Fearless Church Podcast
We want to be fearless followers of Jesus who change the world. We will not allow fear to hold us back from all that God desires for us to be in our homes, workplaces, schools, church, community and the world.To be fearless is to be full of faith, believing God is who He says He is and will do what He promises to do.
Fearless Church Podcast
Essentials: Heaven
Fearless Church / Chris Williams
Season 36
Episode 2
WEEK 2 OF 3 // Chris Williams
- What words or phrases do you think most people use to describe what Heaven will be like?
- In your opinion, how do most people develop their beliefs about Heaven? How did you develop your beliefs about Heaven?
- Read aloud Revelation 21:1-7. What part of this passage stands out to you the most? Why?
- Read aloud Revelation 21:22-27. Based on this passage, who is allowed into Heaven (The New Jerusalem)?
- Read aloud Hebrews 9"27-28. Based on your understanding, what is Christ's role in our salvation?
- How does your belief about Heaven affect how you grieve for followersof Jesus who dies?
Sermon Locations and Times: