Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast

From Breakfast to Business: The Ultimate Networking Event

John Farquhar & Chris Harris Season 2 Episode 87

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Here is the registration link for the Biz & Breakfast:

Join Wendy and Brooke on the Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast as they discuss the upcoming 'Biz and Breakfast' event set for July 11th at the Lionhead Golf Course in Mississauga. 

Brooke, and Wendy, at ISB, share insights about their company, sponsors, and event highlights. 

The event will feature networking opportunities, panels, and discussions on the trucking industry's risks and compliance, with experts and industry professionals. 
Learn more about the importance and evolution of this annual gathering, its origins, and its exciting future.

For more information, you can contact Brooke or Wendy. 
Brooke Violo:
Wendy Patton:


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00:00 Introduction to Biz and Breakfast
00:24 Meet the Hosts: Wendy and Brooke
00:59 Understanding ISB Global Services
01:43 Event Details: Biz and Breakfast
02:45 Networking and Key Speakers
04:19 Panel Discussions and Topics
05:05 Event Logistics and Registration
06:04 History and Growth of Biz and Breakfast
09:18 Final Thoughts and Farewell

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

The Biz and Breakfast. Listen to Wendy and Brooke today because we're talking everything about biz and breakfast. Next on the Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast. Welcome to the Trekking Risk and Insurance Podcast. Ladies, welcome to the Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast. Brooke, can you start off please and throw a little introduction? Tell us who you are and maybe even throw your employer's name in there.

Brook Violo, ISB:

Of course. Um, well, good morning. Thank you for having me. My name is Brooke Violo. I'm the Director of Client Services for ISB Global Service. Wonderful.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Maybe, Wendy, you can add on to who you are. And what the heck is ISB Global Service?

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Thank you guys. It's great to be on your show as always. Um, I'm Wendy Patton. I'm the Director of Transportation at ISB Global Services. ISB Global Services, we have two sides to our business. We've got our insurance side where we take care of all the claims requests from all the large insurers. And we've got our background screening side of the business where we do background screening for corporations, trucking, anybody who needs a background check, come to ISB and we'll help you with that.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Background screening part, is that the part I recall, MEE? M E E?

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Yes, we have our MEE platform. Uh, we also work with 10th Street. Uh, we've got a MOC, uh, platform And we've also got a compliance platform now, which is very interesting.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Wow, maybe we'll have time to get into that, but really we're here to talk about Your bez, bez, your bez and breakfast, your biz and breakfast. Breakfast? Did somebody say breakfast? Food! Oh

Wendy Patton, ISB:

my god, we gotta run and

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:


John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

some. I'm hungry already, how long do I gotta wait?

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Till July 11th.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

Oh, oh god, I'm gonna get hungry. I'm gonna lose some weight if I don't eat now.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Well, Brooke, what's happening at the biz and breakfast? Uh, Wendy just said July the 11th, what the hell is happening there?

Brook Violo, ISB:

So we have been busy organizing our Biz and Breakfast. Um, so July 11th, we are so excited. We've got some really great sponsors. Um, so we've got BFL Canada, who has sponsored us, as well as Zurich Insurance and Aviva Canada. ISB Global Services, is hosting this in collaboration with 10th Street and Trans Rep. And we are very excited to come together. Wendy and I will both be there. We have Angelique, Maggie from the Element Fleet Management. And so it's just a really great opportunity for everybody to come out and do some networking. Of course, have your breakfast. Uh, you can get to meet Wendy and I, , we will both be there. And so we're really excited for it.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Cool. Hey, Wendy, where is the Bism Breakfast? Let's get that out of the way.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

It's going to be at the Lionhead Golf Course in Mississauga at 8525 Mississauga Road on the Cusp of Brampton, Mississauga.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

I'm going to have to get up early to make it there on time.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Yes, she will. You can come and stay at my house the night before if you like.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

Okay, all right. That way I won't have to travel so far. Good.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

You'll have to share a room with Marilyn Serber, but you'll be all right.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

Oh boy, she hogs the sheets.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Oh, and since you mentioned Marilyn, where is she working now? You may as well throw that in.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

So Marilyn has a consulting company called Candela, and she also works for Driver's legal plan.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

There we go. Okay, cool. Cool. And you mentioned Angelique. What is Angelique talking about?

