No Sanity Required

Season 6 | Farewells, Trusting the Lord, & Catching up with Moses Holloway

August 19, 2024 Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters Season 6 Episode 1

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Welcome to season 6 of NSR!

We’re excited for this new season of the podcast and another season of ministry at camp. We’ll be welcoming a new editor to the podcast, JoyBeth Kidd, as we say goodbye to Mady Christmas. We’re so thankful for her time at camp!

In this episode, Brody answers a few questions he’s received from listeners recently. The first involves how to trust the Lord in a season of infertility. The second question focuses on trusting the Lord with a believer's life. We hope these are helpful and encouraging!

Brody also sits down with his son, Moses Holloway. Listen as they catch up and talk about the summer and Mo growing up as a young man!

1 Samuel 1–3

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Speaker 1:

Hey, welcome to this week's episode of no Sanity Required. I want to apologize. Last week we did not get an episode that I told you was going to go up. We didn't get it up. We actually had to move. Actually, it was two weeks ago. We would have had the episode from week one.

Speaker 1:

I think I told y'all to be expecting this. I was going to post a couple of episodes from staff messages I gave to the staff and we posted one of those. Unfortunately, our our sound audio team, they they dropped the ball and didn't get, didn't get the other one recorded. They didn't record the message. So I'm sure you can imagine how well that went over around here. But we lost it. We don't have it. So hate it.

Speaker 1:

We'll, uh, we'll make some corrections, um, in that department and not let that happen in the future. So I apologize. So ultimately, that's that's on me, it's not on anybody else. I should make sure that the content is I don't know, I'm just I'm sorry that we didn't. We don't have that for you, but anyway we've got, uh, we, we did get the second session, which was the final Monday of staff worship. I had great feedback from so many people. Today's episode is going to be kind of a mashup, chop up of a bunch of different stuff. I'm going to answer three or four questions that folks have asked and read you some, uh, excerpts from emails that have been sent in that are very encouraging about NSR. Give some shout outs and send some swag out. And also we're going to we're going to say farewell to our beloved and I'm so thankful for her service and time here Maddie Christmas, who is leaving us, but we're excited for this new chapter of life. So thanks for joining us and welcome to. No Sanity Required.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to no Sanity Required from the ministry of Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters. A podcast about the Bible culture and stories from around the globe.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so let's get into several things here today. What I want to do this is going to be kind of a. Every once in a while we do one of these kind of a mashup episode. I want to start off by saying that NSR is now we're going into our fifth season. I think it's our fifth season, you know. We kind of the first year or two.

Speaker 1:

It took us a little while to figure out a rhythm of how we were going to post episodes, how often when a season started, when a season stopped, in the beginning we were posting two episodes a week and then it got kind of helter-skelter and scattered, and I don't know if everyone's like this, but when we started this we didn't really know exactly what we were doing or how we wanted to do it, and so we have now found a pretty good rhythm. Outside of summer for, you know, the majority of the year, especially for the school year, we try to post on Monday or Tuesday. We get an episode up at the first part of the week, aim for Monday. A lot of times it's Tuesday Early on. It was just kind of all over the place. But from the beginning, maddie Christmas her name was Maddie Valfrey. Maddie got married to Colt Christmas. They're a snowbird relationship and marriage that we're very proud of and thankful for. And Maddie, who grew up most of her formative years coming to SWO with her home church from Phoenix City, alabama, slash, columbus, georgia, that area Her student pastor is now a senior pastor down there. A good friend of mine, drew, is very faithful in the way that he leads and pastors and shepherds. I'm thankful for his investment in the Valfrey family. Maddie is one of, I think, three from that family that have served faithfully at SWO.

Speaker 1:

But Maddie's been here the longest spent. Gosh been here with us for several years now and she, from day one, has been involved in the way that we produce NSR each week. You guys know our listeners. Y'all all know that there's nothing real, there's nothing complex about the way we do it. It's a pretty straightforward and simple presentation. But what you don't know is a lot of editing goes on behind the scenes. I'm bad to say things that we need to change or reword or edit. I'm bad to get distracted, lose train of thought, stop and come back, and Maddie has been so.

Speaker 1:

I'm so thankful for Maddie and and and she's she's editing this episode. So, um, she's hearing this and Maddie. I just want to tell you that I love you. I'm thankful for you. I appreciate you. Snowbird loves you.

