Beans, Bullets, Bandages & You

Episode 154: Kerosene Lanterns And You

Salty & Spice Season 2 Episode 154
Salty and Spice make a rare podcast appearance from The Place, kicking back in the glow of a couple of kerosene lanterns. Those lanterns are one of the subjects discussed on this podcast. Go to Beans, Bullets, Bandages & You by clicking HERE!

spk_1:   0:02
Hello, everybody. Welcome to the show. The Big show, the most important and critically Cleveland podcast that has recorded in our cabin cabin. We're not in the car, were in the cabin. We're actually kicking back, have a couple of nice cold libations, and we are enjoying cabin life. And on a yearly busy night out on the on the road, off in the distance. That's kind of odd. A lot of traffic.

spk_0:   0:32
The coyotes howling, however, Not so strange.

spk_1:   0:37
Yes, I've heard coyotes howling of her dogs barking. I heard something else. I wasn't really sure what it waas to owls twelves. Without owls,

spk_0:   0:46
there might be out

spk_1:   0:47
there might be out there. Al's people used to be very afraid of ours. Did you know that sailors are afraid? Very afraid of owls? Those were a sign of witchery, witchcraft

spk_0:   0:59
and death. I am to death. I think it's mostly duffer mice. There are other hard on rodents. Yes,

spk_1:   1:08
so we're sitting here. We come back in. My I admit it. I've got a recliner out of the place. It's a big, lazy boy recliner, and it's really comfortable. So we're sitting at the cabin. We've got a couple of lights on. We got the moon is full tonight or close enough to it that it really won't make any difference. So we're gonna get shined in a CZ. We spend the night here at the bug out Indication we bugged out. Okay, We really didn't look out. We just came out because the weather looked good. And, uh, we've seen Ah, we checked out the cabin. We're gonna see a little repair we're gonna have to make next year. The board's is having a bad year, so we're gonna have to replace that. It looks like some kind of bug got to it. And we're looking at screens. We have, ah thing on the website about replacing screens, which is good, because we're gonna have to replace their four screens of this. But something out here is eating our screens.

spk_0:   2:05
Nylon screens apparently get eaten by bugs.

spk_1:   2:08
Who knew? Well, I guess we d'oh Well,

spk_0:   2:11
I suspected after I repaired the 1st 1 but that was oh, a one off. And then the rest of the summer, it was fine. I

spk_1:   2:17
am. And now we've got, like, three or four screens with

spk_0:   2:19
I bet it's grasshoppers.

spk_1:   2:20
I'll bet it is.

spk_0:   2:21
It's been a bad grasshopper year, you know? And they've been eating every other damn thing.

spk_1:   2:26
So anyway, we can. I mean, we've got we've got a podcast, very a podcast. But we have a episode on the website that we teach you how to repair screens and screen repair materials are very good prepped Ahab because, you know, if we didn't have them, we had to be out here for any length of time. We keep screened over, the bugs would start coming in That would have to use duct tape and duct tape. Doesn't let a lot of Aaron. It doesn't sound a lot well, either. So, yeah, we're gonna have to repair our screens, probably next year. But there's no use in preparing now because we're almost a winter. So what is the podcast subject today? Well, part of the podcasts of today use the beautiful lantern light that we are using right now. We air digs of it a little different. We've installed a couple of kerosene lanterns and were given that ago. I haven't used one of these since I was a kid. We had some back when we were kids. She's never use one of these before she's used those horrible pump up white gas. I think

spk_0:   3:36
that was a little scarred by all the language that they would incite from my parents. When my parents tried to use them on camping trips, Did you pump her apparently the most evil things ever.

