High Impact Leaders
High Impact Leaders
Five Steps to Build a Solid Team from the Ground Up (Part 3 of 6)
This is part three of a six-part series called the Five Steps to Build a Solid Team from the Ground Up.
Last week, we covered how important it is to create a shared vision and goals for your team. I explained the difference between a corporate vision statement, a corporate mission statement, and corporate values. Each of these has a specific purpose and, if used properly, will help you and your team make better decisions when growing your business.
What we covered in step one is valuable because it creates the blueprint for your team. It helps them visualize their purpose and determine whether their decisions align with the corporate philosophy.
This week, we cover the second step in the five-step process—building trust and fostering a more cohesive team culture. This step is vital to a healthy corporate culture. If your team doesn't trust each other and doesn't trust management, nothing else that we cover will have any value. This is the foundation.
In this episode, I'll give you seven simple things that you can consistently do for and with your team to build trust within your organization and improve communication.
By the way, this episode is brought to you by leadersinstitute.com. For leadership or team-building ideas, please visit our website at www.leadersinstitute.com
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