Freedom Focus Photography - previously the Hair of the Dog Podcast

10 Thoughts that Hold Photographers Back Part 2

April 16, 2024 Nicole Begley, Heather Lahtinen Episode 238
10 Thoughts that Hold Photographers Back Part 2
Freedom Focus Photography - previously the Hair of the Dog Podcast
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Freedom Focus Photography - previously the Hair of the Dog Podcast
10 Thoughts that Hold Photographers Back Part 2
Apr 16, 2024 Episode 238
Nicole Begley, Heather Lahtinen

238 - Welcome back to the Freedom Focus Photography Podcast! In this episode, we're continuing our exploration of the common excuses photographers make that stall their progress. 

Heather Lahtinen joins us once again as we call BS on these all-too-familiar myths. Whether it’s the size of your audience, your personal skills in sales, or misconceptions about what clients value, we’re here to break down these barriers. 

Join us as we tackle more of these limiting beliefs, empowering you to push past the excuses and thrive in your photography business. Let’s dive in and debunk these myths together!

What To Listen For:

1. I need a bigger audience first: Debunking the myth that success is solely dependent on having a large following or email list before you can effectively market your services.

2. I'm not good at sales and marketing: Challenging the belief that you are inherently bad at sales or marketing, emphasizing that these are skills that can be learned and improved with practice and education.

3. Clients only care about digital files, not prints or albums: Addressing the misconception that clients are only interested in digital products and showing how diverse client preferences can be, including a demand for physical products like prints and albums.

4. I just need to find the right marketing trick: Dispelling the notion that there is a single, magical marketing trick that will solve all business challenges, encouraging a more holistic and consistent approach to marketing strategies.

5. I need to perfect my skills before I can charge more (or at all): Overcoming the belief that you need to reach a level of perfection in your skills before you can justify charging appropriately for your services. This myth will be discussed in more detail in the next episode.

Resources From This Episode:

Connect with Heather

Join our free live training - 3 Biggest Obstacles Blocking Your Commercial Photography Success! REGISTER HERE

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Show Notes Transcript

238 - Welcome back to the Freedom Focus Photography Podcast! In this episode, we're continuing our exploration of the common excuses photographers make that stall their progress. 

Heather Lahtinen joins us once again as we call BS on these all-too-familiar myths. Whether it’s the size of your audience, your personal skills in sales, or misconceptions about what clients value, we’re here to break down these barriers. 

Join us as we tackle more of these limiting beliefs, empowering you to push past the excuses and thrive in your photography business. Let’s dive in and debunk these myths together!

What To Listen For:

1. I need a bigger audience first: Debunking the myth that success is solely dependent on having a large following or email list before you can effectively market your services.

2. I'm not good at sales and marketing: Challenging the belief that you are inherently bad at sales or marketing, emphasizing that these are skills that can be learned and improved with practice and education.

3. Clients only care about digital files, not prints or albums: Addressing the misconception that clients are only interested in digital products and showing how diverse client preferences can be, including a demand for physical products like prints and albums.

4. I just need to find the right marketing trick: Dispelling the notion that there is a single, magical marketing trick that will solve all business challenges, encouraging a more holistic and consistent approach to marketing strategies.

5. I need to perfect my skills before I can charge more (or at all): Overcoming the belief that you need to reach a level of perfection in your skills before you can justify charging appropriately for your services. This myth will be discussed in more detail in the next episode.

Resources From This Episode:

Connect with Heather

Join our free live training - 3 Biggest Obstacles Blocking Your Commercial Photography Success! REGISTER HERE

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I am Nicole Begley, a zoological animal trainer, turned pet and family photographer back in 2010. I embarked on my own adventure in photography, transforming a bootstrapping startup into a thriving six-figure business by 2012. Since then, my mission has been to empower photographers like you, sharing the knowledge and strategies that have helped me help thousands of photographers build their own profitable businesses.

