Daf Shvui/Weekly Daf: Give me forty minutes or so and I'll give you a daf or so
I know that all the cool kids are jumping on to the daf yomi bandwagon. However, if you are looking for something a bit more mellow, a bit more curated, less a part of the rough and tumble of the daf yomi speedway—I invite you to daf shvu'i, a weekly page of Talmud. In about 40-50 minutes you can learn a page of Talmud. No previous experience required.
Daf Shvui/Weekly Daf: Give me forty minutes or so and I'll give you a daf or so
Rerun of the amazing conversation with Prof. Alyssa Gray
Aryeh Cohen
(the original description:)
In order to mark and celebrate the completion of the first chapter of Baba Bathra, we invited Prof. Alyssa Gray to discuss her new book Charity in Rabbinic Judaism: Atonement, Rewards, and Righteousness. Our conversation illuminates some of the poverty relief material that we saw in the first chapter, in addition to putting that material in a larger context. And then we study a passage together. Its a blast.
Pull up a chair, pour a libation, and join the celebration.
The text that we studied is on 10a and can be accessed here:
1. Vilna page (hebrew and aramaic) from Hebrewbooks.org
2. Hebrew and English from Sefaria.org
3. Hebrew and Aramaic with many commentaries from Alhatorah.org