Shot At Love
Shot At Love is the first motivational dating show of its kind. It teaches you how to be successful in online dating while inspiring the listeners to go for it. You can find love, and are worthy of it. Shot At Love with Kerry Brett - Me, Exposed- Introduction to Shot At Love Podcast with celebrity photographer Kerry Brett.
Shot At Love
Confidently Emerge From Quarantine With Dr. Ann Doggett
Never before have people been challenged like this time. As we re-enter the world, everyone wants to be better informed. It’s such a critical moment–now more than ever, we need to take care of each other and ourselves. This episode discusses how to emerge confidently out of quarantine by taking care of yourself.
Today’s guest is Dr. Ann Doggett, a chiropractor, and holistic healer. Dr. Ann helps sick people get well and helps healthy people stay healthy. We all are looking for alternative ways to stay healthy during a national health crisis.
We discuss how health and wellness affect how you feel about yourself. Feeling your best allows you to be your most confident self. This episode is full of information that helps you stay mentally and psychically. If you’re not feeling 100 percent, have low energy, or feel like you’ve lost some confidence during COVID–19, then you’re not alone, and this episode will be the reset you needed.
Standard Process Supplements mentioned in this episode are; Gut Flora, Nervagesic, Wild Yam Complex, Spanish Black Radish, Dermatrophin PMG, Adrenal Complex, Andrographis Complex, Echinacea, Cod Liver Oil––Vitamin D.
Do not take Andrographis Complex and Gut Flora if pregnant. For more information on Dr. Ann’s practice and all of these incredible herbs and supplements, go to wholebodysolutions.org.
I'm Carrie Brett, and you're listening to shot at love. The first motivational podcast around my data. Never before have people been challenged like this, as we reenter the world, everyone wants to be better informed. It's such a critical moment. If you find helpful information, share it now more than ever, we need to take care of each other. And most importantly, ourselves, if you're listening to this podcast, then you've committed to finding love. You've made that commitment to yourself and you're willing to do what it takes to make it happen. I'm committed to you to find the best information I can so that you're mentally healthy as well as physically. If you're not feeling a hundred percent, have low energy or feel like you've lost some confidence during COVID-19, then you're not alone. This episode will be the reset
Speaker 2:you need it. Today's guest is dr. Ann. Dogen. Dr. Ann helps sick people get well and helps healthy people stay healthy. We're all looking for alternative ways to stay healthy during this national health crisis. Dr. Ann has helped countless of patients across the country there, her nutrition, counseling, and chiropractic care. Basically, dr. Anne is the good doctor and she's changed my life. I'm so excited. Dr. Anne is here today. This has better than dr. Fowchee or Sanjay Gupta. Hi, dr. Anne. Hi, Carrie. I'm equally excited to be here today. Share this with you. I love your work and your spirit and your intention of helping people and getting good data out there to the public. So, um, thank you for inviting me. Great. So aside from owning whole body solutions, which is in Quinsy mass, a few miles outside of Boston, do you want to tell us a little bit about your practice? What's unique about your holistic approach? You said before your techniques are not common, but they're effective. So yeah, carry my practice. I consider to be very special because it's evolved over time to meet the growing and changing needs of our patients. Um, so we have a complete team and we, we service people as to where they enter in their journey for their health. And some people come in with a desire for some nutrition advice. They may want to drop a few pounds or improve their energy level or address a very specific diagnosis in terms of a natural approach. Um, our team consists of acupuncturist, nutritionist, chiropractors, and then a very unique therapy called brain integration, which addresses the wiring of the brain and stored past trauma that might be keeping us from really achieving our optimal potential for, for health on all levels. So basically people have exhausted all traditional methods of treatment and pain management. When they show up at your door. I always say, I go to the doctor who heals me. I never knew who that person would be. It could have been Howser.
