Vermont Catch-up (Ketchup)

162: A Salute to Pilots, No Tombstone Required, and Myers Mermel Stops By

Vermont Catch-up

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On this week’s show:

  • Happy Poetry Day
  • The Cookie Thief by Valerie Cox 
  • Series of bomb threats appear to be a hoax
  • Leaf peepers outta control - trespassing tourist leads to closure
  • 1 year in, has Vermont’s legal cannabis marketplace met expectations?
  • BETA unveils its electric aircraft production facility in South Burlington 
  • Vacation rentals a huge portion of Stowe housing stock
  • Vermont State University president recommends cutting 10 programs
  • Judge refuses to dismiss Franklin County sheriff assault case
  • Vermont’s first conservation cemetery 
  • Improperly imprisoned man’s case thrown out
  • School employee exonerated of abusing autistic kid
  • Vermont kids don’t read good
  • Vt State Police want to know “How was your traffic stop?”

(1:05:00) Break music: Cady Ternity - That’s What You Think 

  • The Big Buzz Chainsaw Festival
  • Bennington Police Department arrests Kerry Raheb on multiple charges
  • Ethan Allen Institute suspiciously fires Myers Mermel 
  • SoBu Pizza Hut rehab hits a snag
  • Businessman & Notorious Drug Dealer Catches Another Break 
  • Milton residents raise objections as town pulls funding for local arts guild
  • Lambert censured by Bellows Falls Union High School Board
  • Plattsburgh Man Banned From Ferry for 'Disrespectful' Email
  • Sheriff investigates swastika drawn with carrot in Putney 
  • Strafford residents step up to fill gaps in social safety net 

(1:53:52) Break music:  Aresty - Emma 

Scumbag Map

  •  Ex-Brattleboro office banned from law enforcement
  •  Kids bring stolen gun to school
  •  Attempted robbery in Marshfield
  •  Men arrested with drugs in an empty apartment
  • 7th person sentenced in 2019 Burlington Murder
  •  Suspect in Burlington gunfire incident pleads not guilty to charges 
  •  Montpelier man accused of throwing knife toward family member 
  •  Scumbag in the air - stalking via plane
  •  Bats in Converse Hall frustrate UVM students
  •  Every state’s favor ite curse word

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Outro Music by B-Complex

Welcome to Vermont ketchup with Matt. I'm Matt glow. I'm glow. I'm Adam. We're weekly rundown of everything happening in the Green Mountain State Happy National Poetry Day All right Nice. Yeah. Yeah Okay, not much reaction for poetry I'll just oh I like poetry yeah, yeah, who's your favorite poet John Lennon Rumi. Rumi? Rumi? Yeah, he was a Sufi back in the 1300s or something. I paid you for a Rumi guy. I like Robert Bly too. Oh, I was just gonna say that. Robert Bly? Yeah. What's his famous one? He doesn't have any famous ones, I just like his poetry. I've read his books, I have some of his books. Yeah. He's really good. It's The Little Human. The Little Book of the Human Shadow. Something like that, yeah. He gives I saw actually saw him in Berkeley. It's like a motivational speaker He was he was at the forefront of like men's groups in the 90s Okay, you know trying to get men to grow up a little bit But I think he failed I think he did but anyway, he's a very interesting guy. He's got a you know And he's the one I introduced me to roomie, you know reading. Yeah, he loves roomies. So Anyways, how about you? Oh, I mean, I like a lot of the modern stuff like the beatniks and she like that Brodigan, Bukowski, James Carver, like kind of like the dark stuff that's very simple and basic. And then like, you know, old stuff, like, yeah, hard to go wrong with a- Little Wadsworth? Well, no, like little Emily Diggins, you know? She can stitch together a couple words in a pretty cool way. Not bad for a broad. What about you, Hank? Especially back then? Me? No, I'm not a poetry type person, but- Peter Gabriel. That's poetry? Well it's a song. Okay, alright. I'll take it. So just to give everyone some context, Matt is fresh off a root canal, like minutes off a root canal. Right. So I'm not doing real well right now. I'm not in pain, I just feel like I'm gonna sleep. Did they numb you up? Oh yeah, they numbed me up a few times because at first I didn't take it, give me some more and but it was just such an uncommon two hours in the chair and I'm just like it's stuffed in my mouth and it was just I was gagging they were they kept doing these x-rays and you know that it's just awful. Is it a thing like they prop open your mouth you have to bite down? Yeah yeah yeah yeah. How is dental x-ray technology not surpassed that? It's just crazy and I got these things at the bottom of my mouth they're like gross there I'm not They're like calcium, you know, so they're in a way. And they put those things and it hurts like hell. It does, it does. Yeah, that's hard plastic. Yeah, it's hard plastic. Why can't they make a silicone? I don't know, it seems like every dentist has never been to the dentist. It's like they don't understand the actual experience. Then I had to listen to the dentist and his assistant. So, what are the kids dressing up like Halloween for, you know? Oh, they're talking to each other? Yeah, they're talking to each other. And he's stopping to make a point, you know, it's like, oh my gosh. That's when you just like wave your arms. I demand silence. You know, I think you should switch to my dentist. I rave about this guy. Maybe I will. I think I'm about ready. But yeah, I mean, that was, and then when I first got in, the music was so loud. And it was bad 80s, you know, I love 80s music. A lot of like the bad parts of Genesis. Yeah, not even... I like Genesis, but some of these other, it's just awful. I finally said to her, could you... Take these broken wings and let them fly again. I said, can you turn that down? She goes, oh yeah, I was wondering why I was getting upset. I said, yeah, that music's really loud. She was getting upset or you were getting upset? She said she was feeling uncomfortable and she didn't realize it was the music. What? That's what she said. Who the hell turned it on? You did. It sucks. Nothing good came out of the 80s except my friend Adam. There's only two people in this room and I've never touched the radio. So who's controlling this thing? Yeah. Okay, anyway. Alright, that's all over. Back to poetry. Yeah, so Matt, straight off the root canal, I think Glo has a poem for us. Yes, this is from those Chicken Soup for the Soul series. And it was really early on. and I think it may have only been like the third book. Oh, there's more than one. We're really going back. This is like back when Chicken Soup for the Soul was still indie before they went mainstream. Yes, yeah. So this is like when just like a couple of, you had to like know someone to get a copy of these books. I don't remember having to do that, but. Did I miss a joke? No, there was no joke. But anyway, I really like this one. So in the post, I can put some music underneath here. What kind of music would you like for your poetry reading? None. None? Yeah, silence. I mean, if you wanna like. What about like a tsh, tsh, tsh, tsh, tsh, tsh, tsh, tsh? No, that's not, yeah. Okay, silence. Okay, can we start now? I've been waiting for you. Okay, the title is The Cookie Thief. And it's from page 199 to 200, and it's written by Valerie Cox, The Cookie Thief. A woman was waiting at an airport one night with several long hours before her flight. She hunted for a book in the airport shop, bought a bag of cookies, and found a place to drop. She was engrossed in her book, but happened to see that the man beside her, as bold as could be, grabbed a cookie or two from the bag between, which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene. She read, munched cookies, and watched the clock as the gutsy cookie thief diminished her stock. She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by, thinking if I wasn't so nice I'd blacken his eye. With each cookie she took, he took one too. When only one was left, she wondered what he'd With a smile on his face and a nervous laugh, he took the last cookie and broke it in half. He offered her half as he ate the other. She snatched it from him and thought, oh brother, this guy has some nerve and he's also rude, why he didn't even show any gratitude. She had never known when she had been so galled and sighed with relief when her flight was called. She gathered her belongings and headed for the gate, refusing to look back at the thieving ingrate. She boarded the plane and sank in her seat, then sought her book, which was almost complete. As she reached in her bag, she gasped with surprise. There was her bag of cookies in front of her eyes. If mine are here, she moaned with despair. Then the others were his, and he tried to share. Too late to apologize, she realized with grief that she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief. And it's called a matter, I mean it's in a section called A Matter of Perspective. So, are you the cookie thief? Why did you pick this, what speaks to you? Like what is? Oh, that, because I'm like that. Where I'll right away blame that other person, right? I mean, they have to be in the wrong. I can't be me. So that's what speaks to me, because there at the very end, that twist is like, oh, he was being nice and I was being the dick. You know what I mean? And here, I'm eating his stuff, and you know what I mean? Yeah, it's like a real Hitchcock twist at the end there. I loved it. I still do. I mean, I kept it all these years. I liked it. That's good. Yeah. Yeah, I Don't they say it poetry readings Bravo Alright any other poetry thoughts No, Rumi cookie thief ready to go. Yep All right moving on. So we're getting to some Vermont stuff Vermont State Police say series of bomb threats appears to be a hoax. How did they realize that when nothing went off? I mean, appears is a pretty important word in that sentence. They're like, so far, there's been no bombs. Have you all been affected by this at all? Like UVM got a bomb threat, I think the hospital probably did, bunch of schools. Really? Yeah. When did this happen? Like all last week, last couple weeks. Oh wow. No, we haven't had any. Nobody's called us. I wonder what triggered it. I wonder what made someone suddenly go, okay, now I can't take it anymore. You know what I mean? Or is it kids? Oh, yeah, but why? Oh yeah, what's that called? We've talked about it. There's actually a name for it and it's proven to be deadly because. Oh, swatting? Swatting. Oh, that's different. It's a little bit different. Yeah, it is. Swatting is like when you call the cops and say someone, they have a bunch of kids locked up in their basement and the cops kick in the door and start shooting people and... Yeah, but isn't this the same thing? No, no, this is just somebody calling in a bomb threat to the hospital or something. Oh, I see. He's threatening... Yeah, yeah. They say, there's a bomb in the school and then they have to evacuate the whole school and kids go walk outside and the bomb squad has to come and then the bell rings, they all walk back inside. This happened all the time when I was in high school. Like, all the time. Are you serious? Yeah, a couple times a week this happened. Oh my gosh. We never ever had that. We had one. Yeah. I knew the kid that did it. Was he off? Yeah, he was brilliant. He was really smart. In fact, the way he did it, he tapped into the principal's phone and that ain't called. What? So he's a direct line to the principal? Yeah. What was he, like the switchboard? Like wires and all? I don't I don't know how he did it, but that was the story. He was just odd. Just didn't want to go to gym class that day or something? I don't know, he disappeared at some point in... Not disappeared, murdered, his parents put him somewhere. Oh, okay. Because he wasn't doing very well. Gotcha. So smart, but not socially smart. Right. What we would call on the spectrum. But then, years later, Oh, yeah, and years later. I ran into him at the community college. He was going to school there. Hmm Yeah, yeah Yeah, he was Yeah, I had a thing for the lost in space the television show. Yeah what Okay, but like Star Trek is clearly an option and you're choosing lost in space right now. What is that? Yeah, what is that? But I wonder there's any um businesses around Vermont that are that Because of these hoaxes or lack of hoaxes. They just realize like they're not important Like, oh, we didn't get a bomb threat? I thought we were on the map. I guess we haven't made it yet. I'd be going, thank you. But, yep, just a hoax. We'll see. We'll know if an institution blows up, I guess. Knock on wood. Did we move this story or is it still here? Which one? The leaf peepers. Yeah, I got it. Okay, yeah. Hello. If I say leaf peeper, What's your what's your reaction? Oh people come up here to see you to change the colors of autumn. That's a definition not a reaction. Oh What's yeah, um Neutral, okay. Yeah, I don't care. I thought you'd like him because they slow traffic down. Oh Okay, then in that case, I love them. You have the pro-keeper? They're important to the economy of this state. That's, you know, but yeah, but they can be such dicks. Well, I think because of social media, they're just getting emboldened. Right, right. Because they got to get like the perfect shot. Right. And they're like trespassing on people's property. Like in the story, they're like, this is about Jen Farm, Jenny Farm. Is that something you all know about? I don't know. J-E-N-N-E? and reading, so apparently there's this picturesque place and it's so nice, people pull over and they take photos there, but now people are walking onto the property, like walking onto people's driveways. They're just like. Parking on a lawn. Yeah, it's almost like nothing, as I'm taking a photo, the whole world doesn't exist, you know what I mean? It's just crazy. That takes some gall, you know? I don't go that far. Now they're closing the roads. So these neighborhoods are like shutting down. They're like, we don't want you. Go find somewhere else. Yeah, there's plenty of other places. It's called Overlooks and things like that. Yeah, all the leaves are gonna be gone after this weekend anyways. God, that sucks. I know, it does. We're gonna miss it. This was the weekend I was gonna go out and look, but it was gonna be rainy all weekend. I drove down to Barry yesterday. For what? I had a meeting down there. but from Richmond South it was all fog. Couldn't see anything anyways. But on the way back, you know, there was some nice bright spots but not a lot of reds this year. You know, from up in Barry and places like that. God, it's been so weird. Like, wet summer, hot fall, no leaves. Yeah. But there's supposed to be nasty weather Saturday and you know, wind was blowing pretty good today. Was it? Oh yeah, yeah, it was like a dust bulb out there. All right, well, they need to harness these leaf peepers. Can't lie, leaf peepers, calm down, just calm down. There's plenty of places, plenty of places. We're celebrating our one year anniversary of the Vermont cannabis market. And it's healthy. Yeah, I was surprised how much money it's brought in. Yeah, there's a lot. It was, sales were $67 million.