Vermont Catch-up (Ketchup)

163: A Stolen Car, the Garbage We Eat, and a Cop with Literary Chops

Vermont Catch-up

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  • Happy International Stuttering Awareness Day 
  • Florida trip 
  • Adam’s car was stolen 
  • Holy cow - this Citizen Cider story has legs
  • Miro Weinberger exploring a run for statewide office 
  • Investigations clear cop who shot at man in Morristown 
  • State Board of Education walks back proposed school anti-discrimination rules 
  • Proposed Air National Guard lease extension 
  • Plan pitched to stop stuck trucks on Notch Road 
  • South Burlington backs resident group in Higher Ground litigation 

(53:58) Break music: Jacob S. McLaughlin - “Livin’ in Vermont 

  • Sue Wear, Pet P.I.
  • Colchester student and teacher becomes citizens together
  • Wi-fi coming to school buses
  • Pilot program to ship organic dairy directly to schools
  • Vermont schools to start the weed conversation
  • Montpelier postal workers can stop building fires
  • Burlington Bio working on lab grown meat
  • Vermont newspaper lacks reporters, turns to AI

(1:48:03) Break music:  Remi Russin - “A Second Pass 

  • Scumbag Map
  • Man arrested in theft of state police cruiser, rifle 
  • Rutland man faces drug charges following raid 
  • Brattleboro man with criminal history attempts to steal coins, jewelry, apple cider 
  • Brattleboro twins arrested same week
  • Montpelier man arrested on 2-hour long manhunt 
  • Woman falsely claims to be working for feds in drug bust 
  • The Winooksi cat shop is closing

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Outro Music by B-Complex

Welcome to Vermont Ketchup with Matt. I'm Matt Glow. I'm Glow. And I'm Adam. We're a weekly rundown of everything going on in the Green Mountain State Happy International Stuttering Awareness Day. Didn't know there was a day for stutterers. Yeah Are there is there still stuttering? I don't know if it was just in a wives tale, but do you remember that? like Christian schools would not allow lefties. They consider that like the hand of the demon or something like that. And... Okay. Okay, check checks out so far. And so if you were a lefty by birth and you were forced to become a righty, that's where some stuttering came from. Oh, because it is like neurological, right? Yeah. Like, yeah. I think it is, yeah. A couple of interesting facts about stuttering. Like people don't tend to stutter when they're talking in a room alone. No kidding. People don't tend to stutter when they're singing. And Glow, you like this one. People tend to stutter less when they're talking to animals. Of course. No, really. Because they ease, they're more of a, humans are work. Humans are work. I mean, and animals don't, most of the time, you don't really have to do anything. They love you anyway. Depends on the pet. Yeah, and because it's neurological, even like deaf children will sometimes stutter in their sign language. I find that fascinating. Wow, that's really, that is fascinating. They stutter in sign language? Like, I don't want to be insensitive, but I guess they'll make the same sign again and again and again, and then get to the next one, I guess is what that would look like. Wow. That's really fascinating. Yeah, it's really interesting. Studies on those things, no one knows what really causes it. OK, so the old left-hand rule goes out the window, huh? Or have they done anything about that? I mean, proven it or disproven it? I don't know. But it is like a left-brain, right-brain kind of thing, at least. like because like the music thing they said like when you're singing you're using a different part of your brain than when you're talking so I don't know I mean they know that much I guess but I don't know stuttering it's Joe Biden was a stutterer was he yeah well cured him practice I guess you know and everybody maybe every once in a while he still does still does it but it's not as when he was younger not as pronounced as when he was younger yeah it's one of those You can catch people young, you have a better chance of minimizing it. But I don't think you can ever really get rid of it. Have you known any stutterers? I don't think so. I think, again, I wasn't insensitive, but I find it incredibly frustrating. Because it's like, come on. I'm impatient with people anyway, like in a conversation. When people pause for the word, I'm like, I just want to say the word. I know what you're thinking. How about you? I had a guy that worked for me. He was a scutterer, dishwasher. Yeah, one night we were really... Greg Allman showed up one night and was playing. Yeah. You know, place was packed. I was running around. I was a boss and the bartender and he stopped me in a hallway to tell me something and he says, I don't have time. Sorry, write it down. Sorry, Jim. I just don't have time. I felt really bad. I apologized to him afterwards. But he said, no, no, I understand. At least you were nice in what you said. It was just... I tried for a while. How were you saying it? He was struggling, so... I think if I was a stutterer, I would also understand that the things I'm saying are taking up more of people's time than normal, and then that would... How about you, Glo? Nope. Personally, no. But what about that King of England? Yeah, the one during World War two Elizabeth's father he was a stutterer right and he got stuck with the throne because his older brother Married a divorced American woman or just yeah So King's speech did they know about this therapy when you're very young because Wasn't he a stutterer from when he was very young? Those are the people who have the money the king. Yeah. Oh, maybe they didn't know or maybe they maybe they were ashamed Maybe they want it was hidden, you know, I don't know you saw the movie. I didn't see it. I can't remember I don't think that they didn't talk about that when he was young. I don't know. Maybe they didn't understand You know how to stop it. What year is that? He's a World War World War two over two. Yeah Yeah, so he must have been born either probably in the teens Before that like the 19 zero something Okay, I guess maybe back then we did an England, but you know the royalty, you know I'm sure they get top care. Well, I think that's true. But I mean also maybe they just didn't know right? There's like oh damn We got one of these in our hands, what do we do? Maybe all that inbreeding was a bad idea. Speaking of inbreeding, y'all just came back from Florida. Yeah, pretty much a lot of that going on down there. So any highlights, anything you wanna run through real quick, low lights? I loved it. Yeah, we had a good time. I loved his friends. Yeah, we had a good time with my friends and my family. She didn't say that. I know, I know. I was getting to it. Yeah, we didn't do a lot, I think. We got lucky. There was like two people I really wanted to see at my reunion. And one of them I got in touch with the day before we were going to Bradenton. We were in Ocala for three days. And then we're heading to Bradenton. And I said, you know, we're staying at the hotel, a certain hotel downtown Bradenton, you know, if you want to hook up, you know, give us a call. And he says, I'm staying there too. So yeah, I ended up and he picked up another friend of mine who I hadn't thought of in many years, but we were friends in junior high school and high school. So the two of them ended up right across the hall from us. Yeah, it was pretty cool and we hung out with him all weekend. Y'all raising hell? No, they're not hell raisers anymore too much, but now we had a good time. I got to spend a lot of time with the one person I wanted to see the most, and it turned out the other guy was just as nice, you know, it was fun. This guy's a world-class jazz guitar player. And the other person I wanted to see was, do you remember you asked me about the reunion a few weeks ago, and I said one One of the things I'm interested in is the people who weren't allowed to come out. Well at the big event on a Saturday night, everybody's mingling, this is in this horrible country club, you know, we're in like three rooms, so you can't really, you know, it's not like, it was terrible. But anyways, Gloria and I didn't, we weren't gonna mingle, so we just sat at a table. There was nobody there. Let them come to you. Yeah, that's what I said, and I wasn't I mean I really didn't have anything to say to 90 something percent of these people how was okay before we go on how was the turnout for it was a 50-year reunion? I counted it. We had a little over a hundred Wow yeah We had 500 and something in our clad okay, but most of the people are from the same area in Bradenton And I wasn't from that area. So you know I don't know but anyways My friend, my oldest friend, who's the other person I wanted to see, we've been friends since kindergarten, she comes over and sits next to me. And her partner died last year, or earlier this year I think. But another woman and her partner came and sat with us too. And then this guy that I grew up on that's in the same town, is there with his partner. So I finally turned to Gloria and I said, we're at the gay table. All of them are gay. Oh, so you're saying partner to- Yeah, yeah. They're all gay. Okay, I wasn't sure if you were saying partner to like avoid saying boyfriend or girlfriend or something. No, no, it was, did something go wrong? Okay. You look concerned. A light on our mixer just started flashing, and I don't know why. Now it's not flashing anymore, so carry on. All right, anyways, I thought that was pretty funny. So we ended up sitting at the gay table. There was another couple there, of a guy that I didn't really know very well, his girlfriend, but yeah. Was the gay table fun? Usually the gay table's fun, no? Lame gays? Lame gays. I mean, it was nice talking to Kathy, because I didn't talk to her for a long time, but it was all very boring. You know, then they ran out of food, you know, it was like, it was terrible. Well, you probably didn't expect a hundred people, Well that's a giant turnout for a two-fifty year reunion. Well that's just classmates and they're not counting their spouses. Yeah, probably 150 at least. Yeah, so, but it was all very boring and it just, you know, I was having more fun with just the two guys. Me too. Yeah, we did it. We had a good time. So leading up to the reunion and after the reunion was much more fun than the actual reunion. Yes, exactly. Was it just a one day thing or was it like an all week thing? Well, it was a Friday, Saturday, and then we got together Sunday with Dave and Bruce, and we went out to lunch before they left. Is there booze at these things? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Talk about the bar, Matt. Oh, the Tiki bar kind of thing? No. It was so bad that they didn't even have the cash bar open on Saturday. Oh, yeah. Saturday night. Night. Yeah. So his friend that we've been really talking about quite a bit right now decided, okay, he went behind the bar and just handing out, started all this free beer. That's a crime, but that's okay. We don't admit to crimes. We admit to other people's crimes. Yeah, the thing started at 530 and their cash bar was not scheduled to open till 6, which is stupid. So we went to the regular bar, they interrupted whatever, and they were trying to get ready to go to the cash bar because the regular bar wasn't open. So they got a line out of the regular bar, it took forever, they were really slow, nobody was in any hurry to do anything. So we go back into the room where they're holding the event and I turn and I see David, my friend David behind the bar, just opening beers, handing them out, and I go, oh my God, that's David. But bars not open, I'm opening it. Was there any, like, did the actual bartender arrive and freak out at any point? No, but, oh, the DJ did. The DJ said something to him. Oh, really? And he says, David says, it's none of your fucking business. Wow. Yeah, like, who are you? Oh, that's my friend David. Damn, okay, so. I'm surprised it didn't get into a fight as usual by then. I think he said something like that, you know, It's none of your business, you know? You're the DJ. Well, he says, who are you? He says, I'm the DJ. He says, well, you're just a DJ. Well, he might work there pretty often, so maybe he does have a relationship with these people. But it was all, you know, it was a terrible, terribly run place, the Bradenton Country Club. So I don't know if this is true for every class reunion, but for me, it's like the people who were class president or whatever, they're obligated to throw it? Is that even true after 50 fucking years? Oh yeah, our class president was still there, the vice president, he was David's cousin. What a headache. Yeah. Who wants to do that? Yeah, that's tough. A friend pointed out that if they have everybody get into one picture, all the classmates, and then the rah-rah, who came the furthest, Just you know, all this jovatility, if I'm saying it right. I don't think that's right, but joviality. It's a nice word you just made up. Joviality? Joviality. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if that's right, but I don't think jovatility is it. I think you combine jovial and volatile. And then they go through the most somber period of showing all the classmates that have died. Oh my God. Started with that. Yeah. No, that was the end Dinner okay. Yeah. Yeah dinner was in between I guess. Yeah. Yeah, but Was it like that sad piano music like? Oreo oh, it was even worse No Louie Armstrong wonderful Oh, it's Tom Petty. Tom Petty? Tom Petty's death song. I couldn't remember. Into the Great Wide Open? Oh, we'll have to think of it. That's a probably good choice. And then he said, okay, get up and dance now. Well, you know, I did find out a couple of classmates that I didn't know had died. Yeah, and David we were both wondering about this one guy and I said there he is he died in 2006 Wow, so he didn't make the 2010 one Because we probably did the same thing, you know or 2013 so Yeah It's gonna be my last I think Well, you know what, you know what we should do Is crash the next one? Yeah, like the people who didn't bother to pay$65 per person some people just showed up. Yeah At the end after they knew dinner probably was already served. They just came to see everybody Yeah Yeah, the other friend I wanted to see she showed up late Oh, yeah, and I got to talk to her for a couple minutes, but well that might be the move. Yeah What were you thinking or did I throw you off? I was just thinking just in just get like six or seven of us classmates together and just do our own you know just the people we want to see yeah you know it doesn't have to be there right like right Jamaica or something yeah somewhere else or something just you're gonna do a reunion do it with people you like or you know you kept in contact with or something I mean my problem is most of the people I hung out with in high school are dead. Or they moved out of Bradenton and they got the hell out of it. They're not looking back. They're not coming back. So I don't know. I just feel sorry for people like Gloria. I have to sit there. I was a good trooper. It's not like our one friend, Mike and Vicky. Vicky graduated with me, but Mike knows everybody in the room pretty much. So it wasn't so bad for him. but he's already just sitting there. Yeah. Yeah. But anyways, it's... Trying to think of what I should say to the other person sitting to the left of me. Not other person, the person sitting next to me on the left. But otherwise we had a good time with friends and family. You know, it was... Yeah, yeah, no, I enjoyed it. I just, you know... Had a couple of fire pits with my brothers. Yeah. To the bus. Fire pits? I still have the red marks. Cold enough for that? It was in the fifties. It was actually in the 70s or 60s, but there was a little wind, a breeze, yeah, there was a breeze. A Floridian with a fire pit, any excuse to use that fire pit, they'll do it. First night was nice, the second one was buggy. They got bugs down there. The fire didn't drive the bugs away, did it attract them? I have no idea, but I have proof all around my ankles. In Florida, the county I grew up in is a hell hole. It's a fucking hell hole. Manatee County? Yeah. We must have seen 50 developments being built. And we say being built, we're talking about miles and miles and miles, and they level it. So you can see all the way to the horizon because it's so flat. Yeah, Florida is. It's doomed. I'm on your team now, after the last couple of days driving around here, I'm like, there's way too many people. Yeah. On like a Shelburne Road, between 3.30 and 4.30. Yeah, I avoid it, if I can. Yep, you know. Gotta learn the back ways. Yeah, but. Yeah, but those back ways are not, even the new Southern Connector, whatever it's called, as soon as it's built. It's already gonna be yeah, it's gonna be full And it's just just The city's just allowing this crazy development without the plan for infrastructure Well, let's move into some Vermont stuff. Okay So Yeah, so a lot of cars being stolen these days in Chittenden County Chittenden County mine included That sucked. Oh my gosh, when did this happen? Well, this happened Thursday evening. My wife got home around 5. She's the last one to use the car. Parked it, whatever. We wake up, we go walk out at 5am to take her to work. I'm like, honey, where's the car? And she's like, I parked it right here. And we're like, hmm. So we walk up, broken glass. all there. So I was like, okay, well, I'm no detective, but I'm pretty sure I know what happened. I'm no Columbo, but... So yeah, I called the police and the guy's like, oh, yeah, like... Everyone I talked to was like, police, insurance, people at work, they're like, oh, yeah, there's this TikTok challenge where it's like easy to steal Kias and Hyundais. So it's a sport? Yeah, if you call it that, I guess. So I've still not talked to the police officer who handled it because like he works nights and when he calls I'm asleep but yeah it was stolen that day recovered around like 9 p.m. Colchester Avenue. Damaged? Yes so then on Friday we had to go we went so no one could tell me like the state it was in right like I called the cops like oh when I called Friday Friday morning he's like yeah we We have it, actually. We recovered it. It's at Spillane's Towing. I'm like, OK, can you tell me, can I drive it home? I have no idea. I can't tell you. I have no idea about the condition. I'm like, OK. So I call Spillane's. They're like, we have no idea about the condition. I'm like, y'all don't do a report or anything? I'm like, can you tell me, is it burnt down? What is it? And they're like, we don't have any information on that. You have to come look at it yourself. So we went out and looked at it on a Friday. back window smashed out, nothing, everything else was, nothing with value was in it, but all the stuff was there, like our grocery bags were there, you know, our gym gloves, and the steering column was just all just destroyed, like ripped out, because I guess what they can do with these Kias and Hyundais is they're like, open something and it's real easy to like, start it. Really? Somehow. Hot wire, like almost. It's like super, it's like not even that complicated. And so come to find out that he and Hyundai are in a perfect class asking a lawsuit because their cars are real easy to steal and break into and so they're having to pay out a ton of money like 200 million dollars Starting next year. It's because you know, sometimes people steal these cars and crash them. Luckily mine wasn't crashed It was just I can guess when the kid just jumped out because he was bored or whatever So if you had the key, do you know if you were able to drive it off the thing? I mean, was it just a rear mirror? No, no, no, it's the steering column. Like, there's nowhere that, like, it's completely, like, taken apart. There's nowhere you can, like, put a key in. Like, the steering wheel's still there, but everything under it's all just, like, hanging, you know? Oh my gosh! How long did it take to do that here? I don't know. And we have neighbors, as you know. I wouldn't be working home. You weren't here. That face, that driveway. And one's empty, and one was probably at work. If it happened at like 7 o'clock at night, he's probably at work. Oh, you also have the other one. Oh, 7 o'clock. I don't know when it happened. It happened between 5 and 9. Oh, 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.? Yeah, because it was found at 9 p.m. Really? Wow. Yeah. It might have happened right after 5 o'clock. So I called the dealership guy, because this guy's got to get towed there. He's like, don't tow it yet. Talk to your insurance company. He's like, I've got half a dozen cars with the same issue sitting here. we're waiting on parts. So this is obviously a trend. So if you're listening to this and you own a Kia or a Hyundai, I don't know what to tell you, take it to the dealership. I think they can do something with like anti-theft software, but I don't think that person knows until they've gotten to the point where they've destroyed your car. So I don't know. Must be doing wonders for their sales. Can you imagine that? Mm-hmm. I had no idea about it. No idea. My cousin got his. He got something done to his, he was telling us. That was down in Florida. A couple nights before you told us. Was it around here? No, he's in Florida. And my niece said that there's a gang out in Cleveland that go to all these neighborhoods and just. Well, there's been a ton of car thefts like in the last couple weeks around here. Like Chittenden, Addison, all over. So. It's organized. Seems to be. I saw four pictures of four guys that had, like, Round them up. Like, two white guys, two black guys. Round them up. Right. Put them under the jail. Yeah. This experience has shifted my, on the great political dial, moved a few clicks to the right, I think. Yeah, 42 stolen cars in the last month. Once you grow up in places like Newark, you're a right ratchet all the way up to the very top. Are you ready for vigilante-ism? I'm like, let's get Sarah George out of there. Vigilante-ism. Sarah George needs to be removed. Let's, you know, let's go. She's terrible. That's where I get my attitude from. A lot of times it's because of that. Yeah, it's easy to be like, ah, we should be soft on crime. When it happens to you, it's like, uh-uh. Yeah, try a gun to your head, your car being stolen. I wish I could have caught the kid who did this. Oh, I would have beat his ass. Well, yeah, who knows? Who knows? The tow truck guy is like, oh, they're using this to move drugs is what they're doing. I don't think that's what this was. Because sometimes we find these cars and there's needles and shit. It was just a bunch of glass in the back seat. More like a joyride kind of thing. Yeah. I think it was just trying to get some clicks on TikTok or whatever. Did I get points on TikTok? Did I get some merit? Did I get to be known as the world's biggest asshole? It's just called clout. they just get clout. But how does the rest of the world know? They film it. Oh, and so they have like their own page in TikTok? Is that how it works? I think so. I'm not 100%, I'm not on TikTok, but. Don't do TikTok. I will not click on anything now that even remotely looks like TikTok. Yeah, so that sucked. Still an ongoing situation. And Matt, thank you for letting me use your vehicle. Hey, you could use mine too. I appreciate that. I know, you'd be like driving with me, a granny. You'd be like, you wouldn't know I would know any little extra hair. I'm already like nervous enough driving anyone else's car because I'm like, I don't want to mess anything up. But yours especially, I would. And that's even with dog hair. That's, it's overdue for a wash. You're like, where's the dog hair? Did you clean this? All right, moving on. So this is a story that we talked about last time, and then y'all left, and Citizen Sider is struggling. Yeah, there's a lot going on. All because of that T-shirt thing? Yeah. No. Yes. Because they obviously sell it outside of Vermont, unlike Heddy Topper, so that means word really spreads even further. No, this is the big thing. Like 150 businesses have boycotted them. Really? Yeah, like you can't buy citizen cider at the city market. Wow. Like different breweries, restaurants, like all over the state have stopped selling it. But what about, it is sold outside of the state, isn't it? Probably. I would think so. I would think so too. I assume you could get it in New Hampshire, Massachusetts. But if it does, then the outreach, like I was saying, even has longer tentacles. I don't know, but it's crazy. I went to Rod Z's Trivia last Tuesday with coworkers. Fourth place, yeah. And the two tables next to us were both talking about this. Wow. Like this story. And one of my coworkers, he's new to Vermont. He's only been here a couple weeks. He's like, oh, all the Citizen Cider? and the guy's like, what kind? He's like, uh, and the bartender's like, yellow, green, or blue, or red, blue, green, or blue. He's like, blue. And we're like, oh, okay. And so that's like the dirty mare. And so he ordered it, and the people at my table were like, uh, and I was like, oh, supporting toxic masculinity, huh? And he's like, what are you talking about? So I told him the whole story. He's like, should I just pour it out? I'm like, no, you can have it. Like, we're in Rozzy's. You're fine. Jesus. You're in the right place to do that, To order that but don't do it downtown Burlington Wow, I'm sure mom Pillar also doesn't worst case of PR I've ever heard because they did nothing Really what they need to as far as one guy, right? That's like he seems to be the problem, but they're standing behind him and they're saying like it's all a misunderstanding God, it's a big misunderstanding now Yeah, well whether it was or not, they're losing business Yeah, they're definitely losing business and I'm just surprised that it's so I'm surprised that we'd like traveled as fast as it did because like like 15 employees walked out you think okay, that's not The biggest deal in the world, but it is today. You can't get help I guess Yeah, and then once it got on reddit it just like caught wildfire and boy You can get destroyed pretty quickly in this country But it's weird, right? Like, sometimes. It could go the other way. They're so popular for people who think it was not really inappropriate and funny, right? It could have gone that way. I don't think there's a lot of right-wing commentators coming out and supporting a Vermont cider business. OK. Maybe that's it. We lack that in our state. The right wing has almost no power in this state. Almost none. Well, don't say that too loud because, you know what I mean? We've had lots of those cults that come here to try to spread their word and all, you know. So let's keep it that way, okay, whether they maybe don't know about us. I think it's too late, but it has happened. And I think it's going to happen, but I don't know. So they're apparently going to bring in a third party to evaluate personnel policies, internal practices, interview employees, and share their findings. Why am I already left? You're going to go interview those people? Yeah, it's pretty wild. All right, also, Matt, your boy, Moreau. My boy. He's thinking about running for statewide office. Really? Yeah, think about running for governor what yeah, what's his record here in Burlington? Look at our tax bill your tax bill. Look at all the fucking high-rises going up. Like what has he done this positive? I can't name one thing. Yeah, he's allowed the developers to just do whatever the fuck they want and and the uh... landlords yep this would be my first uh... vote for phil scott if it was on click and write if if he runs to be a first republican vote every not ever but uh... yeah that we've heard of a month yeah i don't think we'll i don't who wants this nobody wants nobody you know and really and i take the there is nobody gonna be phil scott not for the democratic side I mean from either side if he if he decides to run again He'll be reelected Because we'll see who the Democrat if it's if it's more. Oh then There's there's no choice He's the worst Yeah, well you nailed it like what's his record? What's the name a positive Moreau thing? What's your favorite thing that he's done? I don't know. You know me. I don't follow politics the last two mayors have destroyed this town Yeah, the one before kiss He was short-lived right? No, he was there for two terms. I think oh really? Yeah, you had a scandal with the Burlington electric or something Telecom Burning Burlington telecom. He's the the one that got us into it, right? Yep. Yeah Big some financial shenanigans involved in it, but it was just that it was run by the progressives. That's where it started. Yeah I think Moreau was originally a progressive anyway, but he's a, you know, builder. That's it. That was his profession. Yeah, you mean developer. He was a developer. Yeah. So, you know, what do you want? Besides with developers. Yeah, you let the hen in the, or the fox in the hen house. Yeah, he's done nothing to get ahead of the housing problem. It's awful. Moving on. Matt, I don't understand this story. I don't understand this first sentence. The shooting by Officer Brian Tomlinson preceded a three-day search that ended when Henry Lovell, who shot at Tomlinson first, was arrested in Hyde Park. It's complicated. Yeah. Why would it be? I guess there has to be an investigation. But this guy shot at him first. Yeah. You shoot a cop expect, you know to get shot, you know That's that's what I was like is there more to it or is it just that no this dude shot at a cop Yeah, this is that guy they were looking for for a few days His picture is they finally found him in Hyde Park thinks this fella cuts his own hair Yeah, he doesn't go. He doesn't go professional. I don't think so So, anyways, I just thought it was... You shoot at a cop... Expect consequences? Yes, I hope so. You know, the thing is... You shoot at anybody, to be honest, right? Whenever I see this kind of headline, like, police cleared, police officer shooting or whatever, I always think, there's a cover-up. But this... No. It's like how long is this investigation? This is a three-minute investigation. Did he shoot at you? Yes. Is there evidence? Yes. Right, so he so this guy Lavelle shot at the officer Tomlinson missed and then this guy shot back and hit him and that was the whole thing. Yeah If you're shooting at a cop Shoot better, I guess like if you're if you're gonna be that brazen about it. Actually, he didn't hit him He says, LaVell was not injured in the shootout. See, you have to just, before they do, just, just, just, pew, pew, pew, pew. Just. All right. Well. And no one else has. I'm thinking one of those shootouts in a naked gun, where they're like, on each side of a car, or something. All right, so, nothing else to say about this, just, all right. Officer Tomlinson, you are exonerated. Moving on, the Vermont State Board of Education walks back proposed school anti-discrimination rules. I'll tell you, I am clicking a little bit to the right here. I think this is the right move. I think so. Because the language was too, like, they were like, the way it's written, we couldn't even have the French club. It makes sense. So it's like, maybe that's an overreach. You know what I mean? I mean, just walk it back a little bit. I don't know. It seemed like the way it was written was too much, and that they were opening themselves to some lawsuits, which we know is the American way. They'd be coming. So yeah, the rules proposed, we're going to expand protections explicitly prohibiting discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, caste. That's a word you don't hear a lot in America. Yeah! Language and linguistic diversity, socioeconomic status, I thought that was cast, maybe I'm wrong, religion, housing status, and non-citizen citizenship or immigration status. So they just sort of walked it back to say like we want to promote a welcoming, inclusive, bias-free environment for learning. Okay. How do you prove that. That's true. I don't know. You're not going to make everyone happy. And then you have a lot of lawmakers piling on saying like, I can't believe that they're changing these rules. It's like, well, it's easy for you to say because you actually don't have any. Right. What else? I mean, that doesn't affect you at all. It's easy to come out and say, they should not have changed it when it's already done. That's true. Well, but they walked it back. Vermont. Yeah. What are you doing. Adam's going a little right here tonight. Break my window. But you know the jail moving on proposed air National Guard lease. Yes. More National Guard. I'm not here. So a 25 year lease extension for the Air National Guard. Why? 25 years. Why not? Five? One? Yeah, it's kind of getting grandfathered in, isn't it? And 25 years. So glow. According to this, we're gonna have the Air National Guard until 2073. Well, is there a reason why we don't want it? I know they do fly of those really loud planes and what else? Pollution. Of course. So do the two. It's a huge money maker. Lot of good jobs, those kind of things. Again, remember if you go into the right, you're thinking jobs and that kind of thing, maybe. I just think it's weird to make a rule that is in effect until 2073 because there's already at least until 2048 they're talking about extending the one that already exists. Oh. So 50 years from now like that just seems crazy like are are we gonna be flying planes in 50 years? Are we gonna be here? That's right. Has the Sun exploded in 50 years? Like this seems like a really long time to to make guarantees. I'm even surprised that this is, okay, it's not the United States Air National Guard, it's the Vermont. It's part of it. Yeah. Part of the Air National Guard. Is it? Yeah. What were you gonna say? I'm not, I don't know. I'm confused by this as to, I don't know. In 50 years, we will not be flying planes. Well, maybe we will. I just don't know. I don't know. 50 years from now, I have no idea like what... It'll be like the Jetsons? Yes. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. And they're saying, oh, we have to do it so we can get like military contracts and get the money. But like, don't we have the military a little bit also? Like, by the... the short hairs? Like, they don't want to like move their entire operation somewhere else, right? They're kind of invested here. They lose a lot of money if they move somewhere else. So they don't care. We have some leverage. They don't care. They'd move somewhere else. You're right. You're right. That's what they did. So sweat off them. They got the budget. You know, some other senator will come up, you know, that's how people get these contracts. It's through the senators and things like that, so yeah, they wouldn't. Military has an unlimited budget, so. All right. Moving on. We have a, Glo, we have a solution for all the trucks getting stuck in the notch. Okay. Oh, you want me to see if I can come up with one? No, no, no. It sounded like you were gonna say something else. No, no, I was like, hmm. Let's see, what could it be? So they're trying to make, I guess, the part in the notch where the trucks get stuck is like, the road gets narrow, I guess, is the issue. Which makes sense. And it's windy. Don't tell me they're gonna blast. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's the solution. I like where your head's at. The Wile E. Coyote solution. No, they're going to make the road at the base as narrow as it is at the top, so they get stuck at the base, where they can turn around more easily than the top, where they're blocking traffic. I see. So basically, like, you ever been bowling, and you put up those gutters things to, like, block the sides? they're basically putting those things up. Oh, oh, I see. I get it now. So they can do it earlier and that therefore turn around. Is there gonna be a specific turnaround? Because I'm sure if they turn around into one of those hotels they're not gonna be so happy about it. But isn't on the top of the notch? This is like at the very beginning when you start. You mean all the way down from route 100? because that's route 108, the one that's going up. Yeah, it gets windy. Oh no, it's not. Wait. After the hotel. So, they're going to install a set of artificial barriers to narrow the road at each side of route 108 between Snow Mountain Resort and the Smuggler's Notch Resort. Does that make sense? Okay, yeah it does, I guess. Well, they gotta try something, because these people get stuck in the middle of this thing. How do they get them out then? They have to take it apart? I mean, how do you do it? They must be an experienced tow truck driver out there. Probably. I mean. Get JED. I don't know. Crane? I doubt it. The officials plan to leave them up for, leave the barriers up for a couple of seasons to collect data and then we'll decide they want to make it a more permanent solution. And the Vermont transportation officials say there has been a 40% decrease in the number of stuck trucks in the past five years, averaging only five per year. Only five? Yeah. Oh, my God. I mean, we're just assuming these truck drivers are, they're medicated somehow, whether it's illicit or legal. No, it's Google. That's it? Google sends them through these, you know, it saves time kind of thing. Otherwise, you know, if they're looking at Google Maps. Otherwise, they got to go to Lindenville. No, they got to go to Johnson. Johnson. That's what I meant. Yeah. Johnson. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So but. Or they're just I don't know how they would get there. There's got to be signs, right? There's signs of them. Oh, there's big flashing signs now. You know even though you know that even I think there's a couple of them been stuck since they had these big flashing signs. Yeah, five per year. All right and last bit of what's going on. The Burton higher ground change of location is a little bit of a roadblock this week. So they're Burton bought at Higher Ground, and they're trying to move Higher Ground from South Burlington to the Burton location, so they have this big, like sort of, indoor-outdoor event space, adding several hundred people, as far as capacity goes. And again, I'm clicking to the right, like, they got approved! And then like these citizens came out and they're like protesting, and now, the Citizens for Responsible Zoning protesting, and it's going to the Vermont Supreme Court now, even despite them being approved at every step of the way by like the city zoning, whatever. And the city of South Burlington is behind these people now. Yeah. Yeah, they don't want it either. So like, I don't even 100% know, I've been to Burton, but I don't, like, it's like, how do I get there from here? I would go down Home Road? Home Avenue. Home Avenue, okay. Yeah, go over to Railroad Tracks, And as soon as you do, you make that first left. And it has like that industrial vibe to it. And oh, it's also where the busses go to get washed. And then across from there, that was, or is still Burton. And then further down is the oldest can opener company left. And it's still going, right? Isn't that what they make on there on the right where you can always hear the machines punching away. I have no idea. I think you said something about it the other day. It goes right up to Red Rocks. Yeah. It's right next to it. But anyway, yeah. It's, oh gosh, I haven't walked in Red Rocks for so long. I can't remember now the name of that company. Me neither. I don't know why I haven't been out there in forever. I Googled Vermont. The Edlund Company? The what? Edlund? Yes. Edlund? Yes. I wonder if they're still going. They must, I hope. Because that was jobs. Yeah, I mean, we still got cans. They got to get opened, right? Yeah. I'm certain about that. Do you have an alternative? I use my pocket knife. Yeah, I mean, that's a good business, can opening. It's like, you know what? Cans ain't going anywhere anytime soon. People got to open them. We're going to make them. People always lose them, so they gotta buy another can opener. You lose a can opener? Well, it depends on what kind of can opener it is. Are they electric can openers? I don't know. I'm not sure if it's both. I would hope that they diversified. Once electric came on board, they were like, let's hop on it. I'm looking at one here. Ooh, this must be some sort of vintage oxen cycle. It's $1,600. dollars but is a yeah it's an inland speed electric can opener Wow for how much $1,600 but it's a I think it's like an antique kind of thing oh you can see it but it looks like a giant it looks pretty big oh yeah yeah I remember those kind I mean not that brand but those kind of I can't open her yeah we used have something that was like yeah it was like yeah it was like this size you had like do something like I was just like I'm never opening a can then I just like the handle ones are like the way to go I feel like but those could even be a little on the funky side too because there's another design that what it does is you know how the old-fashioned one would pierce the top it would make like almost like a jigsaw cut around the top yeah that's like the electric one right No, no, that's also a hand crank. Oh, okay, gotcha, gotcha, gotcha, okay. Well now there's a hand crank that it does something. It undoes sort of that seal that goes all the way around the top of the can, so there's no sharp edges when the lid comes off. Really? Yeah. But it's the whole lid. The whole lid comes off. It just pulls off the whole lid. And there's no sharp edges. But it took me a while to get used to it, or even to learn how to do it. And if you don't do it very often, I probably will have trouble again the next time we're pet-sitting. That's all I have. I feel like it's pretty cool. A can opener is something where, yeah, so like, do you put it on the side or the top? There's some that are on the top, and I think actually the one I just described is on the top. Yeah, and you don't have it because if you're used to the one on the side where you, you know, you just crank the little turn thing, this one... It took me a while to figure it out. Yeah, it's on the top, but then you're still cranking. Yeah, but it takes the whole top off. Yeah. And is it like suction cupped to the top so it comes off or something? Magnetic? Magnetic, yeah, I think. Interesting. Yeah, that's what it's like. Using a can opener is one of those things where like, every time I do it, I'm like, I'm pretty sure I'm doing this wrong. Like, I'm pretty sure there's a better way, and I just, I mean, don't get me wrong, like, I get the tuna, but I feel like I'm not nailing it. So, Matt, what do you think? Burton? They got a case, or just? They're gonna, no, this is not gonna happen. Really? I don't, I mean, I don't think, I don't know. It's in the Supreme Court, you said? Like the Vermont Supreme Court. Yeah. But if the Supreme Court lets them. I feel like Vermont these days always rules in favor of business. Like when has business ever taken a loss? Yeah. I don't know. We'll see. But something like Burton, I feel like they have a good name in this town. If you lived in that neighborhood, how would you feel? I would definitely not want it. And there are neighborhoods backing right up to there. There's one that's almost more like a little mobile home, but not in bad shape, not in a bad way. Desirable mobile home. Look at this home, it's mobile. I checked one out when it was up on sale. But then you also saw the railroad tracks, they're right abutting up to the railroad tracks, that butts up to this area of Burton. How often do you think a train goes by? Like, how many times a day? Well. 10, less? I don't know. I don't think that many there's also one early in the morning that since I can hear at times Oh, yeah, tooting or clock in the morning because I used to again live on a street very close to those tracks at one time You can hear it very clearly It didn't bother me though, I liked it Your whole place is shaking? Yeah. It's like those beds, those mattresses. Oh, like to put the coin in the hotel? Magic fingers. We've progressed by now. Now we just buy them in the store and it comes with a control attached to it. All right, y'all ready for a break? Sure. All right, so this, I felt obligated to put this song on here. It's not necessarily my cup of tea, but I'm guessing someone out there might like it. This is Jacob S. McLaughlin, Livin' in Vermont is the song, and it's like a We Are the World flood relief kind of thing. Not necessarily We Are the World, it's rock and roll, it's not like We Are the World, but that's the vibe. It's a charitable kind of song. And as always, the link to it is in the show notes. Yep, Jacob S. McLaughlin, Livin' in Vermont. Our motto here is freedom and unity. We leave those words when we help our neighbors in need. We won't let any disaster bring us down. We come together and that's why I love. Living in Vermont, oh, we dig ourselves out from under these rocks. Livin' in Vermont, we'll get back on top to fight another day Livin' in Vermont, we know a thing or two about mountain life Livin' in Vermont, you gotta be tough as nails to live here every day We had a big flood back in 2011 We're seein' much of the same in 2023 Been there, done that, so we know how it goes We're Vermont strong, cause that's how we roll. Living in Vermont. Oh, dig a sunset from under these rocks. Living in Vermont. Get back on top to find another day. Living in Vermont. One thing or two about mountain life. Living in Vermont. Gotta be tough as nails to live every day. day to keep things green it's the prettiest day you've ever seen we had a lot of winter snow we'll get through this river overflow hey this i know get back on top to find another day All right, we're back, and Matt, I think this is what you call a slow news week. It really was. Not much was happening. I was down in Florida searching the newspapers up here and the TV stations, and man, there's nothing going on. Which leads us to this is a nice story. Yeah, and glory and glow is gonna like it. Okay so Yeah, Vermont diggers. It's a whole like profile like there's a vanity fair style profile this woman sue where hmm pet PI That's great, so if you have a animal missing sue where the W EAR she is your woman She's a vigilante pet sleuth Hmm, so what's your record? Damn good question, you know, I've done it. I go looking for people. So you want to go you want to go head-to-head with sue where? Let's kidnap some pets Well, yeah, we looked for a key when he was missing yes No We were this close since he was in one of the dorms over there. Oh, right. It's gotta be someone's soup, right? Yeah. We posted the entire campus with color photo of ink with all the information. Yeah. Remember? And then at the end, I had to go all back again, pulling all these posters off. Yeah. Yeah, she's got, I think she's got a pretty good record. So this woman got into the game when, in June 2022. So she ain't been doing it that long, Glo. So maybe she's a bit of a rookie in your eyes. But this woman's 10-year-old cat, Gino, went missing. And somehow she got linked up with Sue. Sue designed a flyer with the cat, just as you were saying, and advised her to put clothes and cat food outside her door. Dirty clothes. Was that because the cat can remember the smell and would be attracted to it? Yeah, yeah, they see they should have to put what said how dirty should these clothes be bo would be good crotch odor Done and done This woman said she so heard her Gino was missing for months and months and She'd already given away all his stuff, which come on. That's pretty quick Your kid goes away to college and you redo their room? So you get rid of all the stuff, litter box, toys, everything. And then the night of October 2nd, she got some missed calls from Sue. And Sue said, this cat's been hanging around the house in South Burlington. Looks like your kitty. And it was. So here's my question, Glo, since you're the expert, maybe the cat wanted to leave. It's not really a question, but why are we bringing the cat back, maybe the cat was, why do cats leave, I guess is my question. Usually to die. What? Cats usually, they don't like to die in front of humans. My cat didn't. Yeah. That could be one. Yeah, I had a cat when I was younger who, when he died, he went into the woods. Yep. Why don't they go die in front of humans? That's nice of them. What, are they shamed of dying? And also giving birth. The females don't like an audience. But wouldn't a pet owner know their cat is sick or pregnant? You know what I mean? But if the cat just is like, I'm out of here. Well it sounds like you already pointed out it didn't take her very long to clean out all of Geno. So what are you saying? That maybe somebody had picked her up at one time? You know? Kidnapped her? I don't know. Catnapped her? Catnapped her? I don't know. There is dog nappers. Oh, yeah, Lady Gaga got her dogs napped. No Yeah, like two years ago. I don't think so. I think they were just taken for and then they're gonna sell them. How are they gonna get any proof that this came from Lady Gaga? No, no, no, I don't think that they even knew it was Lady Gaga. No, they didn't. They were just like, oh, this dame's got some really high-priced dogs. Let's grab them. It was from the dog walker. I think they snatched them from the dog walker. Oh, really? Oh, man. Yeah. Where was this? Hold on. I think L.A. Oh, what the hell? There's a shooting? What, just today? No, no, no. It's Lady Gaga's story. How does that get into stolen dogs? Kidnap dogs. Stolen sounds like it's inanimate. While kidnap is still a living being. Yeah. Except you wouldn't kidnap a plant though. Stealing people's plants? Okay, so Jennifer McBride, the woman who returned Lady Gaga's stolen French Bulldogs after a violent dog napping, is suing the Grammy and Oscar winning performer for $500,000 dollars for reward money that she promised for the return of her prized pooches. So I think her dog walker got shot? Yeah. No. Like four times in the chest? What? Are you serious? I wouldn't want to be a dog walker in LA. So four times in the chest during the theft, and she survived. Oh my gosh. I didn't realize dog walker in LA was such a high stakes. A dangerous occupation. Watch out, Sue Ware. It doesn't make sense, though, that they would shoot somebody without knowing... They would probably know whose dogs those were. Maybe. You know. We gotta get Sue Ware on this case. It's a cold case now, but maybe she can figure it out. So, Yaglow, do you have any experience checking down cats that are not inky? You know, I mean, I found my cats a couple of times. They seemed long gone. Were they surprised when they saw you, like, oh, damn it. Oh, rats. The jig is up. They're in an alley playing poker with each other. Well, actually, one just clawed me practically to death. On my whole chest and everything. She didn't want to, she wasn't going to get carried back. You're right. I think I should have gotten the message They were having fun Well, Sue wears using like cameras and stuff High-tech operation High-tech operator, so she sets up cameras throughout the neighborhood for like somebody sees some you know The cat that looks like that. They'll set up a camera and a cage or a trap a humane trap. What do you think she uses to lure them into the trap? Greenies. They love that. And tuna. Cats, oh yeah, cans of tuna, maybe. Cans of tuna. Well, do you think Sue Ware like maybe just doesn't have a lot else going on? Do you think maybe she's retired or? Seems like she's put a lot of effort into reuniting. It's just, it's probably a hobby that she enjoys doing. I enjoy, I mean, I used to when, from Porch Farm, not used, I would always look to see what animals were missing and keep that email, I mean, keep that one post, and then actually go around, see if I could, or if I just happened to see that animal, at least then I could get back to the person right away. I don't do that anymore, sorry. You know why? Because so many times, like a month later, I would still have their email, and oh, yeah, no, he's been home for weeks. You know, I'm