High Impact Leaders

Get More Customers for Your Small Business in a Recession - Part 1 of 3

Doug Staneart

In the last episode, I covered details about how a huge recession (maybe even depression) is not only imminent, but I believe has already started. I even started the episode by talking about how I usually like to be uplifting and positive, but the topic was so heavy that it is difficult, as a small business owner, to keep positive when we are confronting something so negative. 

The good news about all the negative stuff that we covered in the last episode, though, is that if we really are in a huge recession, you don't have to participate. You see, the companies who survive downturns in the economy will come out the other side stronger and with fewer competitors in the marketplace.

So, for the next couple of weeks, I'm going to cover ways to generate new customers -- even in a down economy. Mark Cuban once said that "Sales fixes everything." As long as you keep revenue coming in to your company, you can survive the secession and be stronger -- and more profitable as the economy recovers.

This week, I'm going to cover a few big lead-generation mistakes that small business owners make. I'll also give you tips to keep from making these huge lead generation (revenue generation) mistakes. Then in part three, a couple of weeks from now, I'll give you a few of the easiest and most effective ways to generate new customers.