Freedom Challenge Online

Ep. 37: FREEDOM through Understanding Beauty, with Ruth Willett

April 27, 2021 Season 1 Episode 37

What is beauty? Why is beauty important? How is beauty distorted? Listen to understand beauty through a new and impactful perspective. A bonus episode that we thought our beautiful listeners needed to hear!

"A strange thing to me is that God has not just been highlighting His beauty or general beauty but my beauty.  I said to Him, 'I'll believe you, but I don't understand why it matters.' To which He responded, 'If you don't think you are beautiful what does that make Me? You have been made to image Me.' As I pondered this, I realized just how much the enemy and this world has attacked beauty and love in general and my beauty and my love specifically." -Ruth Willett

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Listen to the previous episode mentioned. Ep.15: FREEDOM through Wholeness for Survivors of Sex Trafficking, with LCSW Chelsea Van Essen

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