Your Digital Marketing Coach with Neal Schaffer

11 Takeaways about AI and Podcasting from Podfest

January 30, 2024 Neal Schaffer Episode 352
11 Takeaways about AI and Podcasting from Podfest
Your Digital Marketing Coach with Neal Schaffer
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Your Digital Marketing Coach with Neal Schaffer
11 Takeaways about AI and Podcasting from Podfest
Jan 30, 2024 Episode 352
Neal Schaffer

I had an amazing 48 hours at Podfest, the definitive conference for podcasters, and wanted to share with you what I learned as the takeaways about AI are universal and can be applied to any marketing you do.

You’re in for a treasure chest of insights on how AI is not just a tech trend but a pivotal player in content marketing, audience engagement, and the profound connection we forge through the intimacy of voice. Imagine converting your every word into captivating show notes, automating your social media posts to resonate with your followers, and even cloning voices that sound strikingly human - all this and more, while you focus on what really matters: your listeners.

Dive into the technological marvels that are redefining content creation. AI is now a trusted co-pilot in the podcast universe, creating content that rivals the most creative of minds. In this episode, discover the plethora of AI tools that can elevate your podcasting from voice-to-text transcription to seamless editing, and how they can help you repurpose content across platforms. With resources like Perplexity for nuanced searches and Opus Clip for crafting engaging video snippets, your podcast’s potential reaches new horizons. We’ll explore how these innovations can transform your interviews into eBooks and more, proving that your content can truly be limitless.

But that’s not all. Join us as we delve into the nuts and bolts of automating podcast interviews and content creation. Learn how Google Forms and Zapier can streamline your workflow, and how ChatGPT can craft captivating content that speaks directly to your audience’s needs. Industry professionals like Mark Savant show how a simple form response can turn into a rich, SEO-friendly draft in no time.

By the end of this episode, you'll be armed with practical tips and a newfound appreciation for how AI can not only refine your podcasting journey but propel your digital business into new realms of success.


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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

I had an amazing 48 hours at Podfest, the definitive conference for podcasters, and wanted to share with you what I learned as the takeaways about AI are universal and can be applied to any marketing you do.

You’re in for a treasure chest of insights on how AI is not just a tech trend but a pivotal player in content marketing, audience engagement, and the profound connection we forge through the intimacy of voice. Imagine converting your every word into captivating show notes, automating your social media posts to resonate with your followers, and even cloning voices that sound strikingly human - all this and more, while you focus on what really matters: your listeners.

Dive into the technological marvels that are redefining content creation. AI is now a trusted co-pilot in the podcast universe, creating content that rivals the most creative of minds. In this episode, discover the plethora of AI tools that can elevate your podcasting from voice-to-text transcription to seamless editing, and how they can help you repurpose content across platforms. With resources like Perplexity for nuanced searches and Opus Clip for crafting engaging video snippets, your podcast’s potential reaches new horizons. We’ll explore how these innovations can transform your interviews into eBooks and more, proving that your content can truly be limitless.

But that’s not all. Join us as we delve into the nuts and bolts of automating podcast interviews and content creation. Learn how Google Forms and Zapier can streamline your workflow, and how ChatGPT can craft captivating content that speaks directly to your audience’s needs. Industry professionals like Mark Savant show how a simple form response can turn into a rich, SEO-friendly draft in no time.

By the end of this episode, you'll be armed with practical tips and a newfound appreciation for how AI can not only refine your podcasting journey but propel your digital business into new realms of success.


Sign up to be informed of when my Kickstarter for Digital Threads launches here;

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Speaker 1:

How far are you going to go with AI in your company in 2024? Perhaps, in order to find the answer to that question, you need to know what others are doing with AI today. Well, I am back from PodFest, the definitive conference for podcasters, who's just held in Orlando, florida, and what I'm gonna bring to you today. As far as what some of the speakers were doing with the various AI tools and what is possible, I think this is literally gonna blow your mind as much as it did mine, but you're gonna have to stay to the end of this next episode of the Digital Marketing Coach podcast.

Speaker 2:

Digital social media content, influencer marketing, blogging, podcasting, vlogging, tick-tocking, linkedin, twitter, facebook, instagram, youtube, seo, sem, ppc, email marketing Whoo, there's a lot to cover. Whether you're a marketing professional, entrepreneur or business owner, you need someone you can rely on for expert advice. Good thing you've got Neil on your side, because Neil Schaefer is your digital marketing coach. Helping you grow your business with Digital First Marketing, one episode at a time. This is your Digital Marketing Coach and this is Neil Schaefer.

Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, this is Neil Schaefer, your Digital Marketing Coach. Welcome to episode number 352 of this podcast. As I mentioned in that teaser, I am just back from Orlando, florida, at PodFest. This is my second time attending this conference. The first time was back in 2020, right when COVID was just starting. Obviously, it was sort of a weird time to be there not as many people there but it turned out to be a really great conference. There were a lot of tracks where I could decide what I wanted to learn and, obviously, whenever there was something AI related, boom, I was there.

Speaker 1:

And, as always, whether I go to Content Marketing World or Vid Summit or wherever, I always want to share with you what I learned. You, my listener, are always in the back of my head and I want to be your eyes and ears and share with you what I learned, and thus this is a podcast episode with really a brain dump. It also helps me in my learning by I go through all the photos I took of the screens, all of my notes and notion, and then what are like the 11 takeaways that I can provide you, but it's also gonna help me learn and create action items that I need to follow up on. So, with that in mind and there are 11 action items, or I should say, 11 takeaways obviously, these are overwhelmingly, I believe, ai related. Really, podcasting is being propelled by AI technology. Now, there are other takeaways here that I want to share with you, especially at the beginning, because there are different ways of thinking about a podcast that I want to remind you of and I'm also gonna mention some of the speakers where some of these ideas came from were appropriate, as well as what podcasts they do, so that you can reach out to them and follow them as well. All right, so 11 takeaways. Some of these are gonna be really short, some are gonna be really long.

Speaker 1:

Let's start with number one. Let's start with just general podcasting, even if, well, you're a listener of podcasts, obviously, even if you don't have your own podcast, or maybe you're curious about why I continue to invest time in this podcast or why others' podcasts, why, maybe your competitors are podcasting. Well, let's start with the great Dr Drew. Dr Drew, you might know he was the host of Love Line. He teamed up with Adam Crowler for a TV show. He was an MTV really, really famous guy. He actually believe it or not went to the exact same Amherst College that I went to probably our most famous alumni and he actually started here in Los Angeles at a radio station called KROQ or KROQ for those from LA that might remember really one of the most innovative radio stations that introduced me to a lot of really really cool indie music back in the day.

Speaker 1:

So I've known Dr Drew and being able to see him on stage is pretty awesome, and he talked about how podcasting and he began like radio, began on radio, went to TV also as a podcast. But he said podcasting, like radio, focuses people on the voice, on your voice right now you're focusing on my voice and thus is really the most intimate way of developing relationships with others. Dr Drew, literally podcasts about intimacy and relationships. But there is something to be said for, and I feel it as well because I listen to a lot of podcasts and I feel like I know the podcaster and sometimes I'll reach out to podcasters like I know them and they'll sort of be blown away. How did you know that much about me or what have you? But that is the role that podcasting can play and even if it's five people, 10 people, 20 people, it doesn't matter how big or few I mean, obviously, if you get, let's say, 100 downloads per episode, you are speaking in front of 100 people on a stage every week, and that alone, I think, is a pretty significant number of people. So I want to encourage you all to really rethink. If you haven't started a podcast before, I really want you to think about starting one. It can play an invaluable role and I think you're gonna see how, especially when I start talking about the AI.

Speaker 1:

So, moving forward, the second takeaway is a reminder of all the different objectives that one can have for podcasting. You might wonder, well, why are some people podcasting Now? I started podcasting really as a way of content marketing. I wanted to leverage this new channel. I started this podcast back in January of 2013. So I have my 11 year anniversary. I'm in my 12th year of podcasting and for me it is, like I said, content marketing, leveraging this new medium. But it's also about building thought leadership and I think that's where, especially in B2B, that's where a lot of companies and a lot of entrepreneurs their raison d'artre or their reason for their existence in podcasting is from that.

Speaker 1:

I will also add that for me, my blogging is very much SEO focused. I'll be the first to tell you that. But I'll tell you that my podcast is where I have conversations. The podcast, for me, is the R&D of my thoughts. It's where I share with you what I'm thinking, my new ideas, new concepts, takeaways from others, interviews it's all raw, right. I don't really do that anywhere else Now. On Instagram and Facebook, I do tend to share more personal things. I don't have like a raw short form video. I'm not really as active on TikTok or on YouTube shorts as I'd like to be, so this really is that place for me.

Speaker 1:

Now there are others who podcast for lead generation, and Dr Laura was one of the speakers. I'll give you her example. She is an executive coach, so she interviews CEOs, right. And she interviews CEOs on I believe it's on just general, like leadership issues. But the idea is that you are interviewing your target clients and then through that interview, you are building a relationship, an intimate relationship at that, and from that it might just generate future business down the road, especially with the way that you ask the questions to bring out the pain points, you can see how podcasting can legitimately fit as part of a lead generation strategy.