I believe that achieving two to $3,000 sales is your fastest route to six figure businesses that any technically proficient photographer can consistently hit four figure sales. And no matter if you want photography to be your full-time passion, or a part-time pursuit, profitability is possible. If you're a portrait photographer aspiring to craft a business that aligns perfectly with the life you envision, then you're in exactly the right place with over 350,000 downloads.

With welcome to the Freedom Focus Photography podcast. Welcome back to the Freedom Focus Photography podcast. I'm your host, Nicole Begley, and we are back for part two of our most common thoughts photographers have that actually block any success in their business. That's much too long of a title. But anyway, we're back with Heather Heather lot and welcome back to the podcast.

Thank you so much for having me. One of my favorite things to do is look at how our thoughts are creating our results and our businesses, and how everything becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. And whatever you think, your brain will look for ways to prove you, right? Your brain wants you to be right. So if you have a thought, your brain is going to scan your environment and find evidence to support that thought,

because I repeat, your brain wants you to be right. So we wanted to take all of these thoughts and just, you know, shine a light on them so we could maybe choose different better thoughts. But when I, when I really started to get this concept in Nicole that like I could change everything in my life just by changing my thoughts. Well,

first of all, I'll admit I didn't believe it. I thought that's just like way too crazy. But then I started to get the evidence. I thought, why not try this out? Why not try to have some better thoughts and just, you know, see what happens? And I'm telling you it's even been in recent months and weeks where this has really been solidified for me is that like,

if I think a thought, my brain is gonna scan my environment to prove me, right? So I decide, this is new. I don't even think I told you this. I decided to start thinking that there's so much extra money, there's so much abundance that everywhere I look, there's just extra of everything. Ooh. So previously my thought was,

I always have enough money. Money is, you know, money flows. I always have enough. And so I did. I had enough money. Yeah. I paid the taxes. I paid the bills. It came in, it went out all good. And that was great because that was actually an upgrade for me. Yep. Yep. Belief ladder,

right? Much better. But I just, I'm telling you, within the last week, this has had been less than a week, I shifted to, oh, there's extra money. There's a ton of extra money. Look at all this extra money. And I actually, this is probably a story for another podcast, so I'll save it. But I actually had this revealed to me,

I told you about it a couple days ago, where there was extra, extra money in an account that I didn't realize was going to be there. And I just laughed. I laughed at myself. And you know what? I laughed all the way to the bank. I was like, look, there's extra money. Yeah. I mean, we were talking about that.

I mean, we can go high level here with you've in the past been triggered. Maybe it's been challenging. Tax time has been challenging for you when there's big unexpected bills and or when you need to replace a car, even when, like you said, you have enough money, it's good you got money in the bank. But yeah, it, it is this ever growing money mindset shift that it never actually ends.

But I'm super, super proud of you. 'cause you got your tax bill, you had the money in the account, had some leftover money, and it was like, oh, and, and you wasn't even before. 'cause before you always had the money to pay your tax bill too. It's not like you ever had to go on like, some sort of tax payment plan,

but your energy in the past was definitely more of like, oh, I can't believe I have to pay this. Yes. Oh, you know, and okay, don't, don't get us wrong. It's not like Heather. It's like, yes, I can't wait to pay this check to the government that spend it so wisely. But I, I've noticed a big shift.

So, congratulations. Thank, thank you. And you know what, Nicole, it's only taken me 21 years. So for anyone that hears me or sees what Nicole and I do, and think, oh my gosh, it must be easier or awesome for them, it has taken me two decades. Okay. So yeah, it's been a process. Yeah.

