metrics favorable to them . Infact mainstream media told them that positive news platform will not have much audience - yet they persisted and continued to share stories of changemakers, unsung heroes and all of the positive things happening in India and today TheBetterIndia has become Asia's largest positive news media platform driving large scale social  impact across the country!

Check out their new book "The Book Of Hope" - which is a curation of some of the best positive stories published by The Better India!

15.30 - Lesson # 6 on following your Passion
"Stop Hiding!"
This piece of advice is from guest Amy Blashcka from episode #20 where she shares the best advice for success . Amy is a Forbes Leadership contributor , social media ghost writer who followed a rather nonlinear path working working in agencies and even leading a non profit until she found her true calling . If you are passionate about something and would like to pursue that then only way to progress is when you "stop hiding" and start sharing your work. You will then be able to attract the right people , you will be able to make progress based on audience feedback and build a supportive community around you! 

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