Speaker 1:

We're so grateful for your investment in this ministry. She doesn't live here anymore. You know. This is the day and age where people can work remote and be be on the other side of the country. My admin, amanda Potter, lives in Dallas, texas, and I haven't seen Amanda in person in five years, but she is. She's my admin, I communicate with her daily and Maddie is my admin on the NSR podcast and and the, the person that does the bulk of the work outside of the recording.

Speaker 1:

So it's been a joy to watch Maddie grow into a godly young woman from being a kid that was coming to camp and is now just growing and doing things that are significant for the kingdom. She married Colt and they have taken a position at South River Baptist Church in Statesville, north Carolina Colt working in student ministry, maddie working in student ministry. I'm excited for their future. I'm just thankful, thankful for the partnership with that church too, with Scott, who's the student pastor there. He's just a great friend and brother. Colt will be moving into that role. Scott will be moving into a different role.

Speaker 1:

So I just want to say thanks to Maddie, and I love her and I'm thankful for her and all the hard work she's put into making NSR a reality. She's going to be missed. If you know her, reach out to her and let her know how much you've appreciated the investment she's made here. It'll be a new season and we'll be moving over to a new editor. Joy Beth is going to be all of the Snowbird faithful know her as JB. Joy Beth is a hoot, she's crazy and she's one of my daughter Lely's best friends, and so I'm excited for Joy Beth to to come on board and be a part of the team as we move forward. She's part of who's been there forever and is the leader in that room in terms of just life experience and investment in that program.

Speaker 1:

It's a cool team Austin Scott, john Rouleau, who has a hand in that office, even though he's not directly a media guy, just a lot of folks in there John Reagan working in marketing. It's an awesome team. It's a dynamic team. I didn't name everybody, um, but I'm just, I'm thankful for that group of folks. Um, sam anyway. Uh, jb is going to be taking Maddie's job and start start editing um the, the podcast. So you'll start hearing me talk to JB, joy Beth, more than I'm talking to not more than I'll no longer be talking to Maddie, I'll be talking to JB.

Speaker 1:

So kind of a changing of the guard here, and I think it's good for everybody. The Lord is. I'm excited for what the Lord has in store for um, maddie and Colt and for Joy Beth as she comes on board. Um, I'm also excited because Joy Beth's mom is, I know, a listener and so pretty cool to have to keep it in the family, you know. Uh, so we love you, maddie, praying um God's blessing and grace on your ministry in this new chapter of life. We're excited for you.

Speaker 1:

All right, I want to get into. I want to answer two questions that were asked of me recently in a ministry context, and then I want to share one email, maybe two, one or two emails, just depending on how much time we get in. You know we have. And then I want to close by spending a little time with my man, moses, who used to come on the podcast a lot, but as he's matured and grown up it's not as cute anymore. He's becoming a young man, which I'm excited about, and so you'll get to hear from him at the end of the episode. We'll bring him in on the drive over this morning. He wanted to come into work with me this morning. I I walked down the steps at six 30 this morning and they're not back in school yet. As a North Carolina goes back a little bit later and he was on the couch, dressed shoes on. Uh, it's chilly this morning. He's got a sweatshirt on, he's ready to go to work with me. I was like hey, buddy, I'm not leaving for another hour, so just sit tight. So, uh, anyway, he came in with me and uh and um got our, got our day started at camp with uh, with the team, and then um came over to the recording studio and on the drive over we had some cool conversation. I said why don't you just when we get over here, let's let's uh, when I get to the end of the episode, let's jump on and have a little conversation. So he did, he, he's, he's going to be on at the end and I'm looking forward to that Um. But let me get into the first uh, the first question, and it was and it had to do with um, we, we.

Speaker 1:

I think it was maybe sometime last year I did an episode where we talked about um, the difficulties of that that a couple faces when they are not able to get pregnant, the struggles with not being able to have a child, and the frustration and the range of emotions, the ups, the downs, the highs, the lows, little and I experienced this for a season. We were married six years before our first child was born and then there were several big gaps in between. You know, it was two years before our next child was born, which, if I remember right, that was kind of planned and that worked out. The Lord was, you know, very gracious in all of it, but I think that.

