This is Part 3 of Amir’s story. Brody and Bobby cover his capture, physical persecution, rescue, and finish with a prayer request regarding his current situation.
In the past twelve months, the Lord has greatly used Amir’s influence and raw obedience to spread the Gospel and grow the Church in their area of Africa. The church in this Africa city crossed people group lines within the first six months!
With great persecution comes the quick spread of Gospel truth. And, more persecution usually follows. Amir has refused offers of wealth and safety by his family to return to Islam because the Holy Spirit has so utterly confirmed the truths of Christ in His heart. But, he’s had a rough eighteen months. His mother died of sickness last year, and his brother was later murdered after choosing to follow Jesus.
In the midst of it all, the Church began to grow. Multiple groups of Christ-followers began to arise within the city. His purpose right now is to raise up new leaders and equip the church to continue in the faith, regardless of what the future holds.
Pray for him to walk in the faith, boldness, and wisdom of the Holy Spirit in the next several months. Hold the line for him!
“The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.” – Tertullian
“But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.” (Hebrews 10:39)
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