Fotografiska Tallinn's Podcast
We like to ask questions but we don’t need to answer them. We do not shy away from criticism, believing that debates open up new perspectives. We like to provoke, but the focus is not on provocation itself. Our vision is to inspire a more conscious world.//Meile meeldib tõstatada küsimusi, kuid me ei pea neile vastama. Me ei väldi kriitikat, uskudes, et arutelud avavad uusi vaatenurki. Meile meeldib provotseerida, kuid fookuses pole provokatsioon ise. Me soovime inspireerida teadlikumat maailma.
Fotografiska Tallinn's Podcast
Fotografiska Talks: Vincent Peters
Fotografiska Tallinn
As part of the Fotografiska fashion month in February 2024, the world-famous fashion photographer Vincent Peters visited Estonia again to open the legacy of Peter Lindbergh to Estonian public and meet Estonian photographers. In this episode, Vincent Peters and Peter Napoliello have a touching, deep and open conversation about photography - today and in the future.
Photo: Kaisa-Maarja Pärtel