We the People Convention News & Opinion

We the People Convention News & Opinion 6-22-24

Tom Zawistowski Season 6 Episode 26

This Week’s Topics:

Opening Comments 1:50

Prayer for Jan 6th Prisoners 5:00

Bannon Harsh Prison Assignment 7:00

Video: Bannon Victory or Death Speech 11:00

House Attempts to Save Bannon 36:30

Nashville Trans Murderer Update 40:30

FoxNews Bogus Poll Exposed 45:00

Ohio’s Buckeye Battalion 48:30

Christians MUST Vote! 51:00

Russia & N. Korea Sign Pact  1:01:00

Next Plandemic? Bird Flu? 1:03:30

Trying to Hamstring Trump 1:07:00

Biden Broadband Scandal 1:10:30

Feds want to Track Home Schoolers 1:12:00

US Passes Nuke Plant Expansion Bill 1:16:00

Update on Save Children Bills 1:22:30

Trump Paul Brothers Interview 1:26:00

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