Speaker 1:

Now there's other reasons why some do podcasting. For some. It's industry networking, right? You want to network with others in your industry, so you want to invite them on your show. So if this show was just about AI technology, I could be interviewing AI experts and AI tools companies. What have you For some. And I want to give a shout out to Jeff C, the Manly Pinchers Tips podcast. Great guy For him. He actually reaches out to people that he can learn from. He says it's like free consulting, right? I ask the podcast those questions that the guests want answers to, or I should say the audience, the listeners want answers to, but I want answers to them as well, and it's also why I choose some of the people that I do, because I want to learn from them as well. And then there's the flip side of podcasting, which is guesting on other people's podcasts for lead generation. And that brings me into takeaway number three, which is really this formula for guesting on other people's podcasts for lead generation.

Speaker 1:

Now, the gentleman who spoke on this topic was Dustin Rieckman, and he is the host of the seven figure leap podcast. He talked about creating a profitable podcast guesting flywheel, not even having your own podcast. I do believe if you have your own podcast, it helps when you reach out and want to be on other podcasts. But he says there are three layers to this. You begin, obviously, you teach for the audience and you have a call to action that leads to your sales funnel. This is probably a lead magnet, mentioned at the end. If you go here, you'll get a free trial. You get a free ebook, a free checklist that covers everything we talked about today. You can imagine how easy it is to figure that out and I think that's the most intuitive part of guest podcasting.

Speaker 1:

Now layer two and layer one is something that I think we all thought of before. But then it goes. Layer two and layer two is about getting partner referrals and the way he positioned this is. He is a Facebook ads expert and he is focusing on e-commerce owners or e-commerce companies, e-commerce CMOs, so he will try to get on every single podcast related to Shopify, the leading e-commerce CMS out there. And when he's on the podcast, when they say, hey, where can we find you? Or any last thoughts, and he goes yeah, there's a lot of different moving pieces in marketing for e-commerce. I'll be very honest that I'm really good at Facebook ads, but I have tons of brands that come with me that want to help with their Google paper click or with their social media or with their email marketing, and I am always looking for partners where I can hand these referrals off to. So feel free to reach out to me if that is you, and you can see how powerful that is. If you make it very, very clear that you have a core products and services but you are able to provide leads for related products and services that some of the people listening might be responsible for have product and service for, you can see how naturally this leads to a different type of business, at a greater scale than just the lead magnet where people assume they're going to be sold to. So that's layer two, the partnership layer.

Speaker 1:

Then he went into layer three, which is he called mining the guest list. So it's about developing relationships with previous guests of the same podcast that you are on. It gives you an excuse to reach out to them saying, hey, I noticed you were also a guest on the so-and-so podcast, wasn't that great? We'd love to connect with you and you never know how we might be able to collaborate. And he said that when he reaches out to these people on LinkedIn, he'll get an 80% success rate for connecting with them. So you can see how that adds up to a pretty brilliant strategy. And he says, when you reach out to these people that when you mine the guest list, you know free advice. I'd love to give you a 30-minute free consultation call about Facebook ads and they may not contact you immediately but when they're ready they will call you, they will contact you and he's been very successful with this. So it's all about, once again, the profitable podcast guesting flywheel, using the podcast interview as the first step of the flywheel.

Speaker 1:

And I will say that if you go over to his podcast and say you were in attendance at the podcast, can you send me your deck. You know he may ask for your email address, obviously to opt you into his newsletter, but most of these speakers if not all of them at the last slide basically had hey text a number here or go here to get the slides for free, and the idea is that you're giving them your email address. So if you're up for that, I would say you know, reach out to these people that I'm going to be talking about here if you want to get the full information, and obviously most of the people I'm talking about here also have their own free courses not necessarily free courses, but you know, paid courses, products and services as well. But I'm going to end this takeaway number three with a quote that he had, which is quantum leaps happen through relationships.

Speaker 1:

I'm a big believer in relationships. I'm a big believer in analog relationships, of actually meeting people in person, and I'll tell you that this was the first time when I got home. You know they use this Wova app, w-h-o-v-a. I don't know if you've ever heard of it. It's become very common at big conferences to use this app and it basically gives you a directory of everybody that's attending and allows you to network, and I bookmarked about 20 people that I wanted to see or get to know. Some of them I got to have quality time with. Some I didn't even have a chance to see or say hi. So yesterday, on the flight home from Orlando to Los Angeles, I literally sent out messages. I opened up a slot in my colony and I said hey, I'm really sorry. I was looking forward to, you know, getting to see you or getting to know you or having a chat. I'd love to schedule 30 minutes on the Zoom call just to see how we can, you know, help each other and keep in touch. I know that in those conversations there's going to be quantum leaps, right as we develop those relationships. So I'm taking that to heart and I hope that you will as well. All right, I know that got a little off track, but let's go to takeaway number four Now obviously, the people on stage speaking.

