Somethin' Like Sunday School


Zactrese Williams Season 5 Episode 12

Ever wanted to understand the true essence of leadership and character from a biblical perspective? Our discussion on King Saul's rise to power and his subsequent struggles will provide you with deep insights into the Israelites' demand for a king and the spiritual implications of their request. We delve into the significance of character over appearances in leadership and relationships, using personal anecdotes to illustrate how true influence is rooted in one's inner qualities. This episode also emphasizes the importance of discerning true character and anointing beyond visible talents and gifts, showcasing how the misuse of God-given gifts can lead to a loss of divine favor.

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Sunday Schoolers!! Hope you enjoyed class!

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

What's up, everybody, and welcome back to your favorite podcast. Something like Sunday School School. I am Purpose Williams and with me on tonight today, whatever time you're listening, I have. You know he's young and I was. You know, at my age You'd be like, oh, he's a baby, he's a baby, but spiritually the maturation is insane. See, I knew you were going to do this.

Speaker 3:

So I called him elder.

Speaker 1:

I called him elder, look. So I got to do the intro. Tell the mother, for you know, tonight, in the absence Of his beautiful wife, evangelist mother.

Speaker 3:

Now she's going to kill you when she hear that she know they.

Speaker 1:

You know they company each other. I tell them all the time this is a God ordained marriage. But just watching, watching Joe I called him Elder Mugford it's very, very inspiring. Wow, he just came in Like a wind, like I thought he was gonna be Like this little. You know, you look at him. He's like you can tell that he has A lot of creativity Behind his eyes, wow. But I expected him To be more you know Behind the scenes. But I knew he would be Getting things done right. But in this capacity, Wow.

Speaker 1:

Child. Tell them about your.

Speaker 3:

Man, first of all Elderly. I knew you were Going to do this. I have not no elder, that's right but. I thank you for the kind words, for I wish car you know she could have been here you know chopping it up, so but she, uh, she sent me on my way she sends her love, she sends her you know, she knows, I love her I am joe. I am not an elder.

Speaker 4:

I'm a creative director.

Speaker 3:

uh, for our amazing church, best church mobile way. Yeah, and I'm just honored to be on this podcast with you. You are like a Bible Jedi, a Word Jedi a. Word.

Speaker 5:

Jedi so like.

Speaker 3:

I'm just a Padawan in this setting. You know what I'm saying. We just going to chill, chop it up.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, no, no, no, no no. Rise up Elder because he's going to take the floor. He know me.

Speaker 4:

He play so much.

Speaker 1:

He trying to play Reindeer games.

Speaker 3:

I'm finna let him have his way. The.

Speaker 1:

Lord told me To let him have his way.

Speaker 4:

No, we chilling, I'm gonna obey the word of the Lord. We chilling Hastily.

Speaker 1:

But tonight, tonight man, this account is so Delicious.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

In so many ways and again, with all the people In the Bible, I always see myself In some way Wow. And you know, like I say, all the time when I was younger and I would read the stories about the children of Israel, I read the accounts and all the situations. I'd be like God. They're so dumb, right.

Speaker 3:

But look at me.

Speaker 5:

Right, so dumb.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so dumb Not following.

Speaker 3:

It's so sad because it's like there'll be stunts and there'll be times where they're doing so good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, it's like yes.

Speaker 3:

And then, for some reason, they just got to turn back to the idol they get off.

Speaker 1:

They just I don't know. It's like little loose babies. It's baby dust just wandering around Right, right, and here they have the most high God and done all these things for him, and they get thrown off.

Speaker 3:

But, like you just said though, it's like the same with our lives.

Speaker 1:

It's the same with our lives.

Speaker 3:

I know a lot of us. You know it's real easy to read these stories and be like dang they should have got it. And then it's another thing to look at your life and take a step back and say dang, you should have got it, you should have got it several times. She got it, she got it several times Right right, so it's honestly a picture of what oftentimes our lives look like.

Speaker 1:

The Bible is very much self-reflective Right it's going to make you if you got any. You know the sense that God gave. It's going to make you do self-eval Right.

Speaker 3:

Every time, every time, if you're reading it right.

Speaker 1:

If you're reading it right and you're honest with yourself. It's very much man in the mirror. That's where Michael Jackson got it from.

Speaker 3:

That's exactly where he got it from.

Speaker 1:

He can't be turning up the collar in the winter coat and acting like you don't see what's going on in your own life, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

That's correct.

Speaker 1:

And there he is again, all the time still being so faithful to our unfaithful selves.

Speaker 3:

Every Shout.

Speaker 1:

I feel it A two count right here, don't let me start stumping, because I will.

Speaker 4:

I will stump.

Speaker 1:

That's what I do I stump, you know, I cry and I stump.

Speaker 4:

And I rock.

Speaker 1:

I told this man Elder, he preached his face off At first Thursday At our church and I was like he got to, he got to teach and it was so crazy Because I had been studying. I told Aerie that I had been studying Jonathan and David.

Speaker 2:

Wow, so of course, if I'm studying Like leading up to it, leading up to it, wow.

Speaker 1:

So, of course, if I'm studying Jonathan and David, I got to study his daddy.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got to study Saul.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. So I Just studying all that and my problem is Condensing the stuff down, Because there's so much?

Speaker 3:

No, there actually is.

Speaker 1:

Oh God, it's so much as I was preparing.

Speaker 3:

There was so much. I started from the beginning Because of course I want full context, absolutely. But like I was like hold up, like I gotta take my time and really slow off this Because there's so many Little cuts and so many little Side stories, but like you can't just read over them.

Speaker 1:

You can't read over it, Because if you don't you need all the pieces.

Speaker 5:

It's like a cake. You need all the ingredients.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you this right, quick, right, we're not going to be before you long.

Speaker 3:

I was taking this up Says every pastor, every preacher, and then they're out here for the next two hours. So just buckle in.

Speaker 1:

We don't know how long long. We actually know, lord, have mercy, have your way. Oh god, look, I was taking this. What was it a home make? Did you guys take home making high school? Do y'all still have that home? Oh lord the age gap is that the?

Speaker 3:

is that like where they teach you about like actual life? Skills, things, yeah absolutely we had like a little cooking. We had a little cooking thing like where they taught us how to cook yeah and I haven't even class, so they just gave it a different name.

Speaker 5:

Right, right.

Speaker 1:

Right, so I was taking this homemade class at John L LaFleur. Radler Pride, go Radlers.

Speaker 3:

I'm not from the South or Mobile. He's married to one of them.

Speaker 4:

I am married to one.

Speaker 1:

So I'm married to one and the two became one, uh, in this homemade class and uh, the lady was teaching us, you know, how to cook different things or whatever. And so I used to be so excited leaving that class because I felt like I could just cook anything like people were saying, and I could just cook and I could just make it. So, um, I went home one day I said the lady had told us how to make biscuits and I said I was gonna make some biscuits. I was excited. I got up early on a Saturday morning and if you know me, saturdays are for sleeping in but that day I was so excited I was going to cook for my family breakfast, for them for the weekend, and I wanted to make those biscuits In class. They came out perfect, right, but at home though.

Speaker 1:

At home I got the ingredients the ingredients. You know what I thought, whatever and those things was like flat, they was like discs, they were like hard little bread discs and I was disappointed, my eyes watered and everything. But the difference was I had the wrong ingredients. Wow, hold up. Now.

Speaker 1:

I had the wrong reason I had all the things, but it was the flour. Wow, I was supposed to have Self-rising flour. I didn't have Self-rising flour and they did not rise. They did not rise. So this story Is so, so, very, very detailed that you just don't want to leave you know Any of the ingredients out, right? But I also Sometimes like to leave it out To you know, to get you to go ahead and read you know Everything for yourself, because what Study to show yourself. And.

Speaker 1:

That is, you know Really what this podcast Is about Introducing people to Jesus, reintroducing those you know To the ones that Already know him, but Making it, you know, easy. I want God to make it easy. A lot of times we think you know Scripture is very hard. But If we just you know, yeah.

Speaker 5:

Just read yeah.

Speaker 1:

Slow, walk it, cut it up in little bite sized pieces and it's If you read it baby, child, you gotta go, and I had to.

Speaker 3:

I really learned this Like as a baby Christian Right, you grow, right, we all started as babies. Then we grow, of course, but you got to at some point in time make the jump from milk to meat.

Speaker 1:

You got to, you got to.

Speaker 3:

And trying to survive off a verse of the day or just a little something is never really going to grow you to the point that God wants to get you to.

Speaker 1:

He's not, so at some point in time you got to go from a verse to a section, to a chapter.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm saying. Then to a section, to a chapter. You know I'm saying then to a, but you know we gotta, we gotta make those jumps but I feel like a lot of us we just kind of park and stay. You know, I got my little verse today I got my little cute devo and it's like, no, like, yeah, of course it's supposed to, you know, make you, equip you for the day, but you also gotta build. Build yourself up in your faith too right elder is eldering on tonight already he already told you.

Speaker 1:

He already told you you can't just take, you know, that verse of the day. Of course it's a great start, especially If you are a baby in Christ. But when you hear that verse of the day, something on the inside Of you should want to Find the rest of it, and this is why I love and I'm so grateful For your podcast In this space?

Speaker 3:

Because I mean Playing off the name Like Sunday School. That's like a thing Like I'm grateful that I grew up in a church when we actually have A Sunday School. Yes, absolutely, and nowadays we don't really much. Have that too much, but like A space like this Is definitely like Something that you can Grow from.

Speaker 4:

If you just.

Speaker 1:

Submit yourself to it, god bless God, so I really thank you For you stepping out For real.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was.

Speaker 1:

That was. That was what Holy Spirit showed me.

Speaker 3:

Come on.

Speaker 1:

Pastor would be teaching. You know he do his good teaching All the time.

Speaker 3:

Cause he's a teacher. That's his great teaching.

Speaker 1:

He is a teacher, but you know he would be talking about Certain people in the Bible and certain things that happen and you know, for the most the people would be clueless because now, praise god, we have people that are new in christ, never been churched you know, and um, we want everybody.

Speaker 1:

So if you've been church, you've never been church, that's. You know. That's great that you're in the house, but they wouldn't have any clue. You know what he was talking about and a lot of times the points would have to fight against them, not even knowing who is his and when that happened or whatever. So the Lord gave me a burden to you know, in a way, bring Sunday school back.

Speaker 1:

Because, like you, I grew up on Sunday school and it was delicious. It's what made me, you know, really be excited about the Word of God. And then we would have Bible study on Friday nights. So it was just a whole week of it and so everything. You know, it was delicious to me. I had great Sunday school teachers. Our church was very, very scripture-based, very doctrine-based. It was a beautiful foundation. You hear me say that all the time, but Sunday school was very important to me, so I just, god, gave me the burden to. You know, just bring that back.

Speaker 3:

Come on and we're so grateful because we need more spaces like this.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad, I'm so glad and I do bless God, I bless him. But tonight our account and I don't like to call them stories. Every now and then I say stories because that's what we're used to saying, but I know that they're not just. You know these magical, whimsical stories Of sweet nothingness that make you just feel Like these are actual Accounts of actual people, right Dealing with a real God Right, so I'm assuming you don't like when people Say Bible characters.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't like that.