Speaker 1:

But then after Tuck it was three years before Lely was born there was a I know it was about a year and a half of just wondering is she going to be able to conceive again. And then after that some long, long stretches with nothing, and then miscarriage, and then long, long, long stretch, two-year stretch and then pregnancy and miscarriage, and so we've been through some of that. But of course the Lord has been gracious and give.

Speaker 1:

He gave us biological children and and and opened our family to um when the womb was closed, open the, the home to children that um are, are as much a part of our family and and are as much my children as my biological kids. So we have three by way of adoption and and Moses is one of those and then three by way of biological means or whatever. So our family's a little bit unique and dynamic and a lot of folks maybe didn't know that there were stretches where we struggled with pregnancy and and so when, when this was asked of me, you know and this was midsummer maybe, and I just wanted to take a pause and think about it and pray about it and make sure that I gave a good answer that was rooted in Scripture but also that was introspective and reflective of my own life experience, but also filled with biblical wisdom. And the story that always comes to mind is the story of Hannah, who prayed and prayed and prayed and asked the Lord to give her a child. And and here's the one, I don't have a lot to say on this other than here's I think there's one huge principle to the story of the birth of Samuel and the, the difficulties that Hannah had with, with getting pregnant, and if you know the story, if you don't know the story, you can read it in first Samuel, chapters one, two and three. One, two and three and it's primarily the struggle is in chapter one and what happens is this lady named Hannah um wants so badly to be a mama, she wants to have a baby and she, she doesn't get pregnant, she doesn't get pregnant, she doesn't get pregnant. She is the wife to a man who was a polygamist and, uh, and he has another wife who continues to have children. And there begins to be this tension, different, completely different cultural context from what most of us know. And eventually the Lord gives Hannah a child and Hannah tells Lord, she says, if you give me this child, I'll, I'll devote him from the time he's weaned, I'll give him back to you. And she does that. She, she takes his child when he's just a little boy and she drops him off at the temple and he becomes a, you know, an apprentice under the priest whose name was Eli, and she gives her child up, as you know, four or five year old kid. He goes to live in the temple. I'm not reading the story, I'm doing this from memory so you can check my work and make sure my details are are accurate, but if I, if I recall, it was when he was weaned and in those days I'm assuming that would be like four.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you a funny story. I was preaching overseas. I was a young preacher. First time I'd ever preached was the year, the summer before that, and I went on a mission trip to a third world context.

Speaker 1:

I'm in a church African context and um, and there's a kid on the front road nursing off of the mama while I'm trying to preach and there's, there's a kid on each side of her. One's a baby and the other one had to be four or five years old and he's standing there, you know, while I'm preaching and I was like what in the world is going on? Because you know, in our culture we don't do that. We wean them on off there about I don't know a year. If you go to two years with a baby, most people think you're weird. You know, and I know some people do that. I'm not trying to get into that debate, but it's, it's awkward to see it. You know, when I'm up there preaching and there's a four or five year old kid on their nurses. So you know, in certain, in certain cultures.

Speaker 1:

I think weaning has to do with nursing. It could have to do more with when that child is ready to embrace manhood. I don't know, I haven't done a deep dive study, but let's say he was. You know, the Spartans would remove their children from their moms at age seven or eight, something like that. So let's say, either way, she's willing to give her child up and she gives him to the Lord when he's five, six, maybe seven, and he goes and lives with a priest which is some distance from her home. And so I think the principle is this is this the Lord? I think will.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we don't know why he doesn't bless a young woman who wants to be a mama so badly, why he may not open her womb in the timely manner that she thinks he needs to do it or that she desires. And it can become frustrating or depressing. It can create depression and anxiety and anger and resentment and cycle of emotions. But I think the one lesson that I learned from Hannah that's maybe practical. I think there's some deep lessons in terms of just God's sovereignty and trust in the Lord, of their future and knowing that in the end he's going to work it all out.