$67 million in sales, bringing in $9.4 million in taxes. They expect it to go to 120 million. It's created 700 jobs, which is good too. You know? So, okay, so they're expecting the sales to almost double when the industry is fully matured, when the market's fully matured. So how many more wheat shops? We have 70 wheat shops in the state. Which, I don't know if that's a lot or a little. I think they're mostly concentrated in this area, though. I think. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. Because some towns, they're not allowed. Really? Oh yeah, some towns voted against it. They were allowed to do that. Even even in Colorado some towns don't allow yeah the sale of weed like Colorado Springs doesn't yeah for some reason They don't want that riff-raff How far is it to the next town That's it. I mean, that's great. Yeah, you know, but I was not surprised, you know Just reading stories in general about it. There's weird weird weed shops In really small towns, you know But I think the market will kind of sort itself out. There's probably, some of them will last. And other people will take their place or the others will just get bigger and branch out. Yeah, I'm guessing not all 70 of these businesses are run by business geniuses, right? Right. There'll be a couple that just poor management. And if you have three or four of them within a few blocks of each other, That's, you know, sure it's the largest city, but what are you gonna do in January? There's gonna be nobody down there. So, well, they're doing all right. And I guess they survived the wet weather, the storm. Pretty good. So, their crops didn't get ruined. Weed is pretty sturdy. I mean, it grows like a weed, right? It's a pretty hard to kill crop. If you, if, no. Okay. Well, maybe, I don't know. Yeah, but I Yeah, I don't I don't think that's true I think there's a lot of things that affected bugs and stuff like that But the story I watched it on channel 3 the one with this They were at this guy's where he grows it and he's been growing it for years He's ahead of the time. He used to grow it in California. Yeah, so he's got all this He's got like, you know 60 different kinds and stuff and he's out there smoking a joint while he's talking to the reporter. He just lights up. Does he sound like the way I think he sounds? Yeah. But he had a pretty impressive operation. Did it make you want to go visit his farm? Or store? Yeah, he just grows for other people. That's probably where the money is, right? Yeah, you want to be the first guy. Yeah. You know, the first, not guy, but first person to handle it. You know, You set a price, then you got the middlemen, who are the stores, and then the consumer. This story says this industry has created 700 jobs. So we got the growers, and the growers, the farm owners, they're probably making a good living. The farmers, I'm guessing migrant workers, are probably not making such a great living. What do you think you're taking home if you've got like a middle of the road weed business in Burlington? What do you think you're like after, like your profit at the end of the year? You paid your employers, you paid your overhead, your rent, your products, all that stuff. Taxes? I have no idea. I mean, I don't either. You know, if you're enjoying your job, like the guy that we met down in Northampton, Nobody's ever going to drag him out of the store. It doesn't matter how much he makes. That guy was having fun. He's got a cot in the back. He was loving it. But do they have migrant workers working on these farms? I don't know. I thought it was just a bunch of bros out there for the most part. Just chiefing away. Well, doing all the work. You know. These bunch of bros? I don't know. I just assume because it's... I don't know. And if it's hard work, I assume Americans don't want to do it, so. I don't know. I mean, planting a seed and watering it, it's not that hard. Well, you just... Yeah, but we just said... It's a pretty reductive view of farming. But then you got to go out and hack it, you got to hang it, you got to cut it, and all that stuff. So you're right. The bugs are there, like... Yeah, yeah. Okay, you're right. You're right. I mean, that would be interesting to know if they were using farm workers. And if they are... migrant environment. I would hope that they're like learning, you know? Right. Like so like, hey, get your green card and you get your green card. Right. You can get your green card, you know what I mean? You could do your own because minorities have a better shot at getting a license. And I'm just saying, like if I have the option, I'm gonna buy my weeds from a farm from some California bro or some like Colombian. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Some guy like, I don't know. Acapulco gold or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lean into the stereotype. Yeah. Well, they're doing okay. You know, they have a, what is it? It's a 20% tax on this? I buy it at the dispensary. I don't have to pay taxes. There is a crazy tax on it, I don't know what it is. When people are paying 20% premium for retail cannabis, that's, this is our buddy Pepper, he was interviewed in this. You know, they're thinking maybe they would drop the tax a little bit, I think, that's really, yeah. Or they're at the point where they can't go any higher. And that's so funny, like, what was it, two years ago, the state's like, I don't know, this is gonna really drive up traffic accidents, and who knows, like, the whole world's gonna go to hell, and now they're like, ah, maybe we can lower the taxes on this thing, because it's so successful. It's just so, you know. Yeah, it's almost like they had uninformed decisions before they actually did it. Yeah. Drives me crazy. All right, well, kudos to all the growers in the weed business. But not cotton. and the, what's his name, the guy in charge of the whole thing? Oh, what is his name? I don't know, it was in that story, I just. Pepper. Pepper, oh. No, Pepper. I'm kidding. Oh, yeah, Pepper, I don't know, like, yeah. Yeah, I mean, apparently he's doing a good job, I guess so. They had a little bumpy road as far as the initial applications go, but. It seems like they figured it out. No, apparently they are doing well. Well, a lot better than some of them down there in Montpelier, that we won't name. But I can't believe that's his full-time job is just like This hope they make 100 grand. I think over that he makes like 120. Yeah I'm doing 420 grand. Would you do for a year? You're pretty good for a while, right? Alright moving on speaking of flying high Segway very good. Did everyone in the audience hear how it pains Gloria to give me a compliment? She had to struggle for the right words and she settled on good. She doesn't go around the compliments very much. All right so Beta unveils its electric aircraft production facility in South Burlington. 188,000 square foot. Sounds big. I have no mental... how big is that? Like what can it compared to, how many Walmarts is that? Oh yeah, that's a good way to put it, yeah. Like I have no idea. Well that photo gives you an idea, right? Because you see all these people and they look like little pinheads. Well they probably are. They are pinheads. But there's an airplane in the middle and there's still plenty of room. That's a tiny airplane. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so go ahead Matt. No, I just say I have no idea either, you know, how big that is. But it sounds huge. Yeah, and where is it? It's in South Burlington? Like where? I think it's over by the airport. Okay. I think it's... That wouldn't make sense, duh. Yeah, stupid question on my part. But yeah, so they're ramping up, and they said they're gonna be able to produce up to 300 aircraft per year for private and military uses. Yeah, it's on a 40-acre site at the airport. So it's electric aircraft, huh? Wow. So they don't have to fuel, But how long is that gonna last like when you're up there? Well, you know, you take your chances I got the good battery at some point if it comes a glider And that's a good question. Well, I think I saw some story a couple weeks ago We didn't talk about it because it wasn't what you say, but they just did like their first like International flight they went like into Canada, I believe so, you know, it's not nothing. This is gonna be a commuter thing. I believe Possibly, for now. Yeah, just fly from New York to Boston, something like that, charge billionaires. I wonder how quiet it is. Sitting on a, y'all about the experiences. I was just on a plane a week and a half ago, it's so loud, you can barely hear what you're listening to. I wonder if it's just like. Like a glider. Yeah, that would be nice. You hear like a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Get this guy off the mic. I can't imagine. Maybe like, uh, pilot, you, you, you, uh, you're, you're, uh, 41, 12, you're too close to 23, 8. Uh, uh, uh, too late. Yeah, it's just this, you're, you're holding many people's lives in your hand and you have to do this. You have to do it perfectly. It's amazing that there's not a crash every day. Right. It's amazing. Yeah, I've seen those maps and it's like incredible, you know, so but like Atlanta going into Atlanta Places like that, you know, it's crazy and like when I think about pilots, I'm like There's that many competent people in one profession like You know you figure It's gonna be a couple duds right, yeah, like 10% like Like if you told me like, okay, like if I didn't have I knew nothing about air flight He said, okay, Adam, there's this thing, we get in planes, we fly, 10% of them crash. I'd be like, oh, that's a reasonable thing to happen. But what is it, like .0001 or something? We have just single-engine planes and things like that. I don't count those. Those are drunks and yahoos. Yeah, but as far as any kind of commuter jet, or when's the last time we had a big plane crash? I mean, in this country. I hate to say all this, I know y'all are getting on a plane in a couple days, But it is just amazing how like efficient and I Mean air travel sucks like just the whole process of getting on and off the plane But like the actual pilots are fucking amazing. Yeah, they are yeah Yeah, I guess some people say the planes kind of fly themselves It's still somebody got set up there. You know I don't know Yeah, I have a lot of respect for them just You know, don't crash on Tuesday. Yeah, I would say they don't get paid enough, actually. We're gonna give anyone a raise. Good for beta. The teachers, the nurses, and the pilots. Yeah, good for beta. Good homegrown story. We're very pro-beta on this show. Yeah, I mean, the owner apparently is a bit of a jerk, but hey. Hey, that's who gets things done. Jerks. What are you gonna do, right? Yeah. All right. So speaking of jerks, over there in Stowe, apparently the rental housing, the short-term rental market is way bigger than people thought. Did you read this article, Matt? Yeah. I didn't like this article because it doesn't really take both sides of it. It's really just looking at from the people who own the short-term rentals, and they're setting up this argument like, well, we know that there could be some nuisance properties and we're really trying to reduce that, blah, blah, blah. But it's like, that's not the issue. The issue is all the housing is gone. It's not that someone is playing their radio too loud and another person can't sleep. That's what the police are for. The actual issue is that you're using up all of the housing supply with this bullshit so people can come in and trespass on other people's properties while they're leaf peeping. Right. That's kind of like what happened to Anna Maria Island, right? It now turns more into just short-term rental. The schools is half the kids that were there when I was there in the 60s, you know, probably. You know, nobody lives there anymore. They don't. Sound like Yogi Berra now. So. Nobody lives there anymore. There's too many houses. Yeah. Yeah, they said that, let's see, in 2021, there was roughly 81.2 million in gross revenue from short-term rentals, and still got $568,000 of that because of 1% local tax. Then last year, it grew to 105.5 million, and the town got 738. But, yeah, I guess, I don't know. That seemed a lot, like a lot. 1% is too low. When I was in, and when you're in Spain, I guess most of Europe, like anytime I went to an Airbnb, each person had to pay six euros. So if you have four people, that's 48 bucks. 1% of a $300 rental, was that three bucks? That's my math. So it's like, ramp that up, you know? And that's gonna price some people out, but the people who are gonna stay in, who are still making the killing, they're going to be giving more money to the state. Yeah, because that doesn't seem like a lot of money. And plus they've lost, you know, other revenue from people who don't live there anymore, who would be spending money there every day, you know? That's another thing they argue in this argument. Well, we're bringing in people who are spending money. It's like residents would spend money. What about groceries? Right. Yeah. This is all you need to know. This is the first sentence. Most of the people who own homes in Stowe don't live there. Yep, just like Anna Maria. Yep. That's insane. Yeah, sucks. I'm trying to like, I'm trying to find the other, there was some stuff where the, this woman's in, so these are some numbers in support. These are put out by the Vermont Short-Term Rental Alliance, which, yeah, go fuck yourselves, but it's what they say. 60% of the of the homes are owned or managed by women. Those are two different things right? Owned or managed. Right. How many are owned? That's that's the important thing because you manage you're not getting the money. 