Speaker 1:

You can say Bible people, uh huh by calling them people Bible people, characters. That makes me think of Little Mermaid. Disney, yeah, yeah, and we know that's fantasy or whatever. Even though those things Be based on Some type of truth or whatever. And you know, gets perverted, or you know, sometimes it's right, most of the time it's perverted. But I do not like To hear people like, oh you know, let's get over the Bible character Peter.

Speaker 3:

It's not a character, I think, when I hear that this man really Cut Right he's not no little character.

Speaker 1:

No, he really did. Took a sword Out of his sheath, I think a shrap. Swiped I think a shrap.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

When I hear people say like oh, a Bible character, I think a shrap, like some type of fantasy type, far far away Right, right, never, never Right, but no.

Speaker 1:

These are actual people.

Speaker 3:

Legit yeah.

Speaker 1:

These are legit people and if you really look At their stories and everything they got going on what I love about the Bible, it doesn't leave out the foolishness they got going on, they can only be people Right, right. These can only be real accounts, right right right.

Speaker 5:

They can only be real. So right right, right, right it can only be real.

Speaker 1:

So we're gonna get it right on into you guys come on tonight today, whatever time you're listening, we are going to go over the account of saul the king now, not saul who was paul, who was killing christians right not for fun, for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then goes on to, you know, write most of the new testament beautiful, uh, transformation.

Speaker 3:

This song is king song like ot ot ot old testament, old testament song so, uh, let's see how he came about.

Speaker 1:

In the episode many sons. We talked about the children of Israel and, for whatever reason, you know, just be young and ignorant and just not. You know, not reading, letting people tell you the stories. The children of Israel whenever I heard about them I knew that they were people that God chose, but I always thought just Israel, like the place Israel. But the children of Israel Are Jacob's descendants, jacob Name being changed to Israel. So it is Fascinating, you know, just thinking about it, because it goes back to the Abrahamic promise, with the covenant Right and all the way we really getting right into the Davidic covenant Coming out of the Abrahamic covenant.

Speaker 1:

So we it just gives a very detailed trail Of what they had going on. Right. So the children, again right into the Davidic covenant, coming out of the Abrahamic covenant. So we it just, it just gives a very detailed trail of what they had going on. Right so, the children of Israel, god's chosen people, he keeps rescuing them, feeding them, taking them to the promised land. But they are in an unrest and they, you know, they're still're still relatively a young nation. So they, or I would assume, comparing themselves. Well, it's in the scripture, comparing themselves to other people.

Speaker 1:

We want one of them too.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

They have the almighty God, even though we can't see him. He's invisible, but he's showing himself strong. Right, but they want a natural king. They want a physical body walking around, ruling over them and this is when they were heavily dependent upon prophets and judges. But they wanted a natural king. They had the king right, the king right, but they wanted, they wanted a physical body. They can touch someone, so they can touch the sea.

Speaker 3:

Wow, and that's something that's insane and, uh, I think it would be cool to kind of just like read kind of through it. Come on, I have my iPad here. I need to go to 1 Samuel. I know that we were originally supposed to start at 9.

Speaker 1:

But I think 8 is where it really picks up. 8 is where it was delicious.

Speaker 3:

I'm just going to read a few and then we can kind of just, I guess, like we were saying, kind of slow, walk it. I'm in the NLT, I know you read KJV, so you'll be able to kind of give us the other side Now when I'm, you know, reading, just to read. I read NLT, I love it, I like words.

Speaker 5:

So I also look at Amplified too.

Speaker 3:

But just the KJV is too. It's like a little for me, just personally. It's just too poetic Now there, because it's delicious.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you need a KJV but, I, don't know you need a KJV, I just want it plain, just put it to me. I feel like the KJV gives words that make you just be like mm Right right, you know what, but it's the ETHs and all that stuff that be throwing me off, so I'm going to just stick with it. And what's funny is the NLT and Amplified they and um, amplified they throw me off. Really it's so I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so as I read, when, when I start to throw you off, you jump in and read that verse that we leave off of because I want to make sure that we stay together. Okay, sounds good. First, samuel and um. I don't know why my ipad keeps saying this. I think it's probably because I'm on wi-fi. It's okay, um, chapter eight. Let me go to my phone, because my ipad is not uh working, and see, this is probably why I need uh to stay physical watch this.

Speaker 3:

I'm so old school okay, israel requests the king. So just right where you left off as samuel grew, no am I right there, yeah, as samuel grew, he appointed his sons to be judges over israel, joel, and you got to jump in and say that name because I don't know.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Abaya, his oldest sons, held court in Beersheba, but they were not like their father, for they were greedy for money, they accepted bribes and perverted justice. Finally, verse four all the elders of Israel met at Ramah to discuss this matter with Samuel. Look, they told him you are old and your sons are not like you.

Speaker 1:

You're getting out of here my guy.

Speaker 3:

I love this. Well, I don't really love this. This is just insane. Give us a king to judge us, like all the other nations have.

Speaker 1:

Give us a king to judge us, like all the other nations have.

Speaker 3:

That was insane to me. That's insane, because that's telling me that you were looking out and you were watching everybody else watching everybody else and you overlooked how God has set you up it happens, we do it all the time, we do it all the time we do it all the time we look

Speaker 4:

at what she's doing.

Speaker 3:

We look at what he's doing and we take our eyes, what God has us stewarding and how God has us set up right now in this specific season, because these people are set up and we're going to read down now and see how beautifully set up, they are.

Speaker 1:

But I want to go back to Come on To the second verse. Okay, no, the first verse. Okay, I think that this is very important and the Lord just showed me that and he came to pass. I'm sorry, it's okay, time went by.

Speaker 3:

That's it.

Speaker 1:

Samuel was getting old, so he know he getting old, he needs successors, right. But this is very important he made his son's judges over Israel. Samuel did it, samuel Not the Lord saying make them judges over.

Speaker 4:

He just these my boys.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going to give it to them. And we see what happened. He just gave it to them off his own whim, and this is a prophet. We can miss it when we don't listen to God.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

Simple as that it starts off. 8 starts out telling us what's going on, what's happening.

Speaker 3:

Samuel makes that decision on his own, and look what kind of leaders they are right taking bribes, poor perverted perverted is what the scripture says perverted justice, jesus, look, we see it, there it is, we see it all the time again, verse five. Look, they told him, you are now old, you're expired and your sons are not. You Give us a king to judge us, like all the other nations have. Samuel was displeased Now.

Speaker 5:

I love this next part because he goes to the Lord.

Speaker 3:

He says Samuel was displeased with their request and went to the Lord for guidance. And I bet Samuel was like I'm just trying to put myself in his shoes. I bet he was like okay, I'm going to take this to the Lord and he's gonna get these folks right. Like yeah, yeah, we are not running with this plan. Okay, well, watch what what the lord says. He says do everything they say to you. The lord replied, for they are rejecting me and not you. They don't want me to be their king any longer. Ever since I brought them from egypt, they have continually abandoned me and followed other gods, and now they are giving you the same treatment. Do as they ask, but solemnly warn them about the way a king will reign over them we see two things right there.

Speaker 3:

First, we see free will okay, we see free will.

Speaker 1:

Okay, he don't. He don't just stop them from wanting a king wow, he just was like all right, all right, give it them. That's what they want. Right and he tells them you don't take it personally.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

They're not rejecting you.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

They're rejecting me.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

And because you're in my stead, it feels like they're rejecting you. Mm-hmm, but they're not rejecting you, they're rejecting me.

Speaker 3:

Even after all the things that a king will reign over them. So, like you just said, right, he's giving you free will, but he's also giving you the grace. He's also giving you grace, right there the way of escape.

Speaker 1:

Right there, right.

Speaker 3:

Immediately. Okay, you go down that road. I'm not necessarily in agreementurp. Right, your will, so I'm gonna let you. I'm gonna let you have it, and I already know how this is gonna go, but I'm gonna go ahead and throw in this, like this little warning in here.

Speaker 1:

That's actually a layer of grace to give you an opportunity to change your mind because I'm gonna yeah, you can do it, but this, this is what's gonna happen, right, and it's like you say solemnly this ain't no good, this is a warning. I already feels, you know, like ooh, but that man said it solemnly, right, and it feels much too like a parent saying, okay, I'm going to take my hands off of you.

Speaker 5:

Wow. Yep, but I'm going to tell you what's going to happen. What's going to happen.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to give you the advice, but you got to roll with it I can't tell you how many times that happened when I was growing up.

Speaker 3:

My mom, said I want to do that and I went and did it anyways and faced consequences. Now I want to skip here a little bit, because in the middle, because Samuel, over the next couple of verses, he lays out clearly what's going to happen. Okay, y'all want a king. Here's what's going to happen, right? Okay, verse 19. But after all of this, the people refused to listen to Samuel's warning and watch what they said. Even so, they said we still want a king.

Speaker 1:

Even so.

Speaker 3:

We want to be like the other nations around us.

Speaker 1:

You know what they sound like.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

Free Barabbas. Yeah, yeah, that's what they sound like. Free Barabbas, yeah, free that criminal. Free him. Free him them free.

Speaker 3:

Take jesus free innocent one and he's like all right I mean you sure you want him because? He all right here, go have him. But what's crazy here is that when I was preparing or whatever, thinking through our conversation, I had to stop right here because it's like who are they? Who are they like rejecting? Like this isn't just someone random. This is samuel. He was like the problem, he was like the man, he was man, he was the person of authority.

Speaker 1:

He was right, he was an authority figure, he was a representation of God, right there in their faces.

Speaker 3:

Right, the same one that gave you Word after word After word from the Lord and now, all of a sudden, because you want something so bad, Same one. That's crazy. Because you want something so bad? That's crazy.

Speaker 1:

That you already got. Firstly, wow that you already have. But, I want to go back. Let's go back.

Speaker 3:

Okay, come on, bring us back a little bit.

Speaker 1:

I wanted them to read that on their own To see all the things that he said was going to happen to them.

Speaker 5:

But you might skip it.

Speaker 1:

I want to. They might skip it, and I want to. I want to show something, too Okay, that the Lord showed me With me. So let's go back to, let's go back to 9. Okay. Sometimes I like to repeat myself.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, come on.

Speaker 1:

That's fine. They set him back up. It says Now, therefore, hearken unto their voice, do what they said. How be it? Yet protest solemnly unto them and show them the manner Of the king that shall reign over you. He said Tell them about the king that they gonna get. And Samuel told all the words of the Lord and to the people that asked of him a king. And he said this will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you. This, the man God want. He will take your sons. You could have stopped right there.

Speaker 3:

I don't want it, lord, you already taking my son. Stop, stop, right there.