Speaker 1:

But there is a principle of, I think, when Hannah was at a place of spiritual maturity and personal humility and contrition and brokenness, that she was willing to give that child fully and wholly to the Lord, that that child was not going to become an idol to her. I think that maybe the struggle was that we can make an idol of things that are good but that are not intended to be ultimate. Motherhood is good, but it is not the ultimate experience. Our relationship with Christ is the ultimate experience, and so anything that becomes preeminent to that or more important than that, then maybe it's the Lord's grace that he holds it from us for a season while we can learn that lesson, because, um, anything I put before the Lord is is set up for failure, you know. And so I think what we, there's a principle from him.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying that that a person who's longing so much to have a baby, that that person is sinful or that that's idolatry. I'm just saying there's a struggle that the Lord with Hannah, I believe he wanted her to be willing to, to to totally and fully give that child over to the Lord. And when, when her heart and her mind were at that place, then the Lord blessed her. Had, had he not gotten her to that place, maybe she would have idolized that child. Maybe she would have, maybe she would have lost her focus on the Lord and put all of her focus on that child. That child would have filled a place in her affection that that child can't handle. It's just a thought that I think the Lord wants us to trust him with everything. And when we're at a place where we worship him, like Job says, even if he takes everything from me and kills me, I'll still worship him and then I think our hearts are in a position to receive what the Lord has for us. And so Hannah got to that place and the Lord blessed her. So it was pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

That leads me into the second question, let me. Let me say one more thing about that, cause I don't want it to sound like I'm. I want you to to hear what I'm saying. If there's a mom out there and again, we did an episode on this last year, but I know it's a struggle and let me just say to the mom who wants so badly to be pregnant with your first child, or maybe you've got a child or two or whatever, and and and then it seems like the womb is now closed off. Is that um? Um, not just to say trust the Lord or God's got this, but to know that the Lord is in this moment with you. He feels your fear, your frustration, your anxiety, and he identifies with that. He knows that Um, and so just the the the word of scripture, that God has not abandoned you, he's not left you alone to this. He's in it with you and he's walking through it with you and ultimately he's going to bring about a greater plan and work because of it. So I hope that's encouraging. It's not maybe what you're wanting to hear, but hopefully it's encouraging and I think the Lord will get you through this. I know he will.

Speaker 1:

The next one is talking to a young man and he had gone through a breakup and his concern was he's been a believer for quite a while, guys, in his early 20s. He's been a believer since he was a young man. He was in a relationship with a woman, a young woman, who was. He was in a relationship with a uh, a woman, a young woman, who was also early to mid twenties, and they were walking towards marriage. She's only only been a believer. She's only been a believer for maybe a year and a half, maybe two years we'll say two years, but it's she's a fairly new believer.

Speaker 1:

And his concern was, he said, you know, I know that the Lord has has moved us apart and and, at least for now, brought this relationship to a close, but my concern and my fear is for her. What's going to happen now that she because he had sort of grafted her into his community, so she was coming to church with him and he you know his family's believe in family and they'd welcomed her in and she doesn't have that. She comes from a broken and split family and none of them are believers and she doesn't have home church. And she had moved back to the place that she was from, which was several hours away. And he said I'm worried, I'm worried about her and, and I don't know if, if any of our listeners I'm sure some have but if any of you have ever been through a situation where you fear for someone who is a new believer but they don't, you know, maybe it's a relationship that has ended or maybe it's a person you just know and care about that's going out on their own. They're leaving to go off to college, they're leaving to head to the military. They're leaving to go take a job in another place. They don't have a support group of faith and family.

Speaker 1:

What I said to this young man is, if she's a child of God and she's truly got the Holy Spirit living in her and she's been regenerated, then trust that the Lord is going to do the work in her. Philippians 1, 6 says, being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it. Jesus, if he started that work in her, if she's alone on an Island, he has the ability and the way to sanctify her and he'll do it. I really believe he will. He'll grow her. He's not going to start a work and then not complete that work, and that's powerful and beautiful. You know it's a wonderful and beautiful thing, um, and so trust the Lord to grow her and trust that he'll. He'll stir her heart's desires for his word and for sanctification.

Speaker 1:

The flip side of that is, if she needed you to grow to maturity in Christian faith, then she probably wasn't a believer and it's probably better in that sense that this relationship ended now, because if she wasn't a believer then the Lord was not going to complete the work and at some point she would have fell away. Think of the power, the power parable of the seeds. You know that some, that that seems to take root and seems to be real and seems to spring up, but then it falls away, it withers and dies. Maybe she had that kind of faith, and if that's the case, praise the Lord that this thing has ended now, rather than five, six, seven or 10 years from now, when you're married, you got a couple of kids and then she decides I'm not a Christian, I don't want to walk with Jesus. She deconstructs or apostatizes, and so it's good that that you put these things in that context. Either she's in Christ and if she is, she doesn't need me the Lord's going to grow her, she's his or she's not truly saved. And if she's not, then praise the Lord that I'm not going to be unequally yoked, as hard as it is right now and it's broken as this person's heart is. This young man trust the Lord in that, um. So that was the counsel that I gave to him.

