Justice Above All

How does racism undermine scientific innovation?

The Legal Defense Fund Season 2 Episode 7

Elijah McCoy, Garret Morgan, George Washington Carver, and Madame CJ Walker are names you might recognize. They're Black inventors whose inventions modernized the world. But they may also be the only names you recognize when you think of Black inventors. Due to racism and other discriminatory structural barriers, potential Black inventors have been locked out, or in some cases violently forced out, of invention pipelines. 

On this episode of Justice Above All, Dr. Kesha Moore, TMI Research Manager, takes a deep dive into the world of innovation and tracks how racism has undermined scientific innovation. 


  • Eric S. Hintz, Historian, Lemelson Center 
  • Corey Mack, Inventor
  • Tiffani Burgess, LDF Economic Justice Fellow 

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