Vegan Body Coach Podcast

Vitamins, Minerals & Making Veganism Easy with Terraseed Cofounder Hava Horowitz

June 18, 2021 Season 2 Episode 29

Reality is we are humans, and we don’t get it right all of the time. 

Sometimes nailing your daily nutrition to ensure adequate nutrient intake is just one more thing that you have to make time for.

Having a safety net to ensure you are able to continue your plant based or plant exclusive lifestyle without running into potential deficiencies is a simple solution.

Today I am joined by Hava Horowitz, cofounder of Terraseed, a game changing new all-in-one supplement for vegans.

The break down:

  • How Terraseed started
  • Why vegans should consider supplementation
  • Shouldn't we just get it all from food?
  • The exact formula of 9 essential nutrients
  • A full explanation of each nutrient, why they are included, and why you need them
  • Terraseed's world leading packaging 

If you want to learn a little more about vitamins, minerals and what our bodies need to function optimally, this is the episode for you.

Grab your first Terraseed order today!

USE THIS LINK with code JAXON50 at checkout to save you dollars and support the show!

Check out Terraseed on IG.

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More plants friends!

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Are you ready to finally understand how to build muscle, lose fat and eat healthy as a vegan?

I’ve created a mini course to do just that.

The Vegan Fitness Mini-Course is designed for those that have a physique goal, but just haven't quite figured out how to put all the puzzle pieces together yet.

Sign up for access to 6 in-depth presentations:

✅ Why calories matter and how to calculate yours.

✅ Understand the importance of protein, what plants to focus on, and how much you need.

✅ Learn to grow in the gym - how much to train, how to progress, when to take a break and how to measure progress.

✅ Master a healthy, balanced plant-based diet that covers all your bases.

✅ Discover the essential supplements you need for performance and health.

AND a TLDR presentation to summarise everything into clear action points.

PLUS you'll have full access to the Vegan Body Club private community with many more free presentations, technique tips and nutrition ideas.

Gab my Vegan Fitness Mini-Course now for a super low price of $11.90NZD.

You won't be disappointed.