Speaker 1:

All right, last, I want to want to read not last because we're going to come back to Mo, but before we bring Mo in, I want to read this. Really, this is long. This is a pretty lengthy. I actually want to read two emails, so I'm just going to read these. Hope you're encouraged. This first one is from a lady named Erica and we're going to be sending Erica and her family some swag. So, erica, I hope you enjoy. And then the same with the next one, but let me read this one. These are going to take a couple minutes to read these. These are lengthy but very encouraging. Good morning. My daughters, jaden and Emma I won't say the last name as well as a close friend, ezra. We're at camp the final week with our church from. I'll leave that blank.

Speaker 1:

I had composed an email sometime this past March and sent to the general email address for SWO, our Sunday school class. So I don't know, I didn't get that email. A lot of times those don't come to me. If they're to the general email address, but this email came directly to me, I think, yeah, directly to me. If they're to the general email address, but this email came directly to me, I think, yeah, directly to me.

Speaker 1:

Our Sunday school class was finishing our study in Romans. As I prepared our lesson, we were coming to the last chapter, where Paul is simply commending Phoebe to the Romans and sending his greetings to all of these individual people. While reading that chapter, I at first wasn't sure what could really be gleaned from it as a teaching point. After prayer, however, I had a sense of overwhelming gratitude for the spirit partners our church has, both close to home and farther away.

Speaker 1:

I felt compelled at that time to send an email thanking you, spencer, zach, amy Little and all the voices I listen to so frequently between the two podcasts, as well as everyone talking about NSR, the no sanity required podcast and the SWO teaching podcast, as well as everyone who works hard behind the scenes in so many different ways, for being faithful to your calling and pouring into others, like our youth and the many listeners you reach through your different podcasts. And I think she may be listening, and if not, then Erica. If you hear this, um, uh, she might be talking about Amy Davis's podcast, generating joy, or generate joy. Um, so lots of options, lots of opportunities for the red oak teaching podcast. So we've got the red oak teaching podcast, no sanity required podcast, the SWO snowbird teaching podcast, and then, um, amy Davis's podcast, generate joy.

Speaker 1:

God was so good to remind me in that moment of all those that our church could send letters to saying send my greetings to so-and-so good men and women who Christ approves, Snowbird was at the top of that list. Our church has been blessed by your ministry for many years. By the way, this church had been coming for over 20 years to SWO, which is really cool. I vividly remember the Holy spirit's peace and joy at bringing SWO to heart and mind. While reading that chapter I lifted the entire Snowbird ministry up in prayer. Then last night I received a text from my daughter explaining just how great and meaningful the services had been that evening and my heart was full all over again. So while I'm no Paul, I do thank everyone at SWO for welcoming our youth and for working diligently to build relationships that enable Snowbird to go beyond just a fun summer church.

Speaker 1:

Camp Jaden has long told us. Her daughter has long told others that it's her favorite place on Earth, not just because of the excitement, because also the truth of the gospel is preached so fervently, so in true Roman 1627 fashion. All glory to the only wise God through Jesus Christ, forever. Amen. Attached is one of the graphics I created to share on our church's social media as we ask for prayer leading up to this week. God bless Erica. Thank you, erica, it means a lot. I did get a chance to talk to Erica's daughter one of the last nights of camp that week and and what a blessing to speak to a family like that.

Speaker 1:

And, um, Like the whole family's been impacted. I'm just grateful, Very encouraging. So anyway, Erica, your girls, we're going to send you all some SWO swag. Maddie will get that. One of her last acts of service for NSR will be to get some swag sent out. So we will get that out to y'all. Hope you enjoy it. Some T-shirts and stickers yeah, that'll be awesome.