spk_1:   3:50
You have to pump them up to give pressure in it. To keep the to send it up into the mantle of the mantles would always fall apart on you. Yeah, but there was a prominent were a total pain in the tail. Well, these are just They're just I call him mining glanders because they were using minds a lot. These are just mining Landers. We picked up a couple of inexpensive mining ladders and, uh, well, kerosene. The advantage of kerosene over most other fuels. Kerosene lasts a long time. It's one of very few fossil fuels like, uh, that comes in a and A can, or a bottle or jar liquid that has any kind of shelf life at all. But Christine does. It's 56 year shelf life. So bad side is there is a Notre and I'm sitting here and I'm smelling the kerosene odor

spk_0:   4:43
and there's always some flame risk.

spk_1:   4:46
And there's always some flame risk. We realize one of the perhaps, that we do not have your att. The cabin. We realized this, actually, when we were in town, we were at the store and we picked up these couple of lanterns and we picked up the kerosene. And that's your foot. She shining a flashlight on her foot. She

spk_0:   5:04
was shining a flashlight by the door because I was trying to re qualified. Set a fire extinguisher there. But that can There is a wasp spray can.

spk_1:   5:15
I was wondering what you were doing that. Yeah, well, that's where I was going with it. They didn't know what I was talking about. Dear fire extinguisher yet. We don't have one here. No big deal. Could requested. Have anything in the cabin that would catch fire. But

spk_0:   5:30
you're the only way it could catch. Fire would be from a wildfire. And I don't think a little fire extinguisher would help there. And as faras getting out, we are three good steps from the door. So

spk_1:   5:43
and every one of these windows is big enough to get out of it. And there is one, too. 345678 windows in 24 feet in a door. So and every one of these windows, you can get out.

spk_0:   5:57
Yeah, so not really a safety issue.

spk_1:   6:00
No, Actually, there's two more windows in the attic. But I would not want to try and get out those

spk_0:   6:06
at any rate, I was. I didn't object when he bought those cause. I figured he knew what he was doing, and I would keep my mouth shut. And I'm glad I did, because my my fears born of the white gas lanterns were completely unfounded. And they were quite easy to set up in use.

spk_1:   6:25
Now that came with a little extra wick, which these weeks the last probably is long over. This is not gonna hear me and says We just don't have any lane out here because most of time when we stand here, it's summer. And it's like till nine o'clock.

spk_0:   6:37
Yeah, I've got some solar flashlights I bring with me and I used those until it's dark. And then I sleep until it's light again. And the thing that we go, I just barely needed any light

spk_1:   6:49
at all. One of the things we do not have it. This cabin and I've just never really thought about it before that we don't have any curtains at all. So

spk_0:   6:56
you have noticed that you're getting up at the

spk_1:   6:58
sunrise pretty much. But that's okay. You're gonna go to bed early. So

spk_0:   7:05
Don is really pretty here, So I don't mind that I actually like waking up with the dawn when I stay out here. Your sister daughter. I like her, too, but I don't know how it she sleeps these days. I

spk_1:   7:20
don't really know. We

spk_0:   7:21
stayed in a house with lately.

spk_1:   7:23
Yeah, okay. Just just curious. So, yeah, we're kicking back or in the cabin. Uh, we could see both of the ladders to go up to the upstairs, and I have to remember, not except you have to remember to just I don't know this place very well. Um, so I need to take a little flashlight when I want to go outside in the middle of the night, and I'm not gonna mention what for? Um, you might imagine so, yeah, we're gonna We're gonna find out it's supposed to get down about 50 tonight, maybe 48 this. Ah, cabin. We haven't never put insulation in it yet, so it's liable to get pretty cool. It was kind of warm when we when we came in, but we left all the windows closed to keep whatever he had had, so we wasn't horrible. But I can already feel it. A certain cool off. Yeah, so basically, right now, our cabin out the places a very, very solid tent

spk_0:   8:26
it is. But it's a nice, solid 10 tonight, and that's

spk_1:   8:28
when I saw Lieutenant keeps the water out, so that's good. And fortunately, we got here today. That wasn't all filled bugs, so it's fairly tight. Bugs can occasionally get in. We've been tryingto thio block off the ways they could be that

spk_0:   8:43
it's mostly successful because I don't get him basically all summer long. But when I come in the first time in the spring to clean it up, there's a bunch of dead flies in here and a few dead wasps. I don't know how they get in them, but not the rest of the year. But since they don't have so many when I'm in here, we're okay.

