Better Me with BodyByBree

7 Guiltfree Tips for Balancing Career & Motherhood

BreeAnna Cox Season 5 Episode 113

Embarking on the rollercoaster ride of motherhood while steering the ship of entrepreneurship is no small feat. I've been there, through the late-night feedings and the early-morning conference calls, and I'm here to share the lifelines that have kept me afloat. This episode is a heart-to-heart for every mom out there trying to do it all - a treasure trove of seven actionable tips for striking that elusive balance between nurturing your family and nurturing your business. Discover how to shed the guilt of your work choices and immerse yourself in the joy of each moment, be it at home or in the boardroom.

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Speaker 1:

Are you looking for a space where you will learn to improve your mental strength, emotional health and heal your insecurities from the inside out? Take the first step to living a more meaningful life with the Better Me with Body by Breed podcast. I'm your host, bree. I'm a certified personal trainer, entrepreneur and mother of three. I've helped empower thousands of women to take action through fitness, nutrition, meditation, development and aligning thoughts with action. This podcast is for those who are ready to feel inspired and motivated to live a more purposeful life. Let's grow together.

Speaker 1:

I've had so many women ask me how I balance four kids while having a career. It can be hard to feel like you are called to do something and you have this passion for it, without letting guilt creep in over being a stay at home mom and working. So these are some of the strategies that really help me to be a present mom and have a healthy work life balance, so that I don't get burnt out and that I can enjoy motherhood. Here we go. These are my seven tips. Let's get started. Hi friends, welcome to the podcast. This episode is for my mom bosses. These are the women who are trying to do it all. They're working. They're trying to raise their children. They're trying to run the house and it can be so overwhelming. I have had my share of mental breakdowns trying to do both and I've learned a lot. I've been working now and owning my own business for 10 years and I have learned a thing or two that have really helped. I've made a lot of mistakes and I've also learned. There are a few things that have really moved the needle in the right direction so that I just have that work life balance. I enjoy my work, I enjoy motherhood, I have the balance and I think that these will really help you. First off, I have to say it is different for everyone. You might be working because you have to work financially to support your family. Maybe you're working just because you have this passion that you feel called to do. Maybe it's a part-time job. Maybe you're the full-time breadwinner. Everyone is in such a different position. I understand that some of these might not apply and some of them will Take what you want from it and hopefully some of these tips just make your life easier.

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Number one tip is honor your decision. If you have to work for your family's financial situation, then make peace with that. You are doing the best that you can in your situation and you are providing for your family. Let go of the guilt. You need to honor your decision that you've worked, that you have decided to work Now. Let's say it's a passion of yours. Let's say it's something you feel like you really want to feel fulfilled in this area of your life and you love being creative. Don't feel guilty for that. It's okay to take time away from your kids so that you can also pursue something that you're passionate about, that you love, and that's okay. It is important for your kids to see you following your dreams and being passionate about something besides just raising your kids, which there's nothing about being a stay-at-home mom, and some people love that. But if that's not where you're at and you have decided to work, honor that decision.

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Number two is be present. You have to be present in whatever you're doing. So if you're being present, if you are working, you're working. If you are home with your kids, you're home with your kids. If you're driving in the car, you're driving in the car. You're not driving and checking emails. Or you're not trying to cook dinner while you're checking emails, like when you try to multitask, and you're not fully present in your life. That's where the anxiety creeps in, and this one was really hard for me for a while because I am a multitasker and so if I'm doing one thing, my brain constantly shifts into what else could you be doing right now to be more efficient? So it's not a good trait, honestly, and it's easier said than done, but if you can really try to focus on being present, I promise it will do so much for you and just your peace throughout the day.

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Number three is fill your cup first, and I know this sounds selfish, but it's not Just like they say, when you're on an airplane that you have to put your safety mask on first. You really cannot help others. If you're completely tapped out yourself, if you're drained, if you're not doing your meditation in the morning or your daily study or getting eight hours of sleep, or if you're not taking time to eat healthy and work out and you're not taking care of yourself and you're not filling your cup with things that you like to do to rest and recover, you will not be able to show up the best for your family. So it's okay, take the time. If you need the catnap to re-energize for the rest of the day, take the catnap. Fill your cup so that you can be the best version of yourself for your family.

