Justice Above All

Evictions and Housing Instability During the Pandemic

LDF-Thurgood Marshall Institute

On this episode of Justice Above All, host and TMI Senior Researcher Dr. Kesha Moore talks with Sarah Saadian, Vice President of Public Policy at the National Low Income Housing Coalition, Sophie House, Law and Policy Director at NYU's Furman Center's Housing Solutions Lab, and Jason Bailey, Assistant Counsel at the Legal Defense Fund about how our current housing epidemic links back to the 2008 financial crisis, the racial disparities present in evictions, and how we can use the pandemic as impetus to prioritize creating a social safety net for renters. 

Sarah Saadian, Vice President of Public Policy, National Low income Housing Coalition 
Sophie House, Director of Law and Policy, NYU Furman Center's Housing Solutions Lab 
Jason Bailey, Assistant Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense Fund 

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