Speaker 3:Dr. Feelgood, the love doctor, dr. Vogel, Oh, wait. He was a dentist or doctor McDreamy, the hot neurosurgeon from Grey's anatomy. Dr. Anne, I wouldn't even trade you for Patrick Dempsey, who I think is single right now. I know you don't play a doctor on TV, but I have a fantastic story of how you healed me. So in 2018, I had two ruptured discs in my neck. Most likely from carrying cameras around my neck for almost three decades. It was right around Christmas and I was pretty much maxed to capacity. And out of nowhere, I was leveled to the ground. I couldn't lay back. I had to sleep sitting up for two months. My boyfriend slept on the couch. If he wasn't driving me to see you. I went to every surgeon in Boston and the diagnosis was always the same rupture discs don't heal on their own. If I wanted to get out of level 10 pain, I needed surgery and I needed my neck fused getting my neck views was a risk. I was unwilling to take. I remember you said to me and 30 years of healing people I've only sent one person to surgery. I was so bad screaming at the top of my lungs. One time at your practice that you did send me to the hospital. And all they did was tell me I needed surgery, pumped me with steroids that never helped and wait weeks and weeks to get steroid shots in my neck, which did nothing painkillers and surgery was my option, and that wasn't going to work for me. So I went on the doctor hand program
Speaker 2:and it was really terrific for me to see you and to coach you during the different phases. And I'd like to say that, you know, there's no one modality, whether it's traditional medicine or natural healing, that is 100%. And so our job is to evaluate where you are to keep you safe, to give you data and to support your choices and with the discs and with any, uh, spinal misalignments, the, uh, the level of involvement and how long it's been going on. And, and when we look at the full picture, you had an occupation that, um, potentially introduced repetitive stress. Once we remove that, we then worked to give the body the potential to heal up. And that meant looking at all kinds of things, including nutrition, to feed the body so that it could heal and mend on its own.
Speaker 3:This is when I became hooked on the doctor and method. So as I go through this painful journey, this was the first time in my life that I thought my photography career was over. That I couldn't possibly shoot again. How was I going to handle this physically demanding job as a photographer? I was in a neck brace full time, which is not even remotely
Speaker 2:hot her cause look, I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. But the wonderful thing about this horrible experience was I had to look outside the box. I knew I had creative gifts and I knew I had something left to offer this world. So the injury, the injury forced me to think what else could I do? And that's what I first started to get the idea to write this wiping soiree. And the second most wonderful thing that came out of this unexpected turn was not only having my health restored, but my friendship with dr. Anne. So this show has been created so that we can share helpful tips and solutions for people who are gearing up to date or people who are out there dating it's essential to look and feel your best. When you start dating, you want to have an inner glow and that can come from food choices or supplements. But if you're feeling depleted, you just can't put your best foot forward. Or if you're in pain or run down, you're not going to have the stamina you need to give, dating your best shot today. I want to, I want to talk about what you've been seeing with your clients during while they've been quarantined. So Carrie, there's a couple of different levels that we can talk about here. And, um, what I've seen from some people is they're welcoming this time to really, uh, take care of themselves. I've had some people say I'm one of those people that feels better because I have the space I'm working from home. I have extra time, I'm doing yoga podcasts and I'm making my own meals. And, um, so some people have found that it's been helpful. And those are the people who generally have these nonstop schedules, um, where they're commuting are they're in traffic or, and, and so it's been an opportunity for them. And then I have other patients who are already calling me saying, okay, I need to cleanse, I need to lose the five, 10, 15 pounds that I've put on during quarantine. And, and those people may be, could take the opportunity to examine their relationship with food. Sometimes we eat to nourish and nurture the body. And sometimes we eat because of emotional patterns, our habits, when you're lonely or when you're sad or when you're mad. And so those people we can coach along and look at how to improve that, the tactics for managing the emotions in a way that might better improve their health. Okay. That's great. I mean, I know when I was deficient in vitamin D, I was really exhausted. I was really sick and you don't think