Speaker 1:

He'll take your sons and appoint them for who? Himself, not even for God, for himself, for his chariots, and to. He'll take your sons and appoint them for who Himself? Not even for God, for himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen, and some shall run before his chariots. He even got little pawns he's going to throw out there, your children. Now, right, and he will appoint him captains over the thousands and captains over fifties, and will set them to ear his ground and to reap his harvest. All these things are about him. To ear his ground and to reap his harvest. All these things are about him. And to make his instruments of war my God, wow and instruments of his chariots. He will do what? Take your daughters To be confectionaries I want it. And to be cooks I want it, lord. And to be bakers A pretty little way Of saying slaves, uh huh.

Speaker 3:

Be captives Right.

Speaker 1:

And he will take your fields and your vineyards and your olive yards, jesus, even the best of them, and give them to who His servants, and he would take the tenth of your seed. He's going to take the tithe after all of that, and your vineyards and give to his officers and to his servants, and he would take your men's servants and your maid's servants and your good. Take your men servants and your maid servants and your goodliest young men. He want the best and your asses and put them to work. He will take the tenth of your sheep and you shall be his wood, his servants, and then you gonna do what. You gonna cry out.

Speaker 3:

At the end of all this, you just gonna come right back here.

Speaker 1:

You just gonna be crying.

Speaker 3:

So let's just go ahead and just try to avoid all this. Let's avoid it and let's just go with what the Lord said from the jump, let's avoid it.

Speaker 1:

Not only do we see the detriment, but look at how nicely they're set up. They got sons and daughters. They got vineyards Out of yards.

Speaker 3:

They got their own man service. He done, set y'all up beautifully, right. So he's basically saying like you have it good, you got everything, you have it fine.

Speaker 1:

You got everything and you want somebody to come take it.

Speaker 3:

My God.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to let you do what you do. That's what he said. And then the people refused to listen to all that.

Speaker 3:

Even so we still want a king. We want to be like the other nations around us. You're so consumed of trying to look like everybody else and not understanding that god has set you apart. He's dressing a certain type of way he's giving you a different standard and you want to trade that in for the world he's the daddy who's fathered, who's fathered?

Speaker 1:

the scripture, the inheritance for your children's children, I gave you.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

I've given you everything. I've done right by you. I set you up and you slapping me in the face. I'm like you want another daddy and I'm the best daddy. You got the best daddy anybody can have. And you slap me in your face Looking at Jessica down the street. The grass is not greener On the other side. Maybe it's burnt and you slapped me in your face looking at Jessica down the street. The grass is not greener on the other side.

Speaker 3:

Maybe he's burnt. So Samuel repeated to the Lord what the people had said, and the Lord replied do as they say and give them a king.

Speaker 1:

Give them a king. And that now sets up Saul. Enter, saul, enter, saul, enter, enter, saul, enter Saul.

Speaker 3:

He's like Thanos I have a ride.

Speaker 1:

Right, I am here.

Speaker 3:

And it leads you right back to me.

Speaker 1:

Every time. Every time Wow, chapter 9.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I want to read Come on, verse 1 Wow.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

What did they say? Enter Samuel.

Speaker 3:

Scene 2.

Speaker 1:

Right Now, there was a man of Benjamin Whose name was Kish, the son of Abel, the son of Zerah, the son of Bekaret, the son of Aphia, a Benjamite, a mighty man of power. Why is that scripture important? Again, we skip over all the names, but it goes back to prove that Saul is a part of that generation.

Speaker 5:

He's part of Saul.

Speaker 1:

He's a child of Israel as well. Right, benjamin is Jacob's baby boy. Right, and we just had, we just did Esther. They was out of Benjamites, benjamites, you know it's kind of favorite.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying. Right, right, right. So there's some oil on that, there's some oil, there's oil on that baby boy and his crew.

Speaker 1:

But, Yep, all those things are important. We tend to skip over it. But the lineage keeps getting proven Over and over again and still Like. Let's go back to the Abrahamic covenant. The Lord told him His people was going to be blessed.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

Kings was going to come out of. Jesus comes out of, yeah, the Abrahamic covenant, the Davidic covenant. Yep, this is the Bible. You don't do nothing but prove itself the word only proves itself Over and over again, right.

Speaker 3:

We just be skipping over. We'll see shortly, in just a couple Verses, that he, saul, he didn't care None about that, he didn't he didn't care he didn't care A thing about that. He didn't care he actually said like who's my family? Who am I?

Speaker 1:

I'm, I'm from the tribe of benjamin, I'm the least man, he didn't care he didn't care he didn't see himself like he was supposed to see it either, and he shows.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead, man of god but his son saw was the most handsome man in israel, head and shoulders taller than anyone else in the land. He's beautiful, he's he's the package.

Speaker 1:

He's beautiful from the outside what is what they call it?

Speaker 4:

pretty privilege, uh-huh he comes in here privileged just by looks alone, right right, the tallest, of course.

Speaker 3:

He sounds like a king Of course he looks like one, right, of course. But we read, you know, that is the From the people's standpoint.

Speaker 1:

From the people's standpoint, that is the.

Speaker 3:

The number one qualifying thing Was his outward appearance. Talk about it no one took time to say Let me, let me just. Okay, I see what he's got, I see, you know what I'm saying His gifts working, but I need to go ahead and just see for a sec. I need to see his fruit. I need to see him over a course of time and in a couple of situations.

Speaker 1:

Look here.

Speaker 3:

To really see if this man is really as put together as he is on the inside, as he is on the outside.

Speaker 1:

Look, they didn't even have to see all that.

Speaker 2:

The Lord had already told that man's heart Right. Look at us.

Speaker 1:

So stupid.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

So stupid.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I tell the story All the time I was dating this guy. He was a fool and I knew it. I knew he was a fool. Yeah, come on, you know, my daddy Told me one night he got out the shower he had on his robe. He came in there because he always, you know, he walks the house. He's that kind of daddy and he tell us all goodnight. My daddy came in there. He just said don't let nobody make no fool out of you. Why is it that?

Speaker 4:

parents always know off rip.

Speaker 1:

I have not told this man one thing, but you know how I knew that boy was a fool, not even so much about the things he was doing. He did not remind me of my daddy In the least, wow, and my daddy was an amazing example. So my daddy told me in action already Mm-hmm, mm-mm.

Speaker 3:

Mm-mm, leave that alone.

Speaker 1:

So he hadn't even opened his mouth. But he showed me actions, his heart and this boy's heart. They did not match.

Speaker 3:

My mom Same. I love my mom. She's In my opinion. I know you probably see different Because you got a mom, but my mom is the best mom on the planet, everybody's mom. My mom is the best mom on the planet, sorry.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And growing up in high school, like I'm not saying that she just let me go, but like she kind of relaxed, I guess relaxed her hand no middle school, you know she was kind of on me. Elementary school she was on me, but as I got older in high school she kind of slowly, you know, kind of let more leash, you know yeah, kind of around and, uh, you know, in high school I had various girlfriends and you know little things.

Speaker 3:

You know that, thanks, yeah, you know, in high school I had various girlfriends and you know little things. You know that, Uh-oh Things, yeah, you know, just being a dude, and time after time I'd bring people to the house or whatever, and you know she'd say you know, I really like so-and-so. Then there's other times where it was like no, I don't think you need to be hanging. But she never put it like stop hanging out with this person. She always put it like I would advise you not to.

Speaker 5:

Just like we're reading here, in the story.

Speaker 3:

I would advise you not to. I would advise you not to. And it was always the people that, to me, on the outside, looked the best, that I thought was the most qualified, but it was those individuals nine out of ten times, and my mom was the one who was like uh-uh, I don't know what it is, but you don't need to be. I would advise you not to. Ugly heart, ugly heart, ugly heart, ugly heart. And I think that's what the in terms of leadership, because you know I'm over teams at the church and this is one of the things that I talk about, especially before even onboarding, onboarding I spent a lot of time talking before you even step on this team.

Speaker 3:

Right, I don't care about your qualifications, I don't care about how skilled you are, I don't care about how gifted you are I care more about your heart and what's on the inside of you, because that's what's going to have the most effect on people, absolutely and so I would honestly either way it's gonna have the effect on right, and I would rather Take someone With more heart and less gifting Versus the one who's got all the skill, all the talent and zero heart, no heart, because the no heart Is going to affect the people.

Speaker 5:

Yes In a bad way.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And the beautiful heart Is going to affect them In a good way. Wow, wow.

Speaker 3:

I'm just to this point in my life and I've had a few conversations with people about this um over the last maybe couple months that I'm just in the season now of fruit inspection. So I'm past all the glitz, the glam. I'm past all that how it looks on the outside. I'm I hear you and I see you, but I want to see again over time. I want to see how, how this thing plays out and I'm just really and I'm just really learning that you really can't.

Speaker 3:

It takes, it takes time to see that like I need. I need time, I need, I need to see you over the course of a period of time in a couple, a couple different situations, situations to see how you react, to see if there's someone that I could, you know, do life with, to see if there's someone I could elevate to see if there's someone that I could rely on to see if someone just to be over people

Speaker 3:

yeah yeah, I need, I need to see your fruit and I don't think we take, I don't think we do enough time discerning the fruit. We don't. We see the gift work. We see you know you kill it. We see you blow the house down. We see you, you know, but we don't, we don't take the time to see past that I'm gonna tell you it's true.

Speaker 1:

Uh, it says the anointing makes the difference.

Speaker 3:

I believe that's a hard thing too, for real that you have to have to explain that because you just in an anointed heart okay, for you know, for certain things, for leadership, I take people like Mortuary Science.

Speaker 1:

Baby, I couldn't do it. No, my heart ain't anointed For that, I can't do it Anything with numbers I'm not grace for that.

Speaker 1:

No, you know what I'm saying and we we see it a lot of times Even. Okay, let's take praise and worship. Okay, you look Like you just said. I've heard people, beautiful voices, riff and runs for days. I mean Rafter. To Cranow To the lowest Baritone bass, and I mean Beautiful gear but Oil-less. And it does nothing. Oil-less, it does nothing for the people. It sounds good, wow, but it does nothing. I'm like a. Like it's a dryness Cause. Ain, it does nothing. I'm like a.

Speaker 5:

Like yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's a dryness Cause, ain't no oil. Yeah, I've heard a person who might not have as much talent as so called we believe.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

Wrecked the house. Wrecked Because the heart Is anointed for that.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

Wrecked the house, jesus. I mean, you know, they might not even hit the highest notes, might not even hit all the runs, beautiful runs, but the anointing Zero. The anointing is there, saving people's lives Saving people's lives and they might be a little flat, a little pitchy. But, the anointing is perfect pitch. Perfect for the moment, perfect for that time, perfect for that area, perfect for that, for that area and people's lives.

Speaker 3:

I think for people who are super gifted it's really easy to start, and I think that's part of Saul's downfall is self-reliance.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

But when your gift is super strong, it's really easy to get that out of context and start feeding into yourself and feeding into the hype, and feeding into whatever and forget who gave it to you and why he gave it to you. Like I feel, like too many people, there's always the temptation of leaning into the gift and thinking, you know, for self-exaltation, for self-glor indeed.

Speaker 3:

And forgetting that your gift is for you. It's not for you to point the spotlight on you, it's to reflect back to him, back to the gift giver. And the moment that we start doing that, and we start taking the glory for ourselves, is the moment that I feel like the anointing lifts. It lifts.

