MSG of Hope

Revelation: Chapters 7-12, Episode # 30

MSG of Hope Season 1 Episode 29

This is episode 2 of 4 episodes in which we will be reading through the book of Revelation.

The book of Revelation starts by promising great blessings to the person who reads the words of this message from GOD (Yehovah) and also to those who hear this message and DO what is written in it, and warns us there is not much time left! 

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Hello. I'm Jeff. My wife and I host Message of Hope. Message of Hope wants to be your weekly inspirational, motivational and non judgmental friends to help you through your week as we share battle truth and life experiences to let you know you're not alone. Let's join Sandra to see what message of hope she has today. Hey, I'm Sondra, your host, and for a total of four weeks, we will be reading through the Book of Revelation. This is our second week. The first week we read Chapters one through six and today were reading Chapter seven through 12. The Book of Revelations starts by promising great blessings to the person who reads the words of the message from God and also to those who hear this message and do what is written in it. And it warns us that there is not much time left. I've always wished that I had an avenue to read the book aloud, but had never been given the opportunity until now. So it's something I want to do as I want to be blessed by God for doing so, And since it promises to bless the hears, you will be also so I will not be adding any of my own commentary, as God did not instruct me to. And there is much about the book I've yet to understand. He did instruct that I would be blessed for reading these words and that everyone that hears them and does what is written will also be blessed. So I do this today for us both. Let's begin Revelation seven. After this happened, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the Earth. The angels were holding the four winds of the earth. They were stopping the wind from blowing on the land or the sea or any tree. Then I saw another angel coming from the east. This angel had the seal of the living god. The angel called out in a lab voice to the four Angels. These were the four angels that God had given the power to hurt the earth and the sea. The angel said to them, don't harm the land or the sea or the trees before we mark the foreheads of those who serve our God. Then I heard how many people had God's mark on their foreheads. There were 100 and 44,000. They were from every tribe of the people of Israel from the tribe of Judah. 12,000 from the tribe of Reuben, 12,000 from the tribe of Gadd, 12,000 from the tribe of Asher. 12,000 from the tribe of Naftali. 12,000 from the tribe of MME. Anissa. 12,000 from the tribe of Simeon. 12,000 from the tribe of leva. 12,000 from the Trop of Is a car 12,000 from the tribe. Zeb Yah Lin, 12,000 from the tribe of Joseph 12,000 and from the tribe of Benjamin, 12,000. Then I looked and there was a large crowd of people. There were so many people that no one could count them all. They were from every nation tried race of people and language of the earth. They were standing before the throne and before the lamb they all wore white robes and had palm branches in their hands. They shouted loudly. Victory belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb. The elders in the four living beings were there. All the angels were standing around them and the throne. The angels bowed down on their faces before the throne and worship God, they said. Amen. Praise, glory, wisdom. Thanks. Honor. Power and strength belonged to our God forever and ever. Amen. Then one of the elders asked me, Who are these people in white robes? Where did they come from? I answered. You know who they are, sir. And the elder said these are the ones who have come out of the great suffering. They have washed their robes with the blood of the lamb, and they air clean and white. So now these people are before the throne of God. They worship God day united his temple, and the one who sits on the throne will protect them. They will never be hungry again. They will never be thirsty again. The sun will not hurt them. No heat will burn them. The lamb in front of the throne will be their shepherd. He will lead them to springs of water that give life. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Revelation eight, the seventh seal. The lamb opened the seventh seal. Then there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven Angels who stand before God. They were given seven trumpets. Another angel came and stood at the altar. This angel had a golden holder, for instance, the angel was given much incense toe offer with the prayers of all God's holy people. The angel put this offering on the golden altar before the throne. The smoke from the incense went up from the angels hand to God. The smoke went up with the prayers of God's people. Then the angel filled the incense holder with fire from the altar and threw it down on the earth. Then there were flashes of lightning, thunder and other noises and an earthquake. Then the seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to blow their trumpets. The first angel blew his trumpet. Then hail and fire mixed with blood was poured down on the earth and 1/3 of the Earth and all the green grass and 1/3 of the trees were burned. At the second, Angel blew his trumpet. Then something that looked like a big mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea and 1/3 of the sea became blood, and 1/3 of the created beings in the sea died and 1/3 of the ships were destroyed. The third angel blew his trumpet. Then a large star burning like a torch fell from the sky. It fell on 1/3 of the rivers and on the springs of water, the name of the star was bitterness, and 1/3 of all the water became bitter. Many people died from drinking this bitter water. The fourth angel blew his trumpet, then 1/3 of the sun and 1/3 of the moon and 1/3 of