55% are owned by people over 55. It's not surprising. Boomers have money and housing. Half of them are full-time Vermont residents who pay state income tax. Oh, half. Great. Where are the other half? 82% of owners operate fewer than three vacation rental units. That's one too many in my mind. Yeah. I say you get two homes. Yeah, I like your two homes. Two homes. Yeah. You don't need any more than that. That's a lot of homes. Yeah. 90% of owners occupy them for personal use each year does not explain how long that duration is. 22% of owners also offer long-term annual renters and again, long-term is not defined. Is long-term a week? You know what I mean? Like, you go to Stowe for a week? I'm guessing a lot of people do that in the winter. Well, I'm glad I don't live there. I do too. And hey, they're getting a Starbucks. Cool. Oh gosh. Just in time for all these renters. It's still eventually gonna be a place like Anne Marie Island where like locals just don't even consider going. It's like, oh. Yeah. It's gonna get really cheesy. I think it's getting there. Well, it's like Anne Marie Island. There's certain months out of the year you can't even get there because it's just a traffic jam, you know, and that's what's gonna happen. They have traffic jams up there all the time. Yes up in Stowe Yes, hey we missed that pumpkin thing in here is that this weekend the pumpkin toss. Yeah. Oh, when is that I? May be Saturday. Where is it Stowe? I think so you're talking about the thing where they catapult pumpkins I think so maybe I'm wrong What made you think of that? I remember reading it the other day, and I was gonna put it on a show But it was like like I was on a weekend or something or maybe it was last week. Vermont Pumpkin Chuckin' Festival? Yeah. All right, let me check this out. 14th, oh, yeah, it was October 1st. Okay, never mind. Too bad. Mark your calendars for next year. Pumpkin chuckin'. Pumpkin chuckin'. So they just, so essentially it's a, it's a catapult that chucks pumpkins and they had a chili cook-off. They had nine entries. You pay five bucks to taste all nine. The winner was Evan Wiesel, whatever that means. So, not a restaurant, just a person. That's kinda cool. There was a chili cook-off in Orlando sponsored by a radio station, and the guy who won just put in cans of Hormel. Yeah! No! They had all these expert judges, and then the guy, the can of Hormel won. One year. Pretty funny. All right, so moving on, Vermont State University recommends cutting 10 degree programs. They just brought on a new president, and apparently he's the hatchet man. He's like, hey, congratulations on your new job. Now go tell these other people they're getting fired and tell these students their program's no longer gonna exist. Right. So I'm trying to find a list of what's being cut. All right, Glow, I'm gonna read you off some, and you tell me, give me thumbs up, thumbs, oh, actually, don't say whether you think they should be cut or not, because we are on mics. A degree in agriculture. Keep or cut? Keep. Forestry? Keep. Landscape contracting? Get rid of. Applied business degree? Nah. Computer engineering technology? Hmm, OK. OK. Yeah. Music? That's a tough one. You're the president now. You've got to make decisions. Coming across your desk. You gotta make a decision. No, I mean, keep it. Photography. I'll get rid of that one. Because you kept music, you have to cut photography, right? Yeah, it's gotta be a compromise. Performance arts. Get rid of that too. Climate change science. Nah, get rid of it. School psychology. Oh, forget that. Very anti-school psychology there, Glow. Yeah, they were all, everything I just read was cut. Oh, okay. They were all cut, yeah. Well, you know, they used to have cows, just like Cook College at Rutgers used to have cows, and now there's no cows, you know what I mean? It's no longer an agricultural school because of how- Well, this is at UVM. I know, but I mean, UVM, remember, they used to make their own ice cream from the cow milk. milk from the barn. They don't have the cows over in the on Spear Street? Those are horses. Oh I know I know I thought they also had cows on a different location. No it used to be used to be cows just like again New Jersey but because more and more you know people are not going into agriculture why would you? Maybe that's why they didn't plant corn this year at the farm on Swift and Spear Street. This year was the only time I remember they didn't plant corn. Did they just get rid of the cows? Is it fairly new? Oh no, it's been a long time. Was there like a bit of an uproar when they did that? I think at first, I think people were, yeah, because that's our kind of thing here is farming at that one time. Not anymore. Just like New Jersey. I mean if there's still farms, but just like here, there's still farms, but hey, now one of the last dairy farms just is, they're making shrimp. Making shrimp? I mean not making, growing shrimp, that's the word I'm looking for. Growing? They have tanks and stuff down there. Nordic Farms, it was kept very nice. It's a beautiful farm. Yeah, it was gorgeous. Right, Route 7 runs right in the middle of it, but. So you go past it on Route 7. So they have like a like a salt water paint kind of thing like what I don't know They have a big building in the back behind their beautiful old barn that they've today. Do they make good shrimp? I don't know. I've we tried it man. I'm trying to Sell retail or is it all wholesale? I don't know. What's the farm called? It was the Nordic Nordic Nordic farms I think it was yeah. Yeah, beautiful beautiful place. Yeah, and it was only like about five years ago that happened always kept up nice How did he get into the shrimp game? Born into it? I think one of the kids took over the farm and he's like, we're not gonna farm anymore. We gotta think of something else. I don't know, I mean, maybe they're doing well. I don't know. That's interesting. But this was a couple years ago, so I don't even know if they're still in business. They seem to be. Yeah. I mean, there's signs, well. Yeah. I guess we could always just look it up, but. Yeah. Well, anyways. I was surprised they cut computer engineering. I guess I'm not so surprised about school psychology. It's necessary, but I guess there's probably no money in it so maybe people aren't taking it. Agriculture kind of surprised me too. And probably nobody taking it. Why would you? Where are you gonna go with it? To a farm. Well, if you want to do your own thing. I mean, grow cannabis or grow something else, you know? Right. but you're probably better off just going to a farm and saying like, you can pay me next to nothing and I'll work for a year or two and then learn what you're doing and then I'll go on my own. Like I figured. Save it. An apprentice. Yeah, an apprenticeship. That's the way to go. That's what I would think, bud. I don't even know if farmers do that anymore. Maybe they're too protective of their techniques, you know? No, I think they're so desperate for farm hands if they don't have a lot of people wanting to do that work and I can't blame them. If you've milked a cow, you'll know. I don't think I'm ever gonna milk a cow in my life. You would remember if you did. No, I don't think I will ever do it. Oh, oh, you will, oh. I don't think so. You know, I don't know, do you think that'll, do you think that's in the cards for me? No, I can't see that either. I mean, it would have to be like here. You know, like, the cow would have to be like out back for me to like ever give a go at milking it. You know, like I don't know. Yeah, no, I can't see you at all doing it. Why would I, you know? I know, I mean, to me it was an experience. Well yeah, but also you were younger. Yeah. I've done it. Oh, look at me, I'm the only non-cow milker here. Yeah, well, his father was a dairy farmer. Right, I mean, but my grandfather was a dairy farmer, my uncle was a dairy, you know, they showed us how to do it, we'd give it a shot. Back in the old days, my grandfather would do a lot of it by hand, I guess. Oh boy. Were you good at it? No, I'm not good at it. You were good at it. Yeah, but the barn I was working at at Cook College, though, you didn't do it by hand anymore. Yeah, I'm sorry. Maybe that wasn't true. But, you know, by then he had to. But only the herdsman, though, the person who really knows and has had so much experience, puts the teats, you know, the suckers on, the four teats. Yeah. But like the sucker placement is important. Well, it's also, they have to feel the udder to make sure that all the milk has been, you know, sucked out, that needs to be sucked out. And if you don't know that feel, then, you know, a cow can come down with mastitis and some other nasty things. So here's a question, and this might be a stupid question. Like cows need to be milked, right? If they don't get milked, it's bad for them, right? Yes. Yes, oh yeah, of course. So what about before we started milking them? What were cows doing? First of all, the cows you see are all man-made. Yes. That's been all genetically engineered. They're all jacked up and giant and plump. Oh my gosh, they're tall, especially Holsteins that we worked with, their backs were higher than my head. So you couldn't see me in a barn. Where's Glo? So what I'm saying is like back in the day, like thousands of years ago, before the first person ever milked a cow, I'm assuming cows got along fine without us. Oh yeah. Must be something in their growth that caused them to have to get milked. just evolution of being milked. People started milking them. Maybe they got used to. But what, I'm sure they weren't like your domestic cow that we see now. What were they originally, you know what I mean? Like I'm sure it's changed a lot, the body. Like a Jersey cow's so much smaller than a Holstein. When was the first cow milked? That's what I wanna know. Oh my gosh, we're going back like centuries. Like where are cows even like indigenous? Well, don't forget that the buffalos are also milked. I can't see that, but there's all, that's where mozzarella comes from. Goats are milked, so are sheep. Yeah, sheep are milked. So there's all these other animals that produce milk, including us, humans. I have an answer. When the first cow was milked, okay? Anyone want to take a stab at it? I'm gonna say 1382 okay in what way milked you mean by hand the first yes I was gonna go back even further these are the first people who milked who milked cattle for human consumption it's way back I'd say 1162 1162 mm-hmm 8,000 BC Right on. Yeah, I mean, you figured, people just, they knew how to, I mean, we stopped becoming foragers and became farmers. Just like the, yeah, the, just back then, like that mentality of like, what in this world can I eat or drink? Like, what's gonna help me live? You know, that kind of just, that's what I'm thinking about all the time I'm not worried about taxes or kids yeah kids you have them you're on your own kid I always like to know like who was the first person that tried that berry yeah you know and just a test to see if you kill them yeah was there like a berry tester or was it like a they doing rock-paper-scissors you know like cuz some berries not so good a slave Probably a slave, probably a slave, probably a slave. Always comes back to slavery. All right, moving on. So, the same sheriff, John Grismore, who was on tape in August 2022 kicking a handcuffed man in the nuts, the judge has rejected his bid to have his case dismissed. Yeah. What's the court proceeding? the judge hits play and like this or like rejected bang bang bang next I mean it's on tape that's it yeah they're claiming the uh Grismore asserts that the state does not have admissible evidence to prove either he acted recklessly or that his actions cause bodily injury kick the guy in the nuts yeah I'd say with as we said before nut kick for nut kick okay let's see is there bodily injury Right here, boom. Well, that should be the penalty. Like, okay, now we're gonna handcuff you, sit you down, but he's gonna know it's coming. This guy didn't know it was coming, so we have to kind of blindfold him or something. Then we're gonna kick you in the nuts and videotape it, and that's it. Like for like, eye for eye. Ball for ball. Ball for ball, nut for nut. Moving on. Glow, you'll like this. the first ever, what's it, conservation cemetery is opening up. It's called the Vermont Forest Cemetery and it's in Roxbury. Roxbury. That's by Waitsfield, I think. It's south, I think, or northeast of that. It opens on Saturday, so. It's gonna be a rainy opening. So apparently you can just walk down a path. Now, do you pick the spot? Is any spot open? Because in this story, they're following someone and they say they're going to just dig a little bit deeper than the casket, put it in, cover it up. You can't put any markings except for one flat rock. You have to draw on the map where it is so you can go back and find it, and then that's it. There's no headstone, you're not coming back and putting flowers, it's all natural. I mean, other countries do that, like even in Portugal, they don't embalm. It's gotta be buried within 24 hours of death. What if it's a suspected murder or something? Well, they always hold, they keep the body and they put it in, and they keep recycling the graves because every 15 years you could put a new body. Now, I'm not sure if they put it in a box. That's what I should have probably asked my cousin. There's gotta be a box. Maybe not. You can't just carry a dead body and just drag it out. I don't know. I mean, and it's a huge stone. It's a wagon. And it was actually a woman who moved it in order to put, it's like an underground crypt. You know, it's like all these other bodies have been just stacked and stacked. Are they all from the same family or they just don't know each other? Oh, they're all from the same family, yeah. Yeah, I know where my grandmother's buried, but there's nothing on it, stone, you know, tombstone, because none of her kids wanted to pitch in to pay for one. You know, cemeteries is not something you hear about, you know, opening of cemeteries is not something you hear about these days. You know, oh, there's a new cemetery. When's the last time you heard that? You know, because everyone now is just, you know, getting toasted and put in a little can. Oh, is that what's in fashion now? Probably, that's probably what I'll do. No, I think, come on, what's the word I'm looking for? Cremated. Cremated, I think. Toasted. I think. So basically, you're compost here. Right. Right. Which is what. We should be. In Portugal, yeah, it's the same thing. If you don't put embalming fluid, which is that formaldehyde, which is polluted so much underground water because of the stupid custom we have of trying to preserve the body for five days so you can look at it. You know, I'm like, ugh. That is a weird custom. And then, right? And then to make you look even better than you ever have in your whole life. And I mean, it's crazy what we do. It is crazy. But Glow, you're right. 