Speaker 1:

Because it's not in that place.

Speaker 3:

I can't approve that, and I can't rock with that no more.

Speaker 1:

You know, we see that easily, we see it in scripture All the time. We see it where we was talking about the people that were lukewarm.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, oh, oh.

Speaker 1:

Hold on, and it's not that they are not saved.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

They're not, they're not choosing, they're not living what they're supposed to be doing. Wow, they're not living what they're supposed to be doing?

Speaker 4:

Wow, so he's like I got to spit it out. Yeah, yeah, because I can't, I can't touch that.

Speaker 3:

No, I can't, I can't.

Speaker 1:

I can't anoint that.

Speaker 3:

Going back because even just reading again throughout this story or not the story, but reading through these passages- of scripture.

Speaker 3:

I corrected myself, see, because it's not a story y'all. These story y'all, these are real accounts of real people. We set that up at the time. But reading through this account, like we see like just that, just like in the life of Saul, like where where that shift kind of happens, and really what I was, what I was trying to say was that the Lord dropped his spirit on Saul so he approved him, but we still have the free will, like we were just talking about, to make decisions we still had a free will and he did put his spirit on.

Speaker 1:

That's a beautiful point, because he gonna do, he keeps, he got. That's his, that's his people, yeah, so he gonna put his spirit on him, yeah it's like you know, I'm okay, I'm.

Speaker 3:

You want a king? Fine, I'm gonna set you up with this one. I'm going to still give him everything that he needs to be successful.

Speaker 1:

And to be the king, but how?

Speaker 3:

is he going to steward it? How is?

Speaker 1:

he going to steward it?

Speaker 3:

And we see no bueno.

Speaker 1:

We don't talk about soul.

Speaker 3:

Right, how is he going to steward it?

Speaker 1:

No bueno. What are you going to do with what I give you? How is he going to steward it?

Speaker 3:

And we see what he did. And we see what he did. We see what he did. We see what he did.

Speaker 1:

That man started losing his mind too Started losing his mind.

Speaker 3:

He started losing his actual mind.

Speaker 1:

As soon as that grace left, god said you fired, I got't lift his anointing in his protection. Really, we see, with the children of Israel, as long as they were in line with what was going on, what Jesus had, what God told them, they were fine. They were fine, they were protected, they were kept, they were everything. As soon as they got from up under that umbrella on their own, all hell Broke loose. And it's not that the stuff wasn't already there, right, but as long as they were, riding under that umbrella of obedience right.

Speaker 1:

Like we said before, obedience is the secret place as long as they was riding under their obedience they was good yeah so I started disobeying uh, he was supposed to destroy. Uh, uh, is it Amalek?

Speaker 3:

He didn't do it. He didn't do it. He started offering burnt offerings to other gods and stuff Right, losing his and I love that like because I know one of the questions that you had was like what's the kind of the difference? I know I'm jumping ahead sorry, oh you good but the difference between David and Saul.

Speaker 1:

I think that was the exact test. That was different because the exact.

Speaker 3:

What was powerful about the test? What was powerful about the test was that it was a test of patience. So I was like bro, I've been here seven days and we got to do something because I got my men they're tripping, they're, you know, freaking out, they're getting nervous, let me go ahead and just take this into my own hands.

Speaker 1:

And and the moment that he did that, he failed the test and, almost like he let go of the anointing right, he forfeited, he forfeited and we seen what happened when it because of his impatience yeah, impatience, right with the crowd jesus.

Speaker 3:

So I mean when I was, when I was reading, I took the most time to kind of like again slow walk that to kind of really pick through that, because that was really the setup, for I mean from that point on.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I mean, he was already on downward spiral.

Speaker 1:

He was out of there, man, he was already up out of there, but in that moment he demonstrated impatience and self-reliance. Absolutely. And what did we get out of that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no bueno, no bueno, no good.

Speaker 1:

And look, let's go back to Adam and Eve.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm, same thing.

Speaker 1:

Same. Thing.

Speaker 5:

Same. Thing.

Speaker 1:

They relied on something other than God Right and they disobeyed.

Speaker 3:

God's voice, and they disobeyed.

Speaker 1:

God Forfeited everything. And what happens then? Death.

Speaker 3:

Entered All kinds of death, all types of stuff. What's crazy about this moment? And then there was another moment, a little bit further ahead in Saul, when he was supposed to going back to the story that you said, or account that you said, when he was destroying the how you pronounce it the amalek, amalek. What was crazy is that his explanation, or his reasoning, or his excuse of why he took matters into his own hands, why he jumped the gun he he always, like, addressed it with I was trying to do something for god, I was trying to, and samuel had to say no nut nut, like our pastor was saying no nut nut. You only obeyed half the word, half the word. You ran with half word.

Speaker 1:

You didn't, you didn't submit yourself to the whole word and if you're doing something for God, do what he said. That's the most forest. You can do what he said do what he said do.

Speaker 3:

And at the heart of it, at the very end, you know he tries to repent. So you know, I know, but it's just crazy to me that you tried to, you could be doing, you could think you could be doing something for god and you think that is pleasing god and god's like.

Speaker 1:

No, I actually hate that because I didn't tell you, because I didn't tell you to do that and then when I was, when I was um thinking about that, when he was, you know, saying that he was doing it for god. I was like I thought about that movie on friday, uh-huh. And he was like you ain't gotta lie, craig you ain't gotta lie yeah you ain't had a lot like this, so you know good, and you ain't gotta lie.

Speaker 3:

You was not doing that. You ain't gotta lie.

Speaker 1:

You let the pressures get to him I wanted to ask you a question.

Speaker 3:

I know I'm on your podcast I wanted to ask you a question because I found something that was really profound when I was reading through the life of of our boy saul here when he was um acclaimed king. Um. Here it is.

Speaker 1:

I'm skipping to my Bible, and what chapter is that?

Speaker 3:

I think it is. Let me go back to my phone, Let me get to it. Here it is Um. Saul defeats the animal no, I think it's nine.

Speaker 1:

Chapter nine still.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I think I'm in nine. Sorry y'all, nope, I'm actually in 10. Am I in 10? Verse 17.

Speaker 1:

10 to 17.

Speaker 3:

Okay, what you?

Speaker 1:

got and Samuel called the people together.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

To meet before the Lord.

Speaker 3:

So this is his anointing, or actually, you know, put them in we're going to select them in front of everybody. This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, has declared I brought you from Egypt and rescued you. Okay, cool, I want to jump down to verse 20. So Samuel brought all the tribes of Israel before the Lord, and the tribe of Benjamin was chosen. So this is, I guess, the selection process in front of everybody. He was anointed in private, right, but now we're going to elevate him publicly.

Speaker 5:

Let's see how he handles this was chosen by law.

Speaker 3:

Then he brought each of the family of the child of benjamin before the lord and the family of the how you say that word. Metry was chosen and finally saw son of kish was chosen from among them. But when they looked for him he had disappeared. He was gone. So they asked the lord where is he? And the Lord replied he is hiding among the baggage.

Speaker 3:

Hiding among the baggage, so they found him and brought him out, and he stood head and shoulders In front of everybody else. I want to know what did you think about that, because that's a clear indication that something's not right.

Speaker 1:

That he's not a leader. That something's not right. That something's not right. He's not a leader. He had the look of leadership, but his heart was far from it and look what he said. He said he was a part of the least Sounded like Gideon. Yeah, he was hiding. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

He was hiding. He was hiding, but hiding Something that stuck out to me and I don't want to dress this up too much or try to drag this, so you correct me if I'm wrong. Oh lord, but it said he was hiding among the baggage, among the baggage, among the baggage, among the trash. I think that's not only Like a physical baggage, but he was. He was hiding among his own baggage.

Speaker 1:

Real baggage.

Speaker 3:

He was hiding behind His insecurities. He was hiding behind he was hiding behind His baggage.

Speaker 1:

See. Now this makes me ask this question Do you think that he knew that he wasn't fit for the job, that he would go down that path If he got it? Because some people stay away from that stuff Because they're not sure, right?

Speaker 3:

I think he did, because I'm trying to go back to it Because I want to make sure that I was correct. Samuel anoints him. Yeah, he anoints him in private.

Speaker 1:

Because he was already king. So what you hiring for?

Speaker 3:

And I think Samuel's reply, or Saul's reply. When Samuel called him out, his reply to him was well, who am I?

Speaker 1:

No there's no way. Who am I?

Speaker 3:

There's no way, but I think because and this is something I was thinking I would love your thoughts on this I think that's a common thing you see throughout scripture Absolutely, when God calls somebody, their first response.

Speaker 1:

Moses did it. Moses did it, gideon did it. Who else? So many of them?

Speaker 3:

There's so many stories or accounts.

Speaker 1:

We say that right.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to get that word right. I know what you mean.

Speaker 3:

So many accounts in the Bible where that's the case, but with Saul's it turns out tragic, tragic. Everybody else is kind of like. You know, it's all right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but some of them still had tragic ends too, right?

Speaker 3:

right, but we see with Saul that it's like no. Like he literally like leans Away.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he leans away away from it.

Speaker 3:

He leans into his insufficiency.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. Instead of leaning into the one that is sufficient to Right. He leans away from it.

Speaker 3:

Wow. But yeah, he was hiding in his baggage. He was hiding in his baggage and I think that's it's just. It goes to show that that's just a place of comfort. Yes, you know, it's a place of safety if you will. But it's a place of safety if you will. But it's actually kind of when you think about that, if you hide it in your baggage, that's actually a really sad, dangerous place to be. It is.

Speaker 1:

And let's say even literal trash, literal baggage. Who's hanging around a dumpster?

Speaker 3:

Ain't nobody. Because I walked by a trash literally earlier I was like what that mail? What is that mail? What?

Speaker 1:

that mail is what that mail? What is?

Speaker 3:

that mail.

Speaker 4:

What that mail? What that mail Cause that?

Speaker 3:

was not what that mail.

Speaker 1:

What that?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And he over there.

Speaker 3:

Hiding that Over there, hiding, come on Out the baggage Come on. Come on Out your baggage. And just bring it to the light. Come on, you know we can deal with it the right way.

Speaker 1:

Because it takes a lot To get used to the smell of trash to the point you don't smell it, no more. Yeah. It takes a lot.

Speaker 3:

It takes too much.

Speaker 1:

And it's crazy where we can be comfortable in our human side that falling. My pastor, my childhood pastor, used to say that old academic nature.

Speaker 5:

You just be just in it, just chilling.

Speaker 1:

It just is stinking but you can't even smell it, no more right, you're so used to it.

Speaker 3:

And what's crazy is we see that he's hiding among his baggage, for whatever reasons, leaning into his insecurities, whatever but we but we miss over in uh, in chapter 10, verse 9, as Saul turned and started to leave, god gave him a new heart, gave him a new heart. So this is again this new heart. I feel like how I interpret that is in that moment God gave him everything that he needed for the promotion. That was on the way he did. At the place of promotion, you him, you hide him, when God has already built in you and given you everything that you need to succeed. Sounds like a lot of doubt sounds like a lot of us too much.