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Angelique is gonna be talking about, um, the insurer, from the customer to the insurer, looking at both sides, uh, of the process, what the insurer requires, what the client, what the customer needs for the insurance side. So she's gonna be looking at it from both sides of the house, so it's gonna be very interesting.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Cool. I'm sure it will be.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Yeah, and then we've got a panel, um, moderated by Scott Cober from BFL with, uh, Andrew Ramsing from Northbridge and Denise Guetta from Zurich and Don Williams from Aviva.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

And what are they talking about? That'll be an interesting panel.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Yeah, they're going to be talking about panel cracking the insurance code, uh, the 2024 market outlook, , and what can technology do to help.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

That's, it's going to be interesting. I really am looking forward to it because I was with a broker this past week and they believe we're on the verge of a soft market again. So, which I had not heard anybody else say. Let's talk about that. So that'll be really interesting., Brooke, what time? I mean, we talked about the guests. We talked about the sponsors. Uh, we haven't said what time is the breakfast,

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Yeah, 7. 30 till 1.

7:30 to late 8:

30 is registration and breakfast and then we'll kick things off, um, at 8. 30 with opening remarks and then we'll have some panels, some networking breaks and then, um, we'll carry on for the rest till one o'clock. And then if people want to mingle and network after that, they're more than welcome.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Yeah. Sorry. I maybe I'll bring my golf club since it's not lion's head.

Brook Violo, ISB:

Not a bad idea.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:


John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

you go.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

The facility, as you know, I've met you there several times. Um, the facility is wonderful at the Lionhead. The food is always great and the golf course ain't so bad. And since the whole thing's over by one, what the heck, right? Let me ask, and this is kind of a, I'll call it a toss up question, Brooke or Wendy, whoever feels most apt. Why does ISB do this?

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Well, ISB's been doing this since 2016. It just started out as a, as a small little gathering just to get, The ISB name and the me are making eligibility easy platform out to the market. So we just started out, um, just inviting maybe like 20 people and we're, we just started talking about the me platform. And then it started to grow from there. And then clients started asking if they could be a sponsor. So then I'm like, okay, let's, So now it's grown to be what we have right now. So we're very excited to have it. It's a great event. You get to see some of your friends and meet new friends and It's going to be awesome.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

Yeah. I want to say I think I've attended every one, other than when they were closed down during the pandemic.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

You have been. You might get a gold star for that, Mr. Farquhar.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

Ooh! And an extra piece of bacon?

Wendy Patton, ISB:

And an extra Wendy Patton squeeze. So that'll be Ooh!

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

There you go. All right. I like the squeezes. That'll work.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Johnny gets a gold star. Brooke, do you give out squeezes as well? I

Brook Violo, ISB:


Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

I do

Brook Violo, ISB:

give squeeze it. might get the inaugural squeeze.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

I'm up for it. There we go.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

You know, God, if you're following in Wendy's shoes or even being associated with Wendy, that's not always a good thing, Brooke.

Brook Violo, ISB:

Well, Wendy has kindly taken me under her wing in background screening. So I'm endlessly thankful for Wendy.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

I'll be, I'll be bringing Brooke to the fleet, uh, safety Council breakfast on Wednesday as well, so you'll get to see her there as well. So I want her to, you know, start meeting. Mm-Hmm. people,

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

I'm sure what you said, Wendy, was brilliant, but you froze.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Okay, I said, I'm bringing Brooke to the Fleet Safety Council lunch on Wednesday to introduce her to the community and so that she sees how things work in the trucking industry.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

And I paid my fee to be there on Wednesday as well.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

We're waiting for Mr. Farquhar to register. Once that happens, the floodgates will open. People are waiting to see Mr. Farquhar's name on the registration page. That's what they're waiting for.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

It's coming.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

It's coming. He's waiting for, to make a big huge announcement one of these days, you know, and, uh,

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Beard off. Is that the announcement we're waiting for? That would be quite the thing. I think,

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

I think he's going to die it. Red.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

What diet? Like, like what? Not, I'm not skinny enough?

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Like red or green. You could do

Brook Violo, ISB:

it. I

Wendy Patton, ISB:

ask people who are most nervous

Brook Violo, ISB:

is blue.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

Yeah, we could. We could. Yeah, yeah, we could. Yeah, I could do it red and I'd look like a big giant leprechaun. There you go.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

We'll leave that to another conversation.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Oh God, this is always fun with Wendy and now I've met Brooke. But Brooke, again, what are we talking about? What's this event called?