the stars were struck. So 1/3 of them became dark. 1/3 of the day and night was without light. While I watched, I heard an equal that was flying high in the air, the eagle said in a loud voice. Terrible, terrible. How terrible for those who live on the earth, the terrible trouble will begin after the sounds of the trumpets that the other three angels will blow. Revelation nine. The fifth angel blew his trumpet. Then I saw a star fall from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the deep hole that leads down to the pit. Then the star opened the whole leading to the pit. Smoke came up from the whole like smoke from a big furnace. The sun and the sky became dark because of the smoke from the hole. Then Locusts came out of the smoke and went down to the earth. They were given the power to sting like scorpions. They were told not to damage the fields of grass or any plant or tree. They were to hurt only those who did not have God's mart on their foreheads. They were not given the power to kill them, but only to cause them pain. For five months, pain, like a person feels when stung by a scorpion. During those days, people will look for a way to die, but they will not find it. They will want to die, but death will hide from them. The locus looked like horses prepared for battle on their heads. They wore something that looked like a gold crown. Their faces looked like human faces. Their hair was like women's hair. Their teeth were like lions teeth, their chest look like iron breastplates. The sound their wings made was like the noise of many horses and chariots hurrying into battle. The locust head tails with stingers like scorpions. The power they had to give people paying for five months was in their tail. They had a ruler who was theeighty Jal of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is Abadan. In Greek. It is a Polian. The first tear is now past. There are still two other tears to come. Thes six. Angel blew his trumpet. Then I heard a voice coming from the horns on the four corners of the golden altar. That is before God, it said to the sixth angel, who had the trumpet free, the four angels who are tied at the Great River Euphrates. These four angels had been kept ready for this hour, day, month and year. The angels were set free to kill 1/3 of all the people on the earth. I heard how many troops on horses were in their army. There were 200 million in my vision. I saw the horses and the riders on the horses. They looked like this. They had breastplates that were fiery, red, dark blue and yellow like sulfur. The heads of the horses looked like heads of lions. The horses had fire smoke and sulfur coming out of their mouths. 1/3 of all the people on the earth were killed by these three plagues coming out of the horses mouse, the fire, the smoke and the sulphur, the horses power was in their mouths and also in their tails. Their tails were like steaks that have heads to bite and hurt people. The other people on earth were not killed by these plagues. But these people still did not change their hearts and turn away from worshipping the things they had made with their own hands. They did not stop worshipping demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood, things that cannot see or hear or walk. They did not change their hearts and turn away from killing other people or from their evil magic, their sexual sins. And they're stealing Revelation 10. Then I saw another powerful angel coming down from heaven. The angel was dressed in a cloud. He had a rainbow around his head. The angels face was like the sun and his legs were like poles of fire. The angel was holding a small scroll. The scroll was open in his hand. He put his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land. He shouted loudly, like the roaring of alliance. After he shouted the voices of seven, Thunders spoke. The seven thunders spoke and I started to write. But then I heard a voice from heaven that said, Don't write what the seven Thunder said Keep those things secret. Then the angel I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven. The angel made a promise by the power of the one who lives forever and ever. He is the one who made the skies and all that is in them. He made the earth and all that is in it, and he made the sea and all that is in it. The angels said there will be no more waiting. In the days when the seventh angel is ready to blow his trumpet, God's secret plan will be completed. The good news that God told his servants the profits. Then I heard the same voice from heaven again. It said to me, Go and take the open scroll that is in the angels hand. This is the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land. So I went to the angel and I asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, Take the squirrel and eat it. It will be sour in your stomach, but in your mouth it will be sweet like honey. So I took the little scroll from the angels hand and ate it in my mouth. It tasted sweet like honey, but after I ate it, it was sour in my stomach. Then I was told you must prophecy I again about many races of people, many nations, languages and rulers. Revelation 11. Then I was given a measuring rod as long as a walking stick, I was told. Go and measure the temple of God and the altar and count the people worshipping there. But don't measure the yard outside the temple. Leave it alone. It has been given to those who are not God's people. They will show their power over the Holy city for 42 months and I will give power to my two witnesses and they will prophesy for 1260 days. They will be dressed in sackcloth. These two witnesses are the two olive trees and the two lamps stands that stand before the Lord of the Earth. If anyone tries to hurt the witnesses, fire comes from the mouths of the witnesses and kills their enemies. Anyone who tries to hurt them will die like this. These witnesses have the power to stop the sky from raining during the time their profits sighing. These