No, and all of us, I mean, we, we all have different, different versions and different layers and 2.0, 3.0, I think I'm gonna call 7.0 at this point for sure. That it, it just is a constant evolution of examining where these thoughts are coming from and questioning them and changing them. So With that, and that's actually,

when you think about it, I mean, I was down on myself a little bit that it's taken so long, but when I had this new thought that there's extra money, I actually got really, really excited and hopeful. Like, wait, I'm still shifting this. That means there's still more awesomeness left to like unearth uncover that I'm just gonna continue to keep better,

getting better. And it's like never done. That used to kind of like, I don't know, bother me. Maybe I was looking at it from a scarcity standpoint, but now I'm like, oh my gosh, this is so exciting. We are only going to get better from here, From here. I love it. I love it. And actually,

that brings up a thought or a something I want you guys to notice, and that you can tell if thoughts are helping or hindering you based on how they feel. Yep. So if I were to say like, oh my God, there's always extra money, but I feel tightness in my chest and I feel just like, oh, like, oh,

there's not, like, I, I'm not ready for that thought yet. Maybe there's a little bladder thought right underneath that, that I can step into and truly believe. Same thing, when you just find yourself like feeling frustrated with your business. Ask yourself, what am I thinking right now? Okay. That's not serving you. Whatever you're thinking is not serving you.

'cause whatever you're thinking is causing you to feel frustrated and kind of hopeless. And you're not gonna then do anything to get out of that or take the right action. Or if you even take the right action, you're not taking it from the right mental space. So you're not gonna get the result that you want to get. So use your feelings as a barometer of your thoughts.

Oh my gosh, I love the way you just said that. Say it again. Use your feelings as a barometer of your thoughts. I've always said that. Have you never heard that? I dunno, that's just different right now. I love that because we have lots of thoughts, and some of them serve us and some of them don't. How would you know?

How could you discern? Oh, you check in with your body, with your feelings, and if it feels good, because it's not as straightforward as saying, oh, that's a negative or a positive thought. Right? It's right. That's not how it works. Because some might sound different and some people are motivated differently. So, well, it words Carry different things where you could tell,

like somebody, oh, for instance, I did not identify with the word nurturer. You know, like if somebody said you're nurturing, I'd be like, oh, hell no. Uhuh. I mean, I am though, I have 8,000 animals. Like I I am. But that word, like carried different emotion than other people might. So for that reason,

the same thought might hit totally different for two different people For sure. So, yeah, because different words carry different emotions for ourselves because of things that we've tied to different words and made them mean in our own personal life. Absolutely. Yes. Yeah. Use that. When you use that line that you know your thoughts are a barometer for, or your feelings are a barometer for your thoughts,

I would like you to attribute it to action girl. A hundred percent. This is from Action Girl Ag. Excellent. All right. So some of the thoughts that we'd looked at last episode, if you didn't listen, go back. It's just the episode, right? Prior to this we talked about that won't work in my market. My prices are already too high.

That's why no one's booking. I don't have a studio. I'm not as experienced and talented as others. I can't compete with the low prices that others are offering. So if any of those hit with you and you didn't listen to the last one, go back, listen to the last episode. Now we're gonna dive into five new ones. Number one being I need a bigger audience first.

Like, I need more people on my email list before I can market this. Or I just, I need, I need a bigger audience. Oh, really? How, how do you know that That's just what you say? Every single one of these. I say you just add, how, how do you know? Because it's made up crap,

you know? Oh, It's, it's, it's, yeah. No, I think this stems from a lot of people. I think this sheet can start to kind of turn, I hear this a lot when people are talking about their email list, and I ask them, do you have an email list? And they're like, yeah, but there's like 20 people.

I'm like, that's 20 people. That's right. Imagine 20 people in a room with you that said, I wanna hear what you have to say. Yeah. If you compare it to somebody that has 10,000 people on their email list, it feels small and insignificant, but it's still 20 actual humans. Well, yeah, but, and I need to beep,

beep, beep. Back up for a second. That's making the assumption that the size of the list matters. Yeah, True, true. I just don't believe that. So let me ask you, when you started your business, did you have an email list? No. Well, I mean, I made one, but I didn't have one. How,

How far, like out of the gate did you start that? Oh gosh. Pretty darn early. Yeah. I knew it was an important, an important marketing avenue. I mean, quite frankly, I think that is your most important marketing strategy. I agree. I am pro email list. We're actually working on it in Elevate right now about lean magnets and getting people on your list and driving traffic with SEO.