Speaker 1:

If you're going to speak about AI, you're going to be pretty savvy about it. But even you know checking the temperature of the audience and the questions being asked, you know it's safe to say the use of AI is really mainstream and I've mentioned this before. But when we talk about content repurposing, which AI also plays a role in, you know video podcasting is at the top of the pyramid, or the value impairment, I would say, and right below that is audio podcasting. So it should come as no surprise. If you have video and audio, you could generate all the texts that you want, if you think about it. Now. Katie Brinkley, one of these other speakers, has a book out called social shift. I believe she had a quote in her presentation, which is that 65.8% of consumers find AI content is equal to or better than human writing. Let me, as my friend Viper would say. Let me repeat that for those in the back of the room, 65.8% of consumers find AI content is equal to or better than human writing. That is a pretty significant quote and I bet you right. I bet you there have been instances where you have been engaging with content that was AI generated and you probably didn't even know it. I think that's how far we've come.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm gonna go over some tools here. I'm gonna do my best to include links in the show notes for all these tools. So if you know the tool, cool, if you don't, make sure you go into the show notes where I will have the links. So just a few of the tools and these were tools that were mentioned by multiple people through the two days that I attended. One is Audio Pen.

Speaker 1:

So Audio Pen is a really, really simple app that allows you to convert voice notes into text that's easy to read and ready to share. So you may have a thought that you jot in there and if you ask it to generate the transcript of what you just said, it will often add complimentary text to make it sound more logical or to flesh it out more. So Doc Rock, great guy, works over at Ecamm, or I should say collaborates over Ecamm, e-c-a-m-m, one of these live streaming software tools he talks about. Whenever he has a thought, he'll just put it in his Audio Pen. He'll record his voice and then he'll have like a catalog of all these things that he can use. Some of them are ideas for podcast episodes. He's repurposed to reply to an email. It's one step better than using the text to audio in Gmail on your phone or mail. By putting it through the Audio Pen and then cutting and pasting, you're gonna have a more compelling and actually more human sounding and accurate response. So just something to think about. So that's where we start right.

Speaker 1:

But from there we get into leveraging AI, preparing for an interview by creating questions very, very common way that podcasters leveraging AI or AI editing with tools like Descript or Podcastle, and these AI editing tools allow you to automatically delete spaces, delete out OZ or OMS a lot of different things. There's also the automating of show notes. This has been a huge one for me. When I upload this recording to Buzzsprout, my favorite podcast host, and I have their optional co-host AI tool or AI functionality, it will automatically create show notes and tweets and descriptions and transcripts and chapters and all that, and it's 99% accurate. There's a few things that always need to change, but it is really a time saver, let me tell you.

Speaker 1:

And another tool that was talked about a lot that does the same thing is called Cast Magic. Cast Magic probably has, and I gave the feedback to Buzzsprout, if anyone's listening. I gave them the feedback that it has more functionality than the co-host AI, for instance. Cast Magic, in addition to the show notes and the tweets, you can create your own custom prompts. So, let's say, for instance, the Buzzsprout co-host AI does not feature quotes. So when uploading something to Cast Magic, in addition to all the other things that the co-host AI provides me, I can also say please pick five quotes from my guest, or please provide five most compelling quotes that I can share on an Instagram carousel so you can see how the AI can queue up all the content that you need. Basically, the other tools in addition to Cast Magic and co-host AI mentioned, audio Type is a tool that does this as well, as well as CapShow, and then there are things like if you don't want to do what I just said, you can just take your interview transcription, because it begins with audio audio to text.

Speaker 1:

There's tons of tools that can help you do that. Put it into chat, gpt and then create show notes and all the written content. Now we can take this one step further. There is a tool called 11 Labs. 11 Labs allows you to automate your podcast voice recording with an AI clone voice. Let me repeat that for you. You can clone your own voice and then upload a script and it will automatically record the audio of that script using your clone voice. And it's not 100% there yet, but let me tell you it's surprisingly good. Once again, it saves you time. You don't have to record it yourself. It could all be done in a tool.

Speaker 1:

This, by the way, is human recorded, and my promise to you is that every single episode of the your Digital Marketing Coach podcast will be human recorded. But if you were a fiction author and you had, like a fiction podcast, a mystery podcast, the more you have the special type of speaking like in one of those types of podcasts. Those actually, I have found are easier to clone, harder to clone just normal conversation, anyway, just aside that. So to summarize some of this, what is possible with AI when it comes to podcasting and this goes beyond podcasting, because if you wanted to write a blog post, you can be using the same tools. If you want to take a YouTube video and create the same content from it, you can as well. You just take the audio from the YouTube video.