spk_1:   9:03
Yeah, we've had a lot less flies No. The neighbor has stopped running cattle on the pasture across the road From where we are, we used to get a lot of lies.

spk_0:   9:15
He does have a few sheep over there. Somebody actually put up a house. Fortunately, he did it on top of the hill, which is well back from the road we give. And he didn't put up a poll light so we can see lights from his the top story of his house when they're on. But it's not disturbing other that

spk_1:   9:37
not from we can't see the actually, you have to leave the house and go out of the way. It's a little ways to see it, but from the actual cabin, like we can't I'm looking in that direction. I can't see anything. So that's good. And, uh, So you after the pond? I haven't even looked at it today.

spk_0:   9:56
Yeah, we got here, right? It sounds that

spk_1:   9:57
I didn't know if we needed to mo. And by we I mean you

spk_0:   10:01
Ah, we need two mowed down by the pond, at least because it was too wet for me to get down there last week. It was a jungle and appear kind of, uh, might do. Okay, He kind of needs it, but it's probably not gonna grow much more this year. So I

spk_1:   10:15
wondered if we should take the mower. Yes. Okay. Well, it fit.

spk_0:   10:22
Yes, it'll fit in the truck, and then we put my little boat on top of it,

spk_1:   10:25
Okay? She's got a kayak with her today so she could go out to our own kayak on our pond. You take one stroke. No, that is not true. She kayaks on a on area lakes, and, uh so, yeah, we're not we're not talking about That's a lot of effort spent tracking on our pond.

spk_0:   10:48
Actually, a prepping thing I was thinking about today when I was out in the little boat is what kind of water sources are near where you plan to be bugging out. Because if you're bugging in place in any built up area, fishing's gonna be impossible pretty quick because places get fished out awfully fast.

spk_1:   11:09
We have a lot of Fisher people. We have an article on this on three b y about how fishing people think. Oh, yeah. L fish. No, you're probably won't because fishing lakes air stocked and it takes their stocked to the level of the pressure that they face on a normal basis. They're not stocked to keep a city population alive,

spk_0:   11:29
and they're not going to be stocked anymore. Of big drama comes up anyway. But where we are here, there is a well, it's a public land kind of lake. I don't exactly know it's legal status, but it's a public land kind of lake, and we're kind of out in the middle of nowhere. So if people weren't driving, would be one of the few people who could get there because our bicycles would get there. So if you're thinking about that, you also be thinking about the kind of fishing gear that lasts long term, like lots and lots of hooks. And a fishing line ages out pretty fast. And if you could arrange to have a little boat, you will be able to get fish that people fishing from shore won't be able to get.

spk_1:   12:20
Yes, but you have to get the little boat to the lake, so that's always a That's always a thing.

spk_0:   12:27
There are inflatable. So which we have, we have one. Yes, so are your journeys. I can stop it. Play on a little boat.

spk_1:   12:36
We call it a slab sighted because it tends to catch every bit of wind there is.

spk_0:   12:46
That's an old British sailors. Insult for a bad sailor.