Like that's something we're focused on. However, and also, I will say that when I started my business in 2003, it was not a thing. So I did not even know to do it. I had no list. I had no followers because social media did not exist. Right? So Everything I had was a big fat 0, 0, 0, 0, 0. I had none of those things.

So how'd you get clients? Oh, this is gonna surprise you. I got out into the community, I met people, I talked to them, told them what I did, and ultimately made them offers. And I built a six figure business that way before any of that existed. So I think I, I mean, my gosh, having an email list in social media is such a huge advantage.

I love it. And I support that. I teach that, obviously, but I also know that it's possible to do it without a huge list. So if you don't have an email list, I think you're fine. If you do, and it has a couple people, and two of those are your parents, you know, and then you have 20,

I think that's great. You have a huge advantage. I'm like pretty positive that you could structure this any way that you want and make it work up to a six figure business. I think it'll be easier for you if you have an email list and you know, five people follow you on social media. But I'm not gonna make this connection, which I think is maybe erroneous that I need a bigger list of people in order to grow my business because I didn't.

So that tells me it's possible. Yeah. I think the key is you need to get in front of more people, make more offers, period. That's it. And whatever way that looks like. Yes. And I do agree that email list would behoove you to be beneficial. Yes. The first thing I think you should try to work on is getting,

even if you had one or two clients that you just, even if they were friends and you put 'em on your email, yes. I think that would behoove you. Yeah. All right. I love it. Okay, let's do, oh, this is one of my favorites. Actually. I'm gonna save this one. I'm, I'm reordering. Oh,

okay. How about Next? I'm not good at sales and marketing. Like, how do you know that? What do you mean? I'm just not good at it. Maybe how, what's your, it comes from I don't know what to do, or I've tried it and it didn't work, didn't get the results that I wanted, so now I'm just labeling myself as not good.

Okay. First of all, good news. You have an unlimited number of attempts to practice, so I don't have to stop after three. No, Nobody, I Get struck out. No, it's not like you're playing Pacman and you die. You get eaten by a little ghost and you're like three, whatever it was, I don't remember. Like you,

yeah. Three lives and then you're dead. Like, that's still how it works. You have an unlimited number of attempts to get better and figure this out. And what if you just rephrased that statement to, I'm new at this, I'm learning, I'm learning, learning. I'm improving, I'm improving, I'm learning, I'm getting better. I have Heather Nicole,

I have the interwebs, I have a plethora of resources, and I can learn anything. That to me, feels hopeful and better than I'm not good at this. And by the way, that might even be true. You know, like, I'm not even denying it, but I'm just saying it doesn't feel good to think it, so I'm not gonna,

I'm gonna think, oh, it's just like the first time you picked up a camera. I would have to assume those first few shots weren't that great, but you kept practicing unlimited number of attempts to get better and you got better. So I think that people say that and stick to it because it's tied to money. Because I have to wonder if it wasn't tied to money and it was just like,

oh, like learning the camera, that it wouldn't be as maybe triggering. Yes. Yeah. I don't think it would be as confronting. That's it. It's, yeah, because when you say, you know, oh, I'm not good at camera yet, or like, you kind of laugh about it, like, oh yeah, I'm just, and actually,

I don't think I've ever heard anyone say, I'm not good at taking photos. They'll just say, oh, I'm still learning. Yeah. Right. But with sales or marketing or business type things, they just go straight to, I'm not good at numbers, I'm not good at sales, I'm not good at marketing. Because again, it goes back to that first one that we talked about that won't mark work in my market.

It gives them a cart blanche card of like, I'm not good at this, so therefore nothing will change. So like, this is why it's not my fault. I'm just not good at this. This is just how I'm born. I'm just not good at this. So therefore I'm off the hook of trying. Well, and let me tell you,

if somebody says that to me, I'm like, okay, then what are we doing here? Like, if You really believe that and you think that you can't get better, then I guess we're just gonna, you know, close it up and call it a day. Yeah. Then why would you, why would you talk to us, listen to this,

join Elevate. Well, any of it. Why would you do that if you really believe that you can't learn this? Or you, and you know, could you maybe, maybe what you're saying is, I don't know how to do IPS yet, and I'm learning how to market my business. But what if you said like, I'm gonna figure out a way to do this that I understand that works for me.

