
September 07, 2021 Tombo Baldwin Season 1 Episode 94
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Sep 07, 2021 Season 1 Episode 94
Tombo Baldwin

In this family the inheritance is massive, literally unbelievable. How do you get it?? Well fortunately someone, a special someone already died so you have access to it. This episode all about the inheritance that is yours. Find out how truly rich and powerful you are.

Bright Lights keep shining.

Hope is contagious.

As always you are so appreciated by me. Keep being awesome!

A nice Apple podcast review is such a great help to this podcast.

Time for "The Real People of GOD" to come forth and subdue the earth again. Don't be that which is spit out. Yup I am amped.

I so appreciate this community. Your passion and purpose is wonderfully inspiring. Sanguine started as a small group that met once a week into a world wide community. Let's together bring the passion and purpose back into a life of faith. You are the power to change.

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Show Notes Transcript

In this family the inheritance is massive, literally unbelievable. How do you get it?? Well fortunately someone, a special someone already died so you have access to it. This episode all about the inheritance that is yours. Find out how truly rich and powerful you are.

Bright Lights keep shining.

Hope is contagious.

As always you are so appreciated by me. Keep being awesome!

A nice Apple podcast review is such a great help to this podcast.

Time for "The Real People of GOD" to come forth and subdue the earth again. Don't be that which is spit out. Yup I am amped.

I so appreciate this community. Your passion and purpose is wonderfully inspiring. Sanguine started as a small group that met once a week into a world wide community. Let's together bring the passion and purpose back into a life of faith. You are the power to change.