witnesses have power to make the water become blood. They have power to send every kind of plague to the Earth. They can do this as many times as they want. When the two witnesses have finished telling their message, the beast will fight against them. This is the beast that comes up from the bottomless pit. It will defeat and kill them. The bodies of the two witnesses will lie in the street of the Great City. This city is named Sodom and Egypt. These names for the city has special meaning. This is the city where our Lord was killed. People from every race of people, tribe, language and nation. Well, look at the bodies of the two witnesses For three and 1/2 days. The people will refuse to bury them. Everyone on the earth will be happy because these two are dead. They will have parties and send each other gifts. They will do this because thes two profits brought much suffering to the people living on Earth. But after three and 1/2 days, God let life in her into the two witnesses again. They stood on their feet and all those who saw them were field with fear. Then the two witnesses heard a loud voice from heaven say Come up here And both of them went up into heaven in a cloud. Their enemies watched them go. At that same time, there was a great earthquake. 1/10 of the city was destroyed and 7000 people were killed in the earthquake. Those who did not die were very afraid. They gave glory to the god of heaven. The second tear is now past. The third tear is coming. Same. The seventh angel blew his trumpet. Then there were loud voices in heaven. The voices said The kingdom of this world has now become the kingdom of our Lord and of his messiah, and he will rule forever and ever. Then the 24 elders bowed down on their faces and worship God. These are the elders who set on their Thrones before God. The elders said we give thanks to you, Lord God, all powerful. You are the one who is and who always waas. We thank you because you have used your great power and have begun to rule. The people of the world were angry. But now is the time for your anger. Now is the time for the dead to be judged. It is time to reward your servants the profits and to reward your holy people, the people great and small, who respect you. It is time to destroy those people who destroy the Earth. Then God's temple in heaven was opened. The box of the agreement could be seen in his temple. Then there were flashes of lightning noises, thunder, an earthquake and a great hill Storm Revelation 12 And then a great wonder appeared in heaven. There was a woman who was clothed with the sun and the moon was under her feet. She had a crown of 12 stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out with pain because she was about to give birth. Then another wonder appeared in heaven There was a giant red dragon there. The dragon had seven heads with a crown on each head. It also had 10 horns. Its tail swept 1/3 of the stars out of the sky and threw them down to the earth. It stood in front of the woman who was ready to give birth to the baby. It wanted to eat the woman's baby. As soon as it was born, the woman gave birth to a son who would rule all the nations with an iron rod. And her child was taken up to God and to his throne. The woman ran away into the desert to a place that God had prepared for her. There she would be taken care of for 1260 days. Then there was a war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The Dragon and its angels fought back. But they were not strong enough. The dragon and its angels lost their place in heaven. It was thrown down out of heaven. This giant dragon is that old snake the one called the Devil or Satan, who leads the whole world into a wrong way. The dragon and its angels were thrown to the earth. Then I heard a loud voice in Heaven's say, the victory and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Messiah have now come. These things have come because thehe HQ user of our brothers and sisters has been thrown out. He is the one who accused them day and night before our God. They defeated him by the blood sacrifice of the lamb and by the message of God that they told people they did not love their lives too much. They were not afraid of death. So rejoice, you heavens and all who lived there. But it will be terrible for the earth and sea because the devil has gone down to you. He is filled with anger. He knows he doesn't have much time. The dragon saw that he had been thrown down to the earth. So he chased the woman who had given birth to the child. But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle. Then she could fly to the place that was prepared for her in the desert. There she would be taken care of for three and 1/2 years there she would be away from the dragon. Then the dragon poured water out of its mouth like a river. It poured the water towards the woman so that the flood would carry her away. But the Earth helped the woman. The earth opened its mouth and swallowed the river that came from the mouth of the dragon. Then the dragon was very angry with the woman. It went away to make war against all her other Children. Her Children are those who obey God's commands and have the truth that Jesus taught. The dragon stood on the sea shore That concludes chapters seven through 12. Next week we will pick up it Chapter 13. As I wrap up here today, I encourage you to go to our website at MSG o f h o p e dot com. And on the podcast tab, you will find Episode 30 where you can re listen to this podcast and find the references for the scriptures We read together today so that you can study them for yourself and make any adjustments According toe, what got alone plays on your specific cart and as always, we thank you for listening to our podcast and for helping us to share the good news of Jesus Christ by liking and sharing with your friends. Let's log off with a prayer for you. The Lord bless you and keep you The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace until next time. Shalom.