Listen, I always said, you're really good at creating very complex, complicated systems. You can see about 55 steps ahead. Like, you're really good with that. And I am ridiculously simple. I am like the simpleton of the group. You have to dumb it down. I said, I don't know, when I said this to you, at some point,

I was like, talk to me like I'm a fourth grader. Okay. I don't even understand what you're saying. And so, because of that, I was always like, well, I'm just gonna figure out how this works for me. And then if I want to add onto it or you know, improve, or I don't know, whatever that looks like,

then I can always do that. So, what's the simplest version that I feel I could execute right now? And then with the full belief that of course there's gonna be more to learn in the future. But it doesn't mean I'm not good at it. It's like saying I'm not good at surgery. Like, I've never held a scalpel. Okay. I've never dealt with somebody in anesthesia in the operating room ever,

unless it was me. So I, why would I even say that? I've just never done it. But if I decided I wanted to be a surgeon, then obviously I need to go to medical school and learn it. Right? So that's the same thing. Yeah. I think we need to be really careful about what we label ourselves as. Because I think people just jump to these kind of self-effacing,

like, oh, I'm just not good at this. And I, I don't know if that comes from, you know, maybe it was like there's some earlier thought that it's rude to say you're good at something. You know that it's like, oh, You're bragging. You know that there, there could be so many reasons why you just default to this.

Well, I'm not good at math, I'm not good at sales, I'm not good at marketing, I'm not good at business. I just wanna take pictures. But listen, if you wanna run a business, you need to learn sales and marketing. Period. Done. And so, can we just shift that? Can we like outlaw here in freedom focus land that you are not allowed to say,

I'm not good at something. Yes. Just period. Done. Won't accept it. How about instead, I'm learning, I'm getting better. I love it. I'm, you know, I'm new to, that's fine. Can I Add to that list of what we're not allowed to say here? Freedom, focus formula? Yeah. Yeah. We're not allowed to say,

I don't know. Oh Yeah. Because that just blocks all creativity and possibility. So you can't say you're bad at something and you can't say you don't know. And can You say, can you say, I don't know yet. Yeah. You or I'm learning. Yeah, I'm learning. Yeah. And that's not something that's currently in my wheelhouse. But you know,

you can read and you can watch videos, which means you can learn anything you desire to improve upon. You know, if you and I decided all of a sudden we're gonna become gourmet chefs for our families, which is hilarious because neither one of us wanna do It. It's hilarious. 'cause my like goal one day is just to have a private chef that Right.

Do it. I Never have to touch the kitchen again. But if you decided you wanted to do that or figure it out, could you, Yeah, Hundred percent. You would just, you would take a class, you'd read a recipe, you'd watch some videos, you'd join a group and you'd be making whatever. Let, let's make this real clear.

Heather, I can't touch my toes. So I could say I'm not flexible. Oh yeah. But is it not also true that if I stretched every day, that I would get better? Yep. A hundred percent. You can Improve your flexibility and you know that. Yeah. And that's a perfect example. Yeah. Because you can improve upon anything with practice and,

and desire and belief. Yeah. A hundred percent. Yep. Okay, moving on. Clients only care about digital files, not print or albums. How do you know that? I mean, 'cause people tell me they just want the digitals. Oh, all the people. All the people. The planet Earth, entire Earth. Yeah. Right. I would love to see the study that you conducted and the data points that you have to prove that.