Join us and subscribe to Sanguine,  guarantee you will feel the love and be

Try my other podcasts: : Redneck wisdom : Designer encouragement for Women

The best Graphics


Wow, I had no idea I was in the will. Seriously that much. Wow. Oh yeah, sure. Love that intro. Hey, welcome to the Sanguine podcast. This is your host, Tom Baldwin and sanguine. We are the kings people. Okay. We are people that are optimistic during dark in tumultuous times, because we have. We are. Yeah, we have family. And we are part of a supernatural family. And so our family is that supernatural family, you may have family here on this physical earth. And that is such a huge blessing. You are part of the King's family, you're part of a supernatural family. Just having a positive outlook, right? That's absolutely right. So, so good to be with you. I so appreciate this audience, thank you for your feedback and your encouragement. And the even the little banter we have back and forth over email, gosh, it just warms my heart, I so appreciate that. And if you're interested in participating on that, you can do that. Okay. The other thing that you can do, and I haven't mentioned this for a while, is email me your prayer requests, I will pray for them, okay. Because what I am from the king, and I am here on his behalf to overule injustice. And so that includes those of you out there, too. Okay. And if you are part of this family, you can do the same thing for those around you. And let's begin increasing our impact. Let's make it exponential because if I do it, and then you do it and the people you know, do it, man, maybe we don't even have to participate in the political process, things will just transform. Don't you love that that's a new reality that I'm working for. And those of you that are regular listeners know that I've talked about that numerous times. And the latest one is faith, mechanics of reality, okay, we have to begin to envision the future we want and have faith and listen to God the Holy Spirit, the Father, the Son, and hear what they're saying, Kay, Jesus came ok This was the fathers and the sons plan also, that we may have life and have it to the full Okay, that is not a life full of disease and sickness, because that seems like it's not very full. It seems kind of like an empty life full of depression. And so we can make a very easy conclusion from that scripture that Jesus and the father and the son are for wholeness, okay, they're not they're not settling for disease and that is a symptom of being what I call in an upcoming podcast and I'm going to do a cultural Christian so Wow, Tom, Tom really got after it there. Hey, one way you can help this podcast get some visibility help get me out there it's just there's three places that you can rate at the super helpful and obviously if you give me a one star doesn't help a whole lot, okay? Five stars helps a whole lot. No, I'm not twisting your arm and I never twist your arm and you gotta know that I do this. Cuz I love it. Okay, I don't make any money at it. There are those of you that give but the cost of keeping a website up, keeping a hosting service up, the different things that go into the production of this this cost money. And so every month, you know, there's an outgo, but I do that, for one. I feel like God has been generous to me, and I want to be generous to you, two. I feel called I love doing it. And I love this community. But if you go and you rate it at Apple podcasts, or Pandora, or you can go to and rate it. super helpful for getting it out there. And then and There are also the PayPal button, there's the coffee, donate buttons. And thank you for those of you that have done that. I so, appreciate it. And like I jokingly say that I take donations up to $5 million. Kay, the reality is, is that many of you out there have the means to give a lot. Okay, now, those of you that don't totally understand, it's never an arm twisting thing. But if you believe in what I'm doing, just take a minute and it just even if it's a small amount, it's A huge amount of encouragement to me, it gives me energy when I'm tired, kay? It is like the gift of encouragement. And so I thank you for that. And if, okay, I'm not gonna do like a Benny Hinn or you know some of these, like, people of faith that twist your arm. But if you want to regularly give gosh, I just, I'm so appreciative. And I know, it's one thing I tell my kids that no act of generosity ever goes unrewarded. So, try it and see, and I'm so appreciative, I tell you, okay, you've heard this before, but you're gonna benefit so much more than I will. I want to benefit. And I do benefit tremendously by giving of my time and my money, for putting the podcast out there. I do. And so, I so so, so appreciate you. And, and those of you that write me, and I know that you are out there, making a difference, sharing your faith growing in your faith, like I'm growing in my faith, all the time and being challenged and being called to a more genuine faith, and losing some of the aspects of the faith that just, they're not what I say they're not real. They're so superflous and they don't necessarily matter. The real part of our faith is our relationship with the Father, like Jesus said, that I and the Father are One, and he only did what he heard from the father Kay, we have the opportunity, same as Jesus to interact with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And what an amazing thing, Kay, we are sheep, as is referenced John. And he says, You know, I am the shepherd, the sheep know My voice. And so one of the most important things about believing being a believer is knowing the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit's voice and how he speaks, so we can recognize them. And as we do that, Kay, we are endued , Jesus says, You shall do greater things than me with supernatural power. And so that's where we want to go. In today's episode, I talked about how we're grafted in We are the sons and daughters of God, Kay, we have been grafted into the family. And as we do that, there is a spiritual epigenetic switching that goes on. And if you don't know what it is, epigenetics is just how the environment affects our genes. And it can switch genes on and off. And so if you get like one of those DNA tests