Speaker 1:

That sounds like too many you know, we hear it all the time yeah that God gave us everything we need inside of us to yeah, to succeed yeah. And we just don't believe it, for whatever reason and I think for me personally that happened.

Speaker 3:

well, I shared a little bit on that on first Thursday, but the transition from Birmingham to Mobile, for me personally was a lot um, it was a shift, um, and I really felt like God was, because all my life leading up to Birmingham and even through Birmingham, my ministry focus was in the worship world, either on stage, working with the worship teams, and now I'm stepping into a new city, a new season, and I've got a different assignment, a different task that is still affiliated worship, but it's different. And I'm also now in a creative space and I thought my whole, whole, like I thought I was made. I was made to worship, this is exactly what I was going to do, and so that made it difficult transitioning down because I felt like, with me stepping into this new role, I was giving up that.

Speaker 3:

I was giving up worship and what I really realized that I've attached my identity to what I did instead of just who God made me to be. So it made it hard for me to just be open-handed with where God was moving me to, and that's why I shared on first Thursday. When it comes to our gifts, it's not a this or that, it's a this and that and that, and so all that to say, again, I was leaning more into Too much into me Versus leaning into him and just being flexible with it, because, again, like I said earlier, our gifts aren't for us anyway, it's all for him, right? So if God is saying, okay, I need you to Put down these drumsticks and pick up this camera, hindsight, I really shouldn't have had a problem Because it's all for him anyways. Listen.

Speaker 1:

I just had a revelation. God just gave me a revelation. My eyebrows shot up, so let's go back to your story.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

You said that you were used to being On, you know, worship team.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

He plays the drums to God. Uh huh, I do. And now moving to a new city. Uh huh.

Speaker 1:

And doing a new thing. Still working for God, but doing it In a new way, in a new thing. Still working for God, but doing it In a new way, in a new way yeah. Let me ask you this Come on Okay. Okay, because we we just said God gave Samuel A new heart. Right, that's a new position also yeah okay. Could then Him being comfortable With where he was. Could that have turned? Let's just say it's you. I see where you're you If you would have stayed on the praise team.

Speaker 1:

On the worship team. Would that have turned that gift to baggage when you're supposed to be moving?

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh To the next part. Oh my gosh, yeah, 10,000%. So imagine Wow.

Speaker 1:

This is what you feel like you're doing for the Lord.

Speaker 5:

Right the Lord.

Speaker 1:

And it looks right, sounds right.

Speaker 3:

Right and it's turned to baggage Right. It's done Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Because you're supposed to move to the next position.

Speaker 3:

Supposed to move to the next position.

Speaker 1:

So he gave him the heart of the next position.

Speaker 3:

But he Before.

Speaker 1:

He ran back to what he used to be doing Searching for asses Was what the Bible said.

Speaker 3:

Right His is what the.

Speaker 1:

Bible says His father's donkeys.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So he turns what was honorable doing something for his father us doing things for God.

Speaker 3:

He turned it into baggage, turned it into trash, and I think that really happens in just me personally. When we take our eyes off of Jesus Easy, when we take our eyes off and we start looking to us and leaning into us, how it should be and what I don't are, do and don't have, and god's like no, I'm not you to worry about that, because I got everything.

Speaker 3:

I know we say this a lot in freedom. God has taken our whole life into consideration, into consideration from the moment, from from the, but even before you even before he took everything that he took everything that you're gonna do good, you're gonna do bad. He took all that into consideration. He said yeah, and yet I still choose. I want you.

Speaker 3:

I want you your mind and I'm gonna put in you everything that you need to fulfill and as you go through life, you'll see it the more you lean into me, the more you lean into and the more that you trust in me.

Speaker 1:

And the scripture says you delight yourself in me, yeah. I'm going to give you the desires Of your heart, yeah, and.

Speaker 3:

I'll make you pass straight and I'll, but will we just stay, you know, Flexible enough. For the Lord to kind of do that and to hear him, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And to have the courage To go where he said Right, we need to be now.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

Because his hand is like Like you presented on Thursday. His hand is not in that place anymore.

Speaker 5:

Right, right, it's over here and we out here struggling for fun.

Speaker 3:

Right For no reason. Right and we could have just went To the next place Yep.

Speaker 1:

And we see it too, like you said, us Leaning and getting our focus Off of Jesus. We saw that with Peter.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

We saw that with Peter as long as he was on Jesus, he walking, he was Yep, yep he started looking around.

Speaker 1:

And looking at everything, yep.

Speaker 3:

And started drowning. Yeah yeah, keep your eyes on me, eyes on me, keep your eyes on me.

Speaker 1:

That's what Sister Scissor said Is that Scissor? No, what's still there, sister Lennox, eyes on me. Okay, janaya Aoku.

Speaker 3:

I think that's how you pronounce that. She got a little song like that too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but yeah, saw my man Was Crazy. There's one other piece that I want to pull and get your thoughts on it. I'm trying to Jump to it.

Speaker 1:

Which chapter is this?

Speaker 3:

I'm trying to find it right now Because I made a little note. Where is it? I'm trying to find it right now Because I made a little note. Where is it? It's on to the town. Oh yeah, here it is. 1 Samuel 15, 12. I'm going to jump over there Because y'all need to see this, because it was insane to me. So this is literally the you know the passage title.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Lord Rejects.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Lord Rejects Him, which is tragic. I don't want to be remembered as a Bible lesson.

Speaker 5:

Oh man, the Lord rejects Joe.

Speaker 3:

He rejects him, then the Lord said to Samuel I'm sorry that I've ever made Saul king, for he has not been loyal to me and has refused to obey my command. Okay, so this is like the last straw of what Saul did.

Speaker 3:

Because, going back up, this is the part where, when god gave him a specific commandment, I want you to go to these people, I want you to slaughter all of them and, specifically, I want you to go ahead and get rid of their people the, the men, the women, the babies, the children, the cattle, the sheep go, everybody got to go. And then, when saul and his men pulled up, he's like, okay, well, I kind of hear that, I kind of don't. So let's kill everybody, but save the, the king himself, and then we're going to save him, and then we're also going to save the best of the stuff. Take all the worthless stuff and kill it and ship it off, but all the good stuff, let's go ahead and keep it. Okay, now we pick up with 10.

Speaker 3:

The Lord rejects Saul. Then the Lord came to Samuel. I'm sorry that I ever made Saul king, for he has not been loyal to me and has refused to obey my commandments. Samuel been Lord to me and as a refuge, to obey my commandments. Samuel was so deeply moved when he heard this that he cried out to the Lord all night. He had this man up night stressing okay, early the next morning Samuel went to find Saul. Someone told him Saul went to the town of Carmel to set up a monument to himself.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Got to pause right there, because you are now officially out here tripping.

Speaker 3:

Tripping there because you, you are now officially out here tripping because you didn't do what the lord said and now you're so proud of it that you're setting up a monument to yourself. My big question is at what point in time did he start leaning into himself? Because how do you go from hiding in baggage to now setting up a monument for yourself? Over a course of a few chapters? That's when he started leaning into himself, when he went. How do you go from hiding in baggage to now setting up a monument for yourself?

Speaker 1:

That's when he did it Over a course of a few chapters. That's when he started leaning into himself, when he went ahead in that baggage. Wow, that's when he did it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, let's take it a step further.

Speaker 1:

It was a foretaste too, a foretelling of how it was going to end.

Speaker 3:

Let's take it a step further. Why, in your opinion? Why further? Why do you in your opinion? Why, okay, like where? Why do you make that shift? Because we go, we go from, we go from hiding in baggage obviously a role, a fruit of insecurity that you got going on to now setting up a monument for yourself I think it's still insecurity.

Speaker 1:

I still think that's the same thing jesus just on the other side of it.

Speaker 3:

You know my, my leader in Birmingham. He taught us that Pride and insecurity Are on the same coin.

Speaker 1:

They're the same, it's just two ends.

Speaker 3:

Right Same thing. The symptoms look Eerily similar.

Speaker 1:

They do. What is it like what they call the short man complex? Yeah, you're trying to make up For what's not there On the inside. So, and it's crazy because you still, if you're dealing with insecurity you are supposed to build yourself up. But that's not a yeah, and that's not a building up, that's a deranged side of building yourself up, but it's still insecurity. Wow, that's why people be loud Insecurity. And I'm not saying like if you just naturally have a loud voice, uh-huh, but loud and wrong insecurity.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm, and I find that a lot of people with insecurity they do either one or two things.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

They do exactly what Saul well, I mean Saul did both. Mm-hmm. You either retreat and woe is me right and try to you know or you try to overcompensate, try to overcompensate and I think what I, in my opinion, what I see here is saw overcompensating overcompensating. You didn't think that you had it. You leaned into that too much, and so now that you're seeing all these successes because this follows, uh, several bouts of success- for Saul, absolutely. And once you start tasting that success, now you start feeling yourself.

Speaker 1:

It gives politician though.

Speaker 3:

It do.

Speaker 1:

It gives politician.

Speaker 3:

Big time.

Speaker 1:

Gives corrupt leadership.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And I think what I had to learn, because I went through a little season of insecurity. What I had to learn was that I need to stop looking at what I don't have and I look at what I do have and the uniqueness that God has built inside of me Absolutely. And realizing again that he's given me a specific set of skill sets, a specific framework that other people don't have.

Speaker 1:

That they don't have a specific assignment. Wow, the only the way it's going to go forth is how he gave it to you.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

And it's going to reach the people. That is attached to that assignment.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I want to encourage somebody who's going to be listening to this. Like you have to get your eyes off what everybody else is doing and you got to lean into who God has made you to be, because there is literally only one of you. There's one that what there? Who? Yeah, you, there was one of you there's nobody else that's like you, and so yeah, of course, you're not going to look like everybody else. You're not going to sing like everybody else.

Speaker 3:

You're not going to do whatever it is. You do like everybody else because God has created you in his own image and in his own likeness, for a specific purpose, and your task isn't so-and-so's task and your assignment isn't so-and-so's assignment. So of course it's going to look different.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. That's literally the point, and you know that that is a point. And a lot of times, uh, when we hear assignment, we do know that it's for God, know that it's for God firstly, it's for other people, but there's a personal side of assignment also. Yeah, it's the way, come on, it's your, it's the personal way that God gave it to you right you don't have to be a copy. You don't got to be a copy. You don't have to be a copy.

Speaker 1:

That's the personal side of it's you yeah, you and God, and how he told you to go forth, how he created you to go forth yeah so that's, that's the the personal side of assignment yeah but it's still attached to god wow, it's still attached to god, still attached to him, still attached to god.

Speaker 3:

I think what is the most insane thing about saul and I know I'm skipping in the middle- we can hit on david enjoy. I'm enjoying it at the very end of saul, like this is at the very end of first samuel.

Speaker 1:

Y'all can go read it, but this man goes and visits a witch yes, he did so, man samuel's ghost this man goes back hey man yeah, he got desperate right and I think it's really easy.