Like you're just making that up. That is a story, that is a narrative that is somehow serving you, making you feel better about the fact that you haven't sold any albums. Yeah. Yeah. Or that when people reach out to me, they're asking about digital files, and then digital files are too expensive. You know? So it kind of all goes to the other thing of just,

well see, they just wanted the digital. Yes, Yes. And just because you got a couple of emails, you know, like two from people that saying, oh, I just wanted the digitals. And that's too expensive. You cannot make these generalized statements. Actually, I did a podcast episode on overgeneralizing, which is kind of a redundant statement,

but you generalize it. Like everybody's thinking that, oh, ev, nobody wants wall art. They all want digital files. Because one person asked you once, or, okay, I'll give you the benefit of doubt. Two people asked you. And so you're saying, well, that's everyone. And I'm saying, no, that was just those two people.

There are other people out there that are ready, willing, and able to pay for artwork and for albums. And I know this because some of my higher end clients would actually order like prints through me when they got the files. Mm. And I had one of them say to me once, you know, she was like, Heather, I don't,

I, I'm not a tech person. I don't understand it. I don't wanna do it. I don't know what any of that means. I just wanna pay you to handle it. And she knew she was paying like four times the price and she didn't care because she wanted me to do it for her. That's service. They're paying for Service. They wanted the service.

Yeah. Yeah. If there's two things that higher end markets value, it is saving time and making their life easier. Yep. So being able to have that service helps significantly There. She's willing to pay for it because she did not wanna take the time or deal with the frustration of having to upload her photos to a service and order them. I was like,

I, I would give them a release that said, you know, that they, for personal use only, blah, blah, blah, all the things. And then I recommended pics for their photos because I was color corrected with them at the time. And she was like, I'm not doing that. That was like, okay, I help you.

Alright. I will gladly place your order for four times the cost. I love it. I love it. All right, so this next one, I feel like we can go down quite the rabbit hole. And that is, I just need to find the right marketing trick. Yeah. You know what people, they honestly come to me as if I'm withholding something from them.

Like I'm, you're like, oh, Now that you joined Elevate, I'm gonna tell you the super secret way that we actually get clients that we've never told anyone else. Right? It's super secret. It is like lock and key. You've gotta get in the safe with a combination. And, and then they look at me kind of like, I don't know,

confused, upset, like, wait, I thought that you had the one super duper trick in order to market my business. And then I also, this was interesting. I had someone join recently and she said she was going through the training. She was like, it was actually really affirming to me because I was like, oh, I knew all of this.

Mm. But I needed to hear it from an authority so that I could feel better about implementing it. And I'm like, Hey, whatever it takes, I guess. But you know, how could you learn to trust yourself and trust that you have currently all of the information you need to make something happen, anything at whatever level. Mm. So this is a trust issue.

I think this is like, I ha I'm not missing, something missing is like, you know, there's a void and I've gotta find it. And I, okay, I, I must admit this, this happened to me last year. I signed up for yet another Facebook ads course. You know, I spent $2,000, like again, okay, so,

so this is multiple times and I was going through it and I told you this. I was like, well that course certainly affirmed that I actually do know what I'm doing. And I felt, and I picked up a few little tips and tricks. So by the way, no matter what I spend on education, I decide to get what I came for and make it worthwhile.

So I did not look at that $2,000 as like, oh shoot, man, I knew all that. I wasted money. False. Because I learned to trust myself. And that's worth something. That's not nothing. I learned to trust myself. Got a few tips and I was like, okay, that was worth it. That alone was worth it.

That like spike in confidence. So now I can run Facebook ads like fairly confidently. The next step for me is like getting over the hurdle of like money. You know, how much I'm gonna put into it. But that's like a money issue, not like, I don't know, Facebook ads. So the point there is like, could you just trust that you have everything you need at this time to execute based on where you're at in your journey?

It's gonna be different for everyone. Yeah. And I think part of the other thing that this allows people to do is, since they're searching for the holy Grail marketing trick, it allows them not to take action on the marketing they already know. Yes. Yeah. Because, because You don't have it yet. This, well this isn't really right. There's,

there's certainly something better. So I think it's a combination of that, that fomo feeling like, oh, am I missing out? Like am I missing the one thing that is going to change my business? And also a combination of like, oh, but this allows me to stay safe and not take action. Yes. That is a very good point.