Speaker 1:

And then the last email I'm not going to read it because it is very personal and I don't I didn't speak with this mom but essentially an email from a mom whose son is now serving at SWO in our Institute. He worked on summer, this past staff past summer and prior to that worked in the Element program, which we're going to be highlighting coming up in the next few weeks. We've got a big episode we're putting together highlighting the Element program, our high school discipleship program that prepares and trains folks for the next steps of ministry at SWO. But just a reminder that this family has been impacted because this young man came and served here. He's the he's, he's from a big family, he's one of the younger kids in a big family, lots of girls, Um, and God has just taught him about biblical manhood and leadership and headship, and I had an opportunity a couple of times this summer to see his name's Ben. I had a couple chances to sit down with Ben and it's just amazing to see what the Lord's done in his life and in in the few years that he's been either attending or working at SLO, and I'm just grateful for that. And so the the emails y'all send mean a lot, Um, so grateful for them. There. They spur us on, they remind us of the faithfulness of the Lord, and so I'm grateful for that.

Speaker 1:

And so, um, I want to, I want to bring Mo in and I hope y'all enjoy this next segment. We're going to just sit down and have a. We'll talk for, I don't know, 10 minutes maybe. Um, to wrap things up, I hope it's encouraging and, uh, he's not a little little kid like he was. I mean, he's still young, young, little dude, young man, but he's not a little boy. Those early episodes that you know, when he was seven years old and coming on and it was so fun. But, uh, it's cool to hear how God's growing him and stretching him and uh, so hope you enjoy hearing from Mo and then I'll come back and wrap it up after that. So I got Moses with me. Um, everyone's favorite NSR guest. You know that's true, Don't you? Uh, no, uh, you know, this summer, when I interviewed you, I think it was like at the end of staff training yeah, you know a lot of.

Speaker 1:

You know what a lot of people said that they noticed. What do you think?

Speaker 3:

my voice. Yeah, what about it?

Speaker 1:

it got deeper it did, and why is that? I don't know, it's just changing your voice, changing your body's, changing your voice is changing, you're growing up, which leads me I think that's a good point, a good place to bring the point in about the main. So on Wednesday nights, tell people, a lot of people most of the NSR listeners don't come to summer camp. So what do we do on Wednesday nights?

Speaker 3:

Boys night, and then girls go somewhere else.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we separate the guys and the girls and when we get the guys separated, I did a talk with them and what we were talking about on the way over here was the verse that I used. Could you share that verse?

Speaker 3:

It is when I grow up I have to put childish things away.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child or reasoned like a child and I, you know behaved.

Speaker 3:

Like a child.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was very childish, is what he's saying. That's in 1 Corinthians 13. And he said but when I became a man, I put childish things away like video games and like staying on the couch, yeah, the whole day, yeah. And I think it's okay to play some video games. You think about how we do it at our house. What are kind of our rules for that?

Speaker 3:

Like 30 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's 30 minutes, and that's only if what.

Speaker 3:

If we get good grades.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like if you've done good at school, you've done your chores, you've done your part, and so I thought it'd be cool. The thing I thought it'd be cool for you to share is kind of one way that we've put that into. How old are you now?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

No, you're lying. You lie to people all summer. Tell everybody how old you are.

Speaker 3:

I am 12.

Speaker 1:

You are not 12. I mean 11.

Speaker 3:

I get those two numbers and stuff a little. Okay, that's fair.

Speaker 1:

That's fair. I could tell that was an honest mistake. 13, you were making that mess up, yes. And then 12 was an honest mistake, wasn't it? Mm-hmm, uh-huh, what's your favorite part of summer camp, like, of everything that we do? Let's name, like the three, I'll do, my three favorite things. The camp pool, okay. So we say that's your favorite recreation thing. Mm-hmm, okay, all right, and then what's your favorite thing?

Speaker 3:

Snack Shack.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Snack Shack. So we got Camp Bull and Snack Shack. What do you love about the Snack Shack? All the candy. The food truck was a big hit, wasn't it?

Speaker 3:

The food truck, yeah it's good, but you like the candy? Yeah, it's good.

Speaker 1:

But it's not. You like the candy? Yeah, that's in the Snack Shack. What is your favorite like in the Super Coop? What's your favorite night?

Speaker 3:

Friday night. Because, why Actually Friday and Monday night?

Speaker 1:

Because why.

Speaker 3:

We all get to dance.

Speaker 1:

You love that dance party. Don't you Tell folks what your jobs are? You kind of had two jobs at camp this summer. You're 11, so it's time to start working pulling your weight. So there was one job you had with me. What was that?

Speaker 3:

Mowing my name's Mo.

