
1.9_Microdosing Iboga with Cannabis Method_Greg Lawrence


Greg Lawrence is a Psychedelic Integration and Transformational Coach, and Energy Worker, and is affiliated with various psychedelic integration centers such as The Transpersonal Counseling Center, Psychedelia, and Innerspace Integration. People seek out Greg’s knowledge and guidance regarding self-exploration and integration before and after psychedelic experiences because it allows them to get the most out of their experiences. In this episode we speak about microdosing iboga, particularly Greg’s method of combining small amounts of iboga with small amounts of cannabis. Specific topics discussed are: how Greg’s seizure disorder led him to discover the above method; combining psychedelics with other drugs; what it’s like to microdose with root bark, total alkaloid (TA) extract, and ibogaine HCL in addition to combining with cannabis; how to prepare before psychedelic experiences and then integrate lessons afterwards; surrender versus control during experiences; how long one should wait between experiences; and the distractive powers of the mind. To find out more about Greg, visit his website at (https://psychedelicintegrationspecialist.com). Also, visit my Podcast Supplements article regarding afterthoughts of Greg and I's conversation (https://amhouot.com/34-1-9-microdosing-iboga-with-cannabis-method-greg-lawrence/).


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