Speaker 3:

And and I I'm trying to draw the parallel and you can help me out, because again, you, the jedi, when it comes to this I think he got so used to getting words, getting direction from outside sources and not taking time to really develop the personal relationship. So now, when he finds himself in a bond, when he really needs a word, I mean he can't, he can't, he don't know where to go, so I gotta go to the, to the next best thing. It's the way is is a witch a witch where he?

Speaker 1:

thinks is the next best what he thinks is. But you know what? It doesn't make sense on this side, because you have. You have God. And if he had been Disobedient to God and keeping that intimacy With God.

Speaker 5:

He wouldn't know.

Speaker 1:

Right, god's voice, but listen, he's searching for you. Know a person Right, you know the prophet and that's what they was Leaning on Prophets and and judges and stuff you know For real, like I, and and stuff you know For real, like I, and Holy Spirit, check me and you tell me what you think about it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, come on, I'll give.

Speaker 1:

I think about psychics. Right Woo you a prophet On the wrong side.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

You just a prophet On the wrong side. So with psychics and witches and stuff, it doesn't make sense that they would go that way. But it also makes sense.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Because the gift is there.

Speaker 3:

I was going to say the gift is going to work. It's just on the wrong side. I mean, pastor tells us all the time the gift is without repentance, it's without repentance so that's why you can look at all those people in the world and they're killing it because it's on, we over here with Kingdom and you out there with darkness, with the devil. I was going to say something heavy and I don't know if this is going to be too much For the Sunday school, because this is something I've had conversations.

Speaker 1:

I've talked to Right.

Speaker 3:

I've talked to Pastor about it. I've had several conversations, I've talked to a few of my friends about it. I think If you look at, I guess, the climate of Our culture today, I feel like we're in similar, we're in a similar boat, like like this right here isn't too far-fetched in terms of trying to get quick words or trying to get fast words. Trying to get quick words, running to all these voices we're running to all these and and that was the really the spark of the conversation- we got all these voices right and we're what.

Speaker 3:

What I'm seeing is that they're having more of a weight and more of an effect in your life, versus just developing what God's voice sounds like in your life on a personal level, on a personal level. So, because this takes time and building a relationship with the Lord takes time and understanding his voice takes time right, it's supposed to be a journey. I don't want to. I don't want to go down that road, so I'd rather run to whatever voice, whatever spiritual mentor, right, whatever, and lean into that versus right here people get desperate.

Speaker 1:

I think it comes out of shame. Maybe you feel like you can't run to the, to the voice of God. Or you can't feel like. You feel like you can't run To the representative of God Because you know Whatever you've been doing. But I mean, god has already remedied that too.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

He's already remedied it. Come boldly Right For the throne of grace.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

And this scripture says it when sin abounds, grace does much more abound. So his arms are still yeah, still open to us. But in shame we go another way. Right we go another way, right and Going back to, you know, the gifts Working with our repentance. We see that, like the man of God, and we heard this, this account before too Some, though you know, some of us have- Right. The man of God Pointed it out the other night and I was like that is so delicious, right.

Speaker 1:

So, and you see a lot of them Running to you know Whoever?

Speaker 3:

Yep so.

Speaker 1:

The thing with Moses, and it was Moses. I'm going to say On, you know whoever Yep. So the thing with Moses, and it was Moses, I'm gonna say on the Lord's side, yep. With all these you know signs and wonders the people on the other side. The man said they were going sign for sign.

Speaker 5:

Right, wow, the gift was on them Wow.

Speaker 1:

It's just on the wrong side.

Speaker 5:

You know you perverted Yep.

Speaker 1:

It's a perverted, a perverted deal.

Speaker 3:

Sign for sign but the the danger is, if I'm a, if I'm a baby christian and I don't have no word, I don't have no development, I can't, I don't have the, the ability to.

Speaker 1:

To know the difference.

Speaker 3:

Who's on whose side, mm-hmm Wow.

Speaker 1:

You know what that made me? See, right, when babies are born, the first thing especially now they're doing it, and I know back in the day they was doing it because you weren't in hospitals they want you to do skin-to-skin time that way that baby knows you, that baby knows you, that baby know you and if you you can, you can pick up a baby If that baby don't know you. If they just not a baby, that's cool to everybody, right? They finna act up.

Speaker 5:

Right, right. So, so even then.

Speaker 1:

That's why we supposed to be Leaning in.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

And that's why we need to be in place. The ones that are not babies in Christ, right, we need to be in place. The ones that are not babies in Christ, we need to be in place. We need to show them what the skin the skin time right.

Speaker 1:

It looks like means yeah, yeah, right, yeah and it's even more beautiful when you, when we start over, when you become a Christian, the Lord starts you all the way over to the baby, you supposed to be designed to send sincere milk when you think about, let's take it to the natural and, like I say, science is only proving the word God, and it's so beautiful, yeah. Could, I Go ahead.

Speaker 3:

Sorry, I don't mean to cut you off.

Speaker 1:

No go.

Speaker 3:

I just have another analogy that fits beautifully with what you just said and I don't want to get too far past it. So Kennedy's probably going to kill me for sharing the story. She will I have to because she, she almost took my life y'all. Oh my god, she almost did okay.

Speaker 3:

So this is coming out of I think this is coming out of covid. Um, we uh all had breakfast, we all had a brunch no, we're coming off the heels of a fast and we all, as a family, wanted to break the fast. We uh, you know, we cooked pancakes, eggs. Cool, kennedy got connecticut sausage. This is my one of my first time ever encountering Conecuh sausage.

Speaker 1:

He's from Connecticut Right.

Speaker 3:

So I don't know how it's supposed to taste. I don't know how it's supposed to look. She just said it's sausage, so I'm just going to go ahead and partake in the sausage. I eat the sausage. It tastes fine. A little syrup on it. I thought it was cool. Pastor M takes one look and one whiff at it and says, uh-uh, something's wrong with the sausage. Now I'm freaking out because I'm already like four.

Speaker 1:

You didn't ingest it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm like four links in. I was tearing it up. Needless to say, by the time that we get to the end of the night, I have food poisoning and I'm throwing up.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, I didn't take you out, I had no time, I had no season. If you will, like we know what it was supposed to know what it's supposed to taste like.

Speaker 3:

And I digested something and ate something that was actually poisonous to me and I think it's and I don't mean to preach this thing, but I think it's, and I don't mean to preach this thing, but I think it's the same way today it's the same way we don't have enough time in the word, we don't have enough time in biblical development, so we're just digesting and partaking in words that is actually poison to you and you're wondering why you're stressed, because you're eating words that aren't supposed to.

Speaker 1:

Let's take it a step further. So you eat that sausage. Yep, you feel like it's all right, I'm going to share it with somebody else. You share it with your children and now we got the whole house sick. Because, you ain't know, nobody Didn't have enough time with it. Wow, you done. Took your whole family out.

Speaker 3:

Wow, and again, I think it's the same way today.

Speaker 3:

It's the same way, same way, it's the exact same way. So and I think and I'm not trying to get on this train, because I do appreciate social media I like, especially as a person being in ministry, I like being able to take a peek into other ministries and see how it's doing, but I dare not try to go eat on somebody else's word. I'm at a specific restaurant right now. My restaurant right now is Right Way, so I need to go ahead and just submit myself to the food that's being served at Right Way. I can go out and see and check out and you know, see, you know what Arby's down the road doing or Sushi Nine down the road is doing. But I can't go over there and eat every weekend because I'm at a specific restaurant right now. And I just think, with social media it's just we scroll past stuff and we land on stuff and the algorithm kicks things in our face and we just eating away and by the end of the night you about to be upstairs throwing up.

Speaker 1:

You know what Sister Indy Irie says about it. Go ahead. I know that it looks good, but can it be a part of my life?

Speaker 3:

Can it be a part of my life?

Speaker 1:

She said I know that it feels good, right, Can it be a part of my life? She was preaching and she didn't know. And a lot of times, let's honest, we fall. We tend to follow people Because they say something that our emotions like. Everybody can't be in your circle, of course not. That's where discernment comes in.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I don't have a circle, I just got that. I feel sorry for you.

Speaker 3:

What's that scripture that talks about itching ears?

Speaker 1:

Itching ears. Is that proverb, yeah, or it's somewhere we gotta. I mean, I Mm-hmm, what's that scripture that talks about itching ears?

Speaker 3:

Itching ears. Is that Proverbs, yeah, or it's somewhere we got to. I mean, I may need to pull it up Itching ears, somebody needs to pull it up, but I think it's the same thing. It's absolutely the same thing.

Speaker 3:

We try to gravitate to words that scratches an itch, and that's what I was talking to Pastor about. We try to gravitate to, we just think that our church is supposed to speak exactly what we want. And so when messages don't line up and we in a house I don't know about y'all's church, but we in a house where there's a lot of correcting you know what I'm saying and a lot of times that season of development we don't like, we don't like it. But if God has you at the house, obviously the word's for you, it's for you. So instead of just submitting yourself to that word and allowing the word to do what it's supposed to do, which is help, correct, help, lead us on the right path, so that comes with correction, instead of just submitting to ourselves, we'd rather forego that and lean into other spaces that preach about stuff that obviously you don't need that.

Speaker 1:

Man, I'm telling you it's scratching an itch. Obviously you don't need that, man, I'm telling you it's scratching an itch. You know what I feel about it Is. Sometimes the word is supposed to be alcohol to us. It's supposed to be alcohol.

Speaker 3:

To us, it's supposed to burn, yeah yeah, and you know that it's alcohol because it's burning, right If you?

Speaker 1:

pour some alcohol on you and it don't burn, that's not alcohol, right. But the burning, burning, we know the burning Is a type of healing.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

It's at least stopping what's trying to get you Wow, right on the surface. This is just surface level, wow, but if you don't hit Certain scratches With some type of intercept, it's going to get inside of you.

Speaker 3:

It may kill you, so I'd rather lean into words that are God's getting ready, ta-da. Versus submitting yourself to no. You need to hear right now that you need to learn how to love people well. Learn how to love people well. You need a whole 16-part series on how to love people. You need I have God has a word right now for you, in this season that you need to learn how to steward money well Steward money well, steward your body well.

Speaker 3:

Right, those words obviously aren't again. They're not the most pleasant ones, they're not, but obviously, if the Lord has you in a house that's bring, you need that.

Speaker 1:

And it's not even necessarily that the words aren't pleasant Because I can, you can say it in a nice way yeah. But if it's just something you don't want to do, you can say it in a nice way, but if it's just something you don't want to do. You know you want to go against what you need to be doing. It's not going to be pleasant to you, jesus. It's not going to be pleasant.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

He was saying some things Sunday I was like, yeah, but it's got to be done.

Speaker 3:

My mentor told me this up in Birmingham. And I've heard pastors say too if every single time you leave church on a sunday for a span of 52 weeks a year and you weren't checked one time.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, something ain't right either, something. Something's probably not right with you and uh. And checking does not necessarily mean a condemnation no, no, it's not something derogogatory.

Speaker 3:

I flip it. I don't even say really check, I say challenge. I'm like the Lord is challenging me today, because even with the check there's grace.

Speaker 1:

And I like check. Yeah, I just want Just checking. Right right, just checking me, just check me, check me, holy spirit.