Speaker 1:

That's good, I never thought of that. Mo has to mow, so you had a good bit of mowing.

Speaker 3:

What all did you keep? Cut the new property.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we mowed the golf course, the disc golf, frisbee golf, cut the fairways. Archery course. Yeah, it was a lot of mowing. How much time each week did we put in mowing?

Speaker 3:

two to one hour, two to two to three hours yeah, yeah, it was your mowing.

Speaker 1:

That was on tuesdays, and then I mean that was on wednesdays. A couple weeks we did it on monday, and then what. You had another job that I think was very important to how we do things at SWO. What was that?

Speaker 3:

So we go around, get footage, we work on the footage for the whole week and on Friday night after we get done dancing, a friend of my dad's come out and talk for a few minutes and he'll say like we're going to miss you guys and hope that we'll get to see you next year. And our edit club has a video for you guys to watch. It's over the whole week and so we just show that video what we got for all the campers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's the media team.

Speaker 3:

The media team.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and what's my friend's name that does that?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Rouleau yeah, john Rouleau. A lot of our listeners know John John's been on NSR a bunch, yeah, and so you would, typically, I think you would spend one of your afternoons with with the head of the media department, what's his name? Austin scott yeah, well, I'm gonna this. This fall I'm gonna have austin on here talking about media and social media and stuff like that, um and what. So what would a normal tuesday afternoon look like with you and austin? What would you? Would you just?

Speaker 3:

go, just go around Like we would on Monday. We would kind of hang out and we'd kind of like choose if we want to go video rafting or like on-campus stuff or like other stuff, just to choose the spot where we want to go film.

Speaker 1:

And, yeah, other stuff, just to choose the spot where we want to go film and yeah, okay, so on the way over here, ask you what are some things you learned, like what? What are some life lessons? You know that whole. When I became a man, I gave away, gave up. When I, when I grew up, I gave up childish ways, childish things. Um, we talked about learning how to think like a man and have wisdom. What are some things that you gave up and that you learned lessons on this summer by having to be at work two days a week and cut grass for one afternoon and do video filming and editing the other afternoon. What are some things you learned lessons in life?

Speaker 3:

Get there on time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And take my time mowing.

Speaker 1:

To do it right yeah.

Speaker 3:

To get it right, and it's a big old lawnmower, isn't it? Yeah, and yeah, and uh we used to.

Speaker 1:

there was a word I talked about with you this morning Rely.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, be reliable. And then you said something I thought was very insightful this morning that ways that you've seen yourself grow and I would affirm that and it's that you no longer do what as much as you childish things childish things like what get mad when I have to go take a shower yep.

Speaker 3:

I did not know the last time I took a shower. You think I didn't hear that Four weeks ago.

Speaker 1:

What do you do? Go there and turn the water on when mama makes you go in there and you don't actually take one.

Speaker 3:

Oh, actually one time I kind of did that. I turned the shower on and just went to the sink, put my head under the water because she said I had to get my hair wet.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you're telling on yourself. I think she figured that one out. No, she didn't. Oh, she didn't, she didn't. Oh, no, you better be glad mama doesn't listen to podcasts. She might listen to this one, mm-hmm, um. And then also, uh, you, you, you said something I thought was really uh, that I was encouraged by. And it's true, you said you no longer one of the childish things you've given up whining, whining, yeah, complaining, whining.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's good. Uh, last thing is we, our family, had a very big thing this summer that happened in our family, a very big event. You became.

Speaker 3:

A uncle.

Speaker 1:

Yes, uncle Moses, and what was the thing that you said you wanted to be?

Speaker 3:

A funcle.

Speaker 1:

What's that stand for?

Speaker 3:

A fun uncle.

Speaker 1:

And tell everybody about your niece, what is her name? No, it's not a nephew, she's a girl. You're an uncle, a girl, a girl is a niece. If it was a little boy, it would be a nephew, so she's, she's a niece, so you're. You're uncle moses, or aka funkle moses, mo, do you know yours? You were really little when Kilby and Greg got married, and right after they got married you said one of the funniest things I've ever heard a kid say you would tell everybody what you said.

Speaker 3:

When are you guys going to? What did I say?

Speaker 1:

You said when are you guys going to have a baby? Because I'm ready to be A uncle. No, you said I'm ready to be An uncle. No, you said I'm ready to be a grandpa. That was one of the funniest things she ever said and we had to explain to you. No, you will not be a grandpa, you'll be an uncle, but anyway, you're an uncle now.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

What's Kilby's little girl's name?