from 23andme, or DNA fitness, there's, there's a bunch of them out there. And it's fun to do that is something I'm actually gonna do. But as only part of the picture because the environment you live in the things you expose yourself to, can turn genes on and off. So you may have a genetic disposition for something. But changing your environment, changing the things you interact with, with an I believe even changing your stress levels, how you handle things can switch those on and off. So when you come into the kingdom of God, and you can listen to previous episodes, just let me tell you real quick, those things that you do that you feel awful about K, they keep you up at night, you think about him, you're regretful what Jesus came, and he died for those, okay? And you're just like, What's that mean? I don't understand it. Well, for one, I'm not going to go into it in detail here. But you can just try it and no risk because there's no cost. But say, Hey, I don't want that feeling anymore. And I hear that you did this on my behalf. And I want to accept that and I'm going to turn K. It's called repent k fancy word for a simple thing. Turning from those moving away from them doesn't mean that you're not going to do them again, because I can assure you that you will, but it will decrease when you become part of the supernatural Family of God. But then you accept that you're in the family, okay. And Jesus proved by raising from the dead there's so much historical evidence that he actually did that Kate, for real only person, okay for real. did it that he can do that. So you enter into this family and you become part of the supernatural family and then those genes epigenetically those spiritual genes Yes, I'm using a metaphor and no, the scriptures don't necessarily talk about genes and epigenetics, but it totally does talk about what it means to be a son and daughter of, of God and so I am extrapolating a little bit but they switch on K, these are supernatural gene these are part of your inheritance, K, God's inheritance doesn't wait for a time period, it waits for your acceptance, okay? There is some interaction. There's some decision making, there's some changing of mindsets that begins K, you're changing your atmosphere. Now when you enter this family, some of that happens automatically, because atmosphere just changes as you're in this God endues, in you part of himself a seed of himself a place that was in you that was designed and those of you that have entered have felt that you can fill that felt presence in you that immediately changes the atmosphere. But the scriptures ok, we're talking about that great instruction book of wisdom, called the Bible that's composed of the New Testament and the Old Testament talks about how we're transformed through the renewing of our mind, okay, there are places in our mind that need renewed and let's just say that the epigenetics are in the mind, things need to be switched, and changed in the mind. Okay? How I listened to just side note here, starting to transcribe some of my episodes, and I was what they do, is they transcribed from the audio file you send them, and then they like, do the best they can. And then you have to go through an edit it, man, I say, you know, and Kay, an awful lot. So I'm trying to pay attention to that. So I don't say it. But it's really hard. You know, even now, I want to say, you know, is is really hard. So, if I hesitate or pause a little bit it is it is some of that, that I'm trying to stay away from. And just a little clearer communication. I one thing I noticed is I don't finish a lot of sentences you're like, yeah, Tom, that's true. So as as we are renewing through our mind, and we're talking about inheritance, and our inheritance is supernatural. We talked about last episode there. There are some things that play into this. And one of the things that we learned last time, and there's a scripture that references This, I believe it's in I think it's in Matthew 28, verse six, where it talks about Jesus being, you know, in his hometown, and a prophet is without honor in his hometown, and how he was not able to do miracles there. And what? Yeah, that's what we all say, because, you know, we hear and read in the Scriptures, just that all the things that Jesus did, couldn't be housed the miracles could not be housed in all the books of volumes that are out there. And so how is it that he's in a place that he could not do miracles? Now, I've heard some different interpretations. And you may you can have a stance where you want on this, but I actually believe it literally like it is that there wasn't faith available. And faith is a component that needs to happen for these miracles. I've heard other people explain it. And I think this is valid, but I don't necessarily side on this perspective. I kinda I'll say I'm a little bit there. But that Jesus did not do it there. Because how can I explain this? I'm not going to give it justice from the opposite from those that believe this wholeheartedly. But that the kind of this really isn't it, but they didn't deserve okay. If they didn't believe he wasn't going to do it there because they weren't going to believe anyway, in their hearts had already been hardend. And so why bother? But we see, and I think that's valid. And so I don't necessarily know where to go with that. I believe that it is literally like it said that there wasn't faith there. And faith plays a component, but then you're like, Well, Jesus was God, and God has all that faith. That is true. And I don't necessarily know that I have a specific answer for that. And it's good for us to explore and think about this. And if you do, please email me your thoughts. I would love to hear your thoughts about this. Yeah, that's another thing that I do is I'm trying to move away from also. But as sons and daughters of God is evident, a lot of places in the scriptures that reference you No, Your faith has healed you, you know, or you know, there's references to sin, you know, go and sin no more. There's also references and things were planned way ahead of time as far as these healings in the supernatural. And I guess I say all that just to lead back to is that as we're sons and daughters of God is so important to interact with God and be