Speaker 1:

But Cast Magic right, and I'm gonna give a shout out to Marc Savant, or Savant he has a podcast called the After Hours Entrepreneur. I'm gonna have another takeaway from him. Great guy. I was fortunate enough to be featured on his podcast when I was promoting the Age of Influence, but the way that he uses Cast Magic is he'll get titles for the podcast, keywords, bio, intro, timestamps, questions, key topics, a clip finder to create audiograms, real script to create Instagram reels, social media posts, newsletter content, a guest email In other words, the email to send back to the guest a blog post, and then the custom prompts. He showed how he was translating some of this information into Spanish. So this is all from one tool, but in order to leverage this, you need to have content, and audio is just the easiest content to create, and therefore a podcast is the easiest excuse, the easiest vehicle to create the audio content which then allows you to use all these different tools. All right, so that gives you. The remaining takeaways are primarily about AI, but that gives you a feel of how I believe that video podcasting especially people that are doing that well, are probably some of the savviest users of AI tools across all the different audio to text, audio to video, text to video, text to audio all the different permutations and combinations that you can do with AI today.

Speaker 1:

Now there were other AI tools that were more general I believe it was Kati Brinkley who mentioned these but Stampede Social. Now I before have used a tool called ManyChat and which does a similar thing, but it sounds like Stampede Social has one up, manychat. So ManyChat. The idea is and maybe you've seen these in social media, like on Instagram. So I did something on Instagram talking about Adobe Express, and when I talked about Adobe Express, I said hey, if you want a link to get a start, a free trial, please comment Express on this post. So when people commented Express, it would automatically send them a DM to that individual person with a link where then they could sign up for free. So that was ManyChat. Stampede Social does that as well, but it also auto responds to comments and DMs and you can pick an AI tone that makes it sound really, really human. She gave an example. It sounded darn human and if you don't get that many comments or DMs, it's not a big deal, but once you start to do it, this sort of tool might come in handy. So you might wanna check that out.

Speaker 1:

In fact, there were multiple people who talked about Stampede Social and when someone in the audience said, hey, katie, what about Facebook? There is a tool called GroupTrackCRM. I think this is a growth hacking tool. You can respond via Facebook comments, but I think it's strength is in creating a CRM out of your Facebook friends, out of mining Facebook group members and leveraging that for lead gen. So if Facebook is your thing and Facebook groups is your thing, you'll wanna check out GroupTrackCRM. And there was also someone who mentioned, now that ChatGPT supports custom GPTs, of actually creating custom GPTs for each audience in your social media and being able to create custom ways of maybe by social network, maybe by I don't know, depending on the topic you're talking about. If you're talking to entrepreneurs, you might wanna sound different than if you're talking to marketers or executives of creating these custom GPTs that allow you to really fine tune your voice for these different audiences on different social networks. So another way that we can be leveraging AI tools for social media. So take away number six. You know we talk about chat, gpt, we talk about Claude some of us do and Google bar.

Speaker 1:

A cool tool that was mentioned a few times was a tool called perplexity, which is you know, I don't think chat, gpt or Google bar wherever meant to be a search engine, but perplexity actually might just be a better search engine and it is also an AI assistant. So, for instance, one of the speakers fed a legal contract, basically uploaded it to perplexity and asked it to analyze the realities of the contract, and it came out with really really solid information. It looks like perplexity strengths are Really giving. First of all, it's scanning the internet in real time to try to give accurate Information is one of its key things. So, as the speaker mentioned, it works well on niche tasks like and the example he gave was tell me the best AI tools to use for data entry in the food service industry or manufacturing. So really really niche types of searches that you may not think you're able to do in Google, you can do in perplexity. And one, well, two of the cool things as well, were it that it gives sources to the content that it spins up so you can actually see the main sources of where perplexity is, telling you the information, where, where it's getting the sources from, feed a check, and it also gives you other related prompts which can be very, very helpful to help you further discover it also, by default, asks for a follow-up question. So, hey, is there anything else you want to know about this? Please type it in here. So, really, really cool tool and you know, with chat GBT, with the plus or I should say, with the paid platform, you can probably upload Contracts. You might be able to do the same thing there, but I think if you compare with chat GBT, you're gonna get a very, very different and what some say, really a better, more accurate, more relevant, newer content type of Response. So definitely, if you're looking for that type of a tool, you'll definitely want to check out perplexity.

Speaker 1:

And getting back to these other AI tools, you know the use of. We talk about video podcasting being on top of audio podcasting. When we talk about the value in terms of the content pyramid for Podcasting or really for repurposing or anything, the use of repurposing interviews in order to get short videos is mainstream and a lot of people talked about this tool. I'm gonna quote Roberto Blake because he was probably my favorite speaker. Great guy was opus clip. Many people talked about this and in fact, if you listen to my episode about vid summit and if you didn't, you should listen to it when I talked about my takeaways from vid summit.