75% of Vermonters choose cremation. See? I thought so. Where's all the crematoria? That's gone up a lot over the years. Where are they? Yeah. I mean fire pits Yeah, where are the crematoriums I I mean maybe driven by him we just don't know what it is they have met the funeral home Yeah, right next to the wood fire ovens right pizza ovens Yeah, so that'll be interesting it's really just a park where you can bury people What could go wrong? They better have a good map. Well, you make the map it seems like. Okay. Because what if I walk up and I'm like, I'm digging up and I'm like, oh, there's already someone here. That's what I'm saying. Like you took my spot. You know the primo spots are gonna get picked first, like under the tree, things like that, next to this flower. But you know how hard it is to dig through this stuff? I'm just looking at that and it's exactly the garden back here. There's a lot of trees, bushes, roots, rocks. I mean, it's gonna be all the stuff that takes me forever to make a hole in the backyard. Can I bring my bobcat, do you think? Bobcat? Yeah, like a little mini. Oh, I would love one. I so much would wish I had one from the very beginning. I hope this is kind of cool, I hope it's kind of odd. Yeah, but I don't understand how this is gonna work. And then what, you're gonna put a stone there to mark it? Yeah, yeah. So that, you know. That's it. And that's but you can't even like put the person's name on a star. No, no, no, no, no, but wait a minute There's all kinds of rocks. How do you know if that rocks been used until you lift it? You know, they've returned to the earth So essentially they're everywhere We're all just stardust Joe glow No, but it sounds like okay. I'd be interested in seeing how this is gone I think the people but they're burying people in a place like this are not people are coming back to play flower and all that stuff, you know? Oh, there's a place where you go to forget people? No, but certain people, once somebody's gone, they just move on, you know? I mean, they're not gonna come back to, you know, they'd be in a cemetery, so we'd bring flowers and all that stuff, but I don't know. Okay, here we go. So, when you bury a body, so it says this woman, they're talking about this woman, what she's gonna do is she'll dig a hole only a foot wider and longer than the biodegradable casket or shroud, so if you don't want to go the casket route, you got a shroud. She'll record the gravesite on a map. Maybe it's like a tablet, so it's like, your coordinates are here, you know, maybe something like very, you know, I don't know, I'm just saying. But she's keeping track of where everybody is. But there's no tombstone or monument will mark its location. Family and friends may decorate the spot with a flat rock or other organic material. or let time, nature, and the elements heal the modest scar in the ground. Yep. I hope they don't have coyotes around there. Okay, let's hope. Where are we? We're talking about Matthew Morgan again. Goddamn this guy. So, so Glo, this is the guy who was wrongly incarcerated for 83 days. He had a clear alibi. He was He's got a doctor's appointment, the doctor's like, he was here, he didn't rob that store. So he sued the state and they threw out his case. That's it. And his attorney did not contest it. How does that work? How's it just, oh, no, we're not dealing with this. Bye. That's insane to me that this guy just gets a raw deal. They just took 83 days of his life and that's it. that nobody would really admit they were wrong. And who knows what happened in those 83 days. That's true. Could be the best time of his life. That's really weird. Yeah, it's amazing. It's amazing that that happens. And then also this other one happens. A Burlington school employee is exonerated of abusive behavior. So apparently this school employee, they don't say what this person's job is. They were accused of taping a kid's eyes shut in a joking manner when he wouldn't listen. And oh yeah, he's autistic. Their parent said this. Yep. And the school says they found no evidence that the teacher, oh he was a teacher, okay, acted with malice or violated any district policy or state or federal law. So I guess you can tape someone's eyes shut just in a joking way. And it doesn't say in the handbook you can't tape their eyes shut. That's it. That's up the book. What a strange thing to do as punishment though. Yeah. And I wanna know how. Was it like, was the tape vertical? Mm-hmm, or do they just like wrap masking tape around the kid's whole head? Where's duct tape? And then you rip it off. You'll have a stripe around his head. I want to know the whole story Yeah, this is you know, it's something They may I don't know what was going on in that classroom But if if if if the teacher just did that to a kid, but none of the other kids You know did were there more kids involved doing the same thing? I don't know. Yeah, people definitely saw this happen. Makes me wonder, you know, why there's no punishment. Oh, you mean this is like indicative of like a larger systematic failing or something? I don't know. What school, Champlain Elementary. That's the one right over there. Yeah, that's on Pine Street. Next to the chocolate shop. All right, speaking of kids, so in Vermont, kids are getting worse at reading, like by a lot. And it turns out the way they've been teaching kids to read is wrong. You mean nationwide or just Vermont? Vermont. Really, like what's the different method here that we use differently than anywhere else? Do you remember Hooked on Phonics? You ever hear that? I've heard of it, but I, yeah. So, somehow that got a bad rap, but actually that's more effective than what Vermont's been doing. Vermont's been doing something called balanced literacy, which is like telling kids like, oh, you see a word you don't know, like use context clues, like look at the pictures, or think about what the story's about. But that doesn't actually help the kids as much because they're not able to make the sounds in their mind that match what they're seeing on the page. So it's kind of opposite of what you might think, but speaking, talking a lot actually helps you read. Because you're sounding out the words, you're saying them, doing something, especially in a rhythm, it helps you as a reader. But Vermont has not been doing that and they're trying to switch to a different way to help kids read. Go ahead, Matt. I was just gonna say the kids in Vermont at one time were second in the country. Really? Now they're in the middle of the pack. I don't know what it doesn't say. 1947, that's our peak year. But I would also guess there's other factors here that they just can't really investigate. but when I was a kid, and probably y'all too, you would see your parents reading, right? No? Okay. Yeah, my mother read all the time. Mine too, I mean she was reading like Daniel Steele, I didn't know what that was, to me that was great literature, I had no idea, but she was always reading, so she was like modeling what to do, so it became like a thing we did in our house, it wasn't unusual to read for an hour, you know, on like a Tuesday afternoon or whatever. And I'm guessing a lot of kids don't get that modeling. So there's that. And I'm guessing, you don't really like reading, do you? No, I don't, yeah. I like puzzles, not reading. But we learned through a friend that actually, when you're reading, because you start, creating these pictures in your head of imagining what the book is doing, you know, person. And that actually helps your brain. It's like a good brain exercise to read because of that, because you're projecting in your mind the words. But I think the same, but you paint, so I'm guessing the same could be true for that. Yeah. Right, and it's maybe a similar process of like you're creating something that isn't actually there. Hmm, yeah, okay. Yeah, because you see it in your mind before you paint right? I mean, I would assume I don't know I have no idea Let it rip Yeah, I'm guessing a lot of them kids are not like talking a lot at home They're probably talk kids might talk less at home than they ever did. Mm-hmm. Well because they're always glued down to their phone Yep So yeah, they're trying to make some strides and fixing this. It's a really long story. I read the whole thing It's like the week of long stories. I'm like, I'm not gonna read this whole thing. I'm two thirds in, I got it. It's too complicated. I got it, yeah. This show's not for nuance. Alright, so Vermont police are asking for your feedback on traffic stops. They want to know, hey, how we doing? Stopping people who are speeding and that kind of thing? Yeah. How they're treated. Oh, I see how the person's treated. So they're handing people like a ticket and then like a survey like, please fill this out and get enrolled for a free gift card. How does this work? I don't know. Reminds me of the Milton story where they're giving out, in order for people to stop car when they're driving because when kids are getting off the school bus. Remember that? Yeah, so they think that by giving them ribs and that they're going to change, yeah, uh-huh. Yeah, I wonder how that worked out, the old eat some ribs, save some kids campaign. Yeah, but I guess the state police are going town to town and like asking for community input. I mean, what are, who has anything good to say about like how they're getting pulled over? It's gonna be like the same cops wearing like wigs and mustaches in these meetings like I think the police are doing a fantastic job. When was the last time you got stopped by a cop? God has been forever but you know I'm a white man so pretty easy for me. How about you? 1995 maybe but I had a taillight out and I got stopped in Shelburne. Good for that. Yeah cop was real nice he says your the taillights out, I'm like, thanks. That's all. Mine was 2008. There's a stretch of road where you turn onto this highway and it's 40 miles an hour, and then a minute later it's 55 miles an hour. I was speeding up in the 40 mile an hour because I knew it was coming because everyone does that and I got pulled over. I was like, what are you doing? I'm like, cool. Here's your ticket. Well, I'm guessing you've never been pulled over. Oh, yes, I have. Oh, oh, yeah. No, it's but that was let's see Late 80s. Whoa, 1980s. Maybe I remember being pulled over. That's back when we all liked the police Yeah, I remember one cop in Staten Island I was driving my little Volkswagen bug and he pulls me over and he says the way you drive this It's like you're driving a tank. He says you got to be careful. You can't be because I am I'm fast You know, I mean, like when the light turns, I go. I do look, but I go. You know, that kind of thing. I mean, here in Vermont, oh, even if there's a green arrow pointing left, they're still staring at it. Like, they don't get it, you know? And I'm the one behind them. But sometimes it saves your life, especially right down here. Oh my gosh, yeah. Sometimes you gotta take a beat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you honk at people, if they, like, how many seconds do you give it when they're staring at that green arrow before you? Eh, eh. Three. Wow, that's pretty good. That's good. That is a long time. It is a long time. Yeah, because you know why? Most lights are only three seconds long. I'm good for about two. Especially if I can see that they're like looking down. Right, right. Or like looking at their phone. I'm like, eh, eh. And most people just like put their hand up and go. Some people like turn around like all like indignant. It's like, you're in the wrong. I'm just back here trying to like. I'm trying to, I'm doing this for all the people behind us. I'm a hero. I give them enough time for me to say, get off your fricking phone. Because that's what I usually interpret when people don't move. They're looking at their phone. Right. Maybe they're just in quiet contemplation. They're like, at this red arrow, I will choose to meditate. Maybe they're reading The Cookie Thief. Or listening to our podcast. It's just engrossed. Yes. They've lost their, where they're going. Oh, I know where we're going. We're going for a break. Are y'all ready? Yep. All right, got some kind of, got some laid back rock music this week from, always from some local Vermont musicians. The band is a, I think a husband and wife duo. This is KD Eternity with That's What You Think. That's What You Think. I never leave my new shoes out on your kitchen table. The driver's round in that shop-dark corner Where you're fickle fun, like a stripper nun There ain't enough sun, I'd say, to paint this honey gold Looking over your shoulder You have a running nose growing older You thought you could, just because you never sleep At the foot of the bed, from a certain angle You see how I'm four feet tall Gnarled and mangled, we're, we're equipped for a foot high top tango White knuckles on balloon strings I'm not afraid of anything You thought I was Just because I never sleep We're back. Glow, have you ever heard of the Big Buzz Chainsaw Carving Festival? No. Oh, it's a carving festival. You got that out of the name? It's not a massacre. You ever heard of the Big Buzz Chainsaw Massacre? This happens in Chester. It's happening this weekend. And I'm trying to find what they actually do. They definitely do something called a quick carve, where they take an hour and they just carve, make some kind of work of art, and they auction it off. But I'm trying to find a list of other events. Surely they're doing more than just that, right? I don't know. Maybe not. Maybe not. But if you go to the Facebook page, there's a picture of a little kid with a chainsaw. So I'm guessing they have classes, or it's more interactive? Have you ever used the chainsaw? That's a really good question. I mean, probably not. I don't see you doing that either. My guess is Glo has. I'm trying to think, what would I even use it for? Cutting down trees. I like trees. Or cutting, when a tree does come down on its own, cut it up into firewood. Yeah, no, I don't even think my family owned a chainsaw. I don't even think I ever saw my dad use a chainsaw as a kid. Why would you have it anyway? You're just in suburbia. You don't have a forest, do you? I mean, where you work. Suburbia. Suburbia. What do you think? Titusville? Yeah, Titusville. Isn't it just a, you know, suburban area? No, I mean, my house at one time was surrounded by trees. a neighbor moved in next door, bought the property, and cut down a lot of those trees, but until I was 10, there was trees all over my house. Really? There's a park behind my house that's full of trees. Glo, I grew up climbing trees. Wow. I was a tree kid. We'd climb up the mulberry tree as high as we could, sit up there for hours, and just do whatever kids do, talk to each other. I was a tree kid. Watch the world go by. Yeah, just watch the world go by, eat mulberries. Oh, I love mulberries. Yeah, it's in the quiet taste. We used to have 10 pine trees in our front yard. Those are hard to climb. Yeah. But we would climb the one and then go from one to the next. Pine trees, they're just straight up, right? Yeah, yeah. What? Well, the branches, that's gotta be prickly. Yeah. How did you? It was a different kind of pine. These are Australian pines. So it's a different kind of pine tree. But yeah, we would go from one to 10. That's amazing. Yeah, it was fun. What if you missed the branch? Well, my brother did once, and he broke his arm. He's really good at breaking things. There's always a kid like that in the crew. There's always a kid who's in a cast perpetually growing up. Like, I gotta sign another one of these things? Jesus. Yeah, I kid like that. Yeah, he's very fragile. Tough, but fragile. Yeah, so this is $8 a person, $15 per couple. in case you're thinking about taking a lucky lady on a chainsaw date. Only $20 for families. That's pretty good. Got a couple of kids. You want to show them some, what it takes to be a real man? Nicole, a chainsaw use? Give it to me. You didn't chime in. Are you a chainsaw? Are you good with a chainsaw? I have used one, yeah. Recently, I bet, right? Oh no, no, no, not recently. Back in Middlesex. Oh, just a Sawzall recently. Yeah, oh, this one, yeah, it's just a Sawzall. Yeah, nothing as dangerous as a chainsaw. Yeah, I've used a chainsaw, but I don't want to. I'm not the kind of person that should be using them. Yeah, I did it once, really, and that was it, because what happened, I got too confident. And I kind of scared myself a little, you know? And then the next day, I couldn't get the stupid thing to start anyway, because it was too big. You know, I just thought that. Anyway, and I figured, well, maybe it's telling me something. Now, what if I use an electric chainsaw? Does that make me a little bit less of a man? Yeah. I thought so, I thought so. I mean, yeah. They're not that strong compared to a regular chainsaw. Oh, I know. But if I was to buy one, it would be an electric one. Yeah. Since you're good at climbing trees, you want to help me trim off some branches back here? Well, this is 35 years ago. I don't even like getting on ladders nowadays. Moving on. Matt, you put this on here. Did I? Oh, I didn't mean to. I don't think. Have you read this story? Kind of. The Bangtan Police Department have arrested a former candidate for U.S. Senate. Oh, that's right. That's why I put it on here. Kerry Rahab. Do you all know who this is? I didn't know who this person was. No, but I thought it was interesting that he once ran for the U.S. Senate. And this is a list. aggravated stalking, aggravated attempted assault on a police officer, obstruction of justice, reckless and gross negligent operation of a motor vehicle, aggravated disorderly contact, violating conditions of release, eluding law enforcement, and speeding. Yeah, I guess this really should have been on the scumbag map. Yeah, but I don't even understand what he did. That was a feud between him and numerous neighbors. If you're fighting, if you're feuding with numerous people, you're probably in the wrong, right? You gotta have a little self-reflection. These 12 people who don't know each other are all against me. Like, yeah, maybe it's you. But can you imagine living, you know, I mean, living next to a house with this guy in it? That's a great way to ruin a neighborhood. They didn't make it to the Senate, huh? No. US Senate, not state Senate. Are you serious? Yeah. But he was a candidate, I mean I could be a candidate. Yeah, yeah, anybody's a candidate. How many votes did he get? I don't know. Don't you also have to get like a petition with so many signatures, something like that too? I don't know, I don't know how it works. Let's see. So he lost to Peter Welsh. Oh, wow. How many votes do you think he got? Peter Welsh got 196,000. 