Speaker 3:

I'm leaving today and I feel challenged Because I realized that in this area of my life, I need, I need, I need to do some work need to do some work.

Speaker 1:

Need to do some work need to do some work and and okay, let's take it back. We can go back now, right?

Speaker 3:

let's go. I know because we we ended up sorry, I don't even know how we ended up over here.

Speaker 1:

It's still the same thing. It's still the same we, when we hear things that check us we. That's a part of discernment too, because sometimes you can hear the word can be going for that's supposed to be Changing you. And you just Let it slide by Because you don't know the voice and you don't know that it's for you. Yeah, and so going back to let's go back to the baby, right? You get as a Christian, it's rebirth.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

Born again. You go all the way back To a baby stage, scientifically, naturally, which only agrees With the word Mm-hmm when a mother breastfeeds.

Speaker 3:

I already know where you're going.

Speaker 1:

There's a connection Uh huh Between her and that baby, so much so that the milk Changes according to what the baby needs. If the baby is sick, something in that milk is going to change. Change To get that baby well yeah.

Speaker 4:

That's the word for us, same thing with the word yeah.

Speaker 1:

Even that milk, even at the milk stage, it's word for us. Yeah, even at milk, even at the milk stage, it's made for us. Jesus Made to create this.

Speaker 3:

Made to Get them sequences up out of this For whatever season that you in, even at the milk stage. Wow.

Speaker 1:

Even at the milk stage.

Speaker 3:

Wow, wow. If we would just take enough time and just hang out with the word.

Speaker 1:

Let's go here.

Speaker 3:

Okay, let me just strap in real quick we talked about you.

Speaker 1:

Stay in that position.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

And it turning If you would have stayed in that position it turning into baggage. It turning into trash. Go back to the milk. Even in the milk stage it's beautiful for us. When you get a certain age, you shouldn't have that milk anymore. No, we gotta get you. You start destroying stuff, right.

Speaker 3:

We gotta get you off that you can't stay at the milk stage, cause that's gonna turn into baggy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's gonna turn into trash.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Cause you past that now. Yep, you can't live off milk alone.

Speaker 3:

Yep, yep Now you need some meat my mom growing up. Uh, you know I'm adopted and so my mom. She got recognized even by the state of connecticut because over a course of you know her time with in the foster care system, she took in like over like 127 kids, so like growing up, we had babe. Like I'm not unfamiliar with babies, yeah I've changed so many diapers.

Speaker 3:

I've, yeah, but it it's interesting to see them go from even my sisters I can recall they go from you know the, the breast milk or the baby milk, and then they go from that milk, then they go to uh, we used to get uh. Yep, and then we get uh this milk called regular milk pedia. Sure, yeah, yeah. It's like stage 2 milk and then from there, as they grow a little bit more, then we can put them on regular milk, yeah, and go from milk To food you know we're throwing food To food.

Speaker 1:

It's the same way, same way, same way. It's the same way. It is the same way you start with the baby milk.

Speaker 3:

Different degrees of milk, uh huh.

Speaker 1:

Then you get on. What Sauce foods? Sauce foods?

Speaker 3:

yep, A little apple sauce, a little baby food, a little mushed up, then nah.

Speaker 1:

After so long, that little baby food ain't going to satisfy no two and three-year-old. Now I got to put some seasoning in.

Speaker 5:

Now I need to put something that's going to make.

Speaker 1:

They got teeth now yeah yeah, that'll look crazy if you got teeth and they still. If you ain't just eating it for fun. And I'm looking at you and you're an adult and you always eating, emphasized Babe, what's wrong with your mouth?

Speaker 5:

What's wrong?

Speaker 4:

with your Right. What's wrong with your, your digestive system? What's going on Right?

Speaker 1:

And that's how we look, yeah, yeah, we be full.

Speaker 3:

Right Adults With sippy cups.

Speaker 1:

With sippy cups, pacifier.

Speaker 3:

Bottles Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Somebody still be trying to be on the tee. Right, you have to grow up. That'll be weird Walking in on somebody A full grown person Right. Breastfeeding Right. What the work.

Speaker 3:

Would you just spend some time? And we've been repeating this, it'll grow you, would you just spend? Some time It'll grow you and you won't need to rely on Words and witches and all the other crazy stuff. You'll be able to have the discernment and the ability to to actually like, take your, take your relationship with god in your own hands, and that's what he, that's what he really wants, that's what that's because look, even he's giving us passes.

Speaker 3:

They have their places, but even what they're saying to us should agree with holy spirit inside of us like bible says pastor, tells us all the time you try the spirit by the spirit yep, I mean, I share this when I, when I brought the worship message on sunday, is not a couple, well, I don't even know, maybe a month or so ago, but if and it fits for here if sunday is the only time that you're giving to your relationship you're in trouble. Sunday is the only time you if pastor is you're in trouble. Someday is the only time you if pastor's the only person, your pastor, the only person that's reading the word to you and you're not going in and reading the word like yourself.

Speaker 5:

Oh you, you, I'm you in trouble you're in trouble you're in trouble everybody say trouble, trouble you got to read, right, you got to read you have to read.

Speaker 1:

You gotta read it's. And even like. You have to read. You got to read, even like. I tell people all the time some people's issue with reading. They feel like they don't understand. Firstly, that's a beautiful situation. Yeah, In this perspective, you will never. You will never understand everything about the word of God.

Speaker 3:

Firstly for a finite mind.

Speaker 5:

Wow, you can't ingest it.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Five night can't hold. The infinity Can't hold everlasting. You can. You can understand Pieces of it, and the beautiful thing Is too, when you don't understand. That is supposed to make you Lean more into the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

And him revealing to you what he's saying.

Speaker 3:

In his word yeah, you what he's saying in his word, yeah. And the beautiful thing is too because I never really even considered that it's considered it like this the bible, it's a, it's a living, breathing living so even if you don't catch something, now it's alive. You can go back to the same passage two years from now and get something totally different.

Speaker 1:

I've never seen it like that I don't even know the word said the same night and get something totally different.

Speaker 3:

And get something different.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you and I think that is delicious. I'd be excited about that Right, like If I read something and I don't understand it. Yet I don't. That doesn't bother me.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

Because I'm excited about you know the revelation to come, yeah, and I know it won't be the only revelation. For thaticular scripture, yeah, I, even the other day I was reading about Our bodies being the temple of the Holy Ghost.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

We are always taught that that means and it does mean this Right Dressing our bodies accordingly, being good to our bodies by eating, right exercising you know physically, yeah, yeah, being in there. Doing our best, but your body being the temple of the Lord, your tabernacle, yeah you.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Me, you, yeah, on another level. That is insane, that's insane.

Speaker 3:

And that's a little bit Of a concept that I brought Like when I was Again going back to that Worship message that I taught Like we are walking, breathing, moving tabernacles, temples. We house.

Speaker 1:

We house, holy spirit, holy spirit, so you are walking church, you are walking. Witch takes us back here. Many memories in the body.

Speaker 5:

But you're still one body.

Speaker 1:

Because you, the temple of.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

Right, it's a puzzle that needs all the pieces, needs all the pieces. And it's almost like you know how, like Back in the day In, like on movies. Mm-hmm. And they be like Going to a certain club, mm-hmm. And we be very, very exclusive.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

And you can't get in Unless you got secret.

Speaker 5:

Secret code.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm Holy.

Speaker 1:

Spirit. Is that the secret?

Speaker 3:

code that's the secret code, but once you get it, you win it. That's how you get in the body.

Speaker 4:

But, but once you win it, you win it, you win it, you win it, you win it, you win it for life.

Speaker 1:

We're going to have to do a part two.

Speaker 3:

We're going to have to.

Speaker 1:

We're going to have to, Because this I mean we just really unpacked Saul.

Speaker 3:

But that sets the table, for I mean.

Speaker 1:

David, the end surface level still.

Speaker 3:

Right right.

Speaker 1:

And we? I mean there's so many little ins and outs that we didn't even really get to. I just tried to bring questions to you. I know this is your podcast, but I don't say you the jedi, you know I'm the padawan I'm trying to come here and learn, so I brought out he's the elder at what? 23 he's? He's, he's an elder. Yeah, yeah, he's an old man, he's an old, he's a very mature christian yeah. He's delicious to see.

Speaker 3:

And my, I guess my big takeaway From the overall life of Saul. If I could share, I guess, one Closing kind of Final thought. I wrote this down so I can remember Because it really ministered to me In my time preparing. So I just appreciate you for this. God wants obedience from the heart, not just clearance by appearance.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't want clearance by Clearance by appearance.

Speaker 3:

He doesn't want clearance by appearance.

Speaker 1:

Clearance by appearance.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's your heart. It's your heart, good, it's your heart posture towards the Lord and the things. Are you keeping your eyes on him and trusting in him and not your inadequacies or what he's gifted you with? Because the moment that you do, you lifting that anointing you letting it go. Yeah, you are letting it go. Letting it go, forfeiting it, yeah forfeiting it.

Speaker 1:

It's a dangerous place too. That man said clearance by appearance. Yeah, I'm gonna take that, joe go ahead, take it, pastor says.

Speaker 3:

As soon as you hear it, I'm gonna give you credit the first time.

Speaker 1:

You know what he said. Yeah, clearance by appearanceance by appearance.

Speaker 3:

Clearance by appearance no. So that relationship it may look on the outside good, but you got to really test that thing.

Speaker 1:

You got to test it.

Speaker 3:

That person, that job opportunity. It may have all the bells and whistles, it may have all, but is that where God's hand is right now? That, whatever that car you about to buy? I don't know that game you, but I don't know what it is clearance by appearance. It's crazy it's not clear just by the way it looks that means you can't be disqualified by the eyes either you're not disqualified by how you look wow, take your time and test it be disqualified by it either?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and you have to have discernment and, just like we just talked about, the only way to really develop that discernment Is by developing your relationship with him, with him Knowing his voice.

Speaker 1:

Gotta have intimate time with him.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

You got to you gotta have intimate time with him.

Speaker 1:

We have something now that we're doing on my job. We are using walkie talkies now. Okay, you got to have intimate time with it. We have something now that we're doing on my job. We are using walkie-talkies now, okay. And it's everybody's first time and it'd be fascinating because we don't think about it. Nobody gets on the walkie-talkie and be like I don't get on the walkie-talkie and be like, oh, this is the purpose. Because we know each other other. Nobody have to be like I'm such and such.

Speaker 3:

We know your voice. We know your voice already. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you don't need to Announce yourself Every time you tap in. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

We didn't spend time with you, so nobody has announced who they are On the walkie talkie. We know cause. We know your voice. Wow Do you know his voice Huh.

Speaker 3:

Do you know it?

Speaker 1:

Do you know his voice? Huh, do you know it, man? Okay, this is going to lead us into part two. Okay, because I want you to ride with me through this. Okay, come on, Because after this we're going to get into the end of Saul's life.

Speaker 3:

Okay, we got to.

Speaker 1:

And David being appointed king. Okay.

Speaker 3:

So clearance by appearance. Let's do this, okay.

Speaker 1:

Let's introduce it right quick.