it's a big deal, but it really is a big deal. So some of the supplements that I take faithfully has really helped me in my life. As far as, you know, the podcasts are keeping my energy level high vitamin D is a hot topic for me in the clinic. It happens to be a vitamin that is very important for proper function of the immune system. Um, both for significant chronic immune type challenges like reproductive cancers, but also for, uh, acute immune. So common colds and flus. And there've been really terrific studies on prison, inmates and isolation who were given vitamin D to, uh, because the prison doctor recognized the potential for deficiency and then an outbreak of flu. And the only people that did not get the flu were the people on vitamin D supplementing. So we know science knows and has validated the importance of D if you live in new England, um, it's essential that you add D from October to the end of April, I've been talking a lot about it. And if you come to my practice, you know, we always attempt to get vitamins from food first. And, uh, Cod liver is a source of D. So if you see me, you'll often hear me speaking about Cod liver oil, especially from October to the end of April, when we can go to a food based source for a nutrient, we're going to really improve the absorption and utilization. Um, if you're into reading labels, you may look at a Cod liver oil product and say, that's not enough vitamin D given the standard recommendations, but when you take something from a food and the body can assimilate and utilize, we may not need those higher doses. And so I do know, um, that D is important yes. On all kinds of levels, especially the immune system. And so I'm happy to hear that putting that inmate a shift for you. Thanks for sharing that with your listeners. As a working single mom and dating, it was pretty challenging. I was pretty tired. And sometimes I was even on the edge of being run down. When I started taking infographics, I felt like I would never get sick again. Can you talk about this and why it's such a game changer. I love this product and my patients equally love it. Um, this is we're speaking about Andrographis complex, which is a combination of three herbs, Andrew Graf Allied's, which are a part of the active components of the plant will increase your T cell production for two straight hours after you take it. And so this R has a lot of attention for improving immune response. And some people will use it at the onset of the first sign of a cold or a flu within the complex formula. We also have Neisha premium and I could speak a whole podcast on[inaudible] because the quality of the plant, the source, the species, the preparation, all of these things will affect how the body can use and make effective the plant. So echo Neisha premium, which is part of this product is two species. And both species are important. We're finding now science is validating that these little proteins within the cell that make compounds actually get turned on by the plant. And that is how they help us. So there is Andrographis[inaudible] and then an additional plant called Holy Bazell, which is particularly good for upper respiratory infections and decreasing risk for a secondary, uh, occurrence of infections and children and so forth. And so that combination has been a game changer in my practice for my patients. Many of them take it at the first signs of a cold or a flu. Some take it as prevention, although that's not the classic way that it is taught. It is quite effective. When you can turn on protective compounds on a cellular level, we call that an adopted gin, and that can actually help you better prepare for when stress comes your way so that you can respond in an inappropriate way. Why is this the first time I've heard about a Holy cow
Speaker 3:basil. Where's my Holy Bazell it's in your undergrad. It's complex. Okay. So sometimes you're not always able to secure a date on the weekend. You have to strike while the iron is hot, because people are busy. So there's many times after I've been shooting a long day at my studio, I'm super exhausted. The thought of driving to the city obsessing about finding a parking spot would throw me over the edge, but I had a secret weapon. And that was Drenamin cause that helps me with my focus and helps me with energy.
Speaker 2:So Drenamin is another favorite of ours, um, as it supports the adrenal gland. So, you know, their adrenal glands get a lot of attention in the press these days for being exhausted or tired. Um, in fact, a lot of adrenal glands need B vitamins. And if you look at the trends for diets and people eliminating grains and limiting carbohydrates, and some of our important VB vitamin sources are, um, grains. And so given a, the stress that our lifestyles will often perpetuate for us and be dietary shifts that might leave us deficient, adrenaline addresses all of that. It's going to feed your B vitamins to the stress gland, and it's going to help you make cortisol levels, which are stable, not so erratic and up and down.