Speaker 1:

Opus clip was the tool talked about then and what he was doing was basically Taking Streamyard content. So he also uses stream yard to live stream and record his interviews and then taking those interviews. You get separate video files for each person speaking, putting them into opus clip and then From that creating short form videos. But he takes it one step further using chat GPT to write captions For the short form video posts that will garner engagement. So you can Upload the transcript from the video and ask chat GPT or any other tool, ai tool to write captions that will garner engagement and then from those captions there's more that we can do with AI. We can then create a carousel with graphics and quotes. So we can ask chat GPT give me 10 quotes from my guest. So you can get listicles, you can get quotes. You can repurpose those into Carousel posts, into single images.

Speaker 1:

I think you get the point, but it starts with having video content that's worthy of that and obviously, if you are interviewing someone that is, of you know, a compelling thought leader or influence, what have you you're probably gonna get some really really good soundbites that will do really really well on social media. You know, a few years ago there were a lot of audiograms. I never really liked audiograms, I didn't engage with them. I see a lot of interviews. Not all of them are compelling, but I think we're almost being, we're almost being programmed by seeing a lot of it. We, I think we're getting used to seeing these interview type short form videos and you know, when Gary Vaynerchuk posted up there, alex Ramosy, we get very used to watching them. I am a big fan of bleacher report. They will also show these same types of short form videos. So these podcast interview types of short form videos, they in themselves have become mainstream, right, which gives you another reason why you may want to jump on the bandwagon, because an audience has been developed that is consuming that content. Alright, number eight Take away from podcast 2024 is that we talk about the interviews as a way to get these compelling short form videos and everything else that comes with it, you can also Repurpose your podcast interviews and this this comes from Brendan Boyd, who had a great Speech on, you know near the end, but it was a really powerful presentation that he did where he basically Repurposed the podcast interviews to create a lead magnet any book.

Speaker 1:

You know ten things you need to know about subject where you you've had ten different speakers on and maybe five speakers on and you get Two quotes from each of them. Obviously, if you do this, you probably want to ask for their permission To include their information in the lead book, unless you have a legal contract in advance when they agree that you can repurpose the content. Nevertheless, it is a great idea and in fact, you may not know this, but John Lee Dumas's latest book, the common path to uncommon success, was also basically him going through his hundreds of interviews on as entrepreneurs on fire podcast I was honored to be interviewed there as well and basically repurposing the podcast interviews into a book. Right, it's content and it's good content coming from thought leaders or Influencers or experts or whoever you decide to interview. That's why, if you want to take this route, you want to make sure that you interview people that have Content that is repurposable in terms of its value. But I think you get the picture. All right, we're gonna go back to the AI, so we have three more takeaways coming up. Take away number nine.

Speaker 1:

This also comes from Roberto Blake. I thought he had this great way of simplifying the process of using AI, and AI, obviously is about prompts. So there's a role, there's a task and there's a goal, and the role is you are a Such-and-such, or I am a such-and-such, so I am a Social media marker, or basically, you tell the problem, you are a social media market, you are an author and podcaster and you are looking to do this. That's the role that you want to tell the prompt to act as To get a better answer. Obviously, you wanted to find the task very clearly and then you wanted to find the goal. The goal is to create engaging content that will get more Likes, comments and shares on Instagram. Right, and it's really the combination of these three things that will help you perfect prompting and will give you a better answer.

Speaker 1:

You know I'm rewriting. I'm almost done pushing my book off to the copy editing phase, but, as you can imagine, after going to pod fast, there's one chapter I want to make some revisions to, not the AI chapter, as you can imagine. So If you think about AI and this is how I plan to write about it, so you're going to get a sneak preview here just take a step back. It is a large language model, right, llm? And the idea is that it's trying to predict the answer. So it's like Google suggests if you say something, it's trying to predict what to finish the sentence with. It's an easy way to look at it and it's trained on a lot of human conversations information what have you? So that's why the more specific the question you can ask and I think you all understand this intuitively the better answer you're going to get. But I think that this role task goal is a great thing to remember, if you don't feel like you're getting the right answers from the prompt, to use that system. So I thought that was really simple and easy way to think about the process of prompting the AI to get the content that you need.

Speaker 1:

All right, we are now into takeaway number 10. So how far can you go with AI man? We can go even further. So the platinum sponsor for this conference they were featured in the opening keynote it's a company called Delphi and basically, what Delphi allows you to do is upload all of your videos, your podcasts, your PDFs, your blog posts, documents, anything that you've authored and they create an accurate clone that talks if you've uploaded podcasts, things and even sounds like you, so the output can be an clone voice, but because it has your brain, it has your digital brain. You can also have a chat bot and I'm going to put the link in the show notes, but you might want to check it out. They have some samples there. They have an interesting Brendan Rashard sample and I asked him about Experts Academy, one of his shows that I've been to before, and it gave a pretty long and really accurate answer. I was really surprised. So that is how far you can go with AI and that's how far I think we're going to be going in the near future. But before we go there, take away number 11.

