Daf Shvui/Weekly Daf: Give me forty minutes or so and I'll give you a daf or so

Daf Shvui / Weekly Daf: Baba Bathra 110b-112a

Aryeh Cohen Season 8 Episode 3

Still trying to figure out the patriarchal precedence in inheritance.  Zecharyah ben Haqatzav putting up futile resistance to the patriarchal hegemony. A fun little story about a rabbi on rabbi beatdown. And, of course, the gemara is worried about the estate slip-sliding away from the father's tribe/family to the mother's.
It's all in this week's daf.

This week's daf can found in the following places:
1. Vilna page (Hebrew and Aramaic) from Hebrewbooks.org
2. Hebrew and English from Sefaria.org
3. Hebrew and Aramaic with many commentaries from Alhatorah.org

Please be in touch with any comments, criticisms, or witticisms at thewidowandthebrothers@gmail.com

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Shanah Tovah Umetukah! Have a wonderful and sweet New Year!