Journeys In Jazz
Music for old people, pretentious music for the middle classes, complex music for young intellectuals or something we can all appreciate & enjoy? With the contribution of musicians in and around her community Fliss delves into the jazz genre to discuss why it continues to thrive amongst all generations.
Journeys In Jazz
Naadia Sheriff
Fliss Gorst
Season 2
Episode 2
An awkward encounter with a pop star, the ups and downs of balancing family life with life as a professional musician, being a side woman vs band leader and the draw of London as a musical hub. Naadia Sheriff joins Fliss for a chat recorded on Walthamstow Marshes in May 2020.
Download 'Beyond The Fear' now from - https://naadiasheriff.bandcamp.com/track/beyond-the-fear
'Beyond The Fear' Just Giving Site (proceeds to Breast Cancer now) https://www.justgiving.com/team/Beyond-Fear
Order Naadia's album 'Gnarly Hymn' from http://naadiasheriff.com/shop/4564436210