Speaker 1:

I want to go a little bit deeper into Mark Savant, the after hours entrepreneur's speech about AI and automation, because he has his own system where he combines AI with Zapier. Or recently I've heard a lot about Pabli yet to try them, but thinking of trying them really soon and using forms. So you have, ai is able to create the content. You have Zapier, which is able to automate tasks. You need a way of feeding Zapier the contents that it can get to the AI and then back to Zapier to output it, and he uses forms, so it could be a Google form or type form. It could be Calendly If you ask for the right information in the Calendly, and I'm going to give you some really, really specific examples that are really compelling in terms of what is possible. Now Mark also runs a podcast agency, so he helps a lot of entrepreneurs and small business owners with their podcast and by using this system he created, he said that he has reduced time spent of his own by 90% on these tasks. He's been able to train his staff to use these tools, that he's written out the standard operating procedures and he has reduced task costs costs related to these specific tasks that I'm going to go over by 80%. So that is a pretty compelling way Of looking at what is possible, not just with AI, but also with the automation. So he gave an example.

Speaker 1:

Let's say you want to interview thought leaders for your blog. Send a LinkedIn message that says I love the feature you on my company's blog. All I need for you is to take three minutes to fill out a Google form. So the Google form has a few questions and some additional information. In Zapier, when there is a response in the Google form, it sends the information to a conversation in chat GPT, which then sends the final text to a Google doc where the documents created by the way, documents are never created, as is there's always editing done, but 90% of the work is done. If you're curious, that chat GPT prompt is and he was very, very open and transparent with all this to help educate us write a compelling, seo rich blog article. Please start with a SEO rich header and write the article in 750 words or less.

Speaker 1:

Here's the information you need to write the blog, and the inputs, in addition to sort of name and company and title, were three questions. Number one what impact has podcasting had on your business? Number two, what is the greatest challenge you have with your podcast? And number three, how has podcasting impacted your life? So he showed us a sample and I won't read you all of this, but when he responded to his own prompt, this is what it said. The title was how to launch and automate podcasts for business owners. So here begins the text. As a business owner, you understand the importance of staying ahead of your competition and keeping your brand relevant. One way to stay ahead of the curve is to podcasting. Podcasting is an excellent tool for businesses to increase engagement, generate leads and build credibility.

Speaker 1:

Today we're highlighting one of our expert business podcasters, mark of Mark Savant Media and his podcast After Hours. Entrepreneur Mark Savant is the founder of Mark Savant Media, etc. Etc. Etc. So he goes through sort of an introduction and then with the prompts. But, as with anything in life, there are also unique challenges to the podcasting process. For Mark, it is about managing the workload overcome the obstacles. Mark has put together effective systems that help them manage and produce quality podcasts while still fulfilling his other business commitments.

Speaker 1:

I think you see how compelling the level of quality that can be done or that can be generated from a simple Google form with answers to three simple questions. So he gave another example. We have a new form response in Google, or. Google Form creates the conversation in chat GBT, creates a folder in Google Drive and then creates a document from text in Google Docs. So this is the conversation. This is the prompt in chat GBT. Please start by listing the following information in this format Write a compelling show description for this live interview on the After Hours Entrepreneur podcast.

Speaker 1:

Keep the description short to medium length. Please give three compelling, seo rich show titles. The title should be keyword rich and less than 60 characters. The title should start with and then the guest name of who is gonna interview. The description should start with and then the bio, so this goes in the Google Form when you're asking people to come on your podcast what is your name, what is your bio? And then respond in this format. So it responds in the format of the guest name, the guest email address, the titles that are proposed. Remember you said please give three compelling, seo rich show titles.

Speaker 1:

A bio, a description, which is the content, takeaways links, and it says here's the info you need, so the key takeaways he's already asked his guest for beforehand. The bio is already there, and then the content are the two questions what business are you in and how are you using AI and technology? And then he keeps going. I also need you to write a promotional email. There should be a compelling, very brief subject line, followed by a short email explaining the benefits to listeners of the episode. Our listeners are small business owners and entrepreneurs that want to grow their business with revolutionary new strategies. The first line should include a powerful hook that compels our reader. Respond in this format subject content, email content. So that's the end of the prompt. I know it was a long prompt, but now you basically get all the content that you need in order to basically have show notes as well as an email newsletter. So, for instance, I'll just read you the email newsletter Subject AI sales calendar forge building trusted clients and revenue faster with Mike Wynn on the after hours entrepreneur podcast. And then the email just a real short paragraph. Join us for a fascinating conversation with Mike Wynn, founder of forge business relationships, as he shares his insights on the power of AI and sales and how it can help you build trust clients and close deals faster.