Speaker 3:Sounds great. So when we come back, we're going to talk about how health and wellness really affect or allow you to be your most competent
Speaker 4:itself. Now for this week's Tinder tips, number one emerge confidently by taking care of yourself. Number two, always trust your gut. If you feel like you're trying too hard or it's too much work, maybe it's not meant to be number three, take charge, take a small step, any step as a step in the right direction. Number four, even if an experience is painful or hurtful, we always have that opportunity to gain a lesson. You gain something to move forward positively. You emerge with
Speaker 2:a gift. Thank you next and welcome back, dr. N Carrie, I was just thinking about your comment on, um, how challenging it is sometimes to recover the energy at the end of the day, to, um, you know, do a task. And I think I've heard you speak on your podcasts about dating and how you have to take it seriously. And as a, as a job almost, which is why I haven't participated of late, cause I've already got a couple of jobs I hear from people in women in particular, you know, working, especially if you're also parenting and maybe you don't have the support in parenting that, um, would be ideal. And so I wanted to speak to that in terms of the stress glands, you mentioned Drenamin, which is one of those, um, particularly wonderful products. We also have herbs that will tone defy those glands and rebuild the ability of the body to sustain healthy energy. Through the course of the day, we have a liquid called ashwagandha and we have it an atonic for the adrenal glands, and that's called adrenal tonic. It gives you ashwagandha, which is a terrific herbs for many, many things, but one of the things is to help convert the thyroid hormone. So day in and day out in my practice. When I think about what I see a lot of, I see women with endocrine imbalances and many times they suspect they have a thyroid issue. They've been the medical route. There has been a failure to confirm an actual diagnosed with thyroid, but the body's acting as if it's deficient and that can happen for many reasons. There's an interplay of stress and the stress hormones, um, but also the conversion of the thyroid hormone to its active form. And so we have herbs that can assist that, that can give you that energy that you need to, to achieve what you want in life and in the course of a day. And the other thing I wanted to mention on that end of the day energy is your choice for food at the lunchtime. Um, timing is essential for the energy that you desire for the rest of your day. And I would really encourage your listeners to contemplate protein sources with healthy fats as part of their regular routine, mid day, especially so that you can, um, get out there and, and swipe, right. I definitely think women struggle with that whole thyroid imbalance. Isn't an imbalance. And I know you put me on, what is it? Wild yam, wild yam complex is another complex of herbs that, um, it's particularly useful for women as they go through menopause. And without boring you with all the science, I will say that there are receptors for estrogen in the body, on a tissue in the brain called the hypothalamus and your hypothalamus tissue will regulate your body temperature as well as your metabolism. And as we age in our estrogen drops in that gland does the receptor site does not get occupied. That's when you start to see a little sluggish metabolism, um, while GM and part with that complex that we use can help occupy the estrogen receptor sites on the hypothalamus. The unique thing about plants is they are receptor site specific. So there's a slightly different configuration to the estrogen receptors on your hypothalamus. Then there is two uterine and breast tissue. So, um, if you were to do traditional hormone replacement, you may be putting yourself at risk because those hormones will re will occupy the sites, both breast uterine, uh, but additionally, bone and hypothalamus. So they might give you benefit, but you also get risk. Whereas the plants and in particular, this wild jam complex will occupy those sites for bone and hypothalamus only keeping your reproductive tissue safe. This is why you're the good doctor. So you can just reach into your bag, grab some while the AMS here, not profusely sweating on your date. So we've covered fatigue and dating, but another big one is confidence. Having confidence in yourself is the most crucial thing. Well dating. The number one thing men are attracted to is confidence. So I've seen myself collectively, people are not that confident during COVID-19, whether you can't get your hair colored or eating healthy, wasn't the easiest off option summer's upon us. And as the guidelines are lifted, what are some of the things that we can do to build up our confidence? Well, it's interesting because even without COVID, we know that historically people have incorporated fasting into their lifestyles and spring and fall traditionally. And so we are still technically in spring, it's a really good time to cleanse. And when we cleanse, we think about eliminating the things that could be potentially causing trouble in the body. And, you know, there are basics like sugar and white flour and alcohol that if everyone eliminated those, um, they're going to feel a little bit better. There'll be less inflammation in the body and greater energy levels. And you're also probably going to shed as those extra pounds you might have put on during quarantine. Um, I like people to, to know about the effects of insulin. It's a hormone that's made by the pancreas. It is really essential to move sugar from the blood, into the cells. However many foods can cause an elevated production of insulin. And under those conditions, it's really hard to maximize your weight management. So if that is something that is affecting your confidence, and we do see that, you know, it's kind of an interesting thing because you do want to be your best when