like, oh, great. Because no one updates Front Porch Forum, right? Most of the time, no. At least back then. And that was disappointing. It's like, let me know. You know, there are people like me who are out there looking. Yeah, all right moving on um in Burlington Had a sorry Colchester Colchester high a student and teacher became citizens on the same day Wow That's nice. Yeah, they studied together. I guess didn't yeah, it's I mean, it's not that hard of a test, right? You know, I wouldn't assume so I don't know I guess if you're gonna grow up here Maybe it is but it's pretty basic stuff Like how many, like what's your congressman's name, how many senators are there, shit like that. Which is stupid, I mean it's a stupid test. Like why, why is there even a test? You should just say, have you had a job here in the United States? Okay, you pass. Right, do like a background check or whatever. Right. It's like, we, they have to know their, it's just, it's a dumb barrier. Right, it takes a long time too, doesn't it? Well it depends on how. How much money do you have? Yes, if you have money, if you have a certain amount you're making, you just automatic. But yeah, it also depends on how much of a hurry you're in, right? I mean, sounds like this French teacher, this teacher from France. Do you think he's teaching French? Maybe, that'd be easy, easy fit. Jacques, oh no, not Jacques. What was this guy's name? The teacher, Martin Bruno. You know, maybe he was in a hurry, because I don't know if you have to give up your French citizenship. Like, I don't know if France allows dual. I guess you do give it up, you would think. I don't know. And sometimes you do. Yeah. Yeah. Like if my wife wants to get US, she has to give up Korean, and she's not really in a hurry to do that, because. Is there any benefit to keeping her Korean citizenship? Well, you can always go home. There's that, if we had children, the children could like go, like one of her friends, their kids do like a semester in Korea, a semester in America, something like that. Or they used to, they don't really do it now. As long as she remains a citizen of Korea. Yeah, yeah, but if she's not, then we'd have to be living there or something, I'm not sure. Yeah, well, I could see keeping it. Yeah, because the only benefit here would be she could vote. And who wants to do that? I don't. I know. Well-established. She wouldn't vote for Moreau. I don't know. I'm not voting for Moreau. And then this other kid who came from Tanzania. What's his name? He's got a cool sounding name. Jacques Alfani. If you tell me, hey, my friend from Tanzania is coming over, I don't expect his name to be Jacques. That's all I'm saying. I don't know what a Tanzanian name would be. I'm guessing they were colonized by the French. That's what I was thinking. I just didn't know that. No, that's true. Yeah. Oh, it's a feel-good story, right? It's a feel-good segment. Yeah. Oh good. Everyone feel good? Feeling better all the time. Staying on the school theme looks like school buses are going to be equipped with Wi-Fi so they could do their homework on the bus to school that's that's the thought oh my god trying to make the access to Wi-Fi more equal but they're not doing that they're not doing that on the bus it's all games and porno let's be honest like that's all they're doing. That's amazing. Can we make their lives any more convenient? You don't know how good you kids have it. It's amazing. Yeah, I have. This one made me scratch my head, this story. Why? Yeah, I don't know. I mean, it's just some. Common sense. I mean, OK, maybe there's a, you know, maybe they're right. Maybe there are students that would use it. I mean, how long is your bus ride, you know, like Does it even have time to even like get started on like a homework assignment? That's a good question Yeah for me my buzz right guys It was like 15 minutes and it wasn't like you know I mean like wasn't it wasn't that's not worth the time of taking everything out and doing all this stuff No, are you kidding? Also, you ever try to like like even just a greeting in a moving vehicle is gonna give you a headache You try imagine like it's your laptop and you're like trying to like answer some questions I don't know. That's true. I can't read and when I when I'm writing makes me dizzy Well, it's yeah Like maybe there's other places where like I understand the idea of like a lot of kids don't have access to this but put it somewhere else like Where their bus stop is like, you know We're like have like a little Wi-Fi shack in their town where they can go there or something And the other thing, kids don't then socialize with each other. They're going to be right there on their game or whatever it is and not paying attention to anybody on the bus. What do you think? Maybe? I mean, that's what's happening. We don't ever have to step out of our unit. I mean, we could have everything delivered to us, even bicycle repair. And there is. There's a guy now I've seen parked in people's driveway. He repairs bike on the site, bikes on the site. Oh, I wonder if that's his name. I'm sure. Bike, bikes on the site. All right, moving on. Chloe, you'll like this. More school news, because we're nothing if not plugged in to what's happening with our state's youth. There's a pilot program allowing organic dairy to ship directly to schools. Didn't we have this idea like two years ago? Yeah. Wasn't this a problem we solved on the podcast? I feel like we already like asked and answered. I kind of feel like this is... Or they stole our idea. You're welcome Vernon, Vermont. It's kind of Rahmat. Yeah. What are you doing over there, Chloe? You got your own show going on over there? Like what are you, did you answer an email? I was just looking at the picture of these kids. Looking at the cows, that's all. I couldn't help but just pay, looking. at their faces and, oh boy, like what's that? The glow's big on organic milk, right? Yeah, and unpasteurized would be fine with me, but especially, as we all know, don't give me that ultra homogenized shit, which is now what we're drinking, because that's all we have in our local supermarket. You know what? I have to say, Florida is actually ahead of us when it comes to big supermarkets. they have this one it's in one of those I think it's called aseptic containers so you can you should refrigerate it but it can as soon as you open it now you have to use it within like ten or less days and so that's why it stores well on the shelf for a long time like the ultra pasteurized but public's yeah and it's in public's so I didn't have to have that ultra homogenized stuff I had a choice. You can't, the only choice now is our local monument dairy farm. And that's all we have because not even Trader Joe's has just regular homogenized milk or cream or whatever. Everything's now ultra. So it could sit on the shelf for two whole months. Well these kids, yeah, are getting the real deal. I know, but as as long as they don't ultra pasteurize it. Or, no, ultra. I don't think so. I got the sense that they're getting the good stuff. That is great. There's one kid that says she has it before bedtime because it helps her fall asleep. Yeah. Also in her cereal. Those are wise uses of milk. Another kid says, I have chocolate sometimes. When I want to feel fucking fancy. And he goes on to say sometimes he uses it cool-down hot chocolate. Hard-hitting journalism. WCNX right now. When you're talking to a second grader and a third grader. Can you imagine, like, some journalist is like, you sir, what do you use milk for? Sometimes you have a word count you gotta hit. Just throwing some quotes. It is a slow, slow, it was a slow news week. All right, moving on, more school news. We are hard hitting all over the news with schools. So apparently, Vermont schools are now addressing the cannabis situation with dispensaries popping up and weed being legal. It says there's 10 here in Chittenden County, yeah. Is that dispensaries or is that stores? When they say dispensaries, they don't mean medical dispensaries. I see. There's dispensaries and there's medical dispensaries. So yeah, so they're talking to kids. I think they're recognizing that like just say no wasn't working After so now they're trying to like talk about more like decision-making, you know, like it almost seems like We know you're gonna do it but When you do it Do it like this well, they talk about how much the percentage of People who have tried it in high school goes up with each class, you know, that there's like 42% of the senior class has tried pot. 46. 46, something like that, yeah. That seems, trying to get back to my high school. Low. I was gonna say it seems high, like no pun intended, but yeah, I feel like that's high, I don't know. I mean, everyone in my crew, I was the outlier. everyone else 100% was you know a big fan I was not well you meant that would be 40 that would be high for my class I looked around that room from the 53 and you know a lot of not a lot of weed here but I don't know who knows who knows people just try it once that's true yeah try what does that mean yeah Yeah, like I had been in cars where everyone was like, you know, chiefing out and like when I got out of the car, I'm like, whoa, like, so I don't know if that counts as trying it. Yeah. But, uh, well, I mean, yes, it's just say, OK, we know you're going to do it. Let's talk about it. So, well, I'm not even going to ask you. I know you're going to say, oh, no, well, the percentage of your high schoolers that your high school class that did weed. Well, being that a lot of us were first generation, I'd say probably kind of low. I mean we had to really keep our noses clean. It's the second generation that really turns it up. Yeah, and actually sometimes even the third. It takes up to the third. Like I don't see my niece and nephew doing it, you know, kind of thing. But their kids, oof. Oh, yeah. Forget it. They're basically American at that point, right? They are you oh, yeah, you it's probably gonna end with me. I mean my generation Well that any Portuguese You know legacy is gonna be lost. It's not gonna matter. They're not gonna care, you know, what's that? They're American That's what happens after Usually the first my niece and nephew don't know one word of Portuguese. I have no desire to go to Portugal You know, you know that's on the parents, huh? Yes, it is and being that their mother was not Portuguese. She didn't want her kids to be known that they were Portuguese Because she was Italian. Oh Do they know Italian? No, okay Instead of saying tomato sauce they call it tomato gravy. That's all that's the only difference hiking Yeah, not much I Don't know when I look at your nephew. I see Portuguese Yeah. And he's got more of that frugal, you know, he went to a local college and stayed home. Does he have a tiny dog? No dog. Big cat. Or they didn't have one. No, he's just got married. And his best best friend is Portuguese. You know, that kind of thing. So, yeah. Yeah. Well, I think my niece just totally. I mean, well, she was younger, so she never even really got to meet my her paternal grandparents. because I think they were dead by then when she showed up. So she never even got to meet them. But while my parents did take care of Joe every once in a while. Oh, I wasn't supposed to say the name, but. Anyway, anyways, how did we get there? I know. Can we cut this out? Going back to this weed thing. So they say that Vermont has the second highest percentage of kids nationwide trying cannabis Between ages 12 to 17. That's because their parents are growing it in a backyard They also want to say that that maybe influence come from the parents So even if it's alcohol if you're if you're drinking if you're a parent who enjoys drinking Try to do it like when the kids are asleep or when they're not around or something like that or hide it somehow but How do you do that when you're? My parents never hit it like my mom maybe but my dad like no it's like he'd walk into the house every day with like a 24 pack of Natty's Ice. Like every day, so it's like, okay, let's drink 24 shit beers tonight. What's it called, Batty's Price? Natty, Natural Ice, Natty, we call it Natty's Ice. Natty's Ice? Natty Light, Natty's Ice, I can't remember which one is, can't remember his brand, either way is gross. Natural Light. Like, you would spit it out if I gave it to you. It'd probably be more like piss, cold piss. It's not like it's piss, but it's like, it almost doesn't taste like anything. Oh, really? Then why even bother? The price. Yeah, it's a good price point. Moving on. Montpelier Glow, your old stomping ground. So apparently they don't have a post office. Wait, I'm confused. Oh, that's right. Oh, yeah, I was gonna say, that's gotta be recent. Yeah, it got flooded. And I guess the place they were in doesn't have any heat, So they've been like starting fires in the back to stay warm? No. And so finally someone came by and gifted them heaters. Yeah, they're working out of a truck. Great. On the Barry Montpelier Road. So they had to start a, I guess, I don't know, a