Speaker 3:

Okay, come on.

Speaker 1:

So the Lord tells Samuel To go and anoint one of Jesse's, jesse's boys, yep, so so Samuel does. Samuel does it.

Speaker 3:

He does it.

Speaker 1:

He does it, he does clearance by appearance Again, right, just like what we just got through doing we saw, you didn't learn. Yep, he does it With all the churn, yep, all the men, cause they tall. This one has to be it. They were tall and good looking, right Clearance by appearance. Clearance by appearance. And the Lord told them no, it's that little boy Right.

Speaker 3:

That's all the way back in the back.

Speaker 1:

That's all the way in the back.

Speaker 3:

That smell.

Speaker 1:

And they called that man ruddy Right.

Speaker 3:

That's kind of disrespectful man. He's stinking back there with them sheets.

Speaker 1:

Everybody else come out.

Speaker 5:

That dirty boy.

Speaker 1:

It sound like they don't do nothing.

Speaker 5:

All day, but be pretty Right.

Speaker 1:

So he does it again. Right, we did it again.

Speaker 4:

Pretty privilege Right, right, Got to be him.

Speaker 5:

Look at him, he's tall, right, he's beautiful. That's him. He do it again. Okay him, he look good too, that man too. I was like Mm-mm, baby, mm-mm.

Speaker 1:

Go back there, behind that, behind that house, mm-mm. All the way back, there Back there with the Riddly little boy.

Speaker 3:

You hear that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

He all the way deep out there.

Speaker 4:

When you start smelling the poo-poo, right, you're in the right place.

Speaker 3:

You're in the right place.

Speaker 1:

That's why I say be disqualified by how we look.

Speaker 3:

And what's insane was that it said that Samuel said we're not going to sit until he arrives.

Speaker 1:

We're not going to sit until he arrives.

Speaker 3:

And David the ready, the dirty little boy was the one that was anointed.

Speaker 1:

Who wasn't even thinking about it. No doubt Jesse was like y'all, get up and get dressed.

Speaker 5:

And he was like I'm going to be the one you know what I'm saying. The caller had a little, you know right little banter between between all of them he may have.

Speaker 1:

Even maybe he told david I doubt it, but david was like man, even if he told me I got a job to do right, I'm on assignment back here, right, but he, he does it again, right, trying to get clearance by appearance and it was the person from the outward appearance that probably would have been the least qualified the least.

Speaker 3:

Because you dirty, you stank you a shepherd boy, you crazy man, you dark Like you, short Like you. Not the package, but it was David's preparation in the field was David's preparation in the field, his eyes on what the Lord had doing for him in this season that prepared him for the elevation and the promotion that was on the way and honestly it was a type of shadow that God to us.

Speaker 1:

Well, I was shepherd, we are called the sheep of his flock Right. It's a beautiful thing.

Speaker 3:

You know I shared it on Thursday, but being a shepherd's boy is not a cute task. It's not cute we think it's. You know, you got the little your hood and the little staff and no being a shepherd is is insane.

Speaker 3:

It's rough. It's rough. You got dangerous weather conditions. You got dangerous animals you got to feed off. Sheep are annoying because they don't really listen. You have to hike and go through all types of terrain. You out there for days, weeks, sometimes months, going from pasture to field to field, pasture to pasture, and it's not like you have like one or two sheep, you have flocks. These are, these are dozens and dozens of it's not a cute task and then you, you gotta be looking for the ones that be going astray.

Speaker 3:

Right, but it was finding it was david's dedication in the season and I shared on thursday too. Okay, so david gets anointed at age like 15, 16. He's not king till 30 young man, but when he's anointed he doesn't just. Okay as soon as he's not. Because me I'm flossing, okay, you annoyed me. Okay, I'm oiled out, I'm dripped out, okay, boom, you say I'm king.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Bye you over there, hater bro, bro, okay, yeah you go. You take care of that, because I got a palace waiting on me, boy, that man say hey, behead this guy, behead him.

Speaker 5:

Right David didn't do that though.

Speaker 3:

No, as soon as he ignored it, we finished our meeting. Okay, I got to go back to my field. I got to go back to my sheep. I got to go back to my load task. I got to go back to my place of obscurity.

Speaker 1:

I got to go back to this place, so much so that when Goliath comes, they got to go get the boy.

Speaker 3:

Right. They still got to go get him Right and David's able to say oh. Goliath, you talking about this dude. Okay, I'm gonna kill him, just like I did the bear and the lion and all that stuff, because I had a season of preparation that prepared me for this battle. I was out in the field, which prepared me for the battlefield and listen.

Speaker 1:

He learned then, and it wasn't his strength that was protecting him it was the Lord's that man. On his own strength he couldn't take out no bear, right? No, that's why we got to good life. You good life wasn't good life today, right, I think he's another guy right.

Speaker 3:

I think he actually says that the lord protected me out there. The lord gave me the ability and the protection that I needed out there to fend off the lion and the bear. He's gonna do the same against this stupid philistine.

Speaker 1:

Good life Was not even good life To.

Speaker 4:

Dave, he was not a giant To Dave, he wasn't a giant.

Speaker 3:

No clearance by appearance.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Part two it's on the way, part two. It's on the way. We gave y'all a little taste, man. Man, I appreciate you Kind of, you know, letting us come Chop it up and chill.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

And kind of, you know, letting us come chop it up and chill and, and let me sit at your feet for a little bit, man.

Speaker 1:

I'm sitting at your feet because the way that you um gave cuisine it was a what they call it five star five star five star restaurant. This is where you have to dress up.

Speaker 3:

You know you can't go in there, you know, no, any kind of way that was literally a word from the lord, because again I'm in this, I'm in this season, this whole year. And I think it really kicked off. Now hindsight really kind of thinking about it and talking through it with the Holy Spirit in my personal time. You know Pastor released that word that it's the year that we lock in Lock in.

Speaker 3:

And for me this is what it looks like Locking into the person that I need to be on the other side to steward what's on the way Because that I need to be on the other side to steward what's on the way Because I believe and I'm in full faith that the Lord's got a big next for me but it's how I'm stewarding this exact season.

Speaker 3:

Am I developing the character, the integrity, the attitude that I need to steward what's on the way, because I'm at the place where I don't want to just taste and just get a taste of it. I don't want a sampling, I don't want to just taste and just get a taste of it. I don't want a sampling, I don't want, like you, know you ever go to the mall and just get like those. I don't want just a little mall sampling.

Speaker 3:

I want to be able to experience the fullness of it, and God's like okay, Of course. Well, how well are you going to prepare for? What I have for you, and so that's where I'm at. So yeah, we're going More in part two yeah, but I appreciate this. I hope y'all got A little something from it.

Speaker 1:

Man, I appreciate you Coming out.

Speaker 3:

We'll be back soon.

Speaker 1:

I believe they did Because I did. Yeah, I did. I'm gonna be listening to this. Come on Again. Yeah, my own self, absolutely. Love it and I'm gonna go back and read again. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

And I haven't felt Released yet To move. And I haven't felt released yet to move, so I'm continuing to. I'm about to probably jump up. I've been really slow. When I say slow walking first Samuel and parts of second Samuel, I'm telling you I'm going to dive into now.

Speaker 1:

It's so much.

Speaker 3:

To second Samuel, because I want to see, because David, he wasn't a perfect man.

Speaker 1:

He wasn't either. He did some crazy stuff. He was not. And maybe we'll talk really slow walk second samuel and it's the major difference, because he was crazier right than samuel right but there's a major difference between the two of them and we're gonna get out of that yeah part two, and it's one difference right one difference, one difference but it's major don't let him know.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm not okay.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say, because you, you let him run out, they're not gonna come back because look like I said now, david was crazier than Samuel, I mean than Saul, Right Saul. You know he did stuff out of really disobedience and desperation. But David's stuff, a lot of his was planned. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 4:

He was that guy.

Speaker 1:

But there was one major difference.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, all right, I love y'all. I'm about to go get me something to eat, because it's time for sustenance. Yeah, we've had this spiritual. Now it's time for. Yeah, I'm going to get me some good food on my way home, some natural nutrients, my Lord today.

Speaker 1:

But I hope you guys have enjoyed as much as we have I always do. I feel like such a nerd for this scripture because it's just so good to me. It's just either, you know, if it's a little bit, if it's a lot of bit, it's just good to me and it always makes me want to go back and read again and again. I get excited about what. I feel like I haven't seen yet. I was going to say miss, but that's not the proper term.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

What I haven't seen yet Because they're waiting on me, but it excites me. It doesn't make me, you know, feel intimidated or anything. It just excites me, yeah, to know that there's something else, especially when I feel like I done had my fill. Of. I can't get nothing else out, even though I know that's not true. Yeah, but when? When that man Show me something else, maybe that junk excites me? It does. Yep, that junk excites me it does, yep, but we will see you guys next time. Follow us, we on TikTok now, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Come on, tiktok they been.

Speaker 1:

They been getting on to me, so we back we on there now. I'd rather Follow us on TikTok, instagram. Yep, what else ain't you Now? Facebook?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

You can catch us on Buzzsprout, apple Podcast and Google Podcast, spotify Spotify Girl. You can catch us on Buzzsprout, apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, spotify Spotify Girl. That's why I have to have 18.9, because I be forgetting. There's so many now.

Speaker 3:

And that's why I'm really past myself. I got Instagram.

Speaker 5:

Right, straight up. It's a lot.

Speaker 3:

But I don't even dive much into TikTok yet. It's a lot. Yeah, it's too much.

Speaker 1:

Thank God for Auntie Naya. Yeah, her editing skills. We love it, appreciate you, girl, and for all my people, the crew, they know who they are, all the guests. I'm just appreciative, but I hope this was Beneficial to y'all.

Speaker 2:

Become back, catch us again, y'all really need to get into part two.

Speaker 1:

You really need to get into part two. You really need to catch Catch part two.

Speaker 4:

The boy he's.

Speaker 1:

He's gonna go crazy, he is.

Speaker 3:

I might have to bring my wife with me. Bring her, we might have to get her to sing a little bit. She got a word.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna have to do you like, like they do the pastors at church you know they be like.

Speaker 3:

No, my wife came with me on tonight.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and she'll bless us With a song, with a song With a selection Before I preach.

Speaker 1:

She knows how to break up that ground real good Right. The Lord gave her to me and I'm gonna use her Right.

Speaker 4:

As he pleads.

Speaker 1:

That's how we're gonna do Cry.

Speaker 3:

Right. Right, we gotta get her off, we gotta get her off the vocal mic and get her in a setting like this, because that girl got word, she got word.

Speaker 1:

She got word. That's why I call her evangelist. They both, they both very old, soulish and Christian. She got word. She got that voice too. Part two she got that voice. I told him I could just see them out there on the corner with the microphone and the speaker just saving folks in a Walmart parking lot. Just calling them to Christ. Turn the burn. I'll take that right down. 45. I'll push your line and just be calling folks to Christ. I'm telling you. I'm telling you, we'll see you. Part two it's on the way.

Speaker 4:

Part two We'll see y'all next time. Love y'all, bye.