Lynne's Podcast

The Best Antioxidants

Lynne August MD Season 2023 Episode 3

Welcome! This is Lynne August. In this podcast, I am discussing how Lipid-bound Zn and Se are very effective and safe anti-oxidant mineral supplements. Se and Zn are incorporated into fatty acids in Dr. Revici’s formulas. Fatty acids with incorporated minerals are free fatty acids, they are unbound. Only free unbound lipids are biologically active. Biologically active lipids are only found in two places in the body: in red blood cells and at sites of pathology. As Revici reports in his patents, abnormal cells and tissues in the body have free unbound pathological lipids. Unbound lipids attract unbound lipids. Thus, an Lb mineral will be selectively taken up by abnormal cells. Therefore, Lb minerals - Se and Zn in this discussion - will go where needed and only where they are needed.  A pause here to digest the significance of that last statement is in order – Se and Zn from Lb sources only go where they are needed. I emphasize this here because studies have shown high doses of either Se or Zn in their usual supplemental forms actually increase the risk of aggressive prostate cancer.  When Lb Se and Zn are ingested, they are picked by red blood cells, which also have free lipids. They do not require stomach acid, enzymes, or bile. Lb minerals attach to red blood cells even when the gastrointestinal tract is riddled with disease that severely compromises digestion. Lb minerals are then carried by red blood cells throughout the circulation and are selectively taken up by pathological cells. Free pathological lipids occur in cells when there is a mineral deficiency. Se is an essential structural element of glutathione peroxidase; GP is an enzyme that turns G into the master, most-powerful anti-oxidant (reducing agent) in the body. A cell lacking in glutathione peroxidase has pathological lipids.  Zinc-dependent transcription factor regulates the expression of the stream of genes responsible for anti-oxidative responses. The importance of Zn is emphasized by the now recognized diagnosis of zinc deficiency-induced oxidative stress. A cell lacking in zinc-dependent transcription factor has pathological lipids. The cumulative effects of taking a lot of antioxidants as commonly done runs the risks of suppressing wanted oxidation. Wanted oxidation occurs in mitochondria when food, and fuel, are turned into heat and energy; when the immune system fights infections; when heavy metals, drugs, and pollutants are eliminated; when genes are transcribed. Unlike common forms of anti-oxidant supplements, Lb Se, and Zn will not suppress wanted oxidation.  At supplemental doses, Lb minerals will not cause cancer. Note the emphasis here: Lb minerals at supplemental doses. Lb minerals at therapeutic doses, however, are used to rectify the failing lipid defense in  cancers.  When used for cancer, is absolutely necessary to assess the lipid defense through blood and urine tests to determine which therapeutic lipid is appropriate for each cancer. Using the wrong Lb mineral at therapeutic doses has no benefits and risks promoting cancer.  The supplemental dose of Lb Se is two drops. This gives you the upper limit of the recommended daily dose of Se, 400mcg. To this, I add the work of the late Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer, one of the pioneers and one of the major figures in selenium research. I traveled to meet him in San Diego in the ‘90s when I learned he endorsed, although not publically, Revici’s non-toxic Lb Se. Dr. Schrauzer then was recommending up to 800mcg Se for cancer prevention. Therefore, four drops daily of Lb Se is an acceptable supplemental dose. Consider taking Lb Se for autoimmune hyper- and hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s and Grave’s diseases respectively).