1,400. You're not far off. 1,532. Wow. Oh wow. Who would vote for this guy other than himself? Look, this dude appeals to a certain kind of person. Yes, unfortunately. And I will say, okay, so the photo in this picture is different than the photo I'm looking at. This is him in a suit, hair cut, looking up with an American flag behind him. So. Things have not gone well since then. Probably not, plus he ran as an independent. And there's certain people who are just gonna, well, a bunch of people ran as independent here. Yeah, but he came in fifth out of nine people. That's unbelievable. That is, that's scary too. It is kind of scary. You ever just think about people in the world, just like, wow, there's so many of them and they're all so poorly constructed. I don't know what the word is, but I don't know. Just a bunch of fucking weirdos. God, they're all over the place right now. There's just so many of them. It's, there is. The mental health of the, I know this country is way out of balance. It's so out of balance, man. I was, I mean, not to pile on Trump voters, but they're easy targets. I was watching some report, and they're interviewing people at a Trump rally, and they're just like, I think we should probably, you know, hang General Milley. And I was like, what? And Glow, the reason is because during the January 6th riots at the Capitol, the head general of the U.S., he called China and said, I just want you to know this is not a coup, we're under control. There's no danger of us launching nukes at you. Basically is what he said. And they're like, okay, cool, keep us posted because it doesn't look so good for your country over there on the TV we're watching. And Donald Trump found out about that and he thought that was treasonous and that the general should be executed. Oh my, execute it. They didn't think of that. They didn't think of that. They didn't think, call China, let them know, because they were the ones doing it. Yeah, he's a scumbag. But yeah, just the fact that he says that, and then so many people are like, yeah, I think that's a pretty good idea. It's like, oh my God, look at your, anyway, this guy, he's in the pokeep. Okay, moving on, nothing else to say about that. Um, the former president of the Ethan Allen Institute, Myers Mermel. Okay, first of all, that's a villain name, right? That's James Bond. You have to say it like, um, what's that guy who's in the Bogart movies? Oh, Peter Lorre. Yeah, I would Myers... Let's say Myers Mermel. Myers Mermel. What's your name? Myers Mermel. That's perfect. If there's a Myers Mermel movie, we're bringing back Peter Laurie from the dead and he's playing the part. Okay, first of all, let's just back up before we get into the story. Ethan Allen is a hero in this state. Correct. If he was here, we probably wouldn't like him, right? Oh God, no, okay. Oh, he's right. Well, no, you know, is he a redneck? He was a he was a redneck, but he you know He loved saloons He was a hellraiser and he was guy that you know just didn't take any shit, you know, but You know, I haven't never really heard anything really bad about him. Okay, you know have you well, remember when we I went to the Ethan Allen Homestead and they have that video and you know it's, it does sound like he was definitely into brawling. What do you do? Well I like carving, I like drinking, of course brawling. Yeah you like to fight. Well then he took on a good vocation. I mean if you like to fight that means you're good at it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No one is like, oh, in 41, they're like, I love this. Yeah, you're good at fighting if you like to fight. Okay, but just like, if a conservative institute names himself after Ethan Allen, that makes me think that he's a dick. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they're just co-opting his name. Maybe they're just co-opting the name, I don't know. Fair enough. But this is kind of an interesting story, where this guy becomes, what was he, the chairman or something? the president of this club and he keeps asking for the financials. He wants to see the books and he's being rebuffed. And it's like the member who's rebuffing him, the attorney is like the member's brother or husband or wife and then the other person he can go to like the head of Republican Party is like the son of someone. It's all like this weird connected web where he's like on the outside well it this whole thing is probably a setup to make money for this family this guy's family my my ears a marmal anyways no the McClary's What about them? I think John- I thought Matt said that like we're supposed to go, oh! Like, what was that? John McClary, who was the founder, was the guy that, he was the one that came up with Take Back Vermont. Now we got it. I think so. Then he ran for Senator and all this other shit. You know, he was just, you know. Yeah. But that's what it sounds like. So they fire this guy. Because he's asking questions. He's asking questions and nobody's, so he goes to the Attorney General and says, something's up. I love it when conservatives eat each other. But he's getting, he's not really making any ground, right? No. Yeah, this sounds like a, something might be politically motivated, I don't know. The usual embezzlement. It's like the wrong sport. I'm not saying it's true, because I don't know, but when people don't let you look at your books, their books, there's usually something wrong. Yes. Yeah. No one's like, oh, we're just hiding great things we're doing. Yeah, so hopefully the Attorney General will do something about it. But I think she's probably too busy letting violent offenders walk the streets. So, we'll see if she has time. Maybe we'll hear from Mayor's Murmur again. God, I hope so, just keep that voice around. I hope this guy's our new mayor, just for that. All right, moving on. Gloria's favorite place. The vacant pizza hut. It's been tagged over tagged. It's just been, it's just an eyesore. I know. You know, when I was in, I hate to keep talking about my trip to Spain, but when you're in the Madrid train station coming in, all the walls as the train's coming in are all tagged, but it looks like it's sanctioned, because it's all one piece, and like one panel, one piece, and it's all like colorful, and like, it's not just like, someone just like, you know, Chad was here, you know, or something like that. It's like, effort was put into it. So I wonder if they let people do it as a way to like. Express themselves. Express themselves, and also like, you're gonna do it anyway, at least make it good. Let's get the people who know what they're doing to do it. Yeah, because otherwise it looks like shit. Yeah, like I love good graffiti, I hate bad graffiti. And there's like such a gap between the two. Right. I saw one of those, what are they? Bluebird bicycles or something like that today? That was tagged. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that's just like. That is the lowest. You know, come on already. Yeah, because part of tagging is like getting to a place that's hard to get to and doing it, you know? Like, the Bluebird bicycle is the. They're just laying around, I mean, come on. Can't get any easier. Yeah. Anyway, so there's a big disagreement about what to do with the Pizza Hut. This is the Pizza Hut, I'm sorry, former Pizza Hut in South Burlington. Obviously, if you've driven down Selwyn Road, you know what it is, because it looks like a Pizza Hut. Was it anything between Pizza Hut and now? Yes, it was a bank. It was a bank. It was the Vermont Federal Union, I think, which is only like another half mile further south, because they redid their whole building. Oh yeah, it was a temporary. Remember, it was only a temporary, yes. And it was beautiful in there. I wonder what they did with all that. Anyway, but yeah, so it was a temporary because they, once they had to, you know, they were gonna change it all, they had to have an elevator in because it was a second floor. Because of the Disability Act. This building has two floors? No, no, not this thing. The new, New England, I think it's New England. Union, federal union, whatever. Okay, a bank. Bank, it's a bank. It's a bank. So apparently this one, they're having some issues with putting in some housing around it. And also, I guess there is a drive-thru as part of this, like the drive-thru ATM is an issue for this somehow. What? Yeah, they wanna build a bank. They wanna build a bank over here again? Yeah, they wanna turn this pizza hut from a pizza hut to a bank to a bank. They wanna bring the bank back. Right, but the city doesn't want them to have a drive-thru, which is very important. Why? Probably traffic reasons, traffic flows. I mean, that's a horrible place. Oh my gosh, I can't believe, and at least it's better than what I was expecting, which is like 11-story apartment building, because that's already a very. That's part of it. Yeah, that's the rest of it. They do want to put in, I think, 300 units. No, not 300, 30. Oh, I'm sorry. Ew, it's already a mess. Unless they're gonna change that whole corner where the Shell station now is, of course, abandoned and fallen apart. I mean, unless they take out part of that to make a turn lane. Yeah, they wanna make 30 units of housing with commercial space and a Chase Bank. If you are Chase Bank and you move into this building, do you change the roof? Or do you keep it that signature pizza hut? Oh come on, they're not gonna keep this thing, are they? The other bank did. Well yeah, but that was temporary. They weren't planning on staying there. I'm just saying. I used to love Pizza Hut, man. Really? Yeah. I don't think I've ever been to a Pizza Hut. We'd have a lot of options in suburbia, Titusville, Florida, but Pizza Hut was, oh it was the shit. They had like the best ice, and like ice cold Pepsi, and like the red cups, and yeah, it was great. Video games built into the tables, oh. Man, Pizza Hut was the shit. Yeah, we only had like two pizza joints when I was young. Mario's and Vince's. Which ones did you prefer? We used to go to Mario's a lot, it was closer. But, you know, looking back on it, really wasn't very good. Well, also my pizza wasn't good. As a little kid, you know, been climbing trees all day, want some pizza. But, I think my introduction to pizza was a Chef Boyardee. Everything tastes like oregano. Well, I think the sooner they tear this building down, the better. Oh my gosh, yeah. But there are some big snags in this deal, though. What, oh, snags? Yeah. Huh, what's a snag? or one of them. They're beefing over the drive-thru window. They're beefing over, like there's gonna be also like units near it, so like they're looking at like the big picture of like what's gonna be coming in there. Like they're, it seems like they're gonna reject it, but nothing else wants to come in. And now when they build something like this, a certain percent have to be affordable housing. Yeah. So they're fighting over how many of those are, and they're talking about building 40 units, No, they're talking about building 30 units, but I think the city wants 10 more for some reason. For some reason, we know the reason. Greed. Money, yeah. Well, okay, in this case, 30 units have been proposed, 10 more units that the city's base, oh, it's actually 10, Oh, 10 more units that the city's base zoning density unit maximum, I have no idea what I'm reading, with seven affordable units. So if they had 30, is it 40? Can't figure out what this is saying. I've already closed the story. I'm gonna move on. Sorry. Yeah, we're moving on. Sorry, I'm not bailing you out with the math. I just closed it. Okay. Anyway, Pizza Hut renovation hits a snag. That's all we need to know. Moving on. So, Matt, you put this on here. I found this kind of odd that a, apparently, I think every town has one. Apparently, there's this notorious drug dealer in Grand Isle. Right. And everyone knows that he's dealing heroin and fentanyl out of his bait shop. Ooh, bait shop. Everybody knows it. Yeah. Oh my God. You go there, you get some shrimp, you get a cold beer and a couple of whatever. or bags of fentanyl, I don't even know what you sell it in. And he got caught, because everyone knew what he was doing. And it wasn't the first time. He's facing a life sentence. Judge just lets him go. Like, pretty easily. Right. Probably related to him. I was thinking, what is the thing here? Because everyone, so Glo, this guy's so bad. Like cops and firefighters and like emergency responders, they know this dude, they hate this dude, they're taking their day off to go watch him in court. Right. That's how much they hate this dude. And the judge just lets him go. Yeah. Oh my gosh. The judge gave him 200 hours of community service over the next two years and waived any fines. What? I don't understand, how did it get off so easy? Okay, let's see, he, okay, let me give you the whole thing. So he had a suspended two to five year prison term to be served consecutively, suspended. So four to 10 years, all suspended, and so he was placed on probation. So like, essentially, you get four to 10 years if you fuck up probation. But he's still out, and this guy's old. He told, so he said the judge said the probation term was for four years, but he was free to petition for his release from state supervision after two years. So essentially, be a good boy for two years, you're free and clear. It was unclear how serious the supervision is that he'll receive. There are no probation officers known to be living in Grand Isle, and his supervision will be through the St. Albans office, which is about 35 miles away. And then, yeah, like I said, 200 hours of community service over two years. 