you're dating. But I also think that you might find a partner that would support you. If you have a challenge that you share and you work through with them, you know, maybe not on date one, I guess, but, um, it would be a test. Yeah. And I don't think you need to be a hundred percent to get out there. I what's one of the things that I liked about your swiping soiree that I attended last year is that you made reference to the million reasons that, you know, someone getting ready to date might have you keep holding them back from taking the next step and you know, it's never perfect. And, um, I think that we have lots of programs that support you in good health. And I think whenever you take action on one part of your life, you affect the others. So if you start in any one place, whether it is, you know, changing your diet a little bit, or working on your mental attitude, um, you know, trusting that things are evolving as they should, are making one step and, and, uh, in the right direction of the direction that you ultimately want to land, you know, your start, the journey. That's the important thing. I agree. I think it's small, actionable steps that we can take to improve feel better as we step into this new life that we're creating. I know for me, I, I want to just talk about some of a few more supplements that I'm going to put in the show notes so that people have them gut flora complex did wonders for me, as far as reducing inflammation. I saw a big difference with that. So gut flora is one that I use. Um, another one of those that I would not want to be without in practice. And part of the reason that it affects people so dramatically is it addresses the balance of the microbiome. So in the gut, we have, you know, 10 to the 12 microbes. There's billions. We really need a balance of the healthy ones to the unhealthy ones. And as the diet shifts toward unhealthy foods, or if you've had antibiotics for any reason, or if you've taken extended nonsteroidal, anti inflammatory medic medicines, such as Advil, you can disrupt the gut. If you've been on the birth control pill and it shifts the pH, you can get overgrowth of yeast quite readily. If you drink a lot of alcohol or you had sugar in the diet, you can get overgrowth of yeast. And our gut flora helps to kill off six different strains of yeast, two different bacteria in the gut to eliminate what I call some of the bad guys. So some of the unhealthy guys that may have overgrown when conditions, um, allowed them to take hold and, uh, with particular attention to yeast. And so that as yeast die off, they released their toxins and that affects the brain. And part of the reason that people feel so well when we balance the gut is that the brain actually works better with a healthy gut. And the immune system works better with a healthy gut and you, you put those together and you're going to feel, feel much better. That's great. The other thing that I saw a huge difference in was the German Trophon PMG ha so protomorphogens are a whole unique thing to the standard process line that, um, get me super excited, as you can tell, because they're really powerful little compounds, they're micro RNA that is tissue specific. So when you say Derma, Trophon PMG, you're speaking to the protomorphogens extract that helps the skin. So if we look at any organ or tissue in the body that has inflammation, one of the strategies to help the healing process is to bring down the inflammation in the tissue. So what we did with Derma Trophin PMG, and you'll have to remind me, I think you had a little irritation in the skin. I don't know if it was dryness or eczema or something of that type of, we bring the tissue inflammation down with the protomorphogens and there are protomorphogens for the lung, for the liver, for the kidney, for the heart. So any tissue and, and this is exceptionally important right now with a viral threat, because we know in recent studies in how the immune system works. If you have any tissue that's inflamed, when a microbe in VR invades the body, that tissue is much more vulnerable. So we have ways of testing. We use energy field testing to really get in and check how healthy each individual system and tissue is. And then we can introduce the remedy that we suspect might help and just check to make sure that it's actually a good one for you individually. And without that, if you have a knowledge through a symptom or through a testing of inflammation and a tissue, these protomorphogens are invaluable. This is all such good information that my last tip for all these wonderful supplements that I take is this is true. This is truly the case. If I take nerve ridges that get night, I need half the amount of sleep. Wow. So that's the first I'm hearing that, um, I can speak to Nirvana music. Uh, again, it's a combination of herbs and it's a formula that we've had in our, our dog doctor bag for the last year and a half. One of the herbs in that formula is California poppy. And we use[inaudible] for temporary stress. It's particularly helpful if there's musculoskeletal complaints, nerve driven pain, but California, poppy is an anxiety that people don't think of it that way. We think of it more as an analgesic, meaning it helps us with pain, but there is a level of help to be had for anxiety in that formula, through both California, poppy, there's Jamaican Dogwood in that formula, which helps your muscles relax. Um, so it's, it's a terrific, and there's feverfew for people who might have migraine tendencies. Um, we love that formula. I'm so delighted to hear it was, uh, helpful to you and I have to sleep sounds like a enticing thing. I might have to try it myself now. I don't know why it does. I mean, you gave it to me for my, my neck pain and my back pain. And I just found that if I took it at night, I just felt like I could run a marathon the next morning. Excellent. Yeah, that's great. Um, another one, I think it's a really good one for people who have allergies is the black Spanish