The Schools & Academies Show Podcast

Bridges and Barriers to Progression for School Business Leaders

The Schools & Academies Show Season 2 Episode 3

Welcome listeners to the third episode of the season. For this episode we examine the status of the School Business Leader by recalling the amazing conversation between Stephen Morales and Stephen Rayner from last November's virtual show. In this snippet of their conversation, the full version of which we will soon release on our website, Morales and Rayner discuss the development of the SBL role and what common problems leaders face in their progression. 

Key topics covered will include:

  • What are the barriers to joined-up leadership and how can we seek to build parity of recognition within the SLT?
  • Overcoming challenges to succession such as Qualified Teacher Status and building pathways to progression

💡 Stephen Morales, Chief Executive, Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL)

💡 Stephen Rayner, Director of Teaching and Learning, Manchester Institute of Education,, University of Manchester 

🏫 This episode was aired as a recorded video at the Schools and Academies Show Online on the 19th of November 2020.