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Number four is spend your time wisely. This is a really hard one, because sometimes it feels like there just are not enough hours in the day and I really make it a point to say no to activities or commitments that simply are not important and they don't focus on what I really wanna achieve or what my family wants to achieve. So I focus on activities that fill me up with energy rather than ones that drain. So, for example, I just felt like, okay, I don't want to go to 50 million activities every day and my kids are actually really tired and it's okay if we do one sport instead of three, that's okay. Like I wanna have dinner with my family at the dinner table. So just learning how to cut things out and simplify your days, that is going to help a lot. Number five is leave work at work. I really struggle sometimes with shifting from work mode to mommy mode, and there was this little exercise that I like to use that I had found a while ago, and I actually help my friends do this as well.

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But after work, on your way to pick up your kids, or, let's say you're done with your work day. I want you to release your day at work and set an intention for the rest of the evening. If it's a Friday, release your work week and then set your intention for the weekend. So this can be done in the car or wherever else you can find a few moments of quiet. I want you to close your eyes, take five long, deep breaths and imagine the work day and everything you accomplished that day or that week and you want to clear and release it from your body, be grateful for it, acknowledge it, let it fall away and then set your intention. My intentions are usually I'm a loving mom, I'm a fun mom. I have energy for my children. I take my family on adventures, I give them new experiences. I use my weekends to take care of myself, to relax, to spend time with my family. I love my life. I'm so blessed, I'm so grateful. And we repeat your intentions over and over as you drive away from work and you're picking up your kids, so that your mom mode instead of stress mode, okay.

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Number six is find childcare you love. If you need childcare like this is a personal choice. Sometimes moms will work from home and they don't need childcare. I can't work if I don't have help. So knowing that you love and trust where your child will be spending their time either away from you or with a nanny or a trusted person that you are happy about and they're happy about that, will make all the guilt go away. Because, I'm telling you, we made a decision to have a nanny for our kids and a lot of my like, a big portion of what I make I shouldn't say all of it, but it goes to the nanny, but it's because she is incredible with my kids. She gives them one-on-one attention. She's basically a part of our family. At this point, she's been with us for four years. I cannot work without her. Some people choose daycare centers, some people choose babysitters, nannies. Whatever it is for you, that's your personal decision, but make it be something that you love, so you feel peaceful about it, so that you don't feel conflicted.

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And then the last one, number seven, is stop trying to be perfect, like it's so easy to compare yourself to other people. We're not doing enough. We're not making enough dinners, we're not doing enough for the kids or driving them to all the things they need to go. Your career doesn't have to be perfect. Your family life doesn't have to be perfect. You don't have to be perfect. So stop comparing yourself to other people and shift into the sense of happiness and fun and do what you can with what you have, and your kids will value if you do spend as much time with a as much quality time as you can with them. If you're fully present with the time you have, they will remember that and they will feel special and they will feel loved.

Speaker 1:

So I personally feel like this entrepreneurship road or journey is hard. It is so hard, it's so exhausting. You're doing basically two full-time jobs and it's never ending and a lot of times you don't get a break. But hopefully these tips will help you make it more enjoyable because, on the flip side, if you change your perspective, it's also really beautiful, it's really creative, it's really fun, it's really exciting, it's you know your kids get to see you following a passion that you love and that's worth something. That's amazing. Hopefully these seven tips will help you to let go of the guilt and just have fun and enjoy your career while also enjoying your motherhood. I'll catch you guys next time, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining us in today's episode If you liked the content and want to hear more, remember to hit that subscribe button and write a review. As a small business owner, I appreciate it more than you know. If you are looking for a program to help with self-confidence to lose weight, get in shape and work on your mental, physical and emotional health, check out my training programs on wwwbodybibricom. My team and I helped to hold you accountable through the BodyBibri app, where you log in to see all your workouts, custom meal plan made specifically for you and your needs, and communication through the messenger. You are never alone when you're on the BodyBibri training program. Click the link in the show notes to get more information on how to transform your life from the inside out. Thank you.

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