Dublin's Historic South
Dublin's Historic South
Season 1, Episode XII - Tallaght
THE SEASON 1 FINALE!!! - Episode XII was recorded over Zoom to delve into the largest townland of South Dublin - Tallaght! (photo: southdublinlibraries.ie) From a prominent ecclesiastical centre to an exploding population, this episode explored how a townland can completely transform in the space of one lifetime. To wrap the end of 12 monthly episodes, it was an absolute pleasure to be joined by the brilliant Dr. Michael Keyes and we examined how Tallaght is laid out to explore it's long history, skirmishes and all...Michael studied history at Maynooth University and completed a PhD there in 2009. He went on to published a book on the political campaigns of Daniel O’Connell and Charles Stewart Parnell in 2011. Since then he has worked with South Dublin County Libraries, most recently as Local Studies Librarian based in The County Library in Tallaght, making him the ideal co-host for all things Dublin 24. From Dundrum to Tallaght Season 1 featured areas from all over the county south of the Liffey and will be back to continue its journey after a short break in March 2021!