in that place where it talks about in John chapter 10, that the sheep know My voice is to listen to God, and know what he's saying, in specific circumstances, our inheritance, and our rich inheritance is access to God. Okay, he wants to give us full access to himself is absolutely amazing. And when we have that access, like Jesus did, and he knew exactly what the Father was saying, it seems from that aspect, okay, that Jesus was there to do those miracles, and God directed them into those places and spots and drew those people for those healings. And so one of the most important things about being part of a supernatural family is that you have access to a supernatural relationship, but you also have access to supernatural insight. And that insight, gives you access to what God the Father, and the Holy Spirit and the son are planning and to be able to partner with that, and do that. So where do we go with this? And how does this play in to faith because faith is such an important thing, faith. I believe in the Scriptures, we can infer this, that faith begins to create that atmosphere. And that place where the epigenetics and the supernatural I think it turns on our supernatural hearing. And so there is our own faith, Kay. And I believe there's faith that God gives us and I believe those two absolutely interplay, because we see people in the scriptures that are accredited to you know, that your faith, you know, has healed you. And they were commended for their faith. But then we see other places in scriptures that people are fervently praying, and they're surprised by the answer. And so is it that they didn't have faith, I think they had a level of faith, but maybe not the level of faith and expectation that ended up happening. And I think that's where God comes in. And he leverages he gives us his faith, a gift of faith. And those of you that have been believers and follower of Jesus, you understand this when you prayed for people, and all of a sudden, you can fill that something fills you with more confidence that you've had before. And then when you're praying seconds earlier, that you didn't have, and I believe that is the gift of faith. And it is evident in Scripture that God does give faith. And so there are two things that are at work here. There is our own faith, and there's a faith that God gifts us. And so I believe this is the way that they need to interplay together. We need to grow our own faith, and as we grow our own faith, faith in what faith that God will, okay, so much. So many of us believe that God can and we read in scriptures that God can and does heal sickness, we read the God can and does raise people from the dead. K, we read all kinds of things, you know that God can cast out demons, free people from evil spirits. But so many of us believe, don't believe that God will. And that is, in my opinion, one of the biggest hindrances. Well, God do that. And I believe that's why in our culture here, it is probably some, you know, can God really do that? I believe people that if you ask them that they would say that he can, but they don't believe that he will. We go back to John 10 10. This is a foundational scripture for belief in the supernatural. k. You have to believe and it has to be at the core of your belief system, that God wants you to have life and to the full, and that when he's speaking there, he means that and that things like disease, things like poverty, things like evil, evil possession k things that cause you addiction, evil influences in your life, those are not part of life of the full. And so as a supernatural person K, you are from the king, you are a son or a daughter, okay, you're not a transgender, sorry, you are a son or a daughter, and you are from him, and you are endued with this supernatural, epigenetics, Kay, this, this DNA that's in you to bring life and bring it to the full. And so there needs to be this transition. And this is how I believe we begin to access this power, because we have to get our beliefs on board, and we have to change that atmosphere, okay. God is waiting, and desperately waiting for us to come into our identity, the thing that he's already set up the thing that he's given us, and the thing that a lot of us are absolutely blind to, and we don't walk into, okay, this takes action, it 100% takes action, you have to take action. And you're like, Tom, what are the actions, you have to begin for one to risk it, you need to pray with the belief that you were meant to be from the king to over rule injustice. And that is part of your spiritual DNA, that is part of what it means to be a son and daughter of God. And so you begin to act that out. Okay. Number two, is that as your faith is growing, okay, you will have doubt and you have to deal with your doubt. And you have to deal with the disappointment that things don't turn out like you want. Because the other thing of being a son and daughter of God is that you are incredibly humble. Okay. So if you have identity and insecurity issues, it would not be good for God to begin to pour his power through, you begin to heal people, because you would, I'm sorry, this is the truth. It would begin to feed your ego and thinking that you had something to do with it. The only thing you have to do with it is realizing and believing in the one who brought you into the supernatural family. And so part of this process, and part of this work is getting your identity in him, okay? Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, getting your identity from them. It's not about what you do, okay? Because if it is, and miracles start happening, because God is working through you, you will steal the glory that goes to God, Can God is about healing and restoring people. And he loves to be generous, but he also loves those thank you notes. You know, it's when we defer and say, You know what, God has been so gracious to let me be part of what he's doing. You give God the glory for this healing. Thank you for this, okay. And so part of being a supernatural family is incredible humility. And so if you want to be part of this, and if you're, if you're part of the family already are, but it's like you, it's like joining a gym, and not accessing any of the benefits, Kay, you don't go to the pool, you don't go to the spa, you just come in, beep your card, you look around, and you leave and you're just like, Hey, I pay my dues. Every month, I'm part of this, there's so much more. And there's so much potential, like when you go to the gym, you begin to work out you begin to condition, you can see the performance and the athletics, it is a very similar thing in our spiritual walk ok when we begin to take actions do the hard work. So many, including myself will even become a Christian. It's just like, it's all there. Now, and it is a fourth dimension. And so it's a little difficult to know how to navigate this. And it is from reading the scriptures being in this relationship with Jesus and the father and the son with Holy Spirit through trial and error, that I'm learning how this works and learning to transform my identity into Jesus. And so now, I'm no longer this power hungry, grabbing, insecure person. I'm very secure person because I know who my family is okay. I know who my father is. And I have to tell you, I'm beginning to see God work through me more. And it's so exciting because there's so much hurt. And there's so much devastation out there. And we need the sons and daughters of God. So much to activate K, it is time to get over ourselves. It is time to get over ourselves K. One of the things that I deal with and have in the past that i i actually even struggled with it this week, in my own mind and trying to figure things out. I just I'm facing different situations and over and over wasting my mental energy. Yes, I said this, and there are those of you out there that don't believe this or don't want to believe it. Because you probably have residual things like I knew you're a bit of a control freak. And so you're replaying in your mind over and over again, all these scenarios and trying to find a solution. When that mental energy would be better spent. You accessing your spiritual family, Kay, praying. And sanying. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, this situation, it is taking up my space, I am choosing to pray about this. I am choosing the other thing sons and daughters. Don't do that. They need to they have authority. I am declaring your favor and your sovereignty. Kay. Christians don't like the pray declaring things but they are sons and daughters of the king. They do declare, and they represent the king and they are designed to overrule injustice. And I often pray, and I've never heard anybody pray. Like I do K is not an arrogant thing. But I am a representative the king, I declare God's goodness and favor over people. Why are you not doing that? Okay, that is part of your inheritance. Are you just selfish you don't want to for anybody else? I doubt that that is true. Okay. I doubt it's just you're uncomfortable, and you were taught to pray. Like a very meek, cultural Christian, you were not taught how to pray as a son and daughter of God. You know, even the Lord's Prayer, Thy kingdom come. Wow. That's a powerful, frickin prayer. And there's a lot that can be pulled from that. But one of the things in that's a declaration, thy will be done on Heaven, as it is on Earth. Okay, that is a son, and daughter of God, prayer. And so as we begin to realize who we are, as part of this supernatural family, it takes a lot of work and actions as we build our faith accessing the gift as God pours faith into us and we begin to see answers and we begin to deal with our own egos and our need for acclamations. And then we we begin to deal with our dysfunction because we got as, as the dispencer's of the kingdom, we cannot ignore the dysfunction in our life, it will plug the path of the energy of God, we have to address that dysfunction. So wrapping up today, you are a son and daughter of God, your inheritance is the supernatural your inheritance is to overrule injustice, your inheritance is life and to be a life giver. There are things that we need to do and actions that we need to take our words, okay, very important how we speak, when someone gives a prayer request. And our words are incredibly important to how we respond to that. We're going to pray that God heals that knowing that he will give you whatever he whenever you need, but his will is for life. Okay? your default position is always the miraculous, you don't go to the practical ok, God will always provide for the practical say, in a cancer situation, medical situation, God will always provide for the practical, God will provide for the miraculous, but if you sidestep it, and you go and you forfeit that faith, or that gift of faith that is out there. Okay? I think both of them are interplayed you need to have faith and so that is faith for the miraculous but God will also meet you with a gift of faith in your words are so important your actions are so important okay? After you hear that you don't necessarily go and start making all these arrangements as God's not going to answer you're going to make the arrangement as God is going to answer your supernatural prayer. Your actions are moving towards the reality you're like Tom, what if it doesn't work out and chances are at times it's not because it is a building of your faith and you don't necessarily have it all at once and maybe you have some that dysfunction and your identities tied to this ok, God will not answer a prayer to save you from being exploded by an ego that kills yourself and other people and literally that can happen. Alright, so Tom, super long On this episode, we're going to wrap it up here my friends, let me just pray for you. That the Holy Spirit will just open things to you. You're just like, Tom, what is things? Thanks, Kay, there are the things that you specifically need. Right now as you're listening to me, the Holy Spirit is popping them into your head. And those are the things you need to begin to go after and claim and begin to bring into your life and engage in your life. So friends, I so appreciate you, hey, go out there make a difference. I love my ending until the yup podcast and it's even fitting here because I'm gonna be here for you. Okay, as we're going through this journey, and we're struggling through things and you've noticed even in this episode, I don't have all the answers. It's so important that we stick in it together and I'm here for you.