spk_1:   12:52
Dutchman, Dutchman. Dutch built ships were known for being slab sided. Big, heavy, tall walls which were fantastic up around Holland and in our C. But they were absolutely He just got that snot beat out of them in the Mediterranean, which has a total different wave and wind pattern. Yeah, those walls would, you know, you get the mistrial, and it'll just tear that ship apart. But anyway, totally beside the point. Sorry. Little Little 18th and 19th century sailing trivia for you. So, Yeah, I was in here looking up the rafters. The rafters in the these lights did not look very bright. I'll admit it. But he didn't look very bright at all when we first let him. But it wasn't dark yet. Now it starts with a bright enough to read by. Well, if you're close

spk_0:   13:53
and maybe if you're not over 50

spk_1:   13:55
maybe 50. I've got this one turned down pretty low cause I don't want any of it. Get the one sitting next to in turn out. I don't want this thing sitting next to me when I sleep, either. I'm gonna put her. I want to put it over there on the table. I don't want to chance of knocking it off. Could ask care. Seen it? That's just not

spk_0:   14:10
Yeah, we don't want spoke. Kerosene on the floor? No. For so many reasons.

spk_1:   14:16
Yeah, but these are got hangers. You know, You've seen him. Probably in restaurants, stuff like that. I don't You may have some. We were big fans of using sober likes. I am. They're great, But kerosene, you know, in the middle of the winner. Let's maybe

spk_0:   14:38
we're gonna get that sound. And then you put out

spk_1:   14:40
a small amount of heat. Not much, but no, it is what it is. This is This is how people back in the in the 18 hundreds lived. This was how they left their house.

spk_0:   14:54
Yeah. This would have been more space than a lot of them had to be honest.

spk_1:   14:57
Two or 30 yeah. Two or three. This would have a big house for a lot of people. Yeah, no kids. You don't think the kids would be upstairs. Do you?

spk_0:   15:09
We might put a railings. They didn't fall on our heads when we were sleeping.

spk_1:   15:15
Yeah, that might hurt.

spk_0:   15:18
So some things that you do some other things I was thinking about for

spk_1:   15:25
Just think about it

spk_0:   15:26
for, ah, bug out Location is finding a way to bug proof everything. For example, here in this cabin, I don't particularly trust things that are upholstered and have a lot of cloth. We have never had any significant pests get in here yet. But cabin's air not so tight that that's an impossibility.

spk_1:   15:51
The one of the thing that does keep them out is there's nothing here to eat,

spk_0:   15:56
and that's quite intentional. We do have some memories over there that I keep is a little emergency food store, but they are so darn hard to get into that. They're not very attractive to the pests.

spk_1:   16:09
We should still put them inside of something aluminum.

spk_0:   16:14
Well, I don't usually leave it here over the winner, so I haven't closed it up. What rose the place yet? When I do winterize the place, I take a big bag of some of the oregano and rosemary I grow at home and I leave it in an open bag underneath Theodore Sheets. I throw over the upholstered things because mice and other pests don't like to live near that kind of aromatic spice. So I grow extra of those those aromatic herbs. For that reason, Good tip. Everything else that would be tempting. Nesting material for a mouse is kept in the shipping container, and they have no luck with that. We have nothing that gets in there with any success.

spk_1:   17:06
One of the things we're gonna we're going. I don't generally sleep out here. One of the things we're going to have a little bit of a struggle with. At least this part of we is tonight is I have a really fairly severe case of tonight s. If you don't know what that is, that's the ringing of the ears that never goes away. Generally, it's not that big of a deal, because there's always some noise. But when I when it's night and there's nothing else going on normally during the day, I don't even notice it because busy and things are going on. There's always noise, but it gets so quiet out here that, uh, this might be a bit of a struggle for me. Tonight. We'll find out

spk_0:   17:45
you are to be found until the crickets go to sleep.

spk_1:   17:49
Hopefully, there aren't any in here. So several on our porch, Those I'm sure they're going toe. Say, how do you do?

spk_0:   17:56
So far, I haven't heard any crickets in side. We did have a giant spider outside, though. Yeah, he lives there all the time.

spk_1:   18:07
Yeah, well, not today. Got moved. He went on vacation. Yeah. Which reminds me I want to use open the door with a flashlight on

spk_0:   18:19
is Oh, come back and build again. Yeah. Pet is Web in the way a lot of times her web in the way a lot of times, but we came late enough tonight. Choose actually out hunting and cheese chain or Miss

spk_1:   18:34
Big Orb Weaver. Pretty spider.

