Dublin's Historic South

Season 1, Episode VII - Dún Laoghaire

Laura Fitzachary Season 1 Episode 7

Episode VII is all about Dún Laoghaire and I, Laura Fitzachary, welcomed the brilliant Anthony Kelly to the show this month. An artist based in Dublin, his practice involves sonic and visual approaches to making his work and this includes painting, drawing, sound recording, sculpture, sound installation, film/video, and improvised sound performance. Although diverse in construction, his work chiefly concentrates on the shifting and fragmentary nature of sensory experience. To explore this he uses the discarded or overlooked aspects of the world around us which he enlarges and amplifies to create his work. His creative work frequently involves collaboration and Anthony has received funding from the Arts Council of Ireland and Culture Ireland. His work has been exhibited widely in Ireland and abroad and one of his current ongoing projects includes A Sound Map of Dún Laoghaire, which he coordinates with David Stalling. It’s so impressive, it has formed the backbone of this entire episode! From dealing with the tumultuous waters of Ireland to the cultural significance of the Top Hat, this episode was formed around the Sound Map where we explore the sonic environment of this townland and record it’s rapid change through what we hear. Anthony very kindly let me use clips of some recordings which have been dotted throughout! You can listen to the full clips and other recordings at A Sound Map of Dún Laoghaire  & farpointrecordings.com

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