radish. So Spanish, black radish is a variety of radish. Um, and when I went to the farm where they grow these products and, uh, and by the way, um, hats off to standard process nutrition, which is, um, the vast majority of what I use in my practice because they have a farm where they actually grow food. Um, so they grow the radishes. They've studied when to harvest them, to have the most active, um, components that, that allows the therapeutic effect of the vegetable. Um, but I've gone to the farm and in learning about their processes, I sat in to view a film of, of how they organic farm and they had all these slice vegetables, they had beets and they had carrots and I loaded my plate and I took a bite of something that I thought was a beat. And I was actually the black radish and my tongue went on fire. And, um, and then I learned in the laboratory that they've actually studied which species to use of the radish when to harvest it. And black radish has so many therapeutic effects. It's detoxifying. If you have any mucus in the body, especially in a congestion in the sinuses or lungs, are, it will help to eliminate that that's called Qatar or phlegm. And so BlackRock is part of many of the programs that we use to detoxify, to cleanse, to support proper respiration, eliminating of a die off from microbes and so forth. It's really terrific. That's great. So what supplements would you say we should choose to protect ourselves as we rejoin society during COVID-19? Uh, that's a very good question. Um, I love this question. I think that there are products that allow us to be healthy under any conditions and as tempted as I am to respond to directly this particular virus, I think it's important to remember that we want health, whole health. And that means that if this virus changes and evolves and morphs to some other variety or next year, there's a new or different virus, we don't want to change our strategy. Our strategy is to make sure that we are functioning as best we can on a nutritional level. We want to make sure that we have adequate vitamin D. We want to make sure that we have zinc and calcium. We want to make sure that we have proper rest. We want to make sure that we're surrounded with relationships that increase our vibration. There's something to think about, you know, if you want to take away from this quarantine period and COVID-19 think about who's the person that you wanted to speak to. Who's the person that you wanted to send a text to, or get a call from that, you know, at the end of it, you actually felt better. You felt less stressed than more stress, and those are the people that you want to surround yourself with moving forward. Because just as important as what you choose to take in through your nutrition, through your food, through your supplements, uh, your energy field wants to be at its highest vibration so that you're gonna work as best as possible. So that's the whole, and that's the whole approach for whole body solutions. And for whole body health, there are a couple of particular herbs. There's one that I'm finding exceptionally useful. It's, it's a species of optimism and it's called optimism. And on us, it's part of our, um, complex that we use. We started using this, addressing what we call stealth pathogens that played a role in things like auto immune disease and Lyme disease and Lyme co-infection. And the particular herb has been used in Madagascar, and they haven't had any deaths there and we've been testing it in our clinic and we found it to be quite useful. I've coached a number of people who tested positive for COVID and, um, we've, we've coached them all. They're all on the other side and doing quite well. And that's one herb that I would say in this, uh, very specific viral environment that I would coach people to use otherwise, you know, make sure you're eating the best you can make sure you're getting the rest. You need, make sure your vitamin C and zinc calcium are adequate, um, contemplate, making sure you have enough healthy proteins that are bioavailable and surround yourself with the people who actually improve your energy. Okay. That's great.
Speaker 3:Before we wrap up this episode, I want to share a story, a doctor, a great doctor and story, and you can add all these things to your life that improve your health and your wellbeing. But sometimes you have to let go of some things that aren't serving you and the world is changing drastically. And we've been forced to adjust last year at this exact time, the improper Bostonian magazine closed down. This was a place I worked for 27 years, my entire adult life. And I came to see you for an adjustment. And I was absolutely devastated. And I laid down for you to adjust my back. And you could tell I was really sad and hurting. And I said, I just can't believe this, that the is closed. And you said very calmly to me. Sometimes you need to let things go to make room for what's coming. And it was the podcast. So one year later here I am having you on show, which is so great. And I know it's hard to let things go, but change is going to happen. So whether it's eating healthier going on that walk, including that new supplement, it doesn't even need to be harder to drastic. Just take those steps that we can, that we can take so that we can improve and feel better and walk confidently into our future doctor. And I can't thank you enough for being here and all that you do for me and others. And I don't know what I would do without you, Carrie. It's been my pleasure, my honor, um, both to have your trust and to share in this exciting time with you. So thank you.
Speaker 1:I hope you found some of my tips helpful this week. This is what shot of love is here for, to help you find love. Keep up the commitment to yourself and commit to helping someone else by sharing this podcast. Remember to stay safe and stay tuned for more episodes. Following Instagram shot at love podcast. I'm Carrie Brett, and we'll see you next time.[inaudible][inaudible].