fire. With all the junk mail? They resorted. That's great. Because they know nobody's ever going to look at this crap, so let's just get rid of it. We'll unload our load. Nothing burns like an X-finity flyer. That's true. Yeah. Yeah, so who gave this to them, Matt? It was Bourne's Energy and Vermont Fuel Dealers Association. Gave them a propane heater to keep warm. That was nice of them. Propane? They're gonna gas themselves to death now. Well, they're outside, so there's that. When I see stories like this, I'm like, yeah, this is great. Then you take a second, you're like, wait a minute. It's kind of messed up that this even happened. Like these people are just not taken care of. Like charity has to step in to solve this problem. That's frustrating. And they haven't had time to do anything to the post office building by now? That's kind of interesting. Some places got better and worse than others. Yeah. Why rebuild when it's going to happen again? You know, that kind of thing. Why not think, let's build a new post office or something. Somewhere on a hill. Yeah. There's a lot of hills around there. Except now, you can't do it downtown. You can't just do everything within walking distance. Now you'd have to go, you know, people, they're going to drive their car up that hill. Especially if there's parking. This is totally unrelated. Milton. Yeah. So we went to the Milton Artists Guild a couple weeks ago. Probably like the Saturday after y'all left. Pretty cool. I told you it was pretty cool. Oh, y'all been there? No, no, but I know, I've seen, they used to put all their art in where I worked. That was part of that weekend, that Saturday, right? That all the artists get to be, open their homes and studios to people. We didn't do that. It was like, I can't remember if it was like the Saturday after y'all left or the Saturday before you left. there's a Saturday where like it just rained all day like heavy rain maybe that was before we yeah like my wife and I got in the car and I was like it was like kind of like Vermont drizzling I was like oh they said it's gonna rain all day but this is nothing we literally got onto prospect and it started pouring and did not let up right six hours I was driving around the entire time kills the leave industry right there yes but yeah this this the Milton Artist's Guild is giant. There's tons of stuff in there. I definitely recommend it. It's not far at all. I think Milton is the next Burlington, I think, or the next Williston or whatever. I think it's the next place that's gonna be... It's gonna be more like Williston. I think so. It doesn't have a brewery yet, but as soon as someone opens up a brewery, you know they've made it. But it just seemed like there wasn't much there, but it seemed like... I know a lot of people who are looking at housing and they're looking there because it's cheaper than well it's in it's like actually affordable the only shitty thing is that interstate oh as we're all well not all but a lot of accidents happen is it right there mm-hmm yeah between exits what is it 17 and 14 that's where the especially during a winter yeah some maniac driving through there is just... They're not actually, I mean Milton does have that little cute downtown with really not much there they have that Historical Society Museum on a side street that we found that time and you know gorgeous old mansions from who knows when and but there's nothing else so there's so are they thinking kind of built well... This is my hypothesis. Oh I see. I've not I've not spoken to my developer friends, me and Moreau are not like, you know, in cahoots or anything. Because if it's just gonna be another strip mall, they got tons of those already, and they're ugly, and it's like when you eat out, it's gonna be like in Florida, you're eating in the parking lot. We did go to a place, it was like, it wasn't Milton, I think it was in Fairfax, does that make sense? It was a little bit like there's Fairfax yeah it was like JJ's Pizza Place and beyond or something like that there's a Fairfax in a fair something else up to your field Fairfield I think we're in Fairfax I don't know I think so anyway Milton this artist guild definitely recommend it there's a bunch of cool stuff we bought some like prints so yeah and really reasonable prices really reason I told you they were cool You know, they are, it's a cool organization. The people, I didn't meet one of them that wasn't extremely friendly. Because we used to go down to Brandon every now and then to look like, just like, hey, let's buy some art or something, and that was the closest place we knew that you could buy local art. But this is better, and obviously way closer. Better? Really? Milton? Yeah, way better, way bigger, and just like. Oh, you mean like better art, even? Is that what you're saying? That's what I thought you meant. Well, it rotates, so it's hard to say, right? But more selection for sure, you know? Well, in what used to be the market Essex outlets or something like that, they've changed the name. The Essex Experience? Yeah, they now have this really beautiful coffee shop. I mean, it's beautiful. And next to it is a art store and local artists. And they're really, really nice. Yeah, it's really nice. And have you ever noticed when you're going down Williston Road at that weird intersection that has the full belly? Always full. Always full. Across from there, if you ever notice, I think it's called the Vermont Gifts Barn. Yeah, it's got gorgeous stuff in there, too. Oh I thought that's a touristy Kitchy kind of no, no, no Price flannel or something. Oh, no. No. Oh, no. No, it's pretty I mean the last time I haven't been there They had pottery, you know from local artists and I hope I'm wrong, but yeah. No, I've only maybe stopped in two or three times and it's been probably 10 years, so who knows if they've gone down that road, but I doubt it, because it was always a great place to just look for things, very artistry, art, whatever, and artsy, and Vermont-based. Just goes to show you, I noticed kitschy before I noticed arty. I've never been in there. I just had the vibe that it was like. I know what that place is before I even went in there. Alright. Well, the next time you go by, take a better look. 10-4. Doing it. Alright, moving on. Glo, how do you feel about lab-grown meat? Boy, this story is, this started way back. I, I would want to be the first one to eat it. Well, you wouldn't be. I know, because it's just like those tofu dogs and all that other stuff. It was horrible, it was shitty. I'd give it another- There's nothing worse than a tofu dog, is there? It was, it's totally bad. Come on, texture. Yeah. I've never had one, but I can imagine that it's tofu and dog form. Yeah, yeah, pretty much. And just throw a bunch of other nitrates and stuff in there. But, yeah, I'd give it another 25 years before I try it, because I don't think it's going to, it's going to take a long, long, long time. It's going to be those outliers, people who are into co-ops and places like that, to take, which is nowhere in sight in Florida, by the way, but yet in Vermont, we have how many, I don't even know. But yeah, those are the people who are gonna start using, or eating, I should say, this type of meat. But I can't imagine it tasting very good. I mean, can't we just like sauce it up? You know what I mean? Well, it's like tofu, then. You can do whatever you want with tofu. You can make it taste like a meringue pie. And I've done it. I've done it. Like, tofu has its place, right? Like, I think of tofu in, like, Korean dishes, really. But, like, something like this, like some lab-grown chicken, I mean, we put a little adobo and maybe even some barbecue sauce, I think we're good to go, right? It could be texture, though, too. Sometimes it's the texture. They can't get that chewy, you know, biting-into-flesh feeling. The canines have got to come out, you know? These pointy teeth Yeah, so I like to know how they're gonna do that So the reason I brought it up is because there's a new startup called Burlington bio and they are trying to to, I'm not sure how to explain it. There's steps in the process of creating Lab Gourmet, and they're trying to be the leaders of step three. We can really get you there, or something like that. Or maybe it's even step one, I'm not sure what it is, but they're trying to master how to do that. And I just thought it was interesting. Corner of the market on step three. Yeah, step three is where you wanna be. But yeah, it's not step three. If you actually, if you scroll down this giant story, it's a huge, there's a little handy dandy diagram that starts with a beef cow. Oh yeah. And it's like, you can go to the left and start with like, muscle cells of the cow. I wasn't really sure about that. Then the cell culture, then growth on scaffold. So that growth on scaffold piece is I think what this company is working on and then taking it to the meat versus just going right from the cow to the meat. And they're gonna try to make it look as much which is the real meat, because that's what I'm looking at in this little diagram. I think they do address it. They address that, like, you know, there's a certain, they're like, one of the questions in this was like, could we just like get people to eat beans? And one of the researchers is like, that would be ideal. But let's be real. People aren't going to do that. I did. Well, for 20 years. But you're obviously not a normal person. You're not a representative of the actual population. Like, let's all agree on that, right? Yeah, yeah, you're right. So they're trying to figure out what they can do that people actually accept. And the texture and, obviously, the flavor is important. And I guess there's places now in California where you can order lab-grown meat. And it's hard to get reservations, because I guess people are just curious. And they say the chicken tastes like chicken. Does it look like chicken? I don't know, because the picture they're holding up here, I don't know if that's like the end product, like the very first picture? Yeah, at the very beginning? Yeah, that looks like, I don't know what that is. A neck of a wafer. Right, it kind of looks like a piece of clay that hasn't been fired yet or something. Oh gosh, this looks almost like an archeological dig. Or a cookie, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're gonna have to, But unfortunately, we do look at our food and that does have an effect on what we think of it, so. I know, but like, I had Domino's Friday night. You're desperate, huh? I'm saying, well, I have a car. So I'm saying like, I don't know what, I don't know that that was me. You know what I mean? Like that wasn't, like where'd that come from, right? I mean, isn't there like a pink sludge where a lot of ground beef comes from. Do you know what I'm talking about? Pink sludge? Pink sludge, like the pink slime. What? Hold on. I think so. I have no idea what you're talking about. I've never heard of that. Yeah, it's like, it's the very leftovers, right? I think it's the very beginning. Oh, the very beginning, pink slime. Okay, pink slime is a colloquial term for lean, finely textured beef, LFTB. refers to smaller pieces of lean meat that are added to ground beef to produce a leaner product utilizing as much of meat from an animal as possible. The term pink slime was not developed by the food industry. Who was it developed then by? So it's like a, I saw this on like 60 Minutes or something, but yeah, it's like this, these little bits and they kind of grind together. It looks like slime for lack of a better term. It's like all pink slime. And they inject it into this other stuff 2022 or 2012 pink slime is found in 70% of supermarket ground beef Did we all this time That you've bought at this supermarket. They probably been using that stuff. Oh, yeah 100% so I wonder if the farmers the farm stands that we'd like to stop at and buy directly from a farmer. I Wonder if they're up on this pink slime No, I mean, I think they're not. Which is why maybe it tastes better. Yes. I have been duped. I've been eating this pink slime whenever you get it from the supermarket. Yeah. Who knows what the hell else is in there? That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. We don't actually know what we're eating. Well, that's why this ultra homogenized, all this other stuff, most people don't care. I love to see no fat dairy creamer. No fat dairy creamer. Does that make any sense to you? That's an oxymoron. To have a creamer, you need fat. And you need dairy fat. But people get, oh boy, no fat. And yet, they're the fat ones who are buying it. Oops. That's not fat, that's not fat shame. Yeah, is pink slime safe to eat? Probably, yeah. I love the answers, probably. Probably, I love that. Oh, but I think that we can train people. I think I think people are pretty Malleable, you know, I think I go with the I think it's because you're lazy Like people can eat lab-grown meat. Well, yeah, I mean when you think about it though what's happened in Bradenton Florida where we've been for like 