Speaker 1:

Don't miss this episode of the after hours entrepreneur podcast, full of revolutionary new strategies for small business owners and entrepreneurs. Follow this link to access the episode and the titles for this episode. The three titles that were given from chat GPT AI sales calendar forge building trust with clients and revenues faster that was the one that was actually used. Another one was the power of AI and sales insights for Mike Wynn, founder of forge business relationships on the after hours entrepreneur podcast, and then another one was connecting faster with AI tips for Mike Wynn on the after hours entrepreneur podcast. All completely automated and you can imagine how that can save a lot of time. So just a few more bits of advice from Mark, because his presentation was definitely one of the more compelling ones.

Speaker 1:

Just some ideas for prompts If you want to generate lists, generate bracket number ideas for bracket topic or task, considering bracket criteria, please ensure the ideas are bracket characteristics and then bracket provide relevant background or context. So he gives an example Generate five innovative business strategies for a small, eco-friendly clothing brand, considering a limited budget. Please ensure the ideas are sustainable and appeal to young adults. The brand focuses on ethical production practices. I thought that was a really brilliant way or prompt to be able to get the information that you need. So, finally, I already gave you a list of things that you can do with Cast Magic.

Speaker 1:

What Mark ended up doing in his business, where he obviously deals a lot of managing a lot of podcasts and everything that goes through it. He applied AI to almost every operating procedure he has, from idea formulation, guest procurement, guest requests, booking, pre-recording, recording, post-recording, team communication, project management, edit audio, edit video, edit graphics, prepare clips, write show notes, social media sharing, rss feed, email fans email the guest blog funnels of really leveraging AI throughout all of his operating procedures for his podcast, and that is how far you can go with AI in 2024. If you're curious, mark also said this was his complete tool stack for how he did all this. He mentioned Opus, clip 11 Labs, adobe I think he uses Adobe Audition to edit podcasts and Adobe also has some cool AI plugins as well Mid Journey for images, descript, which I talked about as well, for audio and video editing, cast Magic and ChatGPT. And that is it. It's just seven tools to be able to do all of that.

Speaker 1:

So the question isn't are we gonna use AI or not? And the question also isn't where are we gonna use AI? Because now, just like in the early days of the internet or with social media, there are so many places you can use AI. I almost wanna ask you where can you not use AI? And obviously, remember what I told you it's AI on the inside, human on the outside, and there is quality check procedures that you need to go through, but even if it gets you 50, 60, 70, 80% of the way there. It will save you time and it will give you unique ideas that you may not have thought of, and that's really the ultimate value of AI is the idea generation, but there's a lot more ways we can be using it.

Speaker 1:

Podfest opened my eyes to that and I'm hoping, with this episode number 352, that I open your eyes as well. I know that this was a very long episode, man. I haven't even looked at how long this recording's gonna be, but I know it's one of my longer ones. But whenever I record these takeaways from these conferences, it's important for me to get the information out of my notes and screenshots into this podcast episode, not just for me, but obviously for you. So thank you for listening to the end. I appreciate your subscriptions as a podcast, as well as those of you who have gone out of your way to review this podcast. I really appreciate it, and I also just want to, humbly and from my heart, thank you for continuing with me on this podcasting journey.

Speaker 1:

I continue with my excitement all about 2024. We're gonna be back next week. Episode number 353 is going to be an interview, an interview that I actually did for my book, a chapter about user-generated content. I think you're gonna love this interview with my special guest from Australia and the episode after that, number 354, a little bit delayed, but I want to tell you where, and I do this annually. If I was your CMO, if I was your fractional CMO, where would I be making investments in 2024? Obviously, ai is part of it, but it's not the only part, and I did this back in 2023, in January, one of the first episodes in the new year. I know it's gonna be February, but I promise I'm gonna get you that, so make sure you subscribe and stay tuned, and that's all there is to say. This is your digital marketing coach, neil Schaefer, signing off.

Speaker 2:

You've been listening to your digital marketing coach. Questions, comments, requests, links. Go to podcastneilschaefercom. Get the show notes to this and 200 plus podcast episodes at neilschaefercom to tap in to the 400 plus blog post that Neil has published to support your business. While you're there, check out Neil's digital first group coaching membership community If you or your business needs a little helping hand. See you next time on your digital marketing coach.

Exploring AI in Podcasting
The Impact of AI in Podcasting
AI Tools for Content Repurposing
Automating Podcast Interviews and Content Creation