We the People Convention News & Opinion

We the People Convention News & Opinion 8-10-17

Tom Zawistowski Season 6 Episode 34

This Week’s Topics:

Opening Comments 1:00

Prayer for Jan 6th Prisoners 4:00

72 Year Old J6er Gets Largest Fine Ever! 9:00

CO Clerk Tina Peters found guilty 14:00

FBI Destroys Assassination Evidence 17:00

Musk/Trump Conversation Changes Game 24:00

100,000 Islam Protestors at DNC 30:30

DNC Delegate Assaults Police Officer 32:30

Weirdo Walz is a Chinese Agent 35:00

Take a look at Walz Eduction Policy 41:00

Vance - Walz will debate Oct 1st 45:00

Harris Economic Plan is Marxist Ideology 46:30

Rushing Citizenship to Affect Election 52:30

More Illegals Crossing Northern Border 54:00

DHS Intentionally Broke the Law on DNA 55:00

Post Office can’t deliver the ballot on time 56:30

RNC asks SCOTUS to Rule on AZ Law 58:30

Major Security Breach Affects YOU 1:08:00

Social Security Disaster Exposed 1:12:30

Army Analyst Sell Secrets to China 1:15:30

Taliban Parades US Equipment 1:17:30

FEMA is out of money! Why?? 19:00:00

DOJ Suddenly finds Biden Transcript!?? 1:23:30

Plastic Surgeons Reject Trans Surgery 1:34:30

Abbott wants TX reimbursed for Illegals 1:37:00

Trump Sues DOJ for $100 Million 1:39:00

SCOTUS Uphold Title IX Trans Stay 1:45:00

Video: Matt Walsh Message to Christians 1:46:30

2024 Victory Fund 2:00:00

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