Brook Violo, ISB:

This is our Biz and Breakfast. So this is your time. If you're in the industry, come on out, have your breakfast, learn from the best of the best. Um, we'll have some conversations about driver onboarding, mitigating risk, anything and everything to do with hiring and keeping your people safe.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

And we will have a link to register in the show notes down below. Wendy, what day is it?

Wendy Patton, ISB:

It's Thursday, July 11th at Lionhead Golf Course in Brampton.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

At 7 30 to 1. Is that right? I'll take that as a yes. All

Brook Violo, ISB:

right. Well, Wendy,

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

you froze. I don't know what it is about, uh, I don't know.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

It's just my life so far. Everything that's going to go wrong is going to go wrong.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

That's right. With that, I think we Beat the heck out of it. Other than, Brooke, if you want to mention your sponsors once more for this episode, you can throw that in.

Brook Violo, ISB:

Yeah, so once again we've got BFL sponsoring us, we've got Zurich sponsoring us, and we have Aviva sponsoring us, and we are so excited and so thankful to all of our sponsors for the Bisum Breakfast.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

And Lead Petal, um, brought a podcast,, Bruce Outridge will be there. He'll be, um, monitoring and filming, filming the event and doing some interviews. So you'll be on the other end of the interview page, maybe, uh, Chris, you won't have to be the interviewer. You'll be the interviewee. I was just going

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

to say you had to throw in the competition there. And

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

I was just thinking, hasn't Bruce changed that channel now when he does a recording, he then turns it into a comic book? You know, maybe style or something. So yeah. So maybe he can make me skinnier. Wendy Patton, ISB: Yeah, if you can do

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

And of course skinnier

Wendy Patton, ISB:

younger. I'm good with that.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Yeah, there you go. I'm joking. For all the people listening, the Lead Pedal podcast is a great show. Yes. So we have Angelique from Element Elementor who, element

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Management. Yep.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

Okay. And she's, go ahead, sorry. And the BFL panel is.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

And BFL panel is Scott Cober is the moderator and Andrew Ram Singh from Northbridge, Denise Guetta from Zurich and Don Williams from Aviva. And we have a, um, the Deputy Register for Motor Vehicles, Sean Doucette from MTO. He'll be talking to us about, um, The safety of the road and making sure that your drivers are compliant while they're on the road.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

And for those of you who don't, have never met Sean, uh, one, he's a very nice guy, he's as high up in the MTO as you can get. So if you're a motor carrier, it would be a good time to shake hands in a pleasant atmosphere with Mr. Doucette.

Wendy Patton, ISB:


Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

You don't

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

want to meet him across the table at a Show Cause hearing.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

That's when I usually meet Sean and they aren't pleasant, those Show Cause hearings. So, meet Sean in a pleasant atmosphere. Absolutely.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

And then we've got Marilyn from Candela Professional Group. She's going to be moderating a panel with Heather Devine from Traffics Group and Doug Marcello from Saxton Strump. So he's going to be at Fleet Safety and then he's coming to the Biz and Breakfast Safety Class, in my opinion.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:

Sure. All right. Yeah, well, I was going to say you've got the legal beagles to be chatting together. That's cool.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

That's right. Nothing like the best trucking industry from ISB Global Services.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

There you go. We didn't mention the, the huge, outstanding price. I'm going to have to get my credit card out. I've already registered, but

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Yeah, it's a big 25. 25 bucks.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

25 bucks for all this. Wow.

Wendy Patton, ISB:

Where can you go for that?

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solution:


Chris Harris, Safety Dawg 1:

The link is in the show notes below. John and I certainly encourage you all to register. Yep. Um, if you haven't met Like Angelique's been in the industry a lot longer, uh, than she would like to admit. The other panel with the BFL group, they're all huge industry professionals. Sean Doucette's going to be their head of MTO. And, um, the legal beagles, those two have been also in the trucking legal space like forever. So it's a great group. Congrats, Brooke. Congrats, Wendy. I'm putting it together. I'm sure it's going to be a great event. And it's July the 11th at Lion's Head. Thanks Wendy and Brooke. Appreciate your time and for coming on to the Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast. Hey! This Friday we release Leo Barris from Truck News. It's coming up next on the Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast. This Friday! Like, uh, today's Tuesday. You don't got much longer to wait. All right. Oh, God. If you made it this far, please show John and I your gratitude by hitting like, and subscribe, and leave us a comment. Tell us, go jump in the lake. Appreciate it. Bye, y'all.

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