spk_0:   18:37
Beautiful spider. Like I didn't kill her. I just moved around

spk_1:   18:39
more away. So

spk_0:   18:43
I'm actually kind of in favor of having spiders live right outside potential entrances and snakes. Yeah, we do get snakes in this mowed grass. It's a fairly disgusting way that I found out that we have a bunch of little brown snakes and Yeah. Oh, are you think they would hear a more coming and leave? But no,

spk_1:   19:08
no, no, not very successfully. That's always bad for them.

spk_0:   19:13
Yeah, I was grossed out, but it was worse for them.

spk_1:   19:19
So there we go. So I guess the topic of this podcast. Yeah. We're just kind of hanging out at the cabin and kicking back

spk_0:   19:28
about, ready to try out a new ah, hobo stove.

spk_1:   19:31
Yeah. I don't know what we're gonna do that tonight are gonna do it tomorrow.

spk_0:   19:35
Well, we have to have somewhere, Will. It depends on how you feel about cold food, I suppose.

spk_1:   19:42
What kind of depends on what kind of cold food It iss kale right there. No, I heard a coyote. Okay. L don't call how? What

spk_0:   19:56
I heard out my side was whole. No. Well, the coyotes were on your side, and the owls are on my side, so we'll

spk_1:   20:06
go with roll two feet apart. We'll ride with that. So, Yeah, we got a new hobo, so that's gonna be a will do. Ah, article on it. Yeah. It's another one of those that that works. Kind of like Kelly Campbell works on whatever twigs and pine cones and whatever you wanna put in it, which we like those we don't like the ones that require.

spk_0:   20:32
There's another tip for a bug out location for you. If you ever expect to have actually have to show up and have a fire, have some Qin Ling and and small stuff that you can get a fire started with. It's pouring rain dry and ready to go inside, going undercover as long as it's dry and ready to go. It really don't matter. I've got a

spk_1:   20:54
bunch. We keep it front

spk_0:   20:56
right here by the door. So any time I want to get up and start Kelly cattle, it really doesn't matter what the weather's like. I've got enough stuff dry and, um, fire starting AIDS if I needed him to start a big fire. But I got tons of little stuff there. Aiken used the Kelly Kettle with a bunch of times before I have to restock.

spk_1:   21:18
Yeah, we've got Kelly Kettle options today

spk_0:   21:21
in the hobo stove, uses similar stuff, so

spk_1:   21:23
yeah, but I don't know if you want to use a first time thing in the night. It's dark now,

spk_0:   21:29
since I didn't bring the Kelly cattle.

spk_1:   21:32
Oh, I thought it lived here.

spk_0:   21:35
It lives in my car.

spk_1:   21:37
Oh, God. I lived here. I knew she No, I didn't.

spk_0:   21:42
But I brought the new Homo stuff.

spk_1:   21:45
Well, there we are. We have the new Hubble stove. We're gonna go out with rocks and cook on it.

spk_0:   21:52
I might. Or I might get out a couple of those Omari heaters, but I also have your think.

spk_1:   21:59
Well, that works, too. Okay, we'll figure this out. I mean, this is not the end of the world. I mean, we had talked about, you know, hey, just going on into town, which is about 15 miles from town, or so go to subway. But that doesn't seem really right, does it?

spk_0:   22:16
I wasn't really in favor. As long as we've got stuff, you will be happy.

spk_1:   22:22
I don't know if we do get you packed it. So where we are, I've got a picky eater, right?

spk_0:   22:29
I'm not very picky about what I eat. When I'm out here, I usually just bringing a Mari and eat whatever.

spk_1:   22:37
Okay, well, we'll figure it out yet, so I know you guys were really excited listening to this going. Josh, shut up and make up your mind. So anyway, we're gonna let you go.

spk_0:   22:50
See you