Speaker 3:

Alma Ruth.

Speaker 1:

Alma girl's name, alma Alma Ruth. She's the cutest thing, isn't she? She's roly-poly. We'll get to meet her. They'll be coming here this fall. They're coming home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm excited to meet them, aren't you? Or to meet her.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

What do you think you're going to try to do with her when she starts growing up?

Speaker 3:

I don't know. Take her to school.

Speaker 1:

take her to school take her to school, take her around camp. Yes, at the shore of the ropes, at camp, they live. Where do they live? In africa yeah, so she'd probably go to school over there. But they'll come home every couple years for a visit and then when you get older you'll get to go visit over there all right, thanks, buddy. I appreciate you coming on. I'm sure people are excited to hear from you. You're welcome, welcome. Anything else to say to everybody?

Speaker 3:

Go check out my YouTube channel. It is Moses Holloway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's good your intro that you folks y'all need to go check out Moses intro that he did to his channel. He did it this week and it is fantastic and you will get if you've never met Mo, you'll get a good feel for the kind of character and energy he has. It's very impressive. It's good what he did, 11 years old. He did that. He did that intro and, uh, I love the intro to your channel that you did this past week, lady loved it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, she loved it a lot. She said she watched it like 12 times.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's not at home anymore is she, where's she at?

Speaker 3:

She's in college.

Speaker 1:

Yep, so down to just three kids at home. Three are gone and three at home.

Speaker 3:

Yep, I won't call. If I were you, I wouldn't call Kilby a kid, because she's she's a mom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a mom, she's my kid, though, you know. Yeah, all right, thanks, buddy.

Speaker 3:

No problem.

Speaker 1:

Hey, one more thing we didn't talk about. We got school starting up. What grade are you going to be in? What grade?

Speaker 3:

Fifth grade.

Speaker 1:

Fifth grade and I heard you got a new teacher one of the teachers.

Speaker 3:

Miss Woods is moving up, so you're excited about that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I am. You don't have Miss Rickett anymore.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

But she said but I will see her in the summers. Yeah, because she drives the buses At camp. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and she'll drive your bus home from school.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, at school.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you got a new teacher that I heard. She's really great. Yeah, yeah, cool, all right, thanks, buddy.

Speaker 3:

No problem.

Speaker 1:

Okay, kind of a smorgasbord hodgepodge episode here, but maybe it was change of pace and something you enjoyed. I hope you did. Um, this fall, a lot of episodes are going to be a interview style or discussion style. I'm going to have Zach Mabry on for several episodes where we're going to talk about deconstruction and and how to prepare folks to leave our ministry or our home and go into the world. I'm going to have John Rulo on. We're going to be talking about cultural topics as related to the transgender LGBTQ movement. We will be doing some political discussion as we approach the elections in this election cycle, and not so much we will talk about candidates that we are voting for but we're not like a political endorsement kind of operation but we'll talk about the things that matter to us that I think, as Christians, need to be the number one priority biblically, not just my opinion that I think anybody that would go against, um, certain aspects of what scripture teaches, that that you can't vote for that person, doesn't make any sense at all. So, um, and then, uh, what else do we have coming up for y'all? A few more like, uh, beyond the flannel graph type episodes that I'm excited about. It'll be fun. Um, yeah, it's going to be good.

Speaker 1:

As we get back to school, we'll try to give you some content for moms and dads and parents as they're preparing to. I know a lot of you already been back at school for over a month, but this new school year just kicking it off and and and and, bearing down and and keeping your hand to the plow, plowing on, not looking back and being faithful with every opportunity that the Lord gives you. Thank you all. Your support means so much as we transition out of our summer program and start to look forward to Christian school retreats here at SWO fall retreats with students, adult conferences, our Be Strong conference for men, our multiple marriage conferences. Hope you'll get to join us. If you haven't already signed up, get over to the website SWOutfitterscom. Get signed up for one of our adult conferences. Hope you'll get to join us. If you haven't already signed up, get over to the website SWOutfitterscom. Get signed up for one of our adult conferences. We'd love to see you here. Thanks, y'all. Have an awesome, awesome week and we'll see you next time.

Speaker 2:

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