Daf Shvui/Weekly Daf: Give me forty minutes or so and I'll give you a daf or so
I know that all the cool kids are jumping on to the daf yomi bandwagon. However, if you are looking for something a bit more mellow, a bit more curated, less a part of the rough and tumble of the daf yomi speedway—I invite you to daf shvu'i, a weekly page of Talmud. In about 40-50 minutes you can learn a page of Talmud. No previous experience required.
Daf Shvui/Weekly Daf: Give me forty minutes or so and I'll give you a daf or so
Daf Shvui/Weekly Daf: Baba Bathra 104b-105b
Aryeh Cohen
Season 6
Episode 13
This week we delve into another case of saying things with words, and then finding out that perhaps it is not the words but the possession. We also look at an example of the artistry of the stam. Its wild; and its all in this week's daf.
This week's daf can be found in the following places:
1. Vilna page (Hebrew and Aramaic) from Hebrewbooks.org
2. Hebrew and English from Sefaria.org
3. Hebrew and Aramaic with many commentaries from Alhatorah.org
Please be in touch with any comments, criticisms, or witticisms at thewidowandthebrothers@gmail.com
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