100 hours of community service per year. That's nothing. Less than two hours a week. Yeah. You could do that in two and a half weeks. Yeah, you could just knock it out. Like, I'm gonna go pick up trash. Or whatever. Go teach kids how to fish. I guess she gets away with everything. It's crazy. Yeah, it is. And so, I mean, obviously, something is afoot here. Whether it's just simply the judge knows him or did the judge get threatened? Like what how how big is this operation like is the cartel involved? You know, like what is actually happening? Yeah, I watch too much Ozark Yeah, but for him to get this sentence or no sentence almost It's wild. It is wild. I mean, I mean that's the problem Who's going to prison in this state? Because it seems like everybody gets off black people Yeah That could be, yeah. Immigrants? A lot of white people do, you know, but why? If these people like him get off. Like, and people doing drugs are going to jail. This guy's selling it. Yeah, yeah. Which one's worse? I don't know. I think you literally have to kill someone to go to prison in Vermont. All right, moving on to a different kind of prison. Milton. Milton residents are objecting to the town and pulling funding from their artists guild, which we talked about this a few weeks ago. We were ahead of the game. But now the town caught wind of it. Things take a little time for news to hit the residents of Milton. They're not super plugged in. Now they're pissed. They're pissed. I'm telling you, this guild is big. Got a lot of tentacles in Milton. Big guild? Big guild. The size of that guild. Yeah, I don't know. But we had different art every month. From Milton? Yeah, Milton, we gave them a space out in one of the rest areas. That's right, yeah. And they changed it out every month and it was just fascinating stuff. It was great. They're only asking for $2,500 a year. That's nothing. Exactly. And they're having trouble squeezing that out? Here's the issue. They did two things. One, someone on the board sent out some political messaging, not through the guild, but as a private citizen, but she used the guild's PO box because she was worried that, because the messaging was promoting equity and inclusivity, that people would, you know, if they knew it was from her address, they would come and like stalk her family and threaten her and stuff like that. Because she's promoting inclusivity and equity, which is, it's crazy for me to say that outside, That's the case. So that's strike one. The select board didn't like that. They thought the guild should not be political. And the second thing, there was a misunderstanding about this artist. So this artist came to perform as part of this Milton Festival. The select board asked the guild if they would host the artist. The guild said sure. And then after the artist left, the guild said, okay, the artist charged this much money. And the select board said, well, you're supposed to pay that. You hosted it. And so there was like a misunderstanding of like, it's essentially like you and your friend go out to lunch, but you feel like your friend asked you, but your friend's like, well, I'm not paying for you. You said, so it's that kind of thing, like who's getting the check kind of thing. And so they beefed over that. But the Guild, they teach classes, like teach people how to do art. They host space for local artists to do their work. I mean, these are all positive things. They're some really positive organization. I was really impressed with them. when I dealt with them. Whatever I needed, they put in, or whatever. They were just really nice. So is this, it looks like it's in a strip mall. It is. I don't remember where it is. I never noticed it, I guess. Well, we don't go to Milton. Exactly. So I might go to Milton. I might go hit up this place, because we need to buy some art. Maybe we'll go buy some art. Is there a brewery in Milton? Well, I'm sure somewhere in there. I like the Basset Hound out front. Oh man, there's no brewery in Milton. Damn. Don't like that. Brewery? Milton needs a brewery. Milton needs a brewery. Yeah, you would think they would have one. I mean, that's a growing town. Well, yeah, because people can't afford Burlington. Right. But for the most part, a lot of those people in Milton are probably drinking bud. How dare you just say that? I know, I'm sorry, okay, it's judgmental. As if we're not. I was judging them at the start of the segment, so don't worry. They have the Arrowhead Lodge, which may be, I don't think they make their own, but it says they have a good selection and sandwiches. And what? Sandwiches. Sandwiches. Where is it? I mean, like, is it in a historic part of? Milton? Milton? I don't know Milton well at all. It's on River Street. Yeah, I don't know. Remember we found that little section there? And they had a historical society and it was open that day. And the first doctor who ever used an incubator to keep a preemie from going dead. I appreciate you using the medical terms for us here. But it was him, remember it was like this funny looking thing that he came up with and it started the whole. Kept the baby alive. Yeah. I don't know anything about Milton, I think we can never go there. Because there's no brewery. Milton is not far. No. Like what's closer? Milton or Richmond. It's pretty much the same, right? Yeah. Yeah, I think you're right. Although I think Milton's even closer. Exit 17 as opposed to exit 11. I think it's Milton. That's closer. Milton by a hair. Yeah, I think you're right. You're right. Especially because, well, I don't know. I've never like actually went to Milton. But like when you get off to Richmond, you got to still keep going. All right, well, maybe we'll go visit the Milton Artist's Guild. Maybe they have a little tip jar out there, like, do you hate this legboard? Drop a dollar in here. All right, so this was interesting. Priscilla Lambert of Rockingham on the Bellows Falls Union High School school board has been censured because she made a racist comment. and listen to the racist comment. Yes, she complained that only white men had been appointed to the school board finance committee. And because of that, I mean, she was right. I mean, that sounds like a fact more than a slur. And yeah, so people complained. That's a racist comment. How dare you? How dare you say that? But the problem is her husband got involved, right yeah well you know yeah yeah he yeah he got involved somewhere but I think even without that they were gonna censure her for that comment right and these are the same people who say things like why is there no white history month you know shit like that I don't think so these people here the people who think that she's racist? Oh yeah yeah yeah okay I'm sorry. Yeah yeah yeah that's what I meant, not I meant her. Yeah yeah yeah. Like she's just stating a fact and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Like if everyone who was hired on the committee was black that would also be something to comment on like how come everyone on the board is black? Yeah yeah. That's interesting. Legitimate comment. Why? Why is that the case? And same thing but um so she's been censured and she'll probably just have a much happier life if she just quits the fucking school board. I mean, come on. Yeah. How much are you willing to deal with stuff like this? How much joy do you get out of being on the school board? Especially because it wasn't split. It wasn't like she had some allies in the room. It was eight to one. Yeah, she was the only sole dissenter. Yeah, eight to one. That's amazing. Well, she's got the- It's amazing you get eight people to agree on the same thing, you know? And look, this is the Brattleboro Reformer. How far, so Bellows Falls, is that like, is that the Rutland of Brattleboro? Bellows Falls is, we went there, didn't we? Yes, we did, yeah. It's off of. It's where I got that Celtic sea salt. Oh, this one. From the Seven Tribes of Israel. Something like that. This comes up like every six months. It's Celtic sea salt. Got a story ingrained in my brain. But no, we went there recently, right? Yes, because yeah, and then we drove through it and it was nothing like I remembered it. There was nothing, no brewery. Well, I mean, it could have been something interesting to stop and walk through, but we were on our way. Ta-ta, on our way. Just wanted to see if it jogged my memory, but no, it was nothing like I remember it. All right, moving on to another case of inappropriate hate speech. This guy was, what happened to him? A Plattsburgh man was banned from the ferry for a disrespectful email. I will now read the email. I like how you sneak increases to the ferry by 40 cents overnight. Now 12.45? We need a bridge, you evil Peacor family. Ray Peacor. That was it. That was it. But he gets banned. For that? That's amazing. In this day and age, you need a lot more. I'm saying. What is wrong with people? Is everybody threatened by everything? We're getting a little too sensitive. We can't make racial jokes, we can't, you know. Well, okay, all right, let's move it on. First of all, you can. Yeah, but. Just not into this microphone. I mean, as soon as we cut off, let him fly. But yeah, I mean, this guy didn't say anything. He didn't cross the line, he didn't threaten anyone, didn't use any profanity, didn't say anything off-color. He's pissed about the price increase. And he wants a bridge. Yeah, that's not gonna happen. That's not gonna happen. That ferry will last, outlast him. Well, I mean, for the traffic, yeah, I mean, you got a lot of people come over that work over here from New York. Yep. Especially at the airport. A lot of the TSA people are from Plattsburgh and that area, but also vice versa. You got people that go over to Plattsburgh. I don't know. There's not a lot there. There is a college. Plattsburgh State? Yeah. SUNY, Plattsburgh? Yeah, but it doesn't feel like a college town. I went there on a Saturday and almost everything was closed. It's only like an antique shop. Restaurants were closed. It wasn't much in the first place. It was like a pet store kind of place. That's it. What are they doing over there? I have no idea. I've never been there. They're mysterious. I mean, I went there to look at real estate and looked at this one house with, I know. I think about crossing the lake. It was depressing. I just got right back on the ferry. I'm getting the hell out of here. Did you take a shower as soon as you got home? Yeah. Yeah, I've never been there. I haven't either. I have no reason to. No. Especially the way I describe it. No, we're not really selling it. You sell some stuff that's not much. I mean, I was really disappointed. That's what I was looking for. Well, let's see. is there like another Church Street on this side of the lake? No, because they don't have the Church Street Marketplace that organizes these, you know, events and all these. What are the college kids doing for fun? I have no idea. I mean, it did not feel like a college town at all, no. And it was right there, so it wasn't like that far away. Right, hmm, interesting. I wonder what is going on in Plattsburgh. Have to maybe investigate. But this is a bit much Yes The fairy company responded while we welcome constructive criticism and comments. We do not tolerate abusive and hostile communication Really? The email is unacceptable and puts into question your ability to be a customer on the fairies You sir are no fairy customer Not with an email like that. You're banned Finest of society rides the fairy we all know that How are they gonna do that? How are they gonna enforce this? He just comes up to the booth. You think that person there who's getting minimum wage is gonna care about this? Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Our friend used to work at that booth. Do you think he would have said anything? No! He was the biggest milk sop there was. Milk sop. Unless they can ban who they want, the cops are not getting involved. No, they're not gonna get involved. Of course not. It's all ridiculous stuff. And they called the sheriff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, what if this dude needs the ferry? So like, what if he works at, you know what I mean? Like, that's. Well, I think he used to work over here. Over at the airport. He's probably a TSA agent. And now on to the most ridiculous story of the week. Oh, yes. Matt, would you like to take us there? Here's the headline. Sheriff investigates swastika drawn with carrot in Putney. Is this like ground carrot, or is this like little, oh. What the hell? Only you would ask that question. When I say carrot, what do you think about? You think about an orange carrot that you can hold in your hand. Bugs Bunny. Yeah, okay. Okay, so they put end to end to make it look like a swashbuckle? No, they do. They used it as like a pencil. Look at the picture. Look at the picture. Oh, I see. Okay, okay. Let's see if I can find this. I mean, this is the most ridiculous story of the week, right? I have lots of questions. Do you leave the house and you happen to have a carrot and you're inspired to make a hateful symbol on this square of sidewalk for some reason? Do you, are you, do you go buy the carrot explicitly for this reason? Or are you just on your way home from the grocery and you decide to do this? And why a carrot? Is there symbolism there? That is interesting. Why not chalk? Why not chalk? Why not a zucchini? There's other vegetables to make your art with. Get you a lot faster to to have a swastika because carrots could be sometimes small You know you think I mean he must have gone like back and forth a couple times, right? Yeah, he's really grinding that carrot This is Who does this I want to know what went through this person's mind? I'm gonna say man's mind because I'm guessing a woman did not do this like when he was done Did he stand up and like look down and go? Yeah, that's right. That's exactly what I wanted to do today. See, I look at it, it's just a kid. It's a kid? Yeah, a 12 year old. You know. But why a swastika? I mean, how come? Oh, cause it's a rebel kind of thing. It's the worst thing you can do. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like the C word. I can't see some, okay, maybe, but man or woman doing this. You know, it's just, to me, it's just some kid that maybe found a carrot. I don't know. Yeah, what's the C-word? You know what it is. Cunt? Yes. I guess we don't have to say the C-word anymore. We're breaking barriers here. And this is another really long story about someone who wrote a supposed to be with a carrot. I put this on because it's like the feel-good story of the week. And the last one? Yeah, Stafford residents step up. I know, it's way too long. But, would I, this guy was having a meltdown in where? Stratford. Stratford. It was at the Colburn's General Store, which the family had run for 46 years. Saturday is usually Sue, Sue Coburn was at home when her husband Melvin called 9 a.m. and said he needed her, so. But she was this town's service agent. You know what that is? Is that what a town's agent? Yeah. Town service, what is it? If somebody needs like a place to stay for the night. Or their car breaks down. Or their car breaks down. Really? Really? Oh, how nice. They call her. That's what, but this, they went out of their way. This guy was having mental issues. He just burned down his cabin. Oh, he did? Yeah. Oh, he was going to get a first-aider. It was his father's cabin that he was living in. It was completely, there was no water, there was no, you know, he was just kind of living there, I mean, because he was mentally ill. Yeah, yeah. And he had a breakdown, you know, and burned down the thing. On purpose? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, as far as any mentally ill person can do on purpose. He also mentioned that the zombies in the forest were trying to get him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's had the zombie thing. But then he gets to the store. If true, that's a big story. You know, he's at the store and having this breakdown and they call her. And she sits down and starts talking to him. You know? Yeah, may have saved this guy's life, who knows what he was gonna do. And I guess the whole story is like the town has been taking care of this guy like he's had other run-ins like right one time he Stopped at this woman's house and was like I think the winner is gonna be especially cold. Can you please take my chihuahua? Yeah And she's like yes, but also Are you okay? And like kind of chatted with him and like tried to help him get like, you know, yeah help you might need So to the whole town. Yeah, this place sounds like a great place It's like everybody got together and is helping this guy. You know, and the police have to arrest him for arson, but it was his dad's place. He's not gonna, you know, nothing for that. Yeah, a little bit of arson. Isn't that by Thetford, East Thetford? Something like that. It's, I don't know. Is there a series of Fords there? I don't really know where Stratford is. It's on the middle eastern part of Vermont. I'm looking at it right now. It's in Orange County. I think that's where Thetford is. Oh, it is. That's where a lot of the barns on the way to Thetford from Montpelier was take back Vermont, painted all over. The west branch of the Ampampanusuk River flows through the town. Really, did not know that. I just want to give that river name a try. I think I did pretty well. You did well. But yeah, this is a real good story. Lots of people in town helping this dude out. Yeah, good for them. I think, yeah, he's in prison now. You know, they didn't show this guy's picture until you scroll down and read through the story. Then when I finally saw him, my first thought was, good for him for not having any face tattoos. Right. Yeah. You know, mentally ill, but not that mentally ill. Oh, poor guy. Yeah, poor guy. Good town. Yeah, he's in the right place. Also, also kudos to him for being not violent. Right. You know, yeah, he was usually these ended a different way. All right. Oh, that's it. Right. Yep. All right. We're taking a break. The artist This is Arrestee, and the song is Emma. I picked you up in a fancy car, sharing dreams at the sushi bar. Future's bright, let us see Drinking tea while you looked at me Laughed so hard, our cheeks were hurting Both our hearts lightly flirting Breaking boundaries feels so right because we are, we are, we are creatures of love, so much love. We are, we are, we are creatures of love, so much love, why oh, love. Spoke for hours and drove for miles, talking deep laughs and smiles, moonlight kisses on And the winter night never, never felt so right. Because we are, we are, we are creatures of love, so much love. We are, we are, we are creatures of love, We are, we are, we are creatures of love, so much love. We are, we are, we are creatures of love, so much love, why are you alone? Yeah, we're back. We've been back, I hope. So it's time for America's Favorite segment, where we investigate the worst people in Vermont for the week. The ne'er-do-wells. The hoodlums. Miss Grant. The uh... Matt, it's time for... The scumbag Matt. One, two, three, four. All right, so first comeback is in law enforcement, or was in law enforcement, as they often are these days. And so what I admire about this is that this person was banned from working in Vermont law enforcement, and they accepted it. That's it. They were banned. They said, okay, I'm not gonna fight it. They're working somewhere else. They're not gonna say where it is. And that's that. So he was convicted of domestic assault. Yes. Which I think doesn't hold enough weight in the American penal system. Of course it doesn't. Like if you're willing to beat up the person who supposedly is the closest person to you in the world, That says a lot about your character. And it also portends to the future, what could happen. It's just going to get worse. If you hit your wife, you're going to hit your kids. You're going to hate everybody. If you hit your wife, if you're a cop, you're going to certainly hit possible criminals. Right, right. You're going to end up sheriff in Franklin County. Yep. Shout out to Grismore. But yeah, if you beat up your wife, if you should not be able to own a gun, it should be a big black mark on your record. It should just carry more with it than just like... Not just your wife, but your kids or anything like that. You know, I mean, I'd say for each kid, you get one good one. I'm just kidding. Don't hit your kids. But that's also like a thin line, right? Between spanking and abuse, right? Right. I mean, I see people give like a little butt slap on their kids and I'm like, it makes me a little uncomfortable, but also I'm like, I'm not a parent, you know, I don't know what it's like. And sometimes that, it's awesome, you know? You know how much they've not done to their kids, you know, because, you know, taking care of kids is a, it's a rough thing, you know, I would go crazy. You know, I feel, okay, quick sidebar, I feel like it didn't used to be. I feel like modern parents make it so much harder on themselves than it has to be. Of course they do they like everyone wants to be a martyr and tell you how hard it is to be a parent and like all This shit they're giving up. It's like do the European style slap him across the face Blow cigarette smoke in their face You don't have to make your kids ruin your life You can also have a life because if your kids ruin your life is gonna make you resent your kids and no one wants that Anyway, so this guy beep his wife And then didn't contest it And yeah, so, I mean, no props to you for beating up your wife, but props to you for taking your punishment like a man and moving on. He's not suing the state or some shit. Yeah, good for him. But he's probably working in law enforcement somewhere else. I was gonna say, what do you think his new job is? New Hampshire. Like, what do you think this guy transitioned from an ex-police officer? What do you think his transition is? Do you think he's a baker? I think he's a vet tech, what do you think? Yeah. Barber. Knitter. Knitter, knitter, is that a profession? What do you do? I'm a knitter, I knit. Yeah, who knows what this guy's doing, but he's probably still getting paid to crack skulls. Man, we don't like that, but that's all allegedly. All right, a couple of young scumbags, 13 to 14 year old, maybe too young to call them scumbags. We need a new term for that, scumbag-ettes. As the French would say, les scumbag-ettes. So, they stole a gun and brought it to school. You can't do that. Well, they stole a gun, that's the first thing. Well yeah, and then there's the second thing. They brought it to school. They brought it to school. Yeah, two wrongs make a wrong, a big wrong. Yeah, I mean, they're going down the wrong path. You know, I would agree with that. And also, I would say that they're probably living in a situation where they have easy access to a stolen gun, because I think it was from their parents. And yeah. You have guns, lock them up, man. Like, lock up your guns. That's right. Lock up your guns. There's a video over the last week of some little kid who grabbed his dad's gun while his dad's on the phone. He's just. Really? Yeah. Oh my gosh. And this was at Fairhaven, which there was a big gun threat several years ago. It was before we were doing the show. It might have been just when I moved here, but someone threatened to shoot up the school and they got the kid. They got the kid before he did it. Yeah, intercepted. I don't know what happened to the kid, but the school has not been shot up. So that's a win. Probably the mayor of Rutland. Hey, speaking of which, I think I like the mayor of Rutland. The mayor of Rutland is doing something to increase affordable housing units in the city. Oh, I saw that! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I liked it too, yeah. I think I like the Mayor of Rutland. I think if he was here, we might disagree on a lot of things, but I think we would agree on more, the majority of things. Yeah, that sounded like a good deal that he was trying to get through down there. Yeah, it sounded like he had his constituents' best interests at heart, like genuinely, so yeah. Shout out to the Mayor of Rutland. Don't know your name. Do more good things, don't know your name. All right, moving on. Man in Marshfield attempted robbery and assault. This fella was reportedly trying to steal gas from cars at the Marshfield Village store. What? They're not there that long. It's not like, yeah, exactly. What, were you there for like 15 minutes at most? Yeah, but how long does it take to steal gas? I don't know, but it's kind of. Talk about being under pressure. Yeah, that's a good point. I don't know. Like I mean, like when you siphon gas, I've only seen the movies. If anyone in this room has siphoned gas or has been adjacent to a gas siphoner, it's Matt, just based on your era and the crew you used to roll with. Right. But like you put a hose in the gas tank, a hose in your mouth You suck it until suddenly you get a mouthful of gas. You spit it out and then you put it in the... Okay, so there's no other way to do it. You're getting a mouthful of gas. Did some guys have like a technique where they knew it was coming? Some people knew where it was coming. They could stop it, but that's rare. Most people get a mouthful of gas. I mean, I thought it was around a lot of gas dealers. I know. But you know. Yeah. I know how to do it. I was gonna say, you're speaking with some expertise on the topic. I love knowing a lot of near to wells in my life. So, Glo, to your point, I'm just trying to figure out how long it takes to siphon gas. Was it a quick process in your experience, Matt? No, because everybody's just doing it at leisure. We weren't stealing it. First of all. We just needed gas. You can't, without inside control, you can't open the gas camp area anymore. So I don't get that. How could they be stealing it? Well, you're assuming that they're dealing with the most modern of vehicles. Hold, I mean, you know how old it's gotta be for that vehicle not to have the lock thing? I mean, I don't know, 2010? Oh, come on. It's got to go further back than that. You think so? I'm trying to think like my 2006 Honda. No, it wasn't 2006. No, you're right. My Honda was a lot older than that. Yeah, never mind. Yeah, it goes back a long ways. But like, you have to open it from a key fob or... Yeah, exactly. Okay, but I'm a gas thief, right? Let's look at that perspective. I probably have some sort of a slim Jim to like crack that thing open, right? Don't you think? Like, I'm willing to put... I'm willing to get a mouthful of gas. I don't think it would be that hard. A really quick, you know, with a lever or something. What do you think? Slim Jim? Is that like the beef jerky? Well, no, it's a tool for breaking and entering in cars. It's like a long, thin, flat piece of metal that you jam in through a window and you kind of, and you open it, right? Right. Or you can open it, use it to just pry open up gas tank. Yeah, like what Matt and his friends used to do in the 70s. Right. Pry it open. So, yeah, I'm sure he has something. And so according to this, how long do you think it takes to siphon five gallons of gas? Three minutes. Twelve minutes. Ding, ding, ding. Two and a half minutes. Oh, maybe back in the day it took 12 minutes. That's because we were just taking our time. And put that joint out while you're doing that. Um, yeah, so that's pretty fast. You get five gallons in two and a half minutes. So someone goes in, they're looking around, they're trying to like, what kind of snack do I want? I got to take a piss real quick. Yeah. That's, you're right. I was missing, you know, I didn't see that. I thought it would take a long time. Like you're just kind of shady character running around a parking lot. I feel like if you're a gas thief, you get pretty good at watching people get out of their vehicles and kind of guessing how long they're going to be inside, you know, like this person there. They're moseying in there. They're going to be taking their time. They're going to be chatting up the cashier. You know, they're getting coffee. You see someone darting, you're like, I'm not getting gas from them. So Kyle Brissett of Barry is wanted. They've identified him as the guy. 35 years old, still still stealing gas. Moving on. This is kind of a weird story. But I put it on here because it proves our thesis that the worst people in Vermont are from Massachusetts, specifically Springfield, Massachusetts. So men in Barry are found with drugs in an empty apartment. Apparently it was a, they just occupied this empty place. It was a known drug haven. And neighbors eventually called the cops and they got him. Squatters yeah, Matt. Yeah, it's just like what? Yeah But I was gonna let you tank tackle than the name oh the name of this first person yeah, I've no yeah from Springfield or either one of Let's go with a number one. Okay number one August Okay, so this is a gentleman from Saugus Ohagosa, Osagbovo. And then from Springfield we have Abdul Qadir Mohammed. Okay. Look, I'm no Alex Trebek, but I'm not that bad. I'm pretty good. I'm better than your average. That was excellent. Yeah. But yeah, they are facing like 60 years and three months in prison, something like that. And they'll be out next Tuesday, right? Sarah George has already thrown it out. She already looked up from a latte and was like, what, I'm busy. Oh, I know, leave me alone. Yeah, so anyway, they got them, moving on. So apparently this was like a long case from like a 2019 Burlington murder. I don't remember this. I don't, you know, to tell you the truth, I don't either, for some reason. Yeah, it wasn't that long ago either. But we weren't doing the show then. We started the show right before COVID because we called out COVID before it happened. But this is the seventh person to be convicted in this murder. That's a lot of people. Is this like a Caesar? That's a cabal. Is this like a Caesar thing where they're all running up and stabbing him in the back? Yeah. Yeah, so this is what happened. So according to the, this person came from Vermont, or not this person, and the victim came to Vermont from Orlando, Florida. Hey! To sell cocaine. With Hampton. Yeah, shortly after, Woodson refused to use the preface to help Hampton bail out of jail, was arrested. Woodson took over the business, starting a feud, which eventually led to Hampton's murder. So, the main killer brought several people to Vermont, including her 18-year-old cousin, her boyfriend, and a childhood friend, Johnny Ford. Well, we got to bring Johnny. We're all going to Vermont to kill this guy. We got to get Johnny. Is Johnny coming? He's fine. Johnny Ford. Yeah. Can you imagine that drive up? Because I'm sure they drove. The group lived in an apartment on La Fontaine Street. Selling cocaine for a while. So this was the incident. So there's a few between these two people. Woodson and Hampton, Woodson is the killer. Hampton sent a text to Johnny Ford saying, this is my city and checkmate. You don't send people, that's. They're probably going, what does that mean, checkmate? Checkmate. He's like, what? Rook to queen, 12, motherfucker. Felix and the others drove to a residence on North Willow Street, waiting for Hampton to arrive. Felix and Ford had guns. Hampton walked out, Felix tackled him. Hampton had a gun and started firing. Hit Felix several times. Ford and Felix shot back with Ford's bullet hitting Hampton in the chest and head. Felix shot him in the head. Okay, yeah, just please say everyone ran away, leaving Hampton to die in the driveway. It's amazing that neither one of us remember this story. Yeah I mean we weren't in the show so it's... I'm not saying anything about you, but I don't remember this at all. I don't either, like maybe they didn't even know what the whole deal was when it happened but I mean it's even like I'm reading one paragraph but it's fucking confusing because there's eight people in the story like what so yeah apparently a bunch of people came up here from Orlando, Florida to get revenge on this dude or to work with him and then it turned that feud happened and so Woodson and the Orlando crew killed Hampton they first they tackled him but Hampton had a gun guess what what's in the crew had guns too and that's that start shooting each other yeah one person with a gun versus several people with a gun hmm it's not your favorite oh yeah what's in the Felix were arrested outside the UVM Medical Center so they're wounded or they're walking up or they're just dropped off you know like the old movie thing like get out I don't know. Well, got him. Seventh and final perpetrator. Speaking of Burlington gunfire, Matt, you threw this on here? Yeah, this was last Friday at 2.40 in the afternoon. Really? Gunfire was reported at near the corner of St. Paul and King Street. One witness told police that he got into a fight with, oh, Oscar Delgado, who's been charged. with Delgado and Delgado pulled out a gun and fired at him. Narrowly missing. This is Burlington. Can you imagine? A lot of beefs going on. I know, like you're walking, there's no indication these guys knew each other. Right. So what are you doing, like, have you ever like walked down the street and like, gotten into a skirmish with a stranger? Like, how'd that even happen? Not me, but. Me? No, not gonna happen. But anyways, Delgado admitted they fired the gun, but he says he stole the gun and planned to use it to pay off a drug debt. He said it was an accident. You know you're in deep doo-doo when you're admitting to like, no listen, it's not what you think. I just stole this gun to pay off my drug debt. with police on the way Delgado took off trespassing on Flynn theater property and then tried to flush his clothes down the toilet at El Gato's which raises a question what were you wearing when you left El Gato right like boxers in an undershirt I don't know Delgado has had 150 police interactions in Vermont since 2011. Busy. He might be a habitual criminal. That's just the one I don't understand. I mean, I know a lot of it's like scoff law stuff, but they're menaces to society and they get worse and worse. When you hit triple digits, it's like, okay, maybe we need to reevaluate how we're handling this individual. They should be, I mean, I don't like seeing people in prison, but they're not very good in society. Agreed. Moving on. All right. Hello, you're old stomping grounds, I'm Montpelier. I don't understand this headline. Montpelier man accused of throwing a knife toward a family member. Not at, toward. Toward. Was it like an underhand toss? Was it, they're standing in one corner and I'll throw it, you know, what is this? I don't know. And he also grabbed the family member by the throat. Which, you know, indicates a level of aggression that, in case the knife wasn't serious. Ryan Larson pleaded not guilty. So a woman locked herself in her bathroom. Because her family member was out of control. Police arrived. Surprised, surprised, the perpetrator was intoxicated. Because, I mean, you're not throwing knives at people sober. And the suspect is known to carry knives and be confrontational with law enforcement. That's the old, oh, he's a handful problem. Cops asked him if he had any knives on him and he dropped a knife from his shorts onto the ground. You have any knives? There's no click, click, click, click, click, click, boom. So yeah, knives, I mean, better than a gun, right? Take my chances with a knife. Get a blood alcohol level of .26. Not .026, .26. That's really big. A quarter, more than a quarter of your blood is alcohol. That is, that is really drunk. Wow. What's DUI, .08, .06?.08, I think. There's over three times the legal limit. Over three, yeah, that's big time. You get in the twos, boom. Legendary. The threes, if you're still driving. If you're driving in the threes, you're not driving. That car's driving, you're asleep. Nobody's driving. I'm surprised you're awake at .26, that's impressive. Guessing this fella might have a problem. Yeah. All right, moving on. The most impressive scumbag of the week. Yeah, I got an airborne scumbag. He's stalking some woman, this is a New York man, is stalking a woman using his airplane. He's flying over her house, I guess, on his way to and from New York to the airport and he's kind of cruising by to like, in his little Cessna 180, which, it's like a moped with wings, right? Like it's not a big plane. so he's cruising by and seeing what she's up to and stalking her and letting her know that he's there so I was kind of like is that even a crime like is there like a law against that is there a height limit you commit a crime you know there's no crime if it's a hundred feet right like do restraining orders go vertical right like right you can't get what your fee What does it go on? That's it. What is the restraining order? I don't know. I guess that's it. I don't know. But he got a specific order that he cease and desist from flying any and all aircraft while under the order. Oh my God. So yeah, this guy is nuts. Right. And he's obviously targeting this woman and he's charged with aggravated stalking, impeding, false information to police officer, resisting arrest. But yeah, he's out on bail. I think you might say he's a light risk. All right, moving on, bats. Oh, now you got me interested. So apparently over there in Converse Hall, UVM students are complaining that there are bats in their hall. They found two dead bats, one live bat was removed. And now, I think the students are going a little overboard. Now students are freaking out and they're getting like rabies tests because they were around the bats. You said students going overboard? Yeah. Of course they are. But doesn't the rabies test hurt or is that the rabies shot? The rabies shot is what hurts. Something in your stomach, right? Yeah, it used to be these long needles into the stomach. That was the rabies test. That's the test, that's the question I flunked out on the millionaire, who wants to be a millionaire. What? Was it who, you know, what year? Oh yeah, the rabies vaccine. It was supposedly first something in 1865 and I thought it was open heart surgery, but it was rabies. That's the, you know, that was a $50,000 question that I flunked. At least you're not haunted by it. I mean, you know, I didn't know it. Yeah. You know, I didn't know it. I mean, everybody says, oh, I knew that. Of course. Of course. You called someone, right? Oh, you called someone who didn't answer? I called somebody who didn't answer. That's like a sitcom, man. That's like a Seinfeld episode. Yeah. My brother would have known it, so. And that's where I feel the worst. I should have called him. You know, he's a nurse. but I had an idea that this guy knew everything. God, but the fucking guy knew you were gonna call and he wasn't resenting by the phone? So, nope. So, anyway, that's that story, but that was on the rabies test, rabies shot. But these students don't need a rabies test just being around the bat. Rabies doesn't shed off a bat. This is fucking. And we've learned, as Glo informs me, Bats don't they're not gonna fly up and bite you This is more hysteria bullshit, you know, come on Look, I'm just saying I Think there's a bat story rude run here that I'm not aware of. Oh, yeah, you don't know about that. Yeah, no That's right to carry over from last you say bats, right That's that's you that's right or bats, right? You just said that I thought you said bats right that's right, and she said that that's right. Yeah, not bats, right, okay? We do support bats rights. Yeah, we do But I think it's maybe more like the mafia like like I feel like I'm Tony Soprano's wife in this situation like the let the Less I know the better oh On the bat story yeah, I think yeah, I think yeah, you don't want to know I don't want to be involved you know I want to have you don't want to be complicit in this at all because when it all comes out in the wash You don't want to be around I want plausible deniability See Gloves not saying a word. I know just keep mom She would have been a good gangster. It's that new Coming out the Jersey gangster from Newark. Yeah, you don't say nothing stitches stitches get stitches, right? They wind up in ditches I did not make that up, but I'm glad that you you like it we could it's you know It's part of a poetry day or whatever All right last story every state's favorite swear word You want to guess Vermont's Darn, no no no they're legit. The words that would be bleeped on like a network television show pig fucker Okay, you're getting way too... That's what my uncle used to say. Goddamn pig fucker. I like pig fucker. I do like that a lot. He was funny. Uncle Dick. It's very, um... It evokes an image. And he'd talk, he'd talk to his nose, he'd be like, goddamn pig fuckers. What would Peter, what would Myers Mermel say about pig fuckers? Pig fuckers. Vermont's is just a simple fuck That's it. Yeah, it's the same as mess as same as a everything in Hampshire. Yeah You know my father's favorite was cocksucker Also a evocative of an image yeah Is that New Jersey's favorite oh That makes me have to know where New Jersey is on a map It's this little one next to Let's see, that's Connecticut. I think it's shit. Shit? You're kidding. How do they know? Exactly. It's shit. Okay, so how do they know? Methodology. They analyze how often people swear, how many words per minute they use that are swear words. They analyze, okay, oh, they use Twitter. So, we analyze tweets from 50 states and 320 cities. We collect the data on a variety of the most commonly used profanities and variations of those words and match them up with the tweets locations to see which places have the coarsest language. So, you know, Pigfucker is a bit of an outside, you know, it's not gonna be in your top 10. Uncle Dick, you're not there. What? Uncle Dick. Oh, I thought you said Dangle Dick. No, no, Uncle Dick. But says that researchers found that 15 states use shit as their swear choice more than fuck which is most popular in 13 states. Yeah fuck seems to be like West Coast, Northeast. Shit a little bit more in the South. Although Texas is all one big fuck. It is. It is. As a matter of fact it goes fuuuuuuuck. See that? That's the reason I think shit is popular in the south because of that drawl It's like that guy from the wire the wire Clay Davis Yeah George I was just seeing motherfucker. It's Kansas Really? I was expecting Harlem. It may be more descriptive Like, this person fucked my mother. He's a mother. I was gonna say, the most foul-mouthed state is Georgia. Most foul-mouthed city is Atlanta. This is all online, it's all Twitter, so it's skewed. And the most sweariest city is New York. states, where do you think Vermont ranked? Georgia's number one. 35th. 47th, or 48th. Oh wow. So we don't swear that much. No. We use a lot of words that we think are swear words, but aren't. Such as? Darn. Darn. Jeezum Crow. Jeezum Crow. It's one of my favorites. It is that Jeezum Crow. What does it mean? Is it like Jesus Christ? Yeah, it's supposed to be take up on that. Is it? Mm-hmm. I don't know. Just you don't want to swear, so you say Jesus and grow. Instead of Jesus Christ. Oh, OK. And apparently Americans swear more than ever. Which I think checks out. Like, I hear swear words like just just like I'm right ringing out the checkout car the people next to me are like Did you get the fucking milk and they don't they're not even angry. They're just It's true I agree with you, you know You know, I remember the 70s if you were a swear word in public It was kind of a very unusual, but now it's like it's a you know, even the checkout people are using them You know, I don't know. He's want your fucking receipt Okay, you don't want that, okay. Fuck you. Have a good day and all that shit. It's just so casual, it's just weird. Like when I was teaching I had to train myself not to swear at all, and then for a couple years I didn't at all just because I just couldn't in most of my day, and then I got back into it. Better life. It's good to swear. Yeah, I mean, you know. I think it's lazy. Yeah, but it's like, you know, the only time I really swear is in traffic. I think that's the main So you swear by yourself? Yeah, or we swear in the car by myself you fucking asshole. Yeah. Yeah, I do it a lot I do too. I never swear alone For other people's benefit, I guess I do it up by myself in the car Don't you know how to drive your fucking vehicle, yeah, you know get off your goddamn phone Yeah, it's safe for me. I don't like confronting people. So being in a car by myself and swearing at somebody who's probably not even looking at me from the rear-view mirror, you know, and so it's very safe. I just give a thumbs up. Yeah, I give that a lot, you know. Much better than the middle finger. What's this H3LL? That I don't get. Remember, it's online, so it's people spelling hell like that. And there's only one state that uses the word pussy, which is really weird. Iowa. Interesting. Why? Yeah, I'm curious about the context. Yeah. Is it medical? Is it pussy-ish? A lot of pussy in Iowa, yeah. And Idaho uses crap, which is not even a swear word, I don't think. No, that's not it. No, that's not it. Was crap a bad word when y'all were growing up? No, it's something you could say. Oh yeah? I don't know. There was a word you couldn't say. Yeah. Shit. Yeah. Fuck. Man, we ain't know those, but yeah. Crap was a bad thing. Crap, darn, heck, those are all okay? Yeah, yeah, I think so. Not for you. I don't think so. I can't see my mom tolerating anything That comes close to crap. You couldn't be like, mom, you really cooked the crap out of this chicken. Huh? No, I don't think so. She did add to red meat, though. Oh, cooked the crap out of it? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Even if my father and I liked it more rare than she and my brother, and I'd pull out half of it before the whole rest of it gets cooked to to smithereens. Yeah. She'd throw my half back in. Is this a Burger King? We all eat it the same way. She is evil. Well, on that note, are you ready to get out of here? Yeah. All right. Bye. Peace. Bye-bye. And then, the end. All life on Earth as we know it will be totally destroyed and the Earth itself will be blown out of its orbit. This, of course, is a situation we hope will never come true. If this necessarily becomes a reality, however, only the president will have the access to this button. This button is the most dangerous button in the world. You mean this button? Oh, I'm sorry.