High Impact Leaders

Five Steps to Build a Solid Team from the Ground Up (Part 2 of 6)

This is part 2 of a six-part series called the Five Steps to Build a Solid Team from the Ground Up.

Last week, I gave you an overview of all five steps. If you recall, I mentioned that this five-step process was like building a skyscraper. Everyone wants to visit the Penthouse once the building is completed. But there is a lot of work along the way to make sure the structure is solid. What we covered last week would be similar to the blueprint to building your corporate skyscraper. 

It's always good to have a clear picture of where you want to go before you start a journey. So if you haven't had a chance to listen to last week's episode, it might be a good idea to listen to that episode before jumping into this one.

This week we dive into step one which is about create a shared vision and goals for your team. Going back to our building a skyscraper analogy, this step is like digging a solid foundation. If you try to build a skyscraper but just set it on flat Earth, it will fall over very easily. Your Vision, Mission, and Values are the backhoe digging the foundation of the skyscraper. The deeper you dig, the higher you can build the building.

In this episode, I'll explain the difference between a corporate vision statement, a corporate mission statement, and corporate values. Each has a specific purpose. And, if used properly, each will help you and your team make better decisions when growing your business.