High Impact Leaders

How to Update Your Resume in 2023

Doug Staneart Season 1 Episode 171

Government reports are saying that unemployment is still very low. However, I'm starting to see more and more layoffs from really big companies. In fact, Business News Daily reported that layoffs are continuing to pile up at a rate that is approaching the way they were in the early days of the pandemic.

So, this week, I'm going to cover a few ideas on how to update your resume just in case you are one of these folks who are looking for a  new employer. If it is time to dust off the old resume or CV, use the strategies that I cover today.

Before we get to the technical stuff, though, we will show you how to avoid falling into the most dangerous resume trap out there. (Here is a little hint… Your resume should never be about YOU.)

Instead, you want to focus on the problems that you have helped employers solve. If these prospective employers know that when they hire you, they will have fewer challenges to deal with, you will put yourself at the top of the hiring list.

Instead of Making Your Resume a List of Accomplishments, Make It a List of Problems Solved.

Don’t get me wrong. Your resume should absolutely be about you and your accomplishments. However, if that is all that you highlight, you will miss out on a great opportunity to set yourself apart from your competition. Human beings tend to all have a few things in common. Most of us are pretty self-centered. We all have problems. We also all have challenges that we have to deal with. Well, guess what. Your prospective employer isn’t a title or a company. The prospective employer is an actual human being. The prospective employer has challenges and problems.

So when he or she makes a hiring decision, the main thing they want to know is the following…

Will hiring this particular person help me solve problems or will hiring the person cause more problems?

Often, we assume that the prospective employer will read our qualifications and automatically conclude that this qualification will be of benefit to the company. By the way, most prospective employers are smart people. So many actually will do this. However, if you do this step for the employer, you make that person’s job easier.

So if you do this simple step, you now present yourself as someone who can make the job of the employer much easier. That is huge considering the main goal the prospective employer has. The way that you are presenting your information to the employer is making his or her job easier. You are a problem-solver.

Show Notes: How to Update Your Resume in 2023