Yes. So get out there and just freaking do something guys. Yeah. And here's the thing too, with these different marketing strategies, action girl reporting for duty, they're not all gonna work for your business. It's true. You're gonna see someone have major success with a certain type of marketing strategy and then you might try and implement it and it's not the right fit for your audience or for your business,

or you might not really be into it. Therefore the energy you're putting out into that marketing strategy is not going to actually get the results that you want. Whereas then there's this other marketing strategy over here that maybe is your secret marketing strategy that is gonna work really well for you because it's aligned with your business and your values. And so there really honestly is nothing,

there is not one thing out there that will work for every single business. Yeah. Sorry to disappoint you. Yeah. But it true. You know, and what's the key there in what you're saying that is like, if I try the strategy that Nicole or Jess told me to do and it doesn't work, here's what people tend to do's. Like,

see, I'm broken. I don't know what I'm doing. I, I need to be fixed or whatever. When the truth is okay, maybe that wasn't a right fit for me in my market, which leads me back again to, I have an unlimited number of attempts to try an unlimited number of things to figure out what works. But you know,

the first time you see Jess has so much success with one of her approaches and you're like, oh my gosh, it, she's killing it. It worked for her. I did everything she said and it doesn't work for me. And they start to feel so defeated. They feel defeated because the thought is, something's wrong with me. I don't know what I'm doing.

Instead of, oh, that's so interesting. Like getting curious. It's so interesting. That didn't work. Okay, so what I'm gonna try this next thing and this next thing and I'm not gonna make it mean anything about me or my business. Yeah. I would also like to add that I see too many people give up on one thing 'cause it didn't work as they expected the first time.

Where maybe it is the way that's gonna work really well for your business, but you just need to do it two or three times. You know? So there's, I think there takes some discernment after you try a new marketing strategy to be like, okay, did that just feel totally not aligned with this business? Like maybe they're like a value mismatch,

like a hundred percent move on, do something else. But if you're like, ah man, I still feel like this has legs, I feel like this can work. Okay, was it your messaging? Like where did the process break down? Did you not get enough leads in? Did you not get enough leads converted? Did people not purchase once they converted?

Like where can you focus on having improvement and run it again and try to improve that one piece piece? So then you start to build it. Like you look at Jess in her calendar contest, she's been doing this I think seven years now. So obviously it's going to get bigger and better usually each time because she continues to improve it each time. So yeah,

I see people give up way too easily because it quote didn't work and, and I see people give up too easily even when it did work. So maybe they did a marketing strategy. Like my favorite one is like these charitable marketing session fee fundraisers where I partner with a charity and offer or something special to their supporters. I get regular clients, the charity gets money,

the supporters love me 'cause I'm helping their charity. Like it's a win-win all around. And I would have people do that and they're like, oh, it's great Nicole. But I only got two clients like, well, yeah, totally. Did you think you were gonna fill your entire calendar? Like it cost you nothing to make this partnership other than creating the materials.

And now guess what? You have the materials. You can go and do this every single month with a new charity partner. Like I think a lot of times people are quick to judge and label something that's not working when it does or when they just need to do it again and tweak it and continue to improve it. And you got two clients right now,

but what about all of the seeds that you planted? Hundred Percent, right? Yeah. That, that, that you might get five clients next year that came from that. And you don't even know it. I had somebody tell me yesterday, well, but Heather, the truth is I've had zero inquiries this year. It's just been zero. It's been empty.

And I said, okay, so in the circumstance line, we're gonna put zero inquiries. And she paused and she said, well, there were those two. And then we're talking and a minute later, and she said, actually there was three and I got one yesterday. And I was like, okay, how about we start with the truth? Give me the data on what's actually,

'cause a minute ago you said zero inquiries for the year. Now you're telling me four. So something is working, you just didn't think it was working or it wasn't working to the extent that you had hoped, which is fair, but something is working. And when something is working, we have data to like dive into and look at so that we can improve it.