11 days There is a chain after chain after chain after chain that's what people eat. So I kept asking because we kept going to the public supermarket which is now pretty much on every corner that to get a key lime pie, right? And I kept asking, don't you have a local bakery? Don't you have a local bakery? Because there is none because that's what everybody in this country is turning into. Oh you go to Publix and it has everything for you. shoelaces down to key lime pie. You know what I mean? It's like, and we're all now gonna be eating this one key lime pie that is just full of shit. Did you ever read the ingredients? It's got like, you know. I don't like to, you know, I don't like bummers, so I don't read those. You know, it's like. I'm gonna eat it no matter what. I don't give a shit. I'm gonna eat it, why don't you just give me some of it? I'm on vacation, I'm gonna eat a, and we did, we ate a pie for like three straight days. We ate three pies for three days. Yeah. It was good, but you know. One of them was a mango key lime pie. It screwed it up. I didn't like it as much. It was a stretch. I'm famously anti-key lime pie. I know you are. I know. I was going to make you one for your birthday. Yeah, and I'll throw it against the fucking wall. I'm surprised you wouldn't throw it at my face. That would even be better, right? That would be insulting to the chef. Yeah, I don't know like people eat shit like it's It's and they look like shit, but it's yeah, it's a combination of like what's there? What's you know like there's no local baker because there's no local, but you know like There's no demand because people didn't grow up the way I did you go to the pork store you go to the butcher for me For cow meat you go for this the fish market Let's go down to the pork store. And the live poultry market. You pick out your chicken in one minute, and the next, it's gone. The head's gone. Feathers, everything. Do you know how many people in this country were kind of raised on Chicken McNuggets and that ilk? Oh, I mean, look. Kids like chicken nuggets. So I don't fault parents. They're like, you know what's easy? chicken nuggets. I get that, but there's balance. There's balance, that's what I'm saying. It can't be only chicken nuggets. You've got to stick a piece of broccoli in there every now and then. Sorry. No problem. I don't. But in my hometown, also in Florida, there's Publix, and there's just chain stuff. It's like, do you want McDonald's, Sonic, Barbie's, Wendy's? Arby's, Denny's. Yeah, we saw it at Arby's. I go, oh. My brother said, eh, it wasn't that good. Or my sister-in-law said that. I don't know what my brother said. Every now and then, I'll eat that stuff. And I'm like, the first couple bites, you're like, oh, this tastes really good. Then when you're done, you're just like, oh. Yuck. Yeah. Pretty much. Yeah. Pretty much. But look at it. But the choices, too. I was watching when everybody was choosing. Here you have this fresh apple salad, right? I mean, that would have been great. Or french fries. Oh, I'll take the french fries. Which one's cheaper? They come with the meal, you have your choice. Oh, gotcha. You know what I mean? Yeah. And then what do people choose in this country? French fries. You have had a french fry up your goddamn kazoo forever and now you still can't try something different. We had the apple slaw. Only because of me. I said... I said... French fries? You got a choice between something... What was this? Huh? Was this the flight? This is a restaurant we went to. A really nice restaurant. Yeah, it's called O... O'Bricks. It's very good. It's owned by a guy that I used to work for years ago. Straight guy, he was a great restaurant manager. And now he's a great owner, so good for him. All right, one final story before the break. Vermont newspaper has, this is the White River Valley Herald. Long name, don't love it. They have started using AI to write their stories. I don't think. Oh man, this is stuff you've been talking about. Yes, I don't think this would fly at the middle sex occasional. So what he's doing is he's taking like. It might have. No, no, I'm just trying to say maybe a little bit. I think it might have. It could have helped, yeah. She's probably hated writing every story she wrote. You and your Vietnamese slave could couple something together. So what he's doing is he's basically just like going online and getting like the minutes of the meeting and putting him in the chat GPT and saying like, write a news story based on this. It's like, okay, boom. And he's just, seems like he's not editing it at all, which is on him, but. But he's the only one that's doing it. Yeah. The other ones are. There's only one newspaper reporter in this whole newspaper? Well, I think it's a middle sex occasional situation where he's the reporter, editor in chief, Copywriter, you can't be everywhere and paper delivery girl. He just can't be everywhere I don't I don't think this is that big of a deal for this specific use This is not hard-hitting news. Well, I mean I Doubt it if something happens, I don't know what the stories are with the stories of stories like like, you know They sometimes make stuff up so they might be like, you know So, Dick Sears slapped a woman at the meeting, or something like that, or whatever, but. It could be a kiss on the cheek. It could be a kiss. A smack, gave her a smack. Right, right. But I think that it is really just kind of like just taking the facts that's given and putting them in sentence form. I don't know, like, also like, why not just link the minutes or something? I don't just. That should be the easiest thing to do, right? Well, it's a newspaper. So you have people have like type in the URL people don't like typing in URLs And he'd have to type type it he would How many breeders does he have? How do you know that? I don't know Is this something you need to pay in order to read his stuff? Oh to read his stuff. Yeah to do the yell You know subscribe as a paywall. I Don't think so I mean Hey, his website looks better than the Burlington Free Press and the St. Albans Messenger. Oh, my God. They're both so bad. He loves dogs. Does he? He's got this big one. Sadie. Sadie. Yeah, I don't know. It just seems like for limited use, kind of on board with it. It doesn't bother me that much. I think it would have its function, you know? I mean, how are any of these newspapers going to do this in the future? There are not going to be newspapers. You know, I mean, how many journalism students now? I mean, you know, that was your future. Yeah, my past. Your past. But see, how many people are going for the journalism now? Newspapers are dying all over. I can't see you with a microphone, sticking it into someone's face in order to get the news and all that, like we always see on these shows. How could you do that? I didn't want to be a TV reporter, I wanted to be a newspaper reporter, so hopefully I wouldn't be holding a microphone, I'd be holding a recorder and putting it down on a desk and saying, can we talk? Oh, okay. That kind of reporter. Yeah, old school. So seven days uses something called otter dot AI which is Which I looked into for our show, but it's too expensive You like you can record something like a conversation and then upload it they will transcribe it like automatically Wow, but but I have another way to do that for free for our show for our transcripts Oh It's just that the paid service is probably quicker and easier to use. Mine involves a little bit of like... Illegal activity? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're illegal, I don't like that term. I don't like that term. Let's just say that we're navigating the gray areas. Never admit to a crime. Never admit to a crime. All right, y'all ready for a break? Yeah, we're meandering. All right, the music is from Remy Russin. The song is A Second Pass. Thanks for joining us.♪♪Oh, you, oh you, you got to go♪I don't want to throw you down I read it in a magazine I've got to stay here with you♪All right, we're back and it's time for America's favorite segment where we run down the gutter trash in Vermont. Oh man, that's a good one. gutter trash, gutter snipes. Oh, you're looking at me? Matt, it's time for the scumbag map. One, two, three, four. Our scumbag map finds us in Burlington. Yeah, right here in our yard. Was it here? Well, it happened in a run. Well, yeah. Oh, it happened in a run? Oh, that story, OK. OK, so yeah, Matt, this is a complicated story. It's a it spans the entire state essentially Yeah, this guy could have a movie made out of you know. He looks like he has a dent in his head Well, they say that the police apprehended him, but they didn't say how they did it Very large forceps when he was a baby and couldn't get out of the birth canal Yeah, he stole a Vermont State Police vehicle cruiser and a patrol rifle. That's a big deal. If you're going to steal a car at 2.30 in the morning, I would say don't... I mean, there's lots of options, right? Yeah. Unless this thing was just running and the cop was in a convenience store or something grabbing a snack or coffee or something. I mean, why that? Like, it just adds that extra layer of punishment, right? Yeah, it was stolen between 2 a.m. and 4.40 a.m. The cop should definitely know exactly when that was taken. Right. Unless it was taken from his residence and he just parks it there. But if he's on the job, how do you not know? Yeah, I mean, yeah, where was this? Was it at his home? Well, I don't know how it is here, but like, where I'm from, Like there were some cops in my neighborhood and you would see their car parked their cop car parked at their house Is that how it is in Vermont? Like did the cops take their cars home? Hmm. I don't know about the Vermont State Police. Is that what this guy is? Yeah. Okay, I think Yeah, Vermont State Police cruiser so I Can't remember if I've ever seen I guess maybe I have So he did that in Rutledge and then they found him on Cherry Street in downtown Burlington and he had to be subdued by troopers. State police did not describe the manner in which he was subdued. The gashes on his head makes me think the manner was not a polite one. Where did they find the car? Was it? Doesn't even say. The cruiser had been, okay, yeah, okay, here we go. The cruiser had been parked outside a residence in Rutland City when it was stolen. So maybe it was a cop's residence, maybe the cop was dilly-dallying, a little midnight loving? Midnight at the Oasis? Perhaps. They found the car, right? But they did not find the gun, if I understand this correctly. Right. Well, yeah, the rifle remains missing. That'll be cool when that shows up in a shooting. Sold that. Yep. Hey, man, you want to buy a cop's rifle? No. Yes. All right, Rutland, big drug bust, big cocaine drug bust, right? Yep. Yes, if you're looking for cocaine in Rutland this weekend, good luck. There's a dearth of cocaine. Well, they just busted a cocaine dealer, so I'm guessing that there's a lot of people who are a little bit less confident and a little bit less annoying right now. Oh, I wish this came with a picture of this guy. Boy That's what made the whole story was a picture of this guy Anyways, this this takes place a lot in Rutland these heavy drug busts Do they take place in Burlington? Hmm. Yeah, it seems like it's a Massachusetts problem and Rutland is just closer That's my vibe. Yeah But they're here in Burlington and there's all sorts of, that's where all these, I mean, there was a shooting the other morning, downtown again. What morning? Tuesday or something. It was like Tuesday, something like that. Are they up that early? Like, they're still up that late, I don't know. Yeah, I think that's a late, it's, they're working overtime. It's a late morning shooting. Yeah, yeah. So it was, you know, around 8.30 or something. Wow. Downtown. So now we're talking daylight. Well, there have been several in daylight now. Really? Yeah. Yeah, if you paid attention to this part of the show, you'd be fucking outrageous. You think you want to sell them now? You should pay attention to this part of the show. Yeah, this town is not as cool as it used to be. So yeah, big cocaine bust on 308 West Street. Five counts of selling cocaine, as if one wasn't enough. Ed, I guess informants had been buying there a lot. Four month investigation. Don't you know after two? You gotta know. Why keep it going? Or informants, or keep buying cocaine for this guy. Well, I don't know, do they space out the buys to make the drug dealer think, well, I don't know. Police say the timing of the raid was due in part to a Vermont State Police investigation into the theft of a cruiser and a patrol rifle. So, I guess these are all connected. It's a dirty game down there in Rutland. It's a dirty game. We always speak highly of Rutland. Poor thing. We like the mayor, right? Yeah, we love the mayor. Yeah? Yeah, I like the mayor of Rutland. I can't tell you his name, but he seems to be doing okay. Yeah. He's made some good decisions down there. There's just so much crime there. I mean, there's so much crime here. We should talk. Well, no, I'm saying we have enough for our own. Well, you know, it does start small. And then? It just gets worse. It does. I didn't think you were gonna say it starts small and gets smaller. It always gets worse. No, yeah. If only neighbors rallied, but we don't have neighbors. We need vigilante justice. You know, I may have saved the iron bound. The what? The place I grew up in the part of Newark is called the iron bound, the iron bound. My friends sounds like a game of thrones territory. Well, it was kind of like it actually. And not that I've seen this show, but, um, it's exactly like this thing that I've never seen, but I'll compare it to anyway. Now you're talking about after the riot or during the right during the riots, my Italian friends tell me they're whatever fathers, grandfathers, uncles, cousins, everybody was along the New Jersey Railroad Avenue Street, which is just this little tiny road along the wall of Penn Station, which is like this continuous, it's it's actually kind of a wonder of the world how it continues to not fall apart, but it stays up there. It's this big wall built of these massive square stones and that's where the train goes over. So it's called the Ironbound because there's other trains also around it. Meanwhile, back in Vermont. Back in Browborough, a 43-year-old man with a criminal history was arrested for attempting to steal coins, jewelry. An apple cider. There you go. Now you're in. So this guy was, he broke into a couple of different apartments in the same building. Right, in the middle of the day. Yeah, he's just rummaging through stuff and just had a knife with him. And one of the residents confronted him and he screamed and ran. He was like, ah. It's like, you have the knife, buddy. And so apparently he can like face up to life in prison because of his previous charges. Shocker, this guy is not his first rodeo. This story includes the most detailed police report I've ever read. This is from the officer. Couture muscled his left arm forward and pulled my arm toward his face and attempted to bite my left arm. I felt Couture's teeth rub against my left forearm, but he was not able to succeed in biting me. In fear that Couture was going to break away from me while attempting to throw me off, I forward-rammed him into the metal wall on the side of the alley, and then the waist-level concrete barrier on the other. Couture stated that I had broken his ribs, and I'm going to stick you, which I believe meant he was going to stab me with a knife. In fear that he was going to pull out a knife, I deployed a second taser cartridge. He grabbed my holstered pistol and attempted to unholster it. I commanded Couture to stop grabbing my gun, but he continued to grab it. In fear that he would remove my pistol from the holster and shoot me, I struck Couture in the head with my right fist. So this is all your own creativity after that last quotation mark. No, this is all from the report. Oh, this is everything. Oh, I just read it along with him. This officer is fucking Hemingway. This is Nick Adams, like telling me what's happening in this like blow for blow situation. Like, oh my gosh, I didn't scroll down. It does sound very pulpish. Yeah, this guy's awesome. Who is this officer? You should write romance novels. Yeah, Cody Johnson. Yeah, Cody Johnson. Pick up a typewriter, my dude. Or maybe you're bored as hell on the late shift and you're just like, you know what? I'm gonna make this one really sing. No, yeah, this one's very Hemingway. Yeah, it's great. It's funny. This guy is in the wrong job. Yeah, Cody Johnson Think about a career change or do both. All right moving on double trouble We're staying in Brattleboro. I believe yep local twin brothers are in trouble with the law one for armed robberies of Gas stations and the other for dealing hard drugs on the streets of the Green Monster parents of the year No, they only have one picture, but I guess they're twins so Doesn't matter. Sorry guys, I can't draw you. I don't think they're identical twins. You're right, they are not and they look very different. Yeah. I just saw one. Sometimes it pays to scroll down. I have to subscribe now for 99 cents. Yeah. Hit the paywall, honey. I did. How did that happen? You've been reading too many Brattleboro Reformers stories. Hey, the only time is during this podcast. So I haven't well, I guess I'd still overdone it if you copy the link and go to an incognito window So the one brother Stephen hallway. Okay, Jonathan Hallway was arraigned in Windham Superior Court criminal division on charges for the August robberies of Sunoco stations on Putney Road and Canal Street and And his brother, Stephen Hallway, who was allegedly dealing drugs out of his apartment at 330 Oak Street, was one of five people arrested for the distribution of fentanyl and crack cocaine. Do you think these brothers argue? Do you think one guy is like, you think Stephen's like, goddammit, Jonathan, how could you even go and rob people? That's so, how could you do that? Those are innocent people. So unethical. Are you eating John that's like Steven you're you're dealing fentanyl people are dying like do you think like they have like this internal bro beef? Unbelievable Moving on double trouble. I mean, yeah, they just say like proud parents not often your your boys get arrested the same week Well, I finally figured that incognito thing. Did you get it? Yeah, that's only world now Moving on, Montpelier man arrested on two hour long man hunt. I love the picture. I thought you were gonna say meter, car parking meter. Yes, the two hour parking meter, they got him. They got him. Kyle Pickett, 20 at Montpelier. Oh no, no, I'm sorry, wrong person. So police responded to Kyle Pickett, yelling and screaming near the Billings Mobile Station, Waterbury and Stowe Road. So this guy's just yelling and screaming, and then they roll up and they find... Hell, it's the same guy. Oh, he's the same guy. I thought someone had found him. No. What, did he have a mental break? Was he yelling and screaming? Yeah, he had a little breakdown, and he took off, and they found him in the river, about two hours later. Just waiting? What was he doing? Waiting? Waiting. Dean. But it doesn't say. It says police found Pickett two hours later in the Winooski River behind the Daskum Row Field two miles away from the gas station. So he just jumped in the river and just floated? I have no idea. We don't know. That river's got to be cold. I would imagine. I'm not gonna jump in. No. Well, I mean, I wouldn't jump. The police were chasing you, right? Yeah, you got a point there. Do you think this is the runoff effect of that one badass vigilante? Now everyone thinks they're gonna evade the cops and do some Rambo shit and jump in the water and grab a helicopter and ride a scooter. Copycat. Yeah. I'd like to see the helicopter. Yeah, that's not gonna happen. I don't know if that other guy gets out who knows helicopters next on his list He already did like yacht or not. Yeah, but like a sailboat. Yeah. Oh, is this the guy who's so the bicycle? You know why I end up in the river when you don't really have to be yeah Yeah, the river is not where you want. Yeah, they caught. Yeah, they caught that other guy floating down One of the rivers, I don't know. Oh, jeez This next one, Colchester woman falsely claims she was working with federal law enforcement during a traffic stop when police found her with fentanyl, crack cocaine, and two handcuffs. So she's like, no, I'm one of you. I'm one of you, actually. I'm on the inside. Melinda. Melinda Morgan. You ever met a good Melinda? No. No. I never met a Melinda in my life. And Dale Taylor, both of Mallet's Bay. They had 1,100 bags of fentanyl and an undisclosed amount of crack cocaine. It wasn't just like a smattering of crack cocaine. Yeah, right. They had 1,100 bags. How many dead kids is that? Not enough. Jesus. Whoa. I'm sorry. Not enough? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. OK. Whoa. They're going to take that out, right? No. It's going to be hard to take it out. I think you don't understand. I think I said how many dead kids is that? like kids who die from fentanyl. He said, not enough, I think that's not what you meant to say. No, you meant the users. Yeah, you're talking about like the dealers. The dealers and the users. I meant like the innocent kids who like, you know, they're buying heroin, but they're getting fentanyl. Okay. Not walking it back. All right. What are you using? Grew up in Newark, New Jersey. The Iron Bound, the Iron Bound code, the code of the Iron Bound. I did not read this so I don't know what you put on here for just that oh I just put that for seriously we've talked about her before she was says she was acting at the direction of federal law enforcement this was not true she had a handgun in her purse and another firearm in the glove box that is a true that is true Vermonter. They can check pretty quickly if somebody's working for the cops, right? I think probably when they're slurring their speech and reaching for a gun you probably know that they're not on the payroll. Alright, last story of the week. Glow Catland Vintage is closing in Winooski. Yeah, I know No That used to be the shoe cobbler, yeah, and there's lady took it over from Canada And she was like, you know what? Just cats. Yeah, no dogs. No hamsters. No snakes. There's not enough people who want just cats So this is a very short story, but reading it. It seems like it's her decision to close For what reason? She's relocating back to Montreal. Oh no, just Canada, sorry. I made up the Montreal part, just Canada, so who knows, parts unknown in Canada. But she has no plans to open up a Cat Land in Canada. She's done with the cats. Well, she says, she's saying goodbye to this chapter in her life. She's getting removed back to Canada, and the store's closing Sunday at three, but McCaskill's willing to stay As long as people are coming and taking the cat antiques home So if we went right now You'd make out huh? Yeah, if you if I whatever is left over This will not be posted until the source closed If you were somehow able to get there earlier today You could probably get some pretty cheap cat statues Yeah, pretty tough place to have a business there. Yeah, especially a business that This is kind of head scratchy. I would definitely want the peddler back before I have her. You want what? Oh, not the peddler. The cobbler? Cobbler. The mercenary cobbler? No, that's the one in Five Corners. That's the one in Williston. Come on, get your cobbler straight. I mean, no, this is the one that was in Winooski for the longest time. He had all this machinery, all this beautiful machinery. and Yeah, he had to go out of business because nobody repairs their shoes. They just buy new shit. Well And then she moved him and she sold a couple cat statues Decided nobody wants a shit. Well, no, you're you're you're Editorializing right now according to this story. She just decided she's closing this chapter. Hmm. We don't know why she's leaving This could be a million reasons. Is what? It could be a million reasons she's going back to Montreal. Maybe she's taking a Canadian lover. Or maybe. That's a wistful sigh for a Canadian lover? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Are we still recording? We are, I just, we're about to die. Oh, man. This is recording, this was just for reading, but it's about to die. Matt's yawning, so he's done. No, I'm, this is fun. We do have electricity, you know. You could always plug. Yeah, but I mean, that was the last story. Like, there's nothing else I need this for. We're still recording, but like, I mean, got something on your mind? We can talk. No, no, no, it's just, you know, I'm sad she's closing up. Yeah, I mean, did you know her personally? On a personal level? No, never walked in. Oh, I didn't know that's why. I did with the cobbler. Did you? I Preferred it when this was a cobbler I mean I do I have a hard time with change Yes, I have extremely hard time with change and it's You know cuz I don't see Some things are good But a lot of things are bad as I mean that whole anti-abortion crap I'm still whoa. I can't believe we're still talking about this The cobbler did this? What are we talking about here? I mean, I don't know. I missed the jump there. It's just as... You went from like... Bing bang boom! You went from like, I wish there was a still place to get my shoes repaired to these pro-life fucking morons are driving me crazy. Damn it, if I want an abortion, I should have it. Look, you're not getting an argument here. No, there's no argument on this side of the law. I know, I know. Not that I could get an abortion. Yeah? Too old for that. Thank God. What are we doing? I don't know. Peace. Bye. Bye bye. and hope you will be flown. This of course is a situation we hope never comes to pass. If this necessarily becomes a reality, however, only the president will have the access to this button. This button is the most dangerous button in the world. You mean this button? What have you done? Oh, I'm sorry.