The Chatham Park Podcast
The inside source to all that is happening in the Chatham Park development in Pittsboro, NC. Chatham Park is a mixed use development encompassing over 7000 acres just west of Raleigh and south of Chapel Hill, NC, in Pittsboro, NC. You can find more information at www.chathampark.com and for more information about Preston Development Company, the developer of Chatham Park, visit us at our website at www.prestondev.com. Preston Development Company has been developing projects in NC for over 30 years and is led by Tim Smith and Julian "Bubba" Rawl and a team of professionals in the industry. We are headquartered in Cary, NC.
The Chatham Park Podcast
The Y in Chatham County
Bill Oestereich
Season 3
Episode 1
In this episode we talk with Jessica Mashburn, Exective Branch Directory of the Chatham County Y, part of the YMCA of the Triangle. They have a Leprechaun Run 5K/10K that is happening on Saturday, March 12, 2022 in Chatham Park. We also discuss what services the Y is currently providing in Chatham County.
Links for more information:
To reach Jessica directly with questions about the Y's programs, you can email here at:
For suggestions, comments, or questions, email us at: