Vegan Body Coach Podcast

James Aspey went from meat hungry personal trainer to world renowned vegan influencer.

March 04, 2020 • Jaxon Burton • Season 1 • Episode 3

WOW. What an episode.

What an honour to take some of James' time to chat about his truly inspiring story, how he conquered cancer, became a personal trainer and went on to tour the world as a vegan activist.

This guy has seriously made a difference and continues to do so. However not without it's impacts on his personal life.

It was a humbling experience to hear James speak so passionately about something so relevant and of utmost importance in 2020.

We cover:

🌱 How James went from cancer survivor, to personal trainer to vegan activist travelling the globe and impacting thousands of lives 

🌱 The realities of animal agriculture, and the urgency at which change is needed

🌱 How change needs to happen on a personal level 

🌱 How James views the connection between meat & masculinity, why compassion is never weakness 

🌱 The emotional and mental toll of James’ tireless work ethic 

🌱 Resources, books, websites, who to follow and James’ personal food recommendations

This one is a must share.

Every share is a seed planted.
To help others find this information please consider giving a quick review and rating on iTunes, I will be forever grateful.


James' Instagram

James' Famous Speech 'This Speech Is Your WAKE UP CALL!'

James' book recommendations: 

World Peace Diet

A New Earth

The Power of Now

The Power

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