But yeah, zero to four. Yeah, No, I see that happening all the time where people are just like, oh, I don't get it. Yeah, they, that's the classic one. I haven't gotten any inquiries, any, well, like five, like okay, five is a lot, you know, and, and our brain likes to focus again on that gap of,

oh, I want a full calendar and I've only had five, so I'm not getting quote any because it's not to where I want to be getting them. So it's really easy to let our brain tell us that when in instead we actually look at the like, oh no, count them. How many inquiries? Okay, that's not none. Where did they come from?

Start to get curious about the data and try other things and look at the data to make the judgment. And it's not even a judgment. Look at the data to get the results to tell you if you wanna continue kind of focusing on this or not, or move Well, this is something actually you're really good at, which is looking at the data and like un like emotionally,

you're, you're unemotional, meaning you emotionally detach yourself. And you're like, what are these numbers telling me? And I'm not gonna like make it mean I'm awesome or that I'm a loser. It's just like, this is, so again, back to curiosity. This is so interesting. This came from here. That came from there. Okay, well how could we improve on that?

Tweak that a little bit. Something James has taught us, is it like, what's he called the, the debrief? Like Yeah, like looking at all of the different areas of your marketing to see, well, this actually did work and I need to improve on that. But be really careful when you're, you start to get caught up emotionally in these numbers.

That might mean you need to take a break, step back and say like, how can I look at this? You know what I wanna develop? Oh my gosh, you need to do this. We need to do this for your, your store, your merchandise store where you can order a lab coat and safety goggles and you're, you're coming in and an action Girl Cape.

Yeah. And a cape and you're coming in as a s No, this is how it goes. Okay, I got this. Stay with me. You come in, you put on your lab coat and your safety goggles and your hard hat and you like, you know, I'm the scientist. I'm just gonna look at this data and like separate it out.

What's this? Okay, then once I feel good about my analytics, I've looked at it, now I know what to do. I'm gonna switch out to that, put on my action girl Cape, and I'm gonna fly out the door and I'm gonna go meet people. Set, done. I love it. It's excellent. Yeah. Now it, and you have to do that.

I mean this, to give you an example of something that happened at Freedom Focus Land recently was around November, December, apple changed the iOS to no longer automatically download podcast episodes. So all of a sudden my podcast numbers were cut in half and I was like, what happened? And all of my mastermind friends were going through the same thing and, and then one of us mentioned something at one point and they're like,

me too, me too, me too. And then we all realized, we're like, oh, it was because the iOS, apple iOS changed. It had nothing to do with any of our businesses. But you can look at those numbers and immediately go to, oh, like what has happened? Like, did I do an episode that everybody hated?

Did I, you know, and it's like they All bounced. Yeah. They're all like, see ya, I'm not listening to you anymore. I'm out. So like, it's really easy to see a little bit of data and just let our brain fill in the reason fill, but you just need to explore it. Imagine. Yeah. Shocking in your cape or no goggles and lab coat,

Cape coat, I'm doing. Yeah. All right. We've got one more, but we're already at 33 minutes and I think one's gonna be a doozy, huh? Yeah. This last one is pretty important to me. Yeah. So I would like to do a third part to this, if that would be Okay, Let's do it. You guys are getting a three parter for this one,

because you guys, this content is so important because literally I would venture to guess 99.9% of you that are not getting the results that you want. Or because of one of these 10 thoughts, if not several. Just a thought. Imagine that. Yeah. What if, what if you could shift one thought? I always say you are one thought away from a completely different business.

Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. So the last thought we're gonna tackle on its whole episode all by itself, because it needs a whole episode by itself, is I need to perfect my skills before I can charge period or more. I can't wait to get into this with you. All right. So on this episode, just to recap, if you are thinking that you need more followers or bigger audience first,

that you are not good at sales or marketing, that clients only care about digital files, not prints or albums, you just need the right marketing trick, go back and listen. Find yourself a new thought, let's change that and then come back next week. We are gonna dive into the fact or the thought, not effect, the thought that you need to perfect your skills before you can charge.

See you then.