Episode 056: Profiles in Purpose: My Q4 and 2020 Year in Review
The High-Ticket Doc™ Podcast
The High-Ticket Doc™ Podcast
Episode 056: Profiles in Purpose: My Q4 and 2020 Year in Review
Dec 28, 2020
Kimberly Reynolds

What up Squad!!! I'm so grateful to have you in my life.

You have kept me going this year, and that is not an exaggeration. There were moments I just wanted to throw in the towel, but when I remembered I have been called to serve you... I couldn't!

Announcement: I'm reviewing my content and products for next year and I would love to hear from you what you think and where you're at.  Sis, would you please do me a favor and take the Productive on Purpose™ Community Survey? I'm looking forward to serving y'all in the best possible way. 

Let's get into it...

What a year! As always, I'm giving you ALL the tea.
Here at the Pop Squad, we are all about being real. Serving the good, the bad, and the uggggllyyy!

Building a business is hard!

When I think of Q4, the word that comes to mind first is traumatizing.
I explain why (download & listen to the podcast) - and I take full responsibility for the trauma. Some were out of my control and some of it was self-inflicted.

I've had huge wins this year hiring for my business and I've also learned huge lessons on choosing people. Some painful lessons are because I  see the potential in people and I want to give them chances to prove themselves, but unfortunately potential doesn't get the work done.

Another huge win: The Push Through Procrastination™ 5-Day Challenge!!! Whoa!! Shout out to all of the amazing women who showed up and made the Challenge a success.

I'm so grateful and I'm amazed that I did everything that I set out to do in Q4. Did I achieve the impact that I hoped to? No, I didn't. And that is where some of the grief comes in.

The lessons I've learned:

  • Changing quickly if something isn't working for me.
  • Meeting y'all where you're at. Sometime back, I made a change on my podcast and platform to focus on purpose and entrepreneurship. That was a mistake. And I appreciate the feedback I got from y'all. I need to meet you where you're at.  I was trying to rapidly push you guys to where I want you to be instead of meeting you where you are, and that was wrong. I'm sorry about that.

Mentioned in this episode:
Episode 000-Welcome to the POP Podcast!

I invite you to take my Productive on Purpose™ Community Survey. This survey will help me improve my podcast episodes, products, and services that I provide.

Specifically, I am developing a membership site for my Squad to gain accountability, connection, and to level up our lives together.

👉🏾 I would love to know what your hopes, dreams, and desires are, as well as how you think I can best help you.

👉🏾 _The first 20 people who fill out this form will receive a $20 Starbucks gift card! Take a screenshot or picture of the survey "Thank you" page, and email it to me at contact@productivepurpose.com

Want to take the first step to overcome procrastination? Click here to take the Productive on Purpose Procrastination Personality Test! (You will also be added to my